Research Posts

Jon Shapiro jls at
Fri Apr 23 17:48:29 EDT 1993

	Two Research Posts
	Department of Psychology, University of Lancaster
	Department of Computer Science, University of Manchester

	Short-term memory for verbal sequences: psychological experiments
	and connectionist modelling.

Applications are invited for two posts on a research project investigating
short-term memory mechanisms for processing verbal information. The first 
post is for a postdoctoral researcher to work with Dr. Jonathan Shapiro
at Manchester on connectionist modelling and analysis. The second post is
for a graduate researcher to assist Professor Graham Hitch with the 
psychological experiments. 

Both post can begin as soon as possible and run through December 1995. 
Applicants for the modelling post should have expertise in computational
and mathematical aspects of connectionism and a Ph.D. in a relevant subject.
The salary range is 15,221 - 16,629 U.K. pounds based on age and experience.
Applicants for the experimental post should have a first degree in psychology,
and interests in memory and cognition. The salary range is 13,632 - 15,221 U.K.
pounds.  To apply for either post, send curriculum vita and the names and addresses of two professional referees to the address below. For further
information, you may also write to the address below.


	Jonathan Shapiro
        Computer Science Dept           
        University of Manchester    
        Oxford Road                     
        Manchester M13 9PL              
        United Kingdom.  

 	Phone:  44-(0)61 275 6253
	Fax:    44-(0)61 275 6236
	E-mail: jls at

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