Sigmoid Posterior

Tue Sep 22 11:53:00 EDT 1992

The statement I made about the sigmoids being discussed in early Grossberg
papers was off the cuff, but I did find it in my own joint paper with
Grossberg (Grossberg-Levine, Journal of Theoretical Biology 53, 341-380,
1975).  On p. 343, the function f(x) is introduced as a term that appears
repeatedly in the basic equations for shunting recurrent on-center off-
surround interactions (the equations themselves introduced on p. 342).
We state, "In vivo, f(w) is often a sigmoid function of w (Kernell, 1965a,
b; Rall, 1955), and such a function arises from integrating a Gaussian, 
Cauchy, or other similar distribution of thresholds within a population."

Dan Levine

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