No subject

Marwan Jabri marwan at
Tue Jan 14 19:44:58 EST 1992

		Sydney University Electrical Engineering


Applications are invited for a position as a Girling Watson Research
Fellow to work for the Machine Intelligence Group  in the area of
information integration and multi-media. The applicant should have a
strong research and development experience, preferably with a background
in machine intelligence, artificial neural networks or multi-media. The
project involves research into multi-source knowledge representation,
integration, machine learning and associated computing architectures. The
applicant should have either a PhD or an equivalent industry research and
development experience.

The appointment is available for a period of three years, subject to the
submission of an annual progress report.

Salary is in the range of Research Fellow: A$ 39,463 to A$ 48,688.
Top of salary range unvailable until July 1992.

For further information contact Dr M. Jabri, Tel: (+61-2) 692-2240,
Fax: (+61-2) 660-1228.

Membership of a superannuation scheme is a condition of employment for new

Method of applications: Applications quoting Ref No: 02/16, including
curriculum vitae and the names, addresses and phone nos of two referees,
should be sent to the:

	Assistant Registrar (appointments)
	Staff Office (KO7),
	The University of Sydney,
	NSW 2006 Australia

Closing: January 23, 1992.

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