John Bridle bridle at ai.toronto.edu
Thu May 2 10:21:31 EDT 1991

You ask about data on NNs in military systems.

My collegue Andrew Webb has published a paper
"Potential Applications of NNs in Defence"  or similar.
It is basically a survey of literature on the subject.
(Andrew does know a lot about NNs and some areas of defence electronics.)

He is at 
webb at hermes.mod.uk
Mention my name.

From: John S Bridle		     Currently with:  Geoff Hinton
of:   Speech Research Unit	       	       	      Dept of Computer Science
      Defence Research Agency     	       	      University of Toronto   
	Electronics Division 
      St Andrews Road				      Toronto   Ontario    
      Great Malvern				      Canada
      Worcs.     WR14 3PS	         (Until 15 May 1991)     
      U.K.			           Email: bridle at ai.toronto.edu
Email: bridle at hermes.mod.uk     		      		       

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