
Oscar Ruiz oruiz at
Tue May 22 12:00:00 EDT 1990

 I am very interested in the dynamical behavior of the neurons,
 and specially in the influence of the Decay parameter that appears
 in its dynamic equation. I want information of any work developed 
 with this kind of neuron in pattern recognition, mainly in sequences
 of patterns, in feedforward networks or recurrent networks. 
 In this momement I am eager to reach the  next three papers:

 G.Kuhn. "Connected Recognition with a Recurrent Network". Proceedings
 NEUROSPEECH, 18 May 1989, special issue of Speech Communication, v 9,
 num.2 (1990)

 W.S. Stornetta, T.Hogg and B.A.Huberman. "A dynamical aproach to 
 Temporal Pattern Processing", 1988, Neural Information Processing
 Systems, Editor A. Anderson. New York: American Institute of Physics.

 J.L. Elman, "Finding structure in time", CRL Technical Report 8801,
 University of California, San Diego, Center for Research in Language,
 La Jolla, 1988.

 If anybody has information of this papers please contact me. I want
 to know what they are about, and perhaps a brief abstract would
 suffice for me. 

 Thank you in advance.

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