Neural networks and transputers mail list

Neurotechnology Center - Martin Dudziak DUDZIAKM at isnet.inmos.COM
Wed Apr 4 16:28:36 EDT 1990

Excuse me - I don't remember if I sent any information to you earlier,
but in any case:

    There is a new mail list dedicated to issues of implementing neural
networks using transputers and transputer-based hardware envieronments
(i.e., specialized neural processors that act as co-processors w transputers,
transputers and DSP chips like the A110, A121, etc.).

    This mail list is accessible as NEURTRAN at ISNET.INMOS.COM.  Some
earlier announcement(s) may have listed it as neurtran-request, but due to
some site problems, that long of a name won't work, so anyone who is
interested in subscribing, getting info, making contributions, etc.
should just communicate to neurtran at

Martin Dudziak, Moderator

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