Looking for references on connectionism and Protein Structure

Evan W. Steeg steeg at ai.toronto.edu
Thu Oct 27 11:13:54 EDT 1988

  In addition to the Qian & Sejnowski work, a potent
illustration of the capabilities of (even today's
rather simplistic) neural nets, there is:

 Bohr, N., Bohr, J., Brunak, S., Cotterill, R.M.J.,
Lautrup, B., Norskov, L., Olsen, O.H., and Petersen, S.B.
(of the Bohr Institute and Tech. Univ. of Denmark),
"Revealing Protein Structure by Neural Networks",
presented as a poster at the Fourth International
Symposium on Biological and Artificial Intelligence
Systems, Trento, Italy 1988.  Presumably, a paper
will be published shortly.  They use a feed-forward
net and back-propagation, like Qian and Sejnowski,
but use separate nets for each of 3 kinds of 
protein secondary structure, rather than a single
net, and there are other methodological differences
as well.

  Others, myself included, are using neural net
techniques which exploit global (from the whole
molecule), in addition to local interactions.
This should, as Dr. Sejnowski pointed out,
lead to more accurate structure prediction.
Results of this work will begin to appear within
a couple of months.

  -- Evan

Evan W. Steeg (416) 978-7321      steeg at ai.toronto.edu (CSnet,UUCP,Bitnet)
Dept of Computer Science          steeg at ai.utoronto    (other Bitnet)
University of Toronto,            steeg at ai.toronto.cdn (EAN X.400)
Toronto, Canada M5S 1A4           {seismo,watmath}!ai.toronto.edu!steeg

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