Jordan paper request

Geoffrey Jones munnari!!geof at uunet.UU.NET
Tue Aug 30 12:10:09 EDT 1988

Can anyone help me? I'm after a copy of M. I. Jordan's 1986 paper
"Attractor dynamics and parallelism in a connectionist sequential machine"
which appeared in _Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Meeting of the 
Cognitive Science Society_, Hillsdale, NJ, Erlbaum. The Proceedings 
aren't available in any Australian University library, hence the call
for an overseas source.

Rather than everyone rushing to their filing cabinets, could anyone
(preferably the author himself) with access to a copy email me to
that effect and we can go from there.

Thank-you all in advance. Cheers. geof.

Geoffrey Jones                ACSnet: geof at nswitgould.oz
Dept. of Computer Science     CSNET:  geof at nswitgould.oz
U. of Technology, Sydney      ARPA:   geof%nswitgould.oz at
P.O. Box 123,                 UUCP:   {uunet,ukc}!munnari!nswitgould.oz!geof
Broadway, 2007
AUSTRALIA                     Phone: (02) 218 9582

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