[AI Seminar] AI Seminar sponsored by Apple -- Sarah Keren -- Oct. 16th

Han Zhao han.zhao at cs.cmu.edu
Tue Oct 16 11:11:52 EDT 2018

A gentile reminder that the following talk will happen today 12 pm at NSH

Han Zhao <han.zhao at cs.cmu.edu> 于2018年10月14日周日 下午12:38写道:

> Dear faculty and students:
> We look forward to seeing you next Tuesday, Oct. 16th, at noon in NSH 3305
> for AI Seminar sponsored by Apple. To learn more about the seminar series,
> please visit the website.
> On Tuesday, Sarah Keren will give the following talk:
> Title: Goal Recognition Design
> Abstract: Goal recognition design (GRD) is the task of redesigning
> environments in order to facilitate online goal recognition. As such, while
> goal recognition tools are typically aimed at efficiently analyzing online
> observations of agents (human or automated) in order to infer their
> objective, GRD focuses on manipulating the environment in which agents act
> to guarantee early recognition.
> In a nutshell, given a model of a domain and a set of possible goals, a
> solution to a GRD problem determines: (1) to what extent do actions,
> performed by an agent within the model, reveal the agent’s objective? and
> (2) what is the best way to modify the model so that the objective of an
> agent is revealed as early as possible? GRD answers these questions by
> offering a solution for assessing and minimizing the maximal progress of an
> agent in the model before its goal is revealed. This approach is relevant
> to any domain for which quickly performing goal recognition is essential
> and in which the model design can be controlled. Applications include
> intrusion detection, assisted cognition, computer games, and human-robot
> collaboration.
> Using several motivating examples, my talk will cover the models and
> methods created to asses and optimize various GRD settings. In addition, I
> will present recent work which extends the redesign approach to settings
> with arbitrary utility measures. The utility maximizing design (UMD)
> framework brings new exciting directions to explore, such as formulating
> the design process as a heuristic search and finding informative heuristics
> to guide the search for optimal design strategies.
> Bio: Sarah Keren is a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University, where she
> is affiliated with the Center for Research on Computation and Society
> (CRCS). Her mentors are Prof. Barbara Grosz and Prof. David Parkes. Before
> coming to Harvard, Sarah completed her Ph.D. at the Faculty of Industrial
> Engineering and Management of the Technion - Israel Institute of
> Technology, where she was advised by Prof. Avigdor Gal and Dr. Erez Karpas.
> Sarah's research focuses on manipulating and redesigning environments for
> optimizing their utility. Her work has appeared in three leading artificial
> intelligence conferences (AAAI, ICAPS and IJCAI). She has received
> different excellence awards including an honorable mention for best paper
> in ICAPS 2014, as well as the Eric and Wendy Schmidt Postdoctoral Award for
> Women in Mathematical and Computing Sciences.
> --
> Han Zhao
> Machine Learning Department
> School of Computer Science
> Carnegie Mellon University
> Mobile: +1-412-652-4404


*Han ZhaoMachine Learning Department*

*School of Computer ScienceCarnegie Mellon UniversityMobile: +1-*
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