[AI Seminar] Reminder: CSD Distinguished Lecture Tuesday 7/21/15 -Ariel Procaccia - Assistant Professor- Computer Science Department- Carnegie Mellon University

Charlotte Yano yano at cs.cmu.edu
Tue Jul 21 13:55:32 EDT 2015

Starting now, please join!

From: Cs-friends [mailto:cs-friends-bounces at mailman.srv.cs.cmu.edu] On Behalf Of Samantha J Dinardo
Sent: Sunday, July 19, 2015 8:18 PM
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Subject: Reminder: CSD Distinguished Lecture Tuesday 7/21/15 -Ariel Procaccia - Assistant Professor- Computer Science Department- Carnegie Mellon University

CSD Community,

There will be a CSD Distinguished Lecture at 2pm on Tuesday July  21st, 2015 in NSH 3305.

Ariel Procaccia will be giving a talk on AI and Economics.

Talk title/abstract/bio are below for your review:

"AI and Economics for a Healthier, Safer, and Fairer World"


I will explore the broad and exciting interaction between AI and economics, which spans the spectrum from deep theory to deployed applications in healthcare, physical security, and dispute resolution. Specifically, I will talk about market design, focusing on kidney exchange algorithms that overcome uncertainty; game theory, with an emphasis on the problem of learning to play security games; and fair division, where I will argue that computational thinking gives rise to new notions of fairness, and show how these ideas are integrated into Spliddit.org<http://Spliddit.org>, a not-for-profit website that offers provably fair solutions to everyday problems. On the way I will make a special effort to highlight new challenges for AI research.


Ariel Procaccia is an assistant professor in the Computer Science Department at Carnegie Mellon University.  He usually works on problems at the interface of computer science and economics. His distinctions include the IJCAI Computers and Thought Award (2015), the Sloan Research Fellowship (2015), the NSF Early Career Development Award (2014), and the IFAAMAS Victor Lesser Distinguished Dissertation Award (2009).

Samantha DiNardo
Administrative Assistant
Carnegie Mellon University
Computer Science Department
Gates-Hillman Center - GHC-9118
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
sdinardo at cs.cmu.edu<mailto:sdinardo at cs.cmu.edu>
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