[ACT-R-users] CfP: Workshop on AGI & CogSci

GUNZELMANN, GLENN F DR-03 USAF AFMC 711 HPW/RHAC glenn.gunzelmann at us.af.mil
Wed May 28 21:36:06 EDT 2014

Call for Papers: AGI-2014 Workshop on AGI and Cognitive Science

To be held in during the Seventh Conference on Artificial General
Intelligence, 1-4 August 2014, in Quebec City, Canada.

The conference and workshop will be co-located with CogSci 2014 (July 23-26)
and AAAI-14 (July 27-31).

The workshop will emphasize the relationship of building and studying
human-like artificial intelligence to other aspects and domains of Cognitive

The submission page and instructions can be found on EasyChair:

A full description of the workshop aims and focus is here:

The submission deadline has been extended to June 13.

Contributions should be submitted in the form of extended abstracts (ca. 4-8
pages in LNCS format).  The submission deadline for extended abstracts is
June 15, 2014. Accepted contributions will be presented as talks of about 20
minutes length, and concluded with a public discussion. Workshop proceedings
will be posted online.

We look forward to your contributions!

Joscha Bach & Glenn Gunzelmann, Workshop Organizers

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