[ACT-R-users] Can someone tell me something further details about developing DEVICE in ACT-R

db30 at andrew.cmu.edu db30 at andrew.cmu.edu
Thu Mar 8 09:35:35 EST 2012

--On Thursday, March 08, 2012 9:35 PM +0800 yliu <yliu at zju.edu.cn> wrote:

> Hi, Colleagues,
> As we know, when we develop a GUI interface for ACT-R model, there are no
> problems to add TEXT, BUTTON and LINE items to the model's GUI. However, in
> my project I want to add some other items such as cross, circle etc. to a
> cognitive model¡¯s interface. I have learned that to build DEVICE can
> implement these functions. My problem is I don¡¯t know how I can deal with
> it. Has someone got experiences doing so or and got examples on hand. Would
> you please give some little more details or some guides on that, for example,
> step 1 ¡­, step 2 ¡­.

In the docs directory of ACT-R 6 is a set of slides named "extending-actr"
which describes what is necessary to create a new device.  In addition to
those slides, there are files in the examples directory which create new
devices (specifically "simple-new-device" and all of the "new-vision-test*"

If you have any questions or problems with those materials please let me


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