[ACT-R-users] Fully Funded PhD Position in Groningen

Hedderik van Rijn hedderik at van-rijn.org
Wed Jul 4 10:15:29 EDT 2012


please find attached an advertisement for a four-year (salaried) PhD position. Depending on the interests of the student, computational modeling could be a large component of the project. If you have any questions, please let me know and of course, please forward this message to anyone who might be interested.

  - Hedderik.

Project information
The Departments of Chronobiology and Molecular Chronobiology at the University of Groningen (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences) have an opening for a PhD position, for the project OnTime funded by the Technology Foundation STW. The research is related to the human circadian clock, aiming to use chronobiology to improve sleep, health and quality of life. The scope of the project addresses the 80% of the population that uses alarm clocks to get up on workdays. Misalignment of the circadian and social clocks (a condition called social jetlag) results in sleep deprivation, performance deficits, and it impairs health and well-being. This project aims to identify recommendations and interventions (e.g. light or work-time flexibility) that help to realign the circadian and the social clock. The fact that large differences exist in how circadian clocks of individuals are embedded into the light/dark-cycle poses both challenges and chances in this scientific endeavour.

dr. Hedderik van Rijn
Experimental Psychology
University of Groningen

http://www.van-rijn.org | http://www.slimstampen.nl | http://www.iccm2012.com

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