[ACT-R-users] reference manual in tex version

Masataro Asai guicho2.71828 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 26 03:55:56 EDT 2012

Hello everyone.

Does anyone have a tex version of the reference manual of act-r 6 ?
On the official cmu web site I only found a pdf version.
I want to convert it into html and look it up as I do with hyperspec.

If there is no tex version I will convert it into text and regex' it.
However obviously it takes too much time and effort to do it.
I also tried pdf2html but the converted result did not seem successful.

Thank you in advance,


Masataro Asai

SIM (Department of System Innovation)
Faculty of Enginnering
University of Tokyo
Mail: guicho2.71828 at gmail.com
Tel: 81-44-856-9009

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