[ACT-R-users] Computational simulations of Social Cognitive Theory

Peter.Pirolli at parc.com Peter.Pirolli at parc.com
Tue Apr 24 12:53:18 EDT 2012

Albert Bandura is often cited as one of the most significant psychologists of the 20th century and a leader in the 1960s-1970s cognitive revolution in psychology. His notion of self-efficacy (or more generally his Social Cognitive Theory) is qualitatively predictive of many motivational and learning effects (especially in behavior change and clinical approaches). Yet, I have been unable to find any substantial efforts at translating his theory into computational models. An alternate theory appears to be Power's Perceptual Control Theory, which has been modeled in computational form but not in what we would call a cognitive architecture.

I would be grateful for any pointers to papers or researchers.


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