[ACT-R-users] Print out specific buffers at a specific model run time

Stu @ AGS TechNet stu at agstechnet.com
Mon Dec 20 13:49:56 EST 2010

That's just the ticket!  Thanks!

On 12/20/2010 11:39 AM, db30 at andrew.cmu.edu wrote:
> --On Monday, December 20, 2010 11:09 AM -0500 "Stu @ AGS TechNet" 
> <stu at agstechnet.com> wrote:
>> **Sorry for the double post but I originally sent this from the wrong 
>> (non-member)
>> email account**
>> ACT-R Users,
>>     I would like to print out the contents (chunk slots and values) 
>> for a specific set
>> of buffers (about 7 total) at a specific model run time. (For 
>> example, at 15.4 seconds,
>> print out the contents of goal, imaginal, retrieval, visual, etc)
>>     Is there a straightforward approach to do this.
>>     I can't find it in the reference guide.
>>  Thanks in advance!
> The buffer-chunk command prints out the details of the chunks in 
> buffers for
> all the buffers provided (or all buffers if none provided).  Thus, this:
> (buffer-chunk goal imaginal visual)
> would print out the details of the chunks in the goal, imaginal, and 
> visual buffers.
> If you want something to happen at a particular time in the model run 
> then you
> need to use one of the scheduling functions described in the reference 
> manual.
> If you know the exact time then you can use schedule-event.  It takes 
> a time
> and a function to call (which could be a lambda specified inline).  
> So, if
> you wanted to have the details of the goal and retrieval buffers 
> printed at
> time 15.4 seconds you could add this to the setup code or model 
> definition:
> (schedule-event 15.4 (lambda () (buffer-chunk goal retrieval)))
> Since that is presumably for debugging purposes you probably also want to
> specify the :maintenance flag on the event as true:
> (schedule-event 15.4 (lambda () (buffer-chunk goal retrieval)) 
> :maintenance t)
> That will cause the model to ignore that event.  If you don't specify 
> that
> then the model could behave differently when you have that event 
> scheduled
> relative to when you don't and that's usually not a good thing.
> Dan
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