[ACT-R-users] Act-r in C++ (UNCLASSIFIED)

"Marc Halbrügge" marc.halbruegge at gmx.de
Mon Jul 6 21:16:44 EDT 2009

Dear list,

here comes the promised example for those who expressed interest.

Basic Info:

 * Linux operating system
 * Steel Bank Common Lisp, get it from http://www.sbcl.org if it is not 
   part of your distribution.
 * A copy of the ACT-R architecture. This one is expected to reside in a 
   directory called "actr6" relative to the lean_embedded_lisp executable.

How to obtain lean_embedded_lisp
 * as tarball: http://act-cv.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/act-cv/lean_embedded_lisp.tar.gz?view=tar
 * svn repository: svn co https://act-cv.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/act-cv/lean_embedded_lisp lean_embedded_lisp

Building lean_embedded_lisp
 * aclocal ; autoconf ; automake -a -c ; ./configure ; make
 * now type ./lean_embedded_lisp to see the demos

 * QSortKram: A model that performs the famous Quicksort algorithm 
   (Hoare, C. A. R 1962) using ACT-R. Was part of a talk of mine two
   years ago (see refs below)
 * TestWorldKram: A simple Markovian Decision Process. An agent for this 
   MDP is implemented in ACT-R and runs in the inferior lisp.
 * MarkovChainTest: Demonstrates how to collect data (simulated run 
   times) from ACT-R models.

This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.

Greetings from Germany
Marc Halbruegge


Halbrügge, M. (2007). Evaluating Cognitive Models and Architectures. In: Kaminka, G. A. & Burghart, C. R. (Hrsg.), Evaluating Architectures for Intelligence. Papers from the 2007 AAAI Workshop, S. 27-31, Menlo Park, California: AAAI Press. 
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