[ACT-R-users] Act-r in C++ (UNCLASSIFIED)

Kelley, Troy (Civ,ARL/HRED) tkelley at arl.army.mil
Wed Jul 1 17:02:24 EDT 2009

Classification:  UNCLASSIFIED 
Caveats: NONE

Is there any thought, or have there been any discussions, of porting ACT-R
over to C++?  I know I can see Christian rolling his eyes from here ;-)..
But I think it would be a useful project for someone.

Troy D. Kelley
U.S. Army Research Laboratory
Human Research and Engineering Directorate (HRED)
Aberdeen Proving Ground, Aberdeen MD 21005-5425
voice: 410-278-5869
fax: 410-278-9523

Classification:  UNCLASSIFIED 
Caveats: NONE
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