[ACT-R-users] colored buttons

Dan Bothell db30 at andrew.cmu.edu
Fri Oct 19 09:20:10 EDT 2007

--On Friday, October 19, 2007 11:24 AM +0200 Uwe Drewitz 
<drewitz at gp.tu-berlin.de> wrote:

> How can i get colored buttons or text in the experiment window?
> I'm trying to set up an experiment for the students of  my course.
> The idea is to model the interaction with a phone like interface.
> For that reason i want to highlight some buttons.
> But using the color option in the add-button... or add-text-to...
> functions
> has no effect or rather i receive error messages.

Without more details I can't really give you an answer.

Using the color keyword parameter for those functions
should result in colored items.  This function:

(defun test ()
 (open-exp-window "test")
 (add-text-to-exp-window :text "hello" :color 'red)
 (add-button-to-exp-window :x 20 :y 20 :color 'blue))

generated the window shown in the attached image.

If you provide me more details, then I will be able
to give you more help.  The important things to
know are:

- What version of ACT-R do you have?
- Which Lisp are you using?
- What OS are you using?
- Are you using the ACT-R environment?
- What were the error messages you got?

With that information I should be able to give you
an answer as to why it wasn't working.

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