[ACT-R-users] two papers of interest: predicting phone usage, and Categorical displays

Frank Ritter ritter at ist.psu.edu
Mon Mar 22 15:53:04 EST 2004

I've not seen a lot of papers being sent out to these lists lately, 
but I think doing so is still important and can be relevant.

There are two papers about to be published that I would like to 
share.  Both are online.  The first is a success story of a  model to 
predict human behaviour.

    St. Amant, R., Horton, T. E., & Ritter, F. E.  (in press). 
Model-based evaluation of cell
    phone menu interaction.  Proceedings of CHI'04. 

The other paper introduces a display tool (CaDaDis) for categorical 
data that we have hooked up to Soar and to ACT-R.  If you would like 
to use it, you can download it (details of what it is in the paper). 
If you have problems using it, or want it extended,  our project 
includes the ability to support this type of development.

   Tor, K., Ritter, F. E., Haynes, S. R., & Cohen, M. A.  (in press). 
CaDaDis: A tool for
   displaying the behavior of cognitive models and agents.  In 
Proceedings of the 13th
   Conference on Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation.



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