[ACT-R-users] ACT-R Summer Internship at PARC

Peter Pirolli pirolli at parc.xerox.com
Mon Mar 22 14:01:30 EST 2004

Summer Graduate Student Internship @ PARC

The User Interface Research area at PARC is looking for a summer intern who 
has significant experience with ACT-R. We are developing cognitive models 
(and cognitive engineering models) for human-information interaction. In 
the past, our interns have worked on ACT-R models of users surfing the Web 
and users interacting with a highly dynamic information visualization.

If interested, please contact Peter Pirolli (pirolli at parc.com) directly 
with a vita and statement of interests.  There is no need to apply through 
the regular PARC Summer Internship Program.

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