[ACT-R-users] production compilation

John Anderson ja+ at cmu.edu
Wed Jul 23 08:04:36 EDT 2003

At 12:28 PM +0200 7/23/03, Wolfgang Schoppek wrote:
>I've some questions concerning production compilation.
>1. Is it true that "implicit retrievals" (i.e. retrievals stated in
>the condition part of a production) prohibit production compilation?
>An example:
>(p stop-waiting-retrieval-minus
>   =goal>
>     isa aa-prob
>     lt =lt
>     op =op
>     ...
>   =op>
>     isa operator
>     sg minus
>     nm =nm
>    !eval! (null *retrieval*)
>  ==>
>    ...
>   =goal>
>     op minus
>     nm =nm
>    ...)
>... will not be merged with the following production because of the
>implicit retrieval of =op (?).


>2. How can I unpack the content of chunks that are in the goal without
>such implicit retrievals? In the above example, I can't simply write:
>(p stop-waiting-retrieval-minus
>   =goal>
>     isa aa-prob
>     lt =lt
>     op =op
>   ...
>  ==>
>   +retrieval>
>     isa operator
>     sg minus
>     nm =nm
>   ...)
>... because I dont't want to retrieve some operator, but exactly the
>one that is bound in the goal (=op).

Consider the following and run it:


(sgp :esc t :epl t)

(chunk-type thing slot step)

(add-dm (chunk1 isa thing slot chunk2 step start)
         (chunk2 isa thing))

(goal-focus chunk1)

(p request
      isa thing
      slot =chunk
      step start
      step retrieving
   +retrieval> =chunk)

(p harvest
       isa thing
       step retrieving
       isa thing
       step done)



John R. Anderson
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Phone: 412-268-2788
Fax:     412-268-2844
email: ja at cmu.edu
URL:  http://act.psy.cmu.edu/
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