[ACT-R-users] Workshop Registration Reminder...

Helen Borek helen at cmu.edu
Thu Jul 10 12:59:59 EDT 2003

Good Afternoon,

If you are attending the 2003 ACT-R Workshop and have not registered as
yet, please do so as soon as possible.  Fax registrations (412.268.2844,
fax) as well as registrations via email are welcome!

Please be sure if you are registering (or have registered already) by fax
or email to please send the appropriate registration fee via regular mail
as soon as possible.  

If you are an international attendee, we have most likely already made
arrangments for payment.  Be assured that you can pay for the registration
($100 or $125) when you arrive. Just bring your payment with you to the
workshop Friday morning.

Have a great week!


Please make checks payable to:

   ACT-R 2003/CMU Psychology

Please send payments to:

   ACT-R 2003 
   c/o Helen J. Borek
   Carnegie Mellon University
   Department of Psychology BH345C
   Pittsburgh, PA  15213.3890
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