<font face = "Book Antiqua">Good Afternoon,<br>
If you are attending the 2003 ACT-R Workshop and have not registered as yet, please do so as soon as possible. Fax registrations (412.268.2844, fax) as well as registrations via email are welcome!<br>
Please be sure if you are registering (or have registered already) by fax or email to <u>please send the appropriate registration fee via regular mail as soon as possible</u>. <br>
If you are an international attendee, we have most likely already made arrangments for payment. Be assured that you can pay for the registration ($100 or $125) when you arrive. Just bring your payment with you to the workshop Friday morning.<br>
Have a great week!<br>
<b>Please make checks payable to:</b><br>
ACT-R 2003/CMU Psychology<br>
<b>Please send payments to:</b><br>
ACT-R 2003 <br>
c/o Helen J. Borek<br>
Carnegie Mellon University<br>
Department of Psychology BH345C<br>
Pittsburgh, PA 15213.3890</font>