[ACT-R-users] Re: Research Positions at the University of Memphis

Danielle S. McNamara d.mcnamara at mail.psyc.memphis.edu
Tue Aug 27 13:31:27 EDT 2002

>  >There are several Post-doctoral and Pre-doctoral positions currently
>  >available within the University of Memphis Psychology Department.  Please
>  >pass this message on to potentially interested parties.  Interested
>  >candidates should send a letter, vita, and 3 reference letters to Danielle
>  >McNamara, University of Memphis, Department of Psychology, Memphis, TN,
>  >38152.
>  >
>  >POST-DOCTORAL position: This position involves the investigation of reading
>  >comprehension strategies and the development and testing of an automated
>  >strategy training system. The applicant should have a Ph.D. in
>  >cognitive psychology or related field, with demonstrated interests and
>  >experience in one or more of the following areas: reading comprehension,
>  >learning from text, individual differences, automated tutors,
>  >verbal protocols, and educational applications.
>  >
>  >COMPUTATIONAL LINGUIST: The ideal candidate for this position will have a
>  >Ph.D. and post-graduate research experience in computational linguistics.
>  >This position will involve the development and testing of automated
>  >of text cohesion and coherence.
>  >
>  >Experimental Psychologist: The ideal candidate for this position will have
>  >Ph.D. and post-graduate research experience in cognitive psychology or a
>  >related field. This position will involve the empirical investigation of
>  >effects of text cohesion on comprehension for children and adults. The
>  >candidate should have demonstrated interests in reading comprehension,
>  >learning from text, and individual differences.
>  >
>  >A PRE-DOCTORAL position is available for a researcher with a
>  >Master's degree in Cognitive psychology or related field to work on a
>  >of projects concerning reading comprehension.  The applicant should have
>  >experience conducting empirical research including data management and
>  >advanced statistical analyses (e.g., ANCOVA, multiple regression; HLM).
>  >
>  >For more information about the Psychology Department at the University of
>  >Memphis see http://www.psyc.memphis.edu. It's a great and exciting place to
>  >be!
>  >
>  >Danielle S. McNamara, Ph.D.
>  >Department of Psychology
>  >The University of Memphis
>  >Psychology Building, Rm. 434
>  >Memphis, TN 38152
>  >
>  >  Psychology Main Office: 901-678-2145
>  >  FAX:                    901-678-2579
>  >
>  >  EMAIL:  d.mcnamara at mail.psyc.memphis.edu
>  --
>  ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  	Tony J. Simon Ph.D.  - Research Asst. Prof. Pediatrics, U. Penn.
>  Children's Hospital of Philadelphia		Tel: 215 590 7198
>  3535 Market St., Rm 1425			Fax: 215 590 6804
>  Philadelphia, PA 19104			Email:
tjsimon at mail.med.upenn.edu
>  		http://tjsimon.home.mindspring.com/tjsimon.html
>  ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
------- End of Original Message -------

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