ACT-R Workshop

Wayne Gray gray at
Fri Feb 5 12:20:44 EST 1999

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

George Mason University - August 6 to 9 1999

ACT-R is a cognitive theory and simulation system for developing cognitive
models for tasks that vary from simple reaction time to air traffic
control. Each year a workshop is held to enable current users to exchange
results and ideas. The sixth Annual ACT-R Workshop will be held at George
Mason University, outside of Washington, DC from August 6 to 9 1999.
Current users, potential users, and knowledgeable observers of cognitive
science are invited to attend.

The workshop will take place from the evening of Friday, August 6 through
the afternoon of Monday August 9.

The pre-workshop will begin Friday morning with a one-day tutorial
introduction to ACT-R. The tutorial is suitable for users of other modeling
systems as well as for knowledgeable observers of cognitive science. (There
is an additional $75 fee for the tutorial.)

A reception and poster session will be held Friday evening. Saturday,
Sunday, and Monday mornings will be devoted to a series of research
presentations, each lasting from 15 to 30 minutes. Afternoons will feature
discussion sessions and instructional tutorials. Evenings will be occupied
by demonstration sessions during which participants can gain a more
detailed knowledge of the models presented and engage in unstructured

Admission to the workshop is open to all. (The registration fee will be
announced at a later time. Reduced rates will be available to students.)

All papers, posters, demonstrations, and tutorial attendees: a notice of
"intent" to participate is due ASAP but at least before June 15th.

Posters and Demonstrations: Abstract due July 1st. One-page, camera-ready
copy due August 1st.

Papers: Two-page abstract due June 15th. Camera-ready copy is due August 1st.

Registration: Dates for early and late registration will be announced at a
later time. (

Attendees are encouraged to submit by email a notice of "intent to
participate" as soon as possible but prior to June 15th. The notice should
be short (less than one email page or < 250 words) and should contain the
following information. Category (spoken paper, poster, demonstration,
tutorial, or observer). Title, description, and other details are optional
as long as the total length is less than 250 words. The purpose of the
"intent to participate" is to aid the organizers in planning. It will not
be regarded as a commitment to attend.

Spoken Papers: Spoken presentations can be up to 30 min in length.
Researchers are invited to submit a 1-2 page extended abstract (500-1000
words) by June 15th. Preference will be given to running ACT-R models,
ACT-R as a modeling language, modeling issues or techniques, models with
empirical data, or empirical data pertaining to some aspect of the ACT-R
theory. These papers will be reviewed and published (as is or in longer
form) in the workshop proceedings. Selections will be announced by July
15th. Up to 8 pages will be published in the proceedings. The 8 pages may
include an abstract plus slides or a complete paper. Camera-ready copy must
be submitted by August 1st if it is to be included in the workshop
proceedings. (The format for the extended abstracts and papers will follow
that used for the Cognitive Science Conference. Templates will be available
from at a later time.)

Posters: All attendees may give a poster presentation. Poster abstracts
will not be reviewed. A notice of "intent to participate" should be sent as
soon as possible but prior to June 15th. A one page abstract will be
published in the proceedings if submitted prior to August 1st. (The format
for the abstracts will follow that used for the Cognitive Science
Conference. Templates will be available from at
a later time.)

Demonstrations are solicited for running models, power tools for modelers,
or other types of executable systems of interests to the modeling
community. A notice of "intent to participate" should be sent as soon as
possible but prior to June 15th. A one page abstract will be published in
the proceedings if submitted prior to August 1st. (The format for the
abstracts will follow that used for the Cognitive Science Conference.
Templates will be available from at a later

Suggestions for the topics of the discussion sessions or for tutorials on
some aspect of ACT-R are welcomed. Topics do not have to be limited to
ACT-R, but may include general issues dealing with some aspect of
computational cognitive modeling or unified theories of cognition.

On campus housing and reduced rates at local hotels will be available.
Details concerning the registration for the workshop and for housing will
be announced at a later date. Additional information (detailed schedule,
etc.) will appear on the Human Factors and Applied Cognitive Web site
( when available or can be requested at:

Addresses for submissions and for more information:

1999 ACT-R Workshop
George Mason University
Psychology Department
Human Factors & Applied Cognitive Program
MSN 3F5 Attn: Jane Blechman
Fairfax, VA 22030
Fax: +1 (703) 993-1330 Tel: +1 (703) 993-2104
Email: jblechma at
Web site (

SNAIL-MAIL ADDRESS (FedX et al)     VOICE: +1 (703) 993-1357
George Mason University               FAX: +1 (703) 993-1330
ARCH Lab/HFAC Program                           *********************
MSN 3f5                                         * Work is infinite, *
Fairfax, VA  22030-4444                         * time is finite,   *                             * plan accordingly. *
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<bold><color><param>0000,7777,0000</param><bigger>George Mason
University - August 6 to 9 1999


ACT-R is a cognitive theory and simulation system for developing

models for tasks that vary from simple reaction time to air traffic

control. Each year a workshop is held to enable current users to

results and ideas. The sixth Annual ACT-R Workshop will be held at

Mason University, outside of Washington, DC from August 6 to 9 1999.

Current users, potential users, and knowledgeable observers of

science are invited to attend.

The workshop will take place from the evening of Friday, August 6

the afternoon of Monday August 9.

The pre-workshop will begin Friday morning with a one-day tutorial

introduction to ACT-R. The tutorial is suitable for users of other

systems as well as for knowledgeable observers of cognitive science.

is an additional $75 fee for the tutorial.)

A reception and poster session will be held Friday evening. Saturday,

Sunday, and Monday mornings will be devoted to a series of research

presentations, each lasting from 15 to 30 minutes. Afternoons will

discussion sessions and instructional tutorials. Evenings will be

by demonstration sessions during which participants can gain a more

detailed knowledge of the models presented and engage in unstructured


Admission to the workshop is open to all. (The registration fee will

announced at a later time. Reduced rates will be available to


All papers, posters, demonstrations, and tutorial attendees: a notice

"intent" to participate is due ASAP but at least before June 15th.

Posters and Demonstrations: Abstract due July 1st. One-page,

copy due August 1st.

Papers: Two-page abstract due June 15th. Camera-ready copy is due
August 1st.

Registration: Dates for early and late registration will be announced
at a

later time. (

Attendees are encouraged to submit by email a notice of "intent to

participate" as soon as possible but prior to June 15th. The notice

be short (less than one email page or << 250 words) and should contain

following information. Category (spoken paper, poster, demonstration,

tutorial, or observer). Title, description, and other details are

as long as the total length is less than 250 words. The purpose of the

"intent to participate" is to aid the organizers in planning. It will

be regarded as a commitment to attend.

Spoken Papers: Spoken presentations can be up to 30 min in length.

Researchers are invited to submit a 1-2 page extended abstract

words) by June 15th. Preference will be given to running ACT-R models,

ACT-R as a modeling language, modeling issues or techniques, models

empirical data, or empirical data pertaining to some aspect of the

theory. These papers will be reviewed and published (as is or in

form) in the workshop proceedings. Selections will be announced by

15th. Up to 8 pages will be published in the proceedings. The 8 pages

include an abstract plus slides or a complete paper. Camera-ready copy

be submitted by August 1st if it is to be included in the workshop

proceedings. (The format for the extended abstracts and papers will

that used for the Cognitive Science Conference. Templates will be

from at a later time.)

Posters: All attendees may give a poster presentation. Poster

will not be reviewed. A notice of "intent to participate" should be
sent as

soon as possible but prior to June 15th. A one page abstract will be

published in the proceedings if submitted prior to August 1st. (The

for the abstracts will follow that used for the Cognitive Science

Conference. Templates will be available from at

a later time.)

Demonstrations are solicited for running models, power tools for

or other types of executable systems of interests to the modeling

community. A notice of "intent to participate" should be sent as soon

possible but prior to June 15th. A one page abstract will be published

the proceedings if submitted prior to August 1st. (The format for the

abstracts will follow that used for the Cognitive Science Conference.

Templates will be available from at a


Suggestions for the topics of the discussion sessions or for tutorials

some aspect of ACT-R are welcomed. Topics do not have to be limited to

ACT-R, but may include general issues dealing with some aspect of

computational cognitive modeling or unified theories of cognition.

On campus housing and reduced rates at local hotels will be available.

Details concerning the registration for the workshop and for housing

be announced at a later date. Additional information (detailed

etc.) will appear on the Human Factors and Applied Cognitive Web site

( when available or can be requested at:

Addresses for submissions and for more information:

1999 ACT-R Workshop

George Mason University

Psychology Department

Human Factors & Applied Cognitive Program

MSN 3F5 Attn: Jane Blechman

=46airfax, VA 22030

=46ax: +1 (703) 993-1330 Tel: +1 (703) 993-2104

Email: jblechma at

Web site (</fontfamily>



SNAIL-MAIL ADDRESS (FedX et al)     VOICE: +1 (703) 993-1357

George Mason University               FAX: +1 (703) 993-1330

ARCH Lab/HFAC Program                           *********************

MSN 3f5                                         * Work is infinite, *=20

=46airfax, VA  22030-4444                         * time is finite,   *                             * plan accordingly. *



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