Request for cog. model evaluation ref's.

Eric Scott ericscot at
Wed Nov 5 17:50:39 EST 1997

I'm involved in a project which takes as input the recorded behavior of 
subjects in batch form, serving as a kind of script. We're modeling their 
behavior by selectively telling certain productions not to fire at times 
when to do so would be inconsistent with subject's responses, thus allowing a 
less-than-perfect model of the subject to stay in synch with the script.
At the end of processing such a script, we have a 'score' for each of 
these productions. So a production which was consistent with the data 
90% of the time would be a 'pretty good' production, while a production 
which didn't do so well would show room for improvement. 

	So I'm interested in literature on the subject of evaluating
the performance of cognitive models, especially with respect to 
the sequential predictions they make in comparison to the responses
actually made by subjects. If anyone could share any leads, I'd be 


Eric Scott

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