[Soups-announce] [SOUPS 2022] Posters, Workshop Papers, Lightning Talks, Karat Award Nominations due on May 26
SOUPS Publicity
soupspublicity at gmail.com
Tue May 10 13:44:52 EDT 2022
The Eighteenth Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS 2022) is
happening in three months! Submissions for posters, workshop papers,
lightning talks, and nominations for the Karat Student Award are all
due on *Thursday,
May 26, 2022*. We look forward to receiving your submissions!
***Call for posters***
We welcome submissions of (1) preliminary findings from ongoing work; (2)
undergraduate or master research projects; and (3) posters about recently
published (2021 to 2022) work on usable privacy and security. More info:
https://www.usenix.org/conference/soups2022/call-for-posters. Questions?
Contact soups22-posters at usenix.org.
***Call for workshop papers***
SOUPS 2022 will have four workshops, two in-person and two virtual. See
each workshop’s website for the detailed submission guidelines.
WSIW: Workshop on Security Information Workers (in-person):
https://security-information-workers.org. Questions? Contact
soups22-wsiw at usenix.org.
PTM: Workshop on Privacy Threat Modeling (in-person):
https://ptmworkshop.gitlab.io/. Questions? Contact PTMworkshop at mitre.org.
KOPS: Kids’ Online Privacy and Safety (virtual):
WIPS: Workshop on Inclusive Privacy and Security (virtual):
https://inclusiveprivacy.org/workshops/wips2022.html. Questions? Contact
wips.soups at gmail.com.
***Call for lightning talks** *
A continuing feature of SOUPS is a session of strictly timed 5-minute
lightning talks. These talks provide an opportunity to interact with the
SOUPS community on a range of usable privacy and security topics. More
info: https://www.usenix.org/conference/soups2022/call-for-lightning-talks
If you would like to give a lightning talk, please email
soups22-lightning at usenix.org with your name, affiliation, the title of the
talk, and a brief abstract (up to 200 words).
***Call for Karat Award nominations***
In honor of John Karat's contributions to the usable privacy and security
community and his dedication to mentoring students, SOUPS has instituted
the John Karat Usable Privacy and Security Student Research Award. The
Karat Student Award will be presented to a graduate student based on: (1)
their research in usable privacy and security; (2) their efforts to mentor
others; (3) their community service for usable privacy and security (e.g.,
volunteer activities in conferences). More info:
Nomination packages, in the form of a single PDF, should be sent to
karat_award at usenix.org.
SOUPS 2022 Publicity Co-chairs
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