[Soups-announce] Workshop "Future of PI" @ EuroS&P'21 - Call for Presentations

Sebastian Schrittwieser sebastian.schrittwieser at univie.ac.at
Mon May 10 10:14:52 EDT 2021

      Workshop "Future of PI" @ EuroS&P'21 (virtual, Sep'21) on
       Challenges and Perspectives of Personal Identification

             * * *  Call for Presentations  * * *

The goal of the "Future of PI" workshop is to foster discussions and
collaborations among researchers from various domains related to
secure Identity Management. Contributed talks can report on current
research results addressing secure and usable IdM, including
cryptographic schemes and techniques, analytical results, work on
systems, and position papers. The organizers also welcome submissions
from practitioners providing insights into current deployment and
usability challenges. Topics of interest include, but are not limited

 * Privacy challenges & privacy-enhancing IdM solutions
 * Novel cryptographic schemes and protocols for IdM
 * Biometric and behavioural authentication
 * Systems implementing new IdM approaches
 * Implementation and deployment challenges
 * Analysis of deployed IdM solutions
 * Usability studies
 * Techniques for improving the usability of IdM solutions
 * Social and political aspects of IdM

The workshop will be supported by two keynote presentations by
Kim Hamilton Duffy (MIT) and Hugo Krawczyk (Algorand Foundation).

As this workshop will not be accompanied by published proceedings,
contributed talks may correspond to papers that are under submission
or already published elsewhere.

Talk proposals must comply with the following rules:

 - Submissions must be in English, in PDF format and not exceed
   3 pages, with reasonable font size and margins.
 - Submissions must outline the content of the talk and demonstrate
   its relation to the workshop's topic. In cases where the relevance
   of a submission in the workshop's context is not immediately clear,
   the selection committee will appreciate if the submission includes
   a short exposition why the proposed talk would enrich the workshop.
 - Submissions must be non-anonymous and indicate who is going to give
   the talk at the workshop.
 - Submissions should provide sufficient detail to explain what the
   talk will be about. If a planned talk is based on a research paper,
   the submitter is en couraged to submit a copy of the paper along
   with their talk proposal.

Important dates (all in 2021):
May 21     Submission of talk proposals (details on workshop website)
Jul 2      Notification of authors
Sep 6      Future of PI
Sep 7-10   EuroS&P (host conference)

Program committee (preliminary)
  Sven Bugiel (CISPA, Saarbrücken)
  Markus Dürmuth (Ruhr University Bochum)
  Simone Fischer-Hübner (Karlstad University)
  Tore K. Frederiksen (Alexandra Institute, Aarhus)
  Julia Hesse (chair; IBM Research - Zurich)
  Jaap-Henk Hoepman (Radboud University, Nijmegen)
  Stanislaw Jarecki (UC Irvine)
  Markulf Kohlweiss (University of Edinburgh)
  Chelsea Komlo (University of Waterloo)
  Stephan Krenn (AIT, Vienna)
  Anja Lehmann (chair; Hasso-Plattner Institute/University of Potsdam)
  Cristina Timón López (University of Murcia)
  Mark Manulis (University of Surrey)
  Bertram Poettering (chair; IBM Research - Zurich)
  Andy Rupp (University of Luxembourg)
  Nitesh Saxena (University of Alabama at Birmingham)
  Melanie Volkamer (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

Kind regards,
Sebastian Schrittwieser
Publicity Chair EuroS&P 2021

Dr. Sebastian Schrittwieser
University of Vienna
Faculty of Computer Science
Research Group Security and Privacy

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