[Soups-announce] CFP VizSec 2021: Submission Deadline: June 21, 2021

Sanchari Das sancdas at iu.edu
Tue Apr 20 15:36:33 EDT 2021

Website: https://vizsec.org/vizsec2021/

Submission Deadline: June 21, 2021

Event Date: October 27, 2021

We are cordially inviting you to participate in the 18th IEEE Symposium on
Visualization for Cyber Security (VizSec) 2021.

VizSec brings together researchers and practitioners from academia,
government, and industry to address the needs of the cybersecurity
community through new and insightful visualization and analysis techniques.
VizSec provides an excellent venue for fostering greater exchange and new
collaborations on a broad range of security- and privacy-related topics.

VizSec will take place on October 27, 2021, in conjunction with the 2021
IEEE VIS conference <http://ieeevis.org/>, giving VizSec authors and
attendees enhanced access to IEEE VIS. VizSec program will be presented in
an online format with virtual presentations.

The purpose of VizSec is to explore effective and scalable visual
interfaces for security domains such as network security, computer
forensics, reverse engineering, insider threat detection, cryptography,
privacy, user-assisted attacks prevention, compliance management, wireless
security, secure coding, penetration testing, and other related research

We are soliciting Technical (Full), Short, and Position Papers.

Technical Papers

Full papers describing novel contributions in security visualization are
solicited. Papers may present techniques, applications, theory, analysis,
experiments, or evaluations. We encourage the submission of papers on
technologies and methods that promise to improve cyber security practices,
including, but not limited to:


   Situation awareness and/or understanding

   Incident handling including triage, exploration, correlation, and

   Computer forensics

   Machine learning & explainable AI for cybersecurity

   Adversarial machine learning visualization

   Adversarial visualization

   Visual analytics for cybersecurity

   Data protection & privacy

   Blockchain performance & security

   Cybersecurity in critical infrastructure

   Collaborative visualization for cybersecurity & provenance

   Recording and reporting results of investigations

   Assisting proactive security configuration and deployment

   Reverse engineering and malware analysis

   Vulnerability management

   Multiple data source analysis

   Analyzing information requirements for computer network defense

   Evaluation and/or user testing of VizSec systems

   Criteria for assessing the effectiveness of cyber security
   visualizations (whether from a security goal perspective or a human factors

   Modeling system and network behavior

   Modeling attacker and defender behavior

   Studying risk and impact of cyber attacks

   Predicting future attacks or targets

   Security metrics

   Software security

   Mobile application security

   Social networking privacy and security

   Training & education

Submissions including tests and evaluations of the proposed tools and
techniques are also particularly desirable. If possible, making the data
used for the tests available will also be considered positively. If you do
not have real-world data to demonstrate your visualization, you may be
interested in looking at the VizSec dataset links <https://vizsec.org/data/>.
Previous VizSec papers may be found on the VizSec Papers Browser
<https://vizsec.dbvis.de/> and on IEEE Xplore.

Short Papers

Short papers describing initial research results, concise research
contributions or incremental work on the above topics, even including
practical applications of security visualization, are solicited. We
encourage the submission of papers discussing the introduction of cyber
security visualizations into operational context, including, but not
limited to:


   Cases where visualization made positive contributions towards meeting
   operational needs

   Gaps or negative outcomes from visualization deployments

   Situations where visualization was not utilized, but could have had a
   positive impact

   Lessons learned from operational engagements

   Insights gained from the transition process

Cyber security practitioners from industry, as well as the research
community, are encouraged to submit case studies.

Position Papers

Position papers focus on topics needing or calling for discussion or
reconsideration of forgotten topics relevant for the VizSec community. They
should report a clear position on the target topic and should also suggest
a proposal or actions regarding the target topic. They should stimulate
imaginative and hypothesis-driven research. In particular, we encourage
submissions both from researchers inside the visualization community and
outside, such as researchers and practitioners from pure cybersecurity
domains who currently do not broadly employ visualization in their work.


Poster submissions may showcase late-breaking results, work in progress,
preliminary results, or visual representations relevant to the VizSec
community. In line with the full conference, the presentation of posters
will take place online. There will be 1-2 dedicated poster sessions in
which poster authors can virtually meet and discuss their work with
conference participants. An additional web presence of posters will replace
the traditional physical installation of poster boards. More concrete
details will follow soon.


There will be an award for the best full paper from the accepted program.
This award will be given to the paper judged to have the highest overall
quality as determined by the program committee. Key elements of the
selection process include whether papers include evaluation, repeatable
results, and open-source data or software. Authors of the best paper will
be invited for submission to Transactions on Visualization and Computer

There will also be an award for Best Poster. This award will recognize
authors’ efforts to clearly present their work to the audience. The award
will be determined by anonymous judges and given to recipients at the end
of the conference.


The VizSec 2021 Proceedings will be published by IEEE. Submissions must be
formatted using the IEEE VGTC conference proceedings template that can be
found at: https://tc.computer.org/vgtc/publications/conference/

VizSec full papers are limited to 9 pages of content plus an additional 2
pages of references. Papers may be shorter than this but must make a
similar contribution to a longer paper. Reviewers are not required to read
the appendices or any pages past the maximum. Short papers should be at
most 4 pages plus 1 page of references. Position papers may be up to 4
total pages including references. Posters should be 2 page abstracts.
Presenters are also encouraged to submit an accompanying video or other
supplementary materials by following the IEEE VIS formatting guidelines.

Submissions not meeting these guidelines will be rejected without
consideration of their merit. Reviews are single-blind, so authors may
include names and affiliations in their submissions. Submitted papers must
not substantially overlap papers that have been published or that are
simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference with proceedings.
Authors of accepted papers must guarantee that their papers will be
presented at the conference.

VizSec uses the Precision Conference System (PCS)
<https://new.precisionconference.com/vgtc> to handle their paper and poster
submissions and reviewing processes.

Important Dates

All deadlines are 5:00 PM PST.

June 21, 2021 Submission deadline for full, short, and position papers

July 19, 2021 Author notifications

Aug 9, 2021 Camera-ready submissions and copyright forms due

July 29, 2021 Submission deadline for posters

Aug 9, 2021 Author notifications

For more information please see: https://vizsec.org/vizsec2021/


VizSec 2021 Publicity Co-Chairs

Sanchari Das, Noëlle Rakotondravony
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