[Soups-announce] SOUPS Slack, Book Club, more...
Patrick Gage Kelley
me at patrickgage.com
Sun Sep 27 20:09:58 EDT 2020
Hi SOUPS Friends,
For those of you who didn’t attend SOUPS in 2020, our first virtual edition of the conference — you may not know that we used Slack to have a presentation back-channel, a space to launch zoom chats, to have focused discussion, and to best take the place of our “hallway” track. And we’re hoping to maintain the Slack as an active place for discussion throughout the year and during SOUPS 2021.
So, even if you weren’t at SOUPS 2020 — we’d love you to join the Slack, and to invite others who are a part of the broader SOUPS community to join as well.
Join here: https://join.slack.com/t/soups-symposium/shared_invite/zt-g3l6ekj6-d5nMifVcVs27qrJTYo7bcw <https://join.slack.com/t/soups-symposium/shared_invite/zt-g3l6ekj6-d5nMifVcVs27qrJTYo7bcw>
We’ll also be having a variety of activities throughout the year, beginning with our SOUPS Book Club, the first meeting of which is just two days away, where we will be discussing Privacy as Trust by Ari Ezra Waldman — this Tuesday, September 29th, at 3pm eastern, Noon pacific on Zoom — check the #book-club room in Slack.
We’re hoping to continue many of our birds-of-a-feather discussions as well, continue mentorship opportunities, and keep community discussions on other SOUPS-y events and jobs active as well. We want this to be your online community space, so please shape it as you need!
Finally, we can’t do any of this without the support of USENIX who runs our conferences (in the physical world and online) and supports our Slack. If you aren’t a member, and your current situation allows, we recommend you join USENIX directly at https://www.usenix.org/membership <https://www.usenix.org/membership> – membership helps to support USENIX through these challenging times.
Hope to see you on the Slack, in our book club discussions, and at SOUPS 2021,
Frequently Asked Questions (All of which I have made up and none of which have been asked)
– I didn’t read this book!
That’s OK, come next month, or the month after. 2020 is a rough year, there’s a pandemic, we aren’t expecting you to read every book, but people are always welcome to join our discussions and we’ll try to maintain our book list at least three months in advance.
– Oh, OK. What’s the next book?
October Book: Algorithms of Oppression: How Search Engines Reinforce Racism, Safiya Umoja Noble
https://bookshop.org/books/algorithms-of-oppression-how-search-engines-reinforce-racism/9781479837243 <https://bookshop.org/books/algorithms-of-oppression-how-search-engines-reinforce-racism/9781479837243>
November Book: Reset: Reclaiming the Internet for Civil Society, Ronald J. Deibert
https://bookshop.org/books/reset-reclaiming-the-internet-for-civil-society/9781487008086 <https://bookshop.org/books/reset-reclaiming-the-internet-for-civil-society/9781487008086>
– When will those book club meetings be?
Currently our schedule is the last Tuesday of each month, at 3pm eastern time, noon pacific, … 9pm Central European time. If this isn’t a good time, and avid readers would like other times, they should message Patrick.
– How do I join the Slack again?
https://join.slack.com/t/soups-symposium/shared_invite/zt-g3l6ekj6-d5nMifVcVs27qrJTYo7bcw <https://join.slack.com/t/soups-symposium/shared_invite/zt-g3l6ekj6-d5nMifVcVs27qrJTYo7bcw>
– Oh, actually I really hate Slack, how do I get to the zoom chat for the Book Club discussion without Slack
For now, send Patrick an email or other message directly
– Why should I join USENIX?
Our friends at USENIX have been excellent partners for the past several years, and without them SOUPS wouldn’t have been successful this year. We rely on them for conference (and digital conference) logistics, planning and support, and also they are the open-access home of our SOUPS papers archive. We hope USENIX will continue to be our partner in making SOUPS happen for many years into the future.
– I have an idea for a thing I want to do on Slack, what do I do?
Join the Slack. Make a channel for it. Tell your friends to join and support it. And if you need more assistance email or otherwise message Patrick or Sonia Chiasson (our SOUPS General Chair)
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