[Soups-announce] Call for Participation: 2nd annual symposium on Applications of Contextual Integrity, August 19-20, 2019 in UC Berkeley, CA
Serge Egelman
egelman at cs.berkeley.edu
Mon Jun 3 10:11:57 EDT 2019
We are pleased to announce the 2nd annual Symposium on Applications of
Contextual Integrity, taking place August 19-20, 2019, on the UC Berkeley
campus. The aim of the symposium is to foster interaction
among diverse communities of research and practice using contextual
integrity to reason about privacy, and to design and evaluate, craft
regulation, and generate formal logics for privacy. We will accept any of
the following submission types:
• A 4-page position paper on work in progress (references not included in
the page limit)
• An extended abstract (1-2 pages) summarizing published or mature work.
Please include a short “works cited” section situating your work within it
and clarifying its contribution. If your topic is entirely novel
or interdisciplinary, please indicate that as well. If your abstract is
accepted, you will have the option of posting the longer paper on the
symposium website.
• A 1-page description of an interesting use case to be discussed at the
The workshop will not publish formal (i.e., archival) proceedings. Instead,
the workshop aims to foster discussion and feedback to improve
work-in-progress for subsequent publication elsewhere. With author’s
permission, accepted submissions will be posted on the website, but will
not be considered archival publications. Papers should be formatted using the
2019 ACM Master Article Template
For LaTeX users, *choose format=sigconf.*
Submissions will be peer-reviewed by the workshop’s Program Committee
and accepted based on relevance and potential to contribute to workshop
discussions and goals. We encourage submissions from
diverse disciplinary sources, methods, and contributions, including:
• Empirical studies (qualitative, quantitative, experimental)
• Legal, philosophical, ethical, and policy analysis
• System design and/or implementations
• Combinations of the above
*Participation without submission:* If you’re interested in attending
without a submission, please complete this form
<https://goo.gl/forms/sSG7gqvm6FlKD2i42>. We will send a confirmation upon
Submissions Due: June 10
Notifications: June 25
Date of Symposium: August 19 and 20
Serge Egelman (ICSI / University of California, Berkeley)
Helen Nissenbaum (Cornell Tech)
Yan Shvartzshnaider (NYU and Princeton University)
*Email: * privaci.research at gmail.com
*Website:* http://privaci.info/ci_symposium/cfp.html
*Twitter:* @privaci_way <https://twitter.com/privaci_way>
We look forward to seeing you at the symposium!
Serge, Helen, Yan
Serge Egelman, Ph.D.
Research Director, Usable Security & Privacy
International Computer Science Institute (ICSI)
Research Scientist, Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences (EECS)
University of California, Berkeley
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