[Soups-announce] PhD position in Socio-Technical Security - University of Luxembourg

Gabriele LENZINI Gabriele.Lenzini at uni.lu
Mon Jul 10 11:22:32 EDT 2017

Dear colleagues,

The University of Luxembourg is currently looking to fill a PhD positions in Socio-Technical Security and Privacy for System Protection, at the University of Luxembourg. 

Here is the announcement:

- http://emea3.mrted.ly/1hhsh

This particular position is about an interdisciplinary research in socio-technical security. It is meant to address questions relatively to the design and analysis of secure and private human security protocols. Part of a wider program of the Doctoral Training Unit (DTU), this position is meant to foster interdisciplinary research between two socio-technical security and user experience human-computer-interaction.

Please feel free to forward it,

Gabriele Lenzini 

Dr. G. Lenzini  - Senior Scientific Researcher 

SnT - Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust 
University of Luxembourg  
29 Avenue J. F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg

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