[Soups-announce] USEC 2017 Call for papers (deadline extended)

Melanie Volkamer melanie.volkamer at cased.de
Tue Nov 29 02:12:00 EST 2016

Usable Security (USEC) Workshop
Call for Papers
(Deadline Extended)

Abstract Submission Deadline: 7 December 2016

Full paper Submission Deadline: 14 December 2016

Conference Website:



One cannot have security and privacy without considering both the
technical and human aspects thereof. If the user is not given due
consideration in the development process, the system is likely to enable
users to protect their privacy and security in the Internet.

Usable security and security is more complicated than traditional
usability. This is because traditional usability principles cannot
always be applied. For example, one of the cornerstones of usability is
that people are given feedback on their actions, and are helped to
recover from errors. In authentication, we obfuscate password entry (a
usability fail) and we give people no assistance to recover from errors.
Moreover, security is often not related to the actual functionality of
the system, so people often see it as a bolt-on, and an annoying hurdle.
These and other usability challenges of security are the focus of this

We invite submissions on all aspects of human factors including mental
models, adoption, and usability in the context of security and privacy.
USEC 2017 aims to bring together researchers already engaged in this
interdisciplinary effort with other computer science researchers in
areas such as visualization, artificial intelligence, machine learning
and theoretical computer science as well as researchers from other
domains such as economics, legal scientists, social scientists, and
psychology. We particularly encourage collaborative research from
authors in multiple disciplines.

Topics include, but are not limited to:

* Human factors related to the deployment of the Internet of Things (New
topic for 2017)

* Usable security / privacy evaluation of existing and/or proposed

* Mental models that contribute to, or complicate, security or privacy

* Lessons learned from designing, deploying, managing or evaluating
security and privacy technologies

* Foundations of usable security and privacy incl. usable security and
privacy patterns

* Ethical, psychological, sociological, economic, and legal aspects of
security and privacy technologies

We also encourage submissions that contribute to the research
communityÕs knowledge base:

* Reports of replicating previously published studies and experiments

* Reports of failed usable security studies or experiments, with the
focus on the lessons learned from such experience.

It is the aim of USEC to contribute to an increase of the scientific
quality of research in human factors in security and privacy. To this
end, we encourage the use of replication studies to validate research
findings. This important and often very insightful branch of research is
sorely underrepresented in human factors in security and privacy
research to date. Papers in these categories should be clearly marked as
such and will not be judged against regular submissions on novelty.
Rather, they will be judged based on scientific quality and value to the
community. We also encourage reports of failed experiments, since their
publication will serve to prevent others falling into the same traps.

Location and Important Dates

Paper Abstract submission (already extended): 7 December 2016 (11:59pm
PST) - see note below on CHI submissions

Full Paper submission (already extended): 14 December 2016 (11:59pm PST)
- see note below on CHI submissions

Notification: 21 January 2017
Camera ready copy due: 31 January 2017

Workshop: 26 February 2017 (co-located with NDSS 2017)

Location: Catamaran Resort Hotel & Spa in San Diego, California.

Submission Instructions

Papers should be written in English. Full papers must be no more than 10
pages total (excluding references and appendices). Papers must be
formatted for US letter size (not A4) paper in a two-column layout, with
columns no more than 9.25 inch high and 3.5 inch wide. The text must be
in Times font, 10-point or larger, with 11-point or larger line spacing.
Authors are encouraged to use the NDSS provided templates

We also invite short papers of up to 6 pages covering work in progress,
short communications, as well as novel or provocative ideas. Short
papers will be selected based on their potential to spark interesting
discussions during the workshop.
Papers that contribute to the research community's knowledge base such
as studies replicating previous results can be submitted as full or
short papers. Submissions do not have to be anonymized for review.
Please clearly refer to your own related work.

USEC would like to accommodate those who are waiting to hear back about
their CHI 2017 submissions. The CHI decision notification is expected to
be December 12, 2016. If you think your CHI paper may not be accepted,
please submit an abstract on the 7th December.

Then if your paper *is* accepted you can
(1) simply log into the system and withdraw the abstract.
(2) email the PC chairs (usec2017 at easychair.org) to let them know you
are withdrawing.

The proceedings will be published by the Internet Society.

Program Committee Chairs

Melanie Volkamer, Karlstad and Darmstadt
Karen Renaud, Glasgow

Dr.-Ing. Jurlind Budurushi
Postdoctoral resarcher

Technische Universität Darmstadt
Department of Computer Science
SECUSO - Security, Usability and Society

Mornewegstraße 30, 64293 Darmstadt, GE
Building S4|14, Room 3.1.15
Phone: +49(0) 6151 16 20813

Facebook:        https://www.facebook.com/secuso
Twitter:         https://www.twitter.com/secusotu

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