[Soups-announce] C4Participation - STAST 2013: Socio-Technical Aspects in Security and Trust
Gabriele LENZINI
Gabriele.Lenzini at uni.lu
Tue Jun 18 03:42:41 EDT 2013
----------------Apologies for multiple receiving-------------
* ********************************************************** *
* 3rd Int. Workshop on *
* Socio-Technical Aspects of Security and Trust *
* (STAST2013) - http://stast2013.uni.lu *
* ---------------------------------------------------------- *
* Co-located with *
* 2013 Computer Security Foundation Workshop (CSFW) *
* Tulane University, New Orleans, LU, USA *
* 29 June 2012 *
* ********************************************************** *
Due to the huge yet increasing number of people carrying out
sensitive Internet transactions, security threats hardly ever
reduce to technical threats. Rather, they are socio-technical,
as they come from adversaries who combine social
engineering practices with technical skills.
Humans obviously cannot be treated as machines, as they take
actions that may seem irrational although they are perfectly
justifiable from a cognitive and a social perspective.
Computer security hence appears to acquire more and more the
facets of an interdisciplinary science with roots in both
interpretive and positivist research traditions.
The workshop intends to foster an interdisciplinary discussion
on how to model and analyse the socio-technical aspects
of modern security systems and on how to protect such
systems from socio-technical threats and attacks.
Session 1: Keynote
The ever changing Threat Model - A social-technical perspective
- Jean E. Martina (Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brasil)
Session 2: Assessments and Perception of Risks
Applying the Lost-Letter Technique to Assess IT Risk Appetite - Elmer
Lastdrager, Lorena Montoya, Pieter Hartel and Marianne Junger
(University of Twente)
How Privacy Flaws Affect Consumer Perception - Sadia Afroz, Aylin
C. Islam, Jordan Santell, Aaron Chapin and Rachel Greenstadt (Drexel
Transparency enhancing tools (TETs): an overview - Milena Janic, Jan
P. Wijbenga and Thijs Veugen (TNO)
Session 3: Security Properties and Cultural Differences
Toward an Ontology for Insider Threat Research: Varieties of Insider
Threat Definition - Carly Huth (CERT/SEI and CMU), David Mundie and
Sam Perl (CERT/SEI)
American and Indian Conceptualizations of Phishing - Rucha Tembe,
Kyung W. Hong, Christopher Mayhorn, Emerson Murphy-Hill and
Christopher Kelley (North Carolina State University)
Adopting the CMU/APWG Anti-Phishing Landing Page idea for Germany -
Melanie Volkamer, Simon Stockhardt, Steffen Bartsch and Michaela Kauer
(TU Darmstadt)
More information at www.stast2013.uni.lu
Bishop, Matt (Univ. of California, CA, USA)
Boyd, Colin (Queensland University of Technology, AU)
Coles-Kemp, Lizzie (RHUL, UK)
Garg, Vaibhav (Univ. of Indiana, USA)
Jakobsson, Markus (PayPal, USA)
Hartel, Pieter (Univ. of Twente, NL)
Herley, Cormac (Microsoft Research, USA)
Kammueller, Florian (Middlesex Univ., UK)
Koenig, Vincent (Univ. of Luxembourg, L)
Martina, Jean (Univ. Federal de Santa Catarina, BR)
Mauw, Sjouke (Univ. of Luxembourg, L)
Moore, Andrew P. (CERT/SEI, USA)
Moore, Tyler (SMU, TX, USA)
Ortlieb, Martin (Google, CH)
Pieters, Wolters (Univ. of Twente and TU Delft, NL)
Ryan, Peter Y. A. (Univ. of Luxembourg, LU)
Staddon, Jessica (Google, CA, USA)
Viganò, Luca (Univ. of Verona, IT)
Volkamer, Melanie (TU Darmstadt, D)
Yan, Jeff (Newcastle Univ., UK)
*** Workshop Chairs
Giampaolo Bella (Univ. of Catania, IT)
Gabriele Lenzini (Univ. of Luxembourg, L)
*** Programme Chairs
Christian W. Probst (DTU, DK)
Trish Williams (Edith Cowan University, AU)
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