[Soups-announce] (Deadline approaching) PETools: Workshop on Privacy Enhancing Tools
Apu Kapadia
kapadia at indiana.edu
Thu May 9 16:13:08 EDT 2013
Hi all,
The PETools Workshop (held in conjunction with PETS) deadline is approaching. Please consider submitting and/or attending!
[Apologies if you receive multiple copies]
**** Submission deadline for 2-page abstracts: Wednesday May 15, 2013 ****
PETools: Workshop on Privacy Enhancing Tools
Bloomington, Indiana, USA. July 9th, 2013
Held in conjunction with PETS 2013
The goal of this workshop is to discuss the design of privacy tools
aimed at real-world deployments. This workshop will bring together
privacy practitioners and researchers with the aim to spark dialog and
collaboration between these communities.
Existing privacy enhancing tools range from web browser plugins to
specialized software, and are all aimed at empowering users to better
control their privacy. For widespread adoption and continued
effectiveness, however, these tools need to be made usable and be
continually refined and examined by researchers and developers. While
certain tools such as Tor have successfully received such attention,
this workshop seeks to stimulate such collaborative efforts for a
plethora of privacy enhancing tools and discuss the continued
evolution of privacy enhancing tools in the real world.
Topics of interest include researcher and developer efforts on
real-world tools related to:
* usability
* human factors
* privacy plugins and extensions
* encryption software
* email
* health
* advertising
* steganography
* anonymizers
* identity management
* social networking
* cloud computing and storage
* Internet telephony
* mobile and pervasive computing (e.g., smartphones and home automation)
* attacks on real-world PETools (aimed at improving these PETools)
* Anti-PETools (tools that attack privacy, spurring discussion on PETools to counter such Anti-PETools)
* and more
Important dates:
PETools submission deadline for abstracts: May 15, 2013, 23:59 UTC (8pm EDT)
PETools notification: June 5, 2013
PETools deadline for revised abstracts (for the online program): June 14, 2013
This workshop seeks submissions of two-page abstracts (excluding
bibliography and appendices; with 11pt font and reasonable margins) of
talks related to the improvement of privacy-enhancing tools aimed at
real-world deployments. Submissions should not be
anonymized. Submission types include:
* original scientific work
* preliminary research results
* recent results published elsewhere
* position papers
* research surveys
Submissions must be made in PDF format using EasyChair:
No proceedings:
The PETools Workshop has no official proceedings, and accepted
abstracts will not be included in the PETS proceedings. Since there
are no formal or archival proceedings, acceptance at this workshop
does not preclude publication at other venues. Accepted abstracts will
be made available online on this website to support discussion by the
workshop attendees.
Organizing Committee:
Apu Kapadia (Chair), Indiana University Bloomington
Kelly Caine, Clemson University
L. Jean Camp, Indiana University Bloomington
Adam J. Lee, University of Pittsburgh
Sameer Patil, Helsinki Institute for Information Technology (HIIT)
Michael Reiter, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Jessica Staddon, Google
You may contact the organizers at petools (AT) cs.indiana.edu
Apu Kapadia, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
School of Informatics and Computing
Indiana University Bloomington
IU Privacy Lab:
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