[Soups-announce] SOUPS registration, accepted papers, and CFPs
Lorrie Faith Cranor
lorrie at cs.cmu.edu
Thu May 6 15:58:00 EDT 2010
SOUPS registration is open!
SOUPS received a record 64 papers this year and has accepted 16 of them. We expect to post a program in the next few weeks, but in the mean time, accepted papers are listed below.
SOUPS 2010 will feature a Usable Security Experiment Reports (USER) Workshop and a Security & Privacy Usability Technology Transfer: Emerging Research (SPUTTER) Workshop. Workshop papers are due May 8.
SOUPS posters are due May 28
Accepted Papers
Two Heads are Better Than One: Security and Usability of Device Associations in Group Scenarios
Ronald Kainda, Ivan Flechais and Andrew William Roscoe
On The Impact of Real-Time Feedback on Users' Behaviour in Mobile Location-Sharing Applications
Lukasz Jedrzejczyk, Blaine A. Price, Arosha K. Bandara and Bashar Nuseibeh
Feasibility of Structural Network Clustering for Group-Based Privacy Control in Social Networks
Simon Jones and Eamonn O'Neill
Improving Users' Security Choices on Home Wireless Networks
Justin T. Ho, Khai N. Truong and David Dearman
Encountering Stronger Password Requirements: User Attitudes and Behaviors
Richard Shay, Saranga Komanduri, Patrick Gage Kelley, Pedro Giovanni Leon, Michelle L. Mazurek, Lujo Bauer, Nicolas Christin and Lorrie Faith Cranor
A Closer Look at Recognition-based Graphical Passwords on Mobile Devices
Paul Dunphy, Andreas Heiner and Asokan N.
Where Do Security Policies Come From?
Dinei Florencio and Cormac Herley
Influence of User Perception, Security Needs, and Social Factors on Device Pairing Method Choices
Iulia Ion, Marc Langheinrich, Ponnurangam Kumaraguru and Srdjan Capkun
Parenting from the Pocket: Value Tensions and Technical Directions for Secure and Private Parent-Teen Mobile Safety
Alexei Czeskis, Ivayla Dermendjieva, Hussein Yapit, Alan Borning, Batya Friedman, Brian Gill and Tadayoshi Kohno
The Impact of Social Navigation on Privacy Policy
Configuration Andrew Besmer, Jason Watson and Heather Richter Lipford
Investigating User Account Control Practices
Sara Motiee, Kirstie Hawkey and Konstantin Beznosov
Textured Agreements: Re-envisioning Electronic Consent
Matthew Kay and Michael Terry
Folk Models of Home Computer Security
Rick Wash
Optimizing a Policy Authoring Framework for Security and Privacy Policies
Maritza Johnson, John Karat, Clare-Marie Karat and Keith Grueneberg
Towards Understanding ATM Security - A Field Study of Real World ATM Use
Alexander De Luca, Marc Langheinrich and Heinrich Hussmann
Secure and Usable Authentication for Mobile Banking
Saurabh Panjwani and Ed Cutrell
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