[Soups-announce] CFP: 9th Workshop on the Economics of Information Security (WEIS)
Lorrie Faith Cranor
lorrie at cs.cmu.edu
Mon Jan 18 22:09:52 EST 2010
Because many of you are interested in the economics of privacy/security, I'm posting the CFP for WEIS. You may notice that the program committee has a significant overlap with that of SOUPS.
9th Workshop on the Economics of Information Security (WEIS)
June 7-8, 2010
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA
Submissions due: February 22, 2010
Notification of acceptance: April 2, 2010
Workshop: June 7-8, 2010
Information security continues to grow in importance, as threats
proliferate, privacy erodes, and attackers find new sources of value.
Yet the security of information systems depends on more than just
technology. Good security requires an understanding of the incentives
and tradeoffs inherent to the behavior of systems and organizations. As
society’s dependence on information technology has deepened, policy
makers, including the President of the United States, have taken
notice. Now more than ever, careful research is needed to accurately
characterize threats and countermeasures, in both the public and
private sectors.
The Workshop on the Economics of Information Security (WEIS) is the
leading forum for interdisciplinary scholarship on information
security, combining expertise from the fields of economics, social
science, business, law, policy and computer science. Prior workshops
have explored the role of incentives between attackers and defenders,
identified market failures dogging Internet security, and assessed
investments in cyber-defense. This workshop will build on past efforts
using empirical and analytic tools to not only understand threats, but
also strengthen security through novel evaluations of available
solutions. How should information risk be modeled given the constraints
of rare incidence and high interdependence? How do individuals’ and
organizations’ perceptions of privacy and security color their decision
making? How can we move towards a more secure information
infrastructure and code base while accounting for the incentives of
We encourage economists, computer scientists, business school
researchers, legal scholars, security and privacy specialists, as well
as industry experts to submit their research and attend the workshop.
Suggested topics include (but are not limited to) empirical and
theoretical studies of:
- Optimal investment in information security
- Online crime (including botnets, phishing and spam)
- Models and analysis of online crime
- Risk management and cyberinsurance
- Security standards and regulation
- Cybersecurity policy
- Privacy, confidentiality and anonymity
- Behavioral security and privacy
- Security models and metrics
- Psychology of risk and security
- Vulnerability discovery, disclosure, and patching
- Cyberwar strategy and game theory
- Incentives for information sharing and cooperation
We highlight two key areas of particular focus for this year’s
workshop. First, we encourage submissions that consider the design and
evaluation of policy solutions for improving information security.
Second, given the importance of data-driven decision making, we
encourage submissions with empirical components. A selection of papers
accepted to this workshop will appear in an edited volume designed to
help policy makers, managers, researchers and practitioners better
understand the information security landscape.
Papers should be submitted online by 23:59 PST on Monday, February 22,
2010, preferably in PDF format. Submitted manuscripts should represent
significant and novel research contributions. Please note that WEIS has
no formal formatting guidelines. Previous contributors spanned fields
from economics and psychology to computer science and law, each with
different norms and expectations about manuscript length and
formatting. Advisable rules of thumb include: using past WEIS accepted
papers as templates and adhering to your community's publication
WEIS is co-located with the 11th ACM Conference on Electronic Commerce,
June 9-11, 2010.
Alessandro Acquisti, Carnegie Mellon University
Ross Anderson, University of Cambridge
Rainer Böhme, ICSI Berkeley
Jean Camp, Indiana University
Huseyin Cavusoglu, University of Texas at Dallas
Nicolas Christin, Carnegie Mellon University
Benjamin Edelman, Harvard Business School
Allan Friedman, Harvard University (General Chair)
Neil Gandal, Tel Aviv University
Dan Geer, In-Q-Tel
Lawrence Gordon, University of Maryland
Jens Grossklags, Princeton University
Thorsten Holz, Technical University of Vienna
M. Eric Johnson, Dartmouth Tuck School of Business
Martin Loeb, University of Maryland
Tyler Moore, Harvard University (Program Chair)
Andrew Odlyzko, University of Minnesota
David Pym, HP Labs and University of Bath
Brent Rowe, RTI
Stuart Schechter, Microsoft Research
Bruce Schneier, BT Counterpane
Rick Sullivan, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
Latanya Sweeney, Carnegie Mellon University
Rahul Telang, Carnegie Mellon University
Catherine Tucker, MIT
Michel van Eeten, Delft University of Technology
Hal Varian, Google and UC Berkeley
Jonathan Zittrain, Harvard Law School
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