[Olympus developers 508]: repository changes

Alex Rudnicky Alex.Rudnicky at cs.cmu.edu
Tue Feb 3 20:02:03 EST 2015

The Olympus repository has been relocated as part of a server reorganization.
Here are two announcements:

The current path, http://trac.speech.cs.cmu.edu/repos/olympus/ will continue to be available for the foreseeable future. However you should repoint to http://trac.speech.cs.cmu.edu/svn/olympus/, the new location.
This has been tested with TortoiseSVN and a direct http url. But hey, it's a complicated world.
Please report any problems to this mailing list as soon as you spot them.

One benefit of the update is that you can now see the entire repository tree from olympus/ and do not, for example, have to enter olympus/branches/ to see anything.

The currently active branch. 2.6, has been merged into the trunk. Please use trunk/ to retrieve (reasonably) stable versions of the code. The branch will go back to being development areas. The current version fixes some subtle bugs and it addresses some general issues, such as version creep in Visual Studio and other applications.
The build script now tries to find a most recent version on your computer. This is a better scheme in the long run. On the other hand it creates the possibility of build failures. PLEASE report these as soon as you experience such; make sure to include a copy of the build.log file. We will try to fix things right away.

( )
In any case, please report any problems to this mailing list. We will try to deal with them, though maybe other developers might be able to offer suggestions sooner.

Finally, the Olympus wiki has not as yet been updated to reflect the changes noted above. It will be in a few days. But in the meanwhile please report any problems so that we can fix them before updating the wiki.

Alex Rudnicky

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