[Olympus developers 206]: Re: Olympus and LetsGoPublic

Thomas Harris tkharris at gmail.com
Sat Mar 20 19:03:55 EDT 2010

Two approaches. 1) emulate what the ttyrecognitionserver does.  You  
will need a grammar fir it, since that stuff is parsed. Another  
approach 2) is to send "GUI" frames. There should be a listener agent  
in Apollo that processes those frames as concepts and passes them to  
Ravenclaw. That method is not well proven though.


On Mar 20, 2010, at 11:40 AM, Guillaume Hazebroucq <guillaume.hazebroucq at supelec.fr 
 > wrote:

> Bonjour Antoine, et merci de votre réponse.
> First, sorry for being that less specific. What I meant back then  
> was that our "user" was complete as a stand-alone project, and that  
> we had troubles connecting it.
> Its entries are the "act/object" (nlg_prompt) couple sent to the  
> NLG. We did build a NLGServer-based server for our user, modified  
> the rules, and it seems that this part is functionning.
> As for the output, I think it must be directly processed to the DM,  
> but I don't know the communication rule used in that case, nor what  
> should the sent frame look like.
> I'm currently trying to figure that out, but I'm running out of time  
> (sic), so if anybody has a clue or a hint, I'll take it !
> Merci d'avance,
> Guillaume
> Antoine Raux a écrit :
>> Bonjour Guillaume,
>> I'm sure you can get some help from the developers who read this  
>> mailing list. However, you need to be more specific about your  
>> situation and the problems you are facing.
>> E.g. when you say "Our agent is complete", does that mean it is  
>> integrated as an Olympus agent or just a stand-alone program? Also  
>> what are the specific issues you have: is it about compiling,  
>> crashing at runtime, not providing the expected behavior...
>> The best thing is for you to send to this mailing list whatever  
>> source code you have written so far (if it's too big, upload it to  
>> some web page and post the link) and a precise description of the  
>> problems (if possible attach log files or screen dumps).
>> In case you weren't aware of it yet, you can find some (incomplete)  
>> documentation at http://wiki.speech.cs.cmu.edu/olympus/index.php/Documentation 
>> . For example, http://wiki.speech.cs.cmu.edu/olympus/index.php/Service_Provider 
>>  provides you a list of the most important existing Olympus  
>> components and some information on each of them (like their input  
>> and output frames).
>> I'm sure you'll find the answer to your questions once they are  
>> asked more precisely.
>> Bonne chance!
>> antoine
>> Guillaume Hazebroucq wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm currently a student in Supélec, a french engineering school, 
>>>  and my final project deals with the Olympus system, and the Let 
>>> 'sGoPBus application that uses it.
>>> Our aim is to create a simulated user that could interact with the  
>>> LetsGoBus interface by himslef. It has no speech capacity, we are  
>>> working on text-based answers for now.(No need to interact with  
>>> the Speech Recognition)
>>> Our agent is now complete, but we have some issues regarding its  
>>> integration in the Olympus/LetsGoPublic application.We would like  
>>> to know if you had some advice to give us, on how to create an  
>>> Olympus agent that could integrate perfectly, or maybe if a  
>>> skeleton is available to add a new module.
>>> Thank you in advance,
>>> Guillaume Hazebroucq
>>> Bonjour,
>>> Je suis actuellement en 3ème année d'école d'ingénieurs à   
>>> Supélec, et mon projet de fin d'études porte sur la création d'u 
>>> n agent simulé pour le systeme LetsGoBus, afin d'effectuer leurs 
>>>  tests.
>>> Il ne répond au système que par du texte, il n'y a pas de capaci 
>>> té vocale pour le moment.(Pas besoin d'interagir avec le Speech  
>>> Recognition)
>>> Cependant, nous rencontrons des difficultés pour intégrer notre  
>>> agent dans le système Olympus/LetsGoBus. Nous ne savons pas vrai 
>>> ment comment les processus communiquent, et nous aimerions savoi 
>>> r si vous aviez quelques conseils à nous donner, ou un squelette 
>>>  disponible pour un module supplémentaire.
>>> D'avance merci,
>>> Guillaume Hazebroucq

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