[CL+NLP Lunch] CL+NLP Lunch, Kuzman Ganchev, Thursday October 2nd @ 1:00pm

Dallas Card dcard at andrew.cmu.edu
Fri Sep 26 15:46:49 EDT 2014

Please join us for the next CL+NLP lunch at 1pm on October 2nd, where
Kuzman Ganchev will be speaking about frame semantic parsing. Lunch will
be provided!

CL+NLP lunch <http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~nlp-lunch/>
Thursday, October 2nd at 1:00pm
GHC 2109

Speaker: Kuzman Ganchev, Google Research

*Title: Some recent work on frame semantics*

Frame semantic parsing (sometimes called semantic role labeling) involves
identifying the predicate argument structure of a sentence. For  example
in the sentence "I want to run a marathon.", "want" and "run"  evoke
frames, and the frame for "run" has the agent "I" and patient "a 
marathon". The frame for "run" in that sentence will be different from the
frame for run in "I run the company". Frame semantic parsing is usually 
divided into frame identification and argument identification. I will 
present recent approaches from our group on each of these tasks: an 
embedding-based approach for frame identification, and a novel dynamic 
program for argument identification which allows computing posteriors  and
structured learning.

Kuzman Ganchev was born in Sofia, Bulgaria. He received his Ph.D. in 
computer and information science from the University of Pennsylvania, and 
has been working as a research scientist at Google since 2010, where his 
research focuses on machine learning applied to natural language

Dallas Card
Machine Learning Department
Carnegie Mellon University

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