IR Series - Nico Schlaefer - Friday, April 4, 12:00pm, NSH 3002
Jonathan Elsas
jelsas+ at
Fri Mar 28 22:24:01 EDT 2008
Please join us for an upcoming talk from Nico Schlaefer.
Lunch will be provided!
The Ephyra Question Answering System: Recent Results and Current
Who: Nico Schlaefer
When: Friday, April 4, 12:00pm
Where: NSH 3002
This talk gives an overview of recent work on English question
answering (QA) at CMU and our participation in last year’s TREC
evaluation. QA is the task of retrieving accurate answers to natural
language questions from a knowledge source such as the Web. The
presentation includes a brief introduction to QA and the TREC
competition, thus prior knowledge on QA is not required though helpful.
The talk focuses on the challenges that an end-to-end QA system needs
to address, and the architectural and algorithmic solutions
implemented in Ephyra, our English QA system. Ephyra is a modular and
extensible framework that facilitates the integration of different QA
techniques. The system is organized as a pipeline of reusable standard
components for question analysis, query generation, search, answer
extraction, and answer selection. The most recent setup combines a
syntactic pattern learning and matching approach with answer-type
based extraction techniques and a semantic answer extractor that is
based on semantic role labeling.
Recently we have placed the Ephyra QA system into open source, making
most of our code available to the research community. I will discuss
why we took this step, and how you may benefit from our open source
system - OpenEphyra* - for your own research.
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