From fabio.bellavia at Sun Mar 2 06:30:58 2025 From: fabio.bellavia at (Fabio Bellavia) Date: Sun, 2 Mar 2025 12:30:58 +0100 Subject: Connectionists: [CFP] 7th CVPR Workshop on Image Matching: Local Features and Beyond 2025 *DEADLINE INCOMING* Message-ID: apologies for multiple posting, please distribute among interested parties Call for Papers ________________________________________________ *Image Matching: Local Features & Beyond* *CVPR 2025 Workshop* *submission deadline*: March 11, 2025 ________________________________________________ Workshop: CMT website for paper submission: ___*Overview* ___ We're happy to announce the seventh (!) edition of the Image Matching Workshop, co-located as every year with CVPR 2025. Our goal is to encourage and highlight novel strategies for image matching that deviate from and advance traditional formulations, with a focus on large-scale, wide-baseline matching for 3D reconstruction and pose estimation. ___*Challenge* ___ The workshop will once again feature an open challenge, which we expect to announce soon. ___*Topics* ___ Workshop topics include (but are not limited to): - Formulations of keypoint extraction and matching pipelines with deep networks. - Application of geometric constraints into the training of deep networks. - Leveraging additional cues such as semantics and mono-depth estimates. - Methods addressing adversarial conditions where current methods fail (weather changes, day versus night, etc.). - Attention mechanisms to match salient image regions. - Integration of differentiable components into 3D reconstruction frameworks. - Connecting local descriptors/image matching with global descriptors/image retrieval. - Matching across different data modalities such as aerial versus ground. - Large-scale evaluation of classical and modern methods for image matching, by means of our open challenge. - New perception devices such as event-based cameras. - Other topics related to image matching, structure from motion, mapping, and relocalization, such as privacy-preserving representations. ___*Invited speakers* ___ - Johannes Schoenberger, Meta - Jon?? Kulh?nek, CTU Prague ___*Paper submission* ___ We invite paper submissions up to 8 pages, excluding references and acknowledgements. They should use the CVPR template (reviews are double-blind, so please hide author data in the pdf) and be submitted to the CMT site (linked above). Submissions must contain novel work and will be indexed in IEEE Xplore/CVF. They will receive at least two double-blind reviews. We welcome PC self-nominations. If you?re willing to review for the workshop, please reach out at image-matching at ___*Important dates* ___ - Paper submission deadline: March 11, 2025 - Notification to authors: April 1, 2025 - Camera-ready deadline: April 4, 2025 (hard deadline on April 7) - Workshop date: TBC (June 11 or 12, 2025) ___*Organizers* ___ - Fabio Bellavia, University of Palermo - Jiri Matas, Czech Technical University in Prague - Dmytro Mishkin, Czech Technical University in Prague/HOVER Inc. - Luca Morelli, University of Trento/Bruno Kessler Foundation - Fabio Remondino, Bruno Kessler Foundation - Amy Tabb, USDA-ARS-AFRS - Eduard Trulls, Google - Kwang Moo Yi, University of British Columbia From cgf at Sat Mar 1 05:06:55 2025 From: cgf at (Carlos) Date: Sat, 1 Mar 2025 10:06:55 +0000 Subject: Connectionists: ECML PKDD 2025: Applied Data Science Track Call for Papers Message-ID: Call for Papers European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases - ECML PKDD 2025 Porto, Portugal, September 15-19, 2025 Conference website: Call for Papers - Applied Data Science Track The Applied Data Science Track solicits submissions that present compelling applications of Data Science and related areas (e.g., Business Analytics, Decision Support Systems, Machine Learning, Intelligent Data Analysis, Knowledge Discovery, Data Mining). The submissions should address challenging and important real-world tasks (e.g., Industry 4.0, Smart Cities, Health, Finance), thereby bridging the gap between Data Science practice and theory. The submitted papers should clearly explain the specific real-world challenges addressed (e.g., real-world domain goals, restrictions and other issues; analyzed data properties, including size and quality), the Data Science methodology used (including its evaluation procedure), and the conclusions and implications (e.g., domain impacts) that are drawn for the respective use cases. The ADS track aims to accept papers that provide practitioners with valuable insights into how to apply Data Science in real-world scenarios, showcasing their practical relevance. Alternatively, submissions may highlight novel use cases that contribute to expanding the understanding of the applicability of the Data Science methodologies in practical settings. Lastly, the track welcomes papers contributing to the overall knowledge base on the real-world application of Data Science principles. In terms of Data Science deployment level, it is expected a minimum Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of four: technology validated in laboratory environment. For example, this can include computer experiments that realistically simulate the real-world conditions (e.g., goals, restrictions) of the targeted use cases. Authors are encouraged to comment on the practical implications and significance of their solutions, which can include deployment works or plans, and measured or estimated domain impacts in real-world scenarios or environments. Regarding methodological novelty, this track welcomes but does not require the introduction of novel Data Science techniques. Instead, the emphasis is placed on the relevance and impact of the applied solutions to real-world challenges, even if proposed systems combine previously known building blocks. Finally, to facilitate transparency and reproducibility, whenever possible, authors should disclose their computer code and/or data in a public form. In cases where there are business or industry proprietary code and/or data restrictions, acceptable solutions are the public disclosure of some portions of the code/data or their anonymized versions. Another possibility is the complementary usage of public domain Data Science libraries and datasets. Paper Submission Authors are invited to submit their papers using the CMT conference tool: https://cmt3.research. A list of domains and data science subject areas follow below: Application Domain: Agriculture, Food and Earth Sciences, Arts and Humanities, Industry (4.0, 5.0, Manufacturing, ?), Finance, Economy, Management or Marketing, Health, Biology, Bioinformatics or Chemistry, Social Sciences (Social Good, Psychology, History, ?), Education, Engineering and Technology, Smart Cities, Transportation and Utilities (e.g., Energy), Sports, Web and Social Networks. Data Science Approach/Method: Data Engineering (e.g., data preprocessing, integration), Descriptive (e.g., data visualization, unsupervised learning), Predictive (e.g., classification, regression, time series), Prescriptive (e.g., optimization, simulation, metaheuristics), Model Exploitation (e.g., explainability, fairness, monitoring), Machine Learning (including Deep Learning), Natural Language Processing and General Intelligence (e.g., LLM), Reinforcement Learning. Key Dates and Deadlines CMT Opening: 2025-02-07 Abstract Submission: 2025-03-07 Paper Submission: 2025-03-14 Author Notification: 2025-05-26 CRC Submission: 2025-06-13 Paper Format Papers must be written in English and formatted in LaTeX, following the outline of our author kit. The kit includes a readme document, a LaTeX file template containing author instructions, and style files. The maximum length of papers is 16 pages (including references) in this format. The program chairs reserve the right to reject any over-length papers without review. Papers that ?cheat? the page limit by, including but not limited to, using smaller than specified margins or font sizes will also be treated as over-length. Note that, for example, negative vspaces are also not allowed by the formatting guidelines; further details can be found in the author kit. Up to 10 MB of additional materials (e.g., proofs, audio, images, video, data, or source code) can be uploaded with your submission. If there is an appendix, ensure it is submitted separately from your paper, which must adhere to the 16-page limit.The reviewers and the program committee reserve the right to judge the paper solely on the basis of the 16 pages of the paper; looking at any additional material is at the discretion of the reviewers and is not required. Authorship The author list as submitted with the paper is considered final. No changes to this list may be made after paper submission, either during the review period, or in case of acceptance, at the final camera-ready stage. Double-blind Review Similarly to previous years, we will apply a double-blind review-process (author identities are not known by reviewers or area chairs; reviewers do see each other?s names). All papers need to be ?best-effort? anonymized. Papers must not include identifying information of the authors (names, affiliations, etc.), self-references, or links (e.g., GitHub, YouTube) that reveal the authors? identities (e.g., references to own work should be given neutrally like other references, not mentioning ?our previous work? or similar). We strongly encourage making code and data available anonymously (e.g., in an anonymous Github repository, or Dropbox folder). The authors might have a (non-anonymous) pre-print published online, but it should not be cited in the submitted paper to preserve anonymity. Reviewers will be asked not to search for them. We recognize there are limits to what is feasible with respect to anonymization. For example, if you use data from your own organization and it is relevant to the paper to name this organization, you may do so. Conference Attendance For each accepted paper, at least one author must register for the main conference and present the paper in person. Proceedings The conference proceedings will be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series (LNCS). Reproducible Papers Authors are strongly encouraged to adhere to the best practices of Reproducible Research, by making available data and software tools that would enable others to reproduce the results reported in their papers. We advise the use of standard repository hosting services such as Dataverse,, OpenML, figshare, or Zenodo for data sets, and, Bitbucket, GitHub, or figshare (where it is possible to assign a DOI) for source code. If data or code gets updated after the paper is published, it is important to enable researchers to access the versions that were used to produce the results reported in the paper. Authors who do not have a preferred repository are advised to consult Springer Nature?s list of recommended repositories and research data policy. Ethics Considerations Ethics is one of the most important topics to emerge in Machine Learning, Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. We ask you to think about the ethical implications of your submission ? such as those related to the collection and processing of personal data or the inference of personal information, the potential use of your work for policing or the military. You will be asked in the submission form about the ethical implications of your work which will be taken into consideration by the reviewers. Authors Commit to Reviewing Authors of submitted papers agree to provide the email address of at least one author who holds a PhD to be a potential PC member for ECML PKDD 2025 and may be asked to review papers for the conference if we have many more submissions than expected. This does not apply to authors who are (a) already contributing to ECML PKDD (e.g., accepted a PC/AC invite, are part of the organizing committee) or (b) not qualified to be ECML PKDD PC members (e.g., limited background in ML or DM). Dual Submission Policy Papers submitted should report original work. Papers that are identical or substantially similar to papers that have been published or submitted elsewhere may not be submitted to ECML PKDD, and the organizers will reject such papers without review. Authors are also NOT allowed to submit or have submitted their papers elsewhere during the review period. Submitting unpublished technical reports available online (such as on arXiv), or papers presented in workshops without formal proceedings, is allowed, but such reports or presentations should not be cited to preserve anonymity. Conflict of Interest During the submission process, you must enter the email domains of all institutions with which you have an institutional conflict of interest. You have an institutional conflict of interest if you are currently employed or have been employed by that institution in the past three years, or you have extensively collaborated with the institution within the past three years. Authors should also identify other conflicts of interest, such as co-authorship in the last five years, colleagues in the same institution within the last three years, and advisor/student relations (anytime in the past). Contact For further information, please contact Mail: ecml-pkdd-2025-ads-track-chairs at Carlos Ferreira ISEP | Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto Rua Dr. Ant?nio Bernardino de Almeida, 431 4249-015 Porto - PORTUGAL tel. +351 228 340 500 | fax +351 228 321 159 mail at | From dhansel0 at Sun Mar 2 02:43:24 2025 From: dhansel0 at (David Hansel) Date: Sun, 2 Mar 2025 09:43:24 +0200 Subject: Connectionists: World wide VVTNS series (fifth season): Wednesday, March 5, 2025, at 11:00 am EST| Yonatan Loewenstein, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: [image: VVTNS.png] - on twitter: wwtns at TheoreticalWide You are cordially invited to the lecture given by Yonatan Loewenstein ELSC The Hebrew University of Jerusalem On Idiosyncratic Biases in Decision-Making The lecture will be held on zoom on Wednesday, March 5, 2025, at *11:00 am EST * To receive the link: *Abstract: *Why do individuals, both humans and animals, exhibit personal biases in two-alternative decision-making tasks, even when no clear reason exists to favor one alternative over another? In this talk, I will explore two competing hypotheses to explain these idiosyncratic biases. The first suggests that such tendencies arise from unique personal experiences, where past associations between actions and feedback influence future choices. The second hypothesis proposes that the bias reflects irreducible microscopic heterogeneities in the dynamics of decision-making networks. I will present experimental data and theoretical findings that support the latter hypothesis, shedding new light on the neural mechanisms behind seemingly irrational preferences. *About VVTNS : Launched as the World Wide Theoretical Neuroscience Seminar (WWTNS) in November 2020 and renamed in homage to Carl van Vreeswijk in Memoriam (April 20, 2022), Speakers have the occasion to talk about theoretical aspects of their work which cannot be discussed in a setting where the majority of the audience consists of experimentalists. The seminars, **held on Wednesdays at 11 am ET,** are 45-50 min long followed by a discussion. The talks are recorded with authorization of the speaker and are available to everybody on our YouTube channel.* -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: VVTNS.png Type: image/png Size: 41084 bytes Desc: not available URL: From dr.fahed.alkhabbas at Sun Mar 2 09:10:47 2025 From: dr.fahed.alkhabbas at (Dr.Fahed Alkhabbas) Date: Sun, 2 Mar 2025 15:10:47 +0100 Subject: Connectionists: CFP: Symposium on Technologies for Sustainable Systems (STS)- Dubrovnik, Croatia. October 15th 2025 Message-ID: *Call for Papers**: **Symposium **on Technologies for Sustainable* *Systems (STS)* *Co-Located with the 3rd International Conference on Federated Learning Technologies and Applications (FLTA25)* *Dubrovnik, Croatia. October 15th 2025* Technically Co-Sponsored by IEEE Croatia The growing demand for sustainable, energy-efficient, and resilient software systems calls for innovative approaches in technology and system development. Advances in *Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), edge computing, and blockchain* are playing a crucial role in enabling smart, adaptive, and resource-efficient systems. AI-driven optimization techniques can help reduce energy consumption, predict system failures, and enhance decision-making, while IoT-based solutions provide real-time monitoring and automation to optimize sustainability efforts. Moreover, integrating distributed ledger technologies and edge computing can improve transparency, security, and efficiency in sustainable system architectures. The *Symposium **Technologies for Sustainable **Systems (STS) *invites contributions that explore cutting-edge methodologies, frameworks, and tools that enable the design, implementation, and evaluation of sustainable systems using emerging technologies. *Topics of Interest* We invite original research papers, case studies, and industry insights on topics including, but not limited to: ? *Energy-Efficient Software Engineering*: Techniques and tools to optimize energy consumption in software systems. ? *Sustainable Architectures*: Frameworks and methodologies for designing resilient and long-lasting system architectures. ? *AI for Sustainability*: Leveraging artificial intelligence to improve efficiency and reduce resource consumption. ? *IoT-Enabled Sustainability*: Utilizing IoT for real-time monitoring, smart automation, and resource optimization. ? *Green Computing*: Strategies for reducing the environmental impact of computing infrastructures. ? *Scalability and Adaptability*: Technologies that support sustainable growth and system evolution. ? *Blockchain for Sustainability*: Utilizing distributed ledger technologies for transparency and efficiency in sustainable systems. ? *Circular Economy in Software Development*: Principles and practices for minimizing software waste and extending lifecycle. *Submission Guidelines* Submitted papers (.pdf format) must use the A4 IEEE Manuscript Templates for Conference Proceedings. Please remember to add Keywords to your submission. Accepted papers will be submitted to IEEEXplore for inclusion in the companion proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Federated Learning Technologies and Applications (FLTA25). Submission should be made via the Easy chair *Contact Information* Please send any inquiry on STS to Fahed Alkhabbas fahed.alkhabbas at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From blextar at Mon Mar 3 02:21:02 2025 From: blextar at (Luca Rossi) Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2025 15:21:02 +0800 Subject: Connectionists: 2nd IAPR Summer School on Deep Learning on Graphs - Call for Attendees Message-ID: 2nd IAPR Summer School on Deep Learning on Graphs 7-9 July 2025, Bertinoro, Italy Web: Email: luca.cosmo at APPLICATION DEADLINE: 1 May 2025 *MOTIVATION AND DESCRIPTION* Like many other research areas, the field of structural and syntactical pattern recognition has been significantly impacted by the advent of deep learning. However, with many of the popular deep learning architectures primarily designed for vectorial data or simple sequences, this school aims to provide an avenue for young researchers to learn how deep learning can also be applied to data with an inherent structure, such as graphs. The school will feature talks and lectures from renowned international researchers and professors, a poster session enabling students to share their research with peers, organizers and speakers, and social events. Check out the school website for more information and updates. *TARGET AUDIENCE* Postgraduate research students with knowledge of deep learning techniques and an understanding of basic graph theory should fill out the application form and attach an up-to-date copy of their CV, clearly identifying their area of research, publications, and academic performance. There are limited positions available therefore, the applicants will be selected based on their CV. Note that we welcome applicants from all disciplines, including those interested in applying deep learning methods for graphs to their specific field of research (e.g., network analysis, bioinformatics). *LIST OF SPEAKERS* Prof. Marco Gori (University of Siena) Prof. Richard C. Wilson (University of York) Prof. Emanuele Rodol? (Sapienza University) Dr. Nils Kriege (University of Vienna) *SCHOOL ORGANIZERS* Luca Cosmo, Ca? Foscari University of Venice, Italy Luca Rossi, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong Andrea Torsello, Ca? Foscari University of Venice, Italy This event is jointly organized by the Technical Committee 2 of the International Association for Pattern Recognition and the Department of Environmental Sciences, Informatics and Statistics of Ca' Foscari University of Venice and hosted by the Bertinoro International Center for Informatics. -- Luca Rossi Assistant Professor Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering The Hong Kong Polytechnic University -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From hocine.cherifi at Mon Mar 3 05:29:53 2025 From: hocine.cherifi at (Hocine Cherifi) Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2025 10:29:53 +0000 Subject: Connectionists: =?utf-8?q?=F0=9F=9A=A8_Final_Call=3A_Submit_to_FR?= =?utf-8?q?CCS_2025_=28Deadline=3A_March_9=29_+_Workshop_Submission?= =?utf-8?q?s_Open!?= Message-ID: Dear Colleagues, ? *Final opportunity to submit your research to FRCCS 2025!* The submission deadline for *long papers, short papers, and extended abstracts* is *?** March 9, 2025*. All accepted papers will be *published in the conference proceedings (Springer Proceedings)* and presented at the conference, taking place *May 21?23, 2025, in Bordeaux, France*. ? *Submit here:* CMT Submission Portal *Missed the March 9 deadline? Submit to a workshop! (**?** Deadline: March 20)* If you need more time or want to contribute to a specialized discussion, consider submitting to one of our *workshops*?papers accepted in workshops *will also be published in the conference proceedings*: ? *Beauty in Complexity* ? Visualizing complex systems ? *Complex Networks and Blockchain* ? Trust and security in decentralized systems ? *Network Sparsification* ? Efficient network representations ? *Biological Growth and Morphogenesis* ? Self-organization in living systems ? *Success in Business & Economics* ? Complexity science in economic and social systems ? *Complex Systems & AI* ? Understanding emergent behaviors in AI models ? *Same submission portal for both main conference & workshops:* CMT Submission Portal ? *Join an international community of complexity researchers, engage in insightful discussions, and expand your network!* This is your *last opportunity* to be part of FRCCS 2025! We look forward to your contributions and to welcoming you to Bordeaux. Best regards, *The FRCCS 2025 Organizing Team* Join us at COMPLEX NETWORKS 2025 *-------------------------* Hocine CHERIFI University of Burgundy Franche-Comt? Laboratoire* I*nterdisciplinaire *C*arnot de *B*ourgogne - ICB UMR 6303 CNRS Editor in Chief Applied Network Science Plos Complex Systems Editorial Board member PLOS One , IEEE ACCESS , Scientific Reports , Journal of Imaging , Quality and Quantity , Computational Social Networks , Complex Systems -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From frankver at Mon Mar 3 07:34:57 2025 From: frankver at (=?UTF-8?B?SW5nLiBWZXJvbmlrYSBGcmHFiGtvdsOh?=) Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2025 13:34:57 +0100 Subject: Connectionists: 2025 IEEE RAS Summer School on Multi-Robot Systems in Prague Message-ID: <> Following the great success of our previous Summer Schools in 2019 , 2020 , 2022 , 2023 and 2024 , we are excited to announce the IEEE RAS Summer School 2025 that will take place on July 30 - August 5, 2025. As in past years, the 2025 IEEE RAS Summer School on Multi-Robot Systems will be held at the campus of Czech Technical University, located in the heart of the beautiful and historic city of Prague. The Summer School aims to promote the latest achievements in Multi-Robot Systems research, targeting students, academic researchers, and industrial practitioners. Our goal is to enable practical application of systems of cooperating robots and to encourage networking among participants. The main focus of the 2025 IEEE RAS Summer School on Multi-Robot Systems includes lectures by well-recognized experts in the field, and hands-on experience which will enable you to engage in real-world experiments using state-of-the-art aerial platforms developed specifically for Multi-Robot research. Join us at the Czech Technical University in Prague to advance your knowledge, share experiences, and explore the cutting-edge developments in Multi-Robot Systems. The school is primarily considered for in person participation since the networking of students is an important part of the event. The last editions have attended more than 600 students from the best robotic groups worldwide who are still actively cooperating. Nevertheless, we will also allow virtual participation for students from countries with travel restrictions or limitations. Students can apply through this form: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2025 IEEE RAS Summer School on Multi-Robot Systems ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHERE: Prague, Czech Republic WHEN: July 30 - August 5, 2025 HOW TO APPLY: Submit CV, personal information, and a brief statement of interest through: Include title and abstract of your poster if you are interested in participating in the poster session held during the event (optional) WHO SHOULD ATTEND:? Graduate students (master or PhD) and students (Bc.) at an advanced stage of their university courses. R&D professionals. ?REGISTRATION FEE: * Students: ? 665,50 (? 550 excl. VAT) * Academic participants: ? 762,30 (? 630 excl. VAT) * Industry participants: ? 883,30 (? 730 excl. VAT) * The fee includes all lectures, practicals with real robots, lunches, refreshments, welcome drinks, banquet, farewell drinks, and social programs - guided tour in Prague's Old Town ORGANIZERS: Martin Saska, Czech Technical University, Summer School Chair Jen Jen Chung, University of Queensland, Technical Committee and Advisory Board (RAS TC co-chair) Changjoo Nam, Sogang University, Technical Committee and Advisory Board (RAS TC co-chair) Javier Alonso-Mora, Delft University of Technology, Technical Committee and Advisory Board (RAS TC co-chair) Alyssa Pierson, Boston University, Technical Committee and Advisory Board (RAS TC co-chair) Robert Fitch, The University of Sydney, Technical Committee and Advisory Board (RAS TC emeritus chair) Nora Ayanian, Brown University, Technical Committee and Advisory Board (RAS TC emeritus chair) Antonio Franchi, University of Twente, Technical Committee and Advisory Board (RAS TC emeritus chair) Lorenzo Sabattini, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Technical Committee and Advisory Board (RAS TC emeritus chair) WEB PAGE: CONTACT: mrs at Best regards on behalf of organizers and IEEE RAS MRS TC, Martin Saska -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From gary.marcus at Mon Mar 3 09:53:24 2025 From: gary.marcus at (Gary Marcus) Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2025 06:53:24 -0800 Subject: Connectionists: Standing with Geoff Hinton, against Elon Musk Message-ID: <> An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: 0c4823b8-7a3b-4c5c-8862-51cf7d4178a5_1423x1925.jpeg Type: image/png Size: 84864 bytes Desc: not available URL: From jason.smith at Mon Mar 3 11:38:45 2025 From: jason.smith at (Smith, Jason) Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2025 16:38:45 +0000 Subject: Connectionists: Registration is now open for the BrainNet 2025 workshop! Message-ID: Dear all, We are thrilled to announce the fourth BrainNet workshop. If you're interested in exploring how analysis of brain data, network science and different imaging methods can explain more about the brain and its functioning, we cordially invite you to attend the BrainNet 2025 in Stockholm, Sweden, from May 5th to 8th. Our interdisciplinary set of speakers will showcase state-of-the-art methods for analyzing and explaining brain data, offering insights from both theoretical and experimental perspectives. The event is hybrid, you can participate either in person or virtually. For on-site participants, you can submit an abstract for giving a contributed talk! Registration closes on 6th of April 2025. The confirmed speakers are: Adri?n Ponce-Alvarez, Polytechnic University of Catalonia Roxana Zeraati, Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics Michael Winding, Francis Crick Institute Barbara Hollunder, Charit? - University Medicine Berlin Jacob Vogel, Lund University Alex Bhogal, UMC Utrecht Andrew Lehr, University Medical Center G?ttingen Sacha van Albada, Research center J?lich Lida Kanari, Open Brain Institute Gr?goria Kalpouzos, Karolinska Institutet Katharina Heining, Karolinska Institutet Annegret Habich, Karolinska Institutet Rodrigo Moreno, KTH Dhrubaditya Mitra, Nordita, Stockholm University Josefine Waldthaler, Karolinska Institutet This is a unique opportunity to connect with the experts and the participants, the event is structured with ample time for discussions. You can find all the details ? including the preliminary schedule, speaker list, and registration link ? on the BrainNet 2025 webpage at We look forward to seeing you there! Please distribute the link in your networks for anyone who might be interested in attending. Best regards, The BrainNet 2025 Organizing Committee: Pascal Helson, KTH Arvind Kumar, KTH Henri Riihim?ki, Nordita, Stockholm University Jason Smith, Nottingham Trent University Gonzalo Uribarri, KTH Sarah Vandenbulcke, KTH DISCLAIMER: This email is intended solely for the addressee. It may contain private and confidential information. If you are not the intended addressee, please take no action based on it nor show a copy to anyone. In this case, please reply to this email to highlight the error. Opinions and information in this email that do not relate to the official business of Nottingham Trent University shall be understood as neither given nor endorsed by the University. Nottingham Trent University has taken steps to ensure that this email and any attachments are virus-free, but we do advise that the recipient should check that the email and its attachments are actually virus free. This is in keeping with good computing practice. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From jphanna at Tue Mar 4 00:18:59 2025 From: jphanna at (Josiah Hanna) Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2025 05:18:59 +0000 Subject: Connectionists: Call for Workshops at the RL Conference 2025 (March 7th Deadline) Message-ID: Dear colleagues, This is a second announcement for the call for workshop proposals for the RL Conference (RLC) 2025 at the University of Alberta, Canada (Aug. 5-8, 2025). We invite researchers interested in organizing a workshop to submit short proposals through OpenReview by the March 7th deadline. All instructions can be found on the open call webpage: Sincerely, Claire Vernade and Josiah Hanna Workshop chairs for RLC 2025 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From matteo.zavatteri at Tue Mar 4 03:03:15 2025 From: matteo.zavatteri at (Matteo Zavatteri) Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2025 09:03:15 +0100 Subject: Connectionists: [JAIR Special Track - 4th CFP] Integration of Logical Constraints in Deep Learning Message-ID: <> (apologies for cross-posting) ====================================================================== Special Track on Integration of Logical Constraints in Deep Learning ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR) Deadline: May 31, 2025 Info: ====================================================================== Track Editors: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Alessandro Abate, University of Oxford, U.K. Eleonora Giunchiglia, Imperial College London, U.K. Bettina K?nighofer, Graz University of Technology, Austria Luca Pasa, University of Padova, Italy Matteo Zavatteri, University of Padova, Italy ====================================================================== Overview: Over the last few years, the integration of logical constraints in Deep Learning models has gained significant attention from research communities for its potential to enhance the interpretability, robustness, safety, and generalization capabilities of these models. This integration opens the possibility of incorporating prior knowledge, handling incomplete data, and combining symbolic and subsymbolic reasoning. Moreover, the use of logical constraints improves generalization, formal verification, and ethical decision-making. The versatility of logical constraint integration spans diverse domains, presenting both research challenges and opportunities. In recent times, there has been a growing trend in incorporating logical constraints into deep learning models, especially in safety-critical applications. Looking ahead, challenges in this field extend to the development of Machine Learning models that not only incorporate logical constraints but also provide robust assurances. This involves ensuring that AI systems adhere to specific (temporal) logical or ethical constraints, offering a level of guarantees in their behavior. Thus, this special track seeks submissions on the integration of logical constraints into deep learning approaches. We are particularly interested in the following broad content areas. - Formal verification of neural networks is an active area of research that has been proposing methods, tools, specification languages (e.g., VNNLIB), and annual competitions (e.g., VNN-COMP) devoted to verify that a neural network satisfies a certain property typically given in (a fragment) of first order logic. - Synthesis aims at synthesizing neural networks that are compliant with some given constraint. Approaches to achieve this aim range from modifying the loss function in the training phase (i.e., soft constraint injection) to exploit counterexample guided inductive synthesis (CEGIS). - Monitoring: Logical constraints can be used to mitigate and/or neutralize constraint violations of machine learning systems when formal verification and synthesis are not possible. Shielding techniques intervene by changing the output of the network when a constraint is being violated. Runtime monitoring can be used to anticipate failures of AI systems without modifying them. - Explainability: Automated learning of formulae and logical constraints from past executions of the system provides natural explanations for neural network predictions and poses another avenue for future research. Formulae and constraints offer a high degree of explainability since they carry a precise syntax and semantics, and thus they can be "read" by humans more easily than other explainability methods. This special track aims to explore and showcase recent advancements in the integration of logical constraints within deep learning models, spanning the spectrum of verification, synthesis, monitoring and explainability, by considering exact and approximate solutions, online and offline approaches. The focus will also extend to encompass innovative approaches that address the challenges associated with handling logical constraints in neural networks. Submissions: This special track seeks contributions that delve into various aspects of logic constraint integration in deep learning, including, but not limited to: - Learning with logical constraints - Enhancing neural network expressiveness for logical constraints - Formal verification (certification) of neural networks - Automated synthesis of certified neural networks, or of AI systems with neural nets - Decision making: Strategy/policy synthesis for AI systems with neural networks - Runtime monitoring of AI systems - Learning of (temporal) logic formulae for explainable and interpretable AI - Scalability challenges in neural networks with logical constraints - Real-world applications of neural networks with logical constraints - Enhancing model explainability via logical constraints - Design of neural networks under temporal logical requirements Pertinent review papers of exceptional quality may also be considered. From vladana.perlic at Tue Mar 4 04:51:19 2025 From: vladana.perlic at (Vladana Perlic) Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2025 10:51:19 +0100 (CET) Subject: Connectionists: CFP: The 26th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems (PRIMA 2025) Message-ID: <> [Subject] ? ? CFP: The 26th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems (PRIMA 2025) ? [Content] ? [Apologies for cross and multiple postings] ? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ? CALL FOR PAPERS The 26th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems (PRIMA 2025) ? Conference: 15th - 21st December 2025 Modena, Italy ? Conference website: ? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ? IMPORTANT DATES ? Abstract Submission Deadline: 15 July (AoE, UTC-12)? Paper Submission Deadline: 22 July (AoE, UTC-12) Paper Notification: 29 September 2025 (AoE, UTC-12)? Camera Ready Submission: 13 October 2025 (AoE, UTC-12) ? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ? We invite you to submit your best work on agents and multi-agent systems to PRIMA 2025, the 26th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems, to be held in Modena (Italy) in December 2025. ? Papers will be submitted through CMT at the link: ? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ? Scope and Background ? Software systems are rapidly becoming more intelligent in the functionality they offer to users. They are also becoming more decentralized, with components that act autonomously and must communicate among themselves or with human users to achieve their goals. Examples of such systems include those in healthcare, disaster management, e-business, and smart grids. A multi-agent perspective is crucial to the proper conceptualization, deployment, and governance of these systems. Rooted in solid computational and software engineering foundations, this perspective offers abstractions such as intelligent agents, protocols, norms, organizations, trust and incentives, among others. As a large, but still growing research field of artificial intelligence, multi-agent systems today remain a unique enabler of interdisciplinary research. ? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ? Areas of Interest ? The conference areas of interest include, but are not limited to: ? ?????? Logic and Reasoning ?????? Logics of Agency ?????? Logics of Multi-Agent Systems ?????? Logics of Belief and Knowledge ?????? Norms, Obligations, Deontic Logic ?????? Argumentation ?????? Logics and Game Theory ?????? Uncertainty in Agent Systems ? ?????? Agent and Multi-Agent Learning ?????? Reinforcement Learning ?????? Evolutionary approaches ?????? Machine Learning Problems in Multi-Agent Systems ?????? Agents Embodied with Large Language Models ? ?????? Engineering Multi-Agent Systems ?????? Agent-Oriented Software Engineering ?????? Interaction Protocols ?????? Formal Specification and Verification ?????? Agent Programming Languages ?????? Middleware and Platforms ?????? Testing, Debugging, and Evolution ?????? Deployed System Case Studies ? ?????? Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation ?????? Simulation Languages and Platforms ?????? Artificial Societies ?????? Virtual Environments ?????? Emergent Behavior ?????? Modeling System Dynamics ?????? Application Case Studies ? ?????? Collaboration & Coordination ?????? Multi-Agent Planning ?????? Distributed Problem Solving and Optimization ?????? Teamwork ?????? Coalition Formation ?????? Negotiation ?????? Trust and Reputation ?????? Commitments ?????? Institutions and Organizations ?????? Normative Systems ? ?????? Algorithmic Game Theory ?????? Auctions and Mechanism Design ?????? Bargaining and Negotiation ?????? Behavioral Game Theory ?????? Cooperative Games: Theory, Analysis, Computation ?????? Game Theory for Practical Applications ?????? Noncooperative Games: Theory, Analysis, Computation ? ?????? Computational Social Choice ?????? Voting ?????? Fair Division and Resource Allocation ?????? Matching under Preferences ?????? Coalition Formation Games ?????? Aggregation of Beliefs, Opinions, Judgments ?????? Ethics and Computational Social Choice ?????? Participatory Budgeting ?????? Facility Location ?????? Communication Issues in Social Choice, Distortion ?????? Behavioral Social Choice ? ?????? Human-Agent Interaction ?????? Adaptive Personal Assistants ?????? Embodied Conversational Agents ?????? Virtual Characters ?????? Multimodal User Interfaces ?????? Mobile Agents ?????? Human-Robot Interaction ?????? Affective Computing ? ?????? Decentralized Paradigms ?????? Cloud Computing ?????? Service-Oriented Computing ?????? Data spaces ?????? Big data ?????? Cybersecurity ?????? Robotics and Multirobot Systems ?????? Ubiquitous Computing ?????? Social Computing ?????? Internet of Things ?????? Edge Computing ?????? Blockchain ? ?????? Ethics and Social Issues ?????? Explainable Artificial Intelligence ?????? Ethics of AI Systems ?????? Multi-Agent Systems for Social Good ? ?????? Application Domains for Multi-Agent Systems ?????? Healthcare, Pandemics Management ?????? Autonomous Systems ?????? Transport and Logistics ?????? Emergency and Disaster Management ?????? Energy and Utilities Management ?????? Sustainability and Resource Management ?????? Games and Entertainment ?????? e-Business, e-Government, and e-Learning ?????? Smart Cities ?????? Financial markets ?????? Legal applications ?????? Crowdsourcing ? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ? Information for Authors ? PRIMA 2025 invites submissions of original, unpublished work strongly relevant to multi-agent systems. Apart from theoretical work, we encourage the submission of reports on the development of applications or prototypes of deployed agent systems, and of experiments that demonstrate novel agent system capabilities. In addition to this, we also encourage the submission of position papers that are of relevance to the multi-agent community. ? All submitted papers must be in a form suitable for double-blind review. Specifically, in order to make blind reviewing possible, authors must omit their names and affiliations from the paper. Also, while the references should include all published literature relevant to the paper, including previous work of the authors, it should not include unpublished works. When referring to one's own work, use the third person rather than the first person. For example, say "Previously, Foo and Bar [2] have shown that?", rather than "In our previous work [2], we have shown that?". Such identifying information can be added back to the final camera-ready version of accepted papers. ? All papers will be reviewed by at least 2-3 experts in the area following a detailed review form that will assess the paper based on the significance and novelty of the idea, the technical description of the proposal, clarity and organization, the evaluation methodology, and any ethical considerations. ? All accepted papers will be published in Springer's Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence series (LNCS/LNAI). ? All papers must be submitted using the Springer LNCS/LNAI format. ? Type of submissions: ?????? Full papers, 16 pages plus references ?????? Short papers, 4 pages plus references ?????? Position papers, 2 pages plus references ? ? ? ? -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From efipatm at Tue Mar 4 05:17:45 2025 From: efipatm at (Efi) Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2025 12:17:45 +0200 Subject: Connectionists: Join the new online AIDA short course "Ethics and AI", 2 April - 21 May 2025, Italian Society for Ethics of AI Message-ID: Dear student, scientist, engineer, professional, AI enthusiast, The Italian Society for Ethics of AI ( together with AIDA (Prof. Ioannis Pitas) is organizing the 2025 edition of the online PhD course on ?Ethics and AI? in English language offered to several PhD programmes. *Abstract*: This interdisciplinary course co-organized with AIDA intends to provide a brief overview of the main ethical issues concerning AI from an interdisciplinary perspective. The starting point is the clarification of what an ?ethics? is, so as to offer the reference coordinates of the discourse, which is then articulated in the analyzes by way of examples of specific issues in the different directions. In particular, issues relating to the impact that AI has and will increasingly have on social life are examined, especially concerning the problem of biases and of generative AI; the interconnections with medicine and health care; the methods of legal regulation, such as the AI Act of the EU. It will discuss also AI?s impact on defense, warfare, and geopolitics. *Teachers*: Maurizio Mori, Consulta di Bioetica Onlus Tiziana Catarci, DIAG, Universit? la Sapienza Roma Giovanni Sartor, CIRSFID, Universit? di Bologna Guido Boella, Dipartimento di Informatica, Universit? di Torino *Ioannis Pitas *, Chair of the International AI Doctoral Academy (AIDA ) *Intended Audience:* PhD students at various stages of their programs, as well as any interested scholars and members of the general public. *Programme*: 4 hours: ? Maurizio Mori: Two hours dedicated to outlining a theory of ethics capable of addressing moral analyses of human societies and larger communities. The remaining two hours apply these conceptual tools to analyze the potential interactions between AI and health care. 2 hours ? Tiziana Catarci: Biases in AI4 hours ? Guido Boella: A comprehensive overview of the various ethical issues related to AI, with reflections on its societal and ethical impact.4 hours ? Giovanni Sartor: A session reflecting on the relationship between AI applications and human rights, discussing implications for data protection and consumer protection, and examining the EU?s AI Act.1 hours ? Guido Boella: Ethical aspects of LLMs (Large Language Models).1 hour ? Ioannis Pitas: AI, War and Geopolitics . This lecture explores AI?s impact on defense, warfare, and geopolitics. Global military spending surpassed $2 trillion in 2022, with AI driving the arms race. Lethal Autonomous Weapons (LAWs), like drones, raise ethical and security concerns, while AI-powered cyberwarfare poses severe risks. Geopolitically, the EU remains weak, and the U.S. faces decline, partly due to underestimating China?s AI rise. As global power shifts toward autocratic regimes, democratic nations must collaborate to defend democracy and secure technological leadership. *Schedule*: 2 April 2025, Wed 11:00 ? 13:00 CET Guido Boella9 April 2025, Wed 14:00 ? 16:00 CET Tiziana Catarci16 April 2025, Wed 14:00 ? 16:00 CET Giovanni Sartor23 April 2025, Wed 14:00 ? 16:00 CET Giovanni Sartor30 April 2025, Wed 14:00 ? 16:00 CET Maurizio Mori7 May 2025, Wed 14:00 ? 16:00 CET Maurizio Mori14 May 2025, Wed 11:00 ? 13:00 CET Guido Boella14 May 2025, Wed 12:00 ? 13:00 CET Ioannis Pitas 21 May 2025, Wed 11:00 ? 13:00 CET Guido Boella *Registration:* To register for the course students please fill out this brief form . *Course costs:* For AIDA students: free. For students enrolled outside Italy: free. For students in Italy who require a certificate of attendance and/or exam: free for those who subscribe to Italian Society for Ethics of AI SIpEIA . *Free *for non PhD students. *Subscriptions to SIpEIA are welcome in all cases to support our activities.* If you are an AIDA Student already, please: a) register with this form AND b) also enroll in the same course in the AIDA system in order for this course to be included on your AIDA Course Attendance Certificate. If you are not an AIDA Student, follow only the instructions in step (a). *AIDA Students should have been registered in the AIDA system already (they are PhD students or PostDocs that belong only to the AIDA Members list). *Modality*: This online course is conducted entirely in English. Each session will be broadcast live, recorded, and subsequently published on SIpEIA?s video channel . Registered users will receive connection links, which will also be available on the SIpEIA course website . Please note that live attendance is mandatory for those wishing to take the exam?simply watching the recordings will not suffice. *Exam modality* (for those who wishing to take the exam): Submit an article (approximately 5000 characters) in either English or Italian on a topic addressing the ethical aspects or societal impact of AI, drawing on your research experience. Your piece should be accessible to a broad audience?including those without a technical background?and should engage readers with thoughtful insights and clear language. Best submissions will be featured in our Magazine Intelligenza Artificiale *Prerequisites:* No prior technical or philosophical knowledge is required to attend the course. *Credits and Hours:* 16 hours of online lectures are offered, with the possibility to earn 1.5 credits (subject to the rules of each PhD programme). For more information write to info at Best regards Efi Patmanidou AIDA Support Committee Chair -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ozgur.simsek at Tue Mar 4 05:29:24 2025 From: ozgur.simsek at (=?UTF-8?B?w5Z6Z8O8ciDFnmltxZ9law==?=) Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2025 10:29:24 +0000 Subject: Connectionists: Up to 7 academic posts in AI and machine learning at Bath Computer Science Message-ID: The Department of Computer Science at the University of Bath wishes to appoint *up to seven academics in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning*. These are permanent academic positions at Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, or Reader level, which are equivalent to Assistant or Associate Professor. The University of Bath is based on an attractive, single-site campus that facilitates interdisciplinary research. It is located on the edge of the World Heritage City of Bath and offers the lifestyle advantages of working and living in one of the most beautiful areas in the UK. We have a collegiate culture ideal for carrying out independent, curiosity-driven research. Applications will be evaluated on a rolling basis. We will continue to receive applications until all positions are filled. The first review of applications will be on, or shortly after, 19 March 2025. Lecturer and Senior Lecturer Reader -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From dhansel0 at Tue Mar 4 07:54:10 2025 From: dhansel0 at (David Hansel) Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2025 14:54:10 +0200 Subject: Connectionists: REMINDER: World wide VVTNS series (fifth season): Wednesday, March 5, 2025, at 11:00 am EST| Yonatan Loewenstein, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: [image: VVTNS.png] - on twitter: wwtns at TheoreticalWide You are cordially invited to the lecture given by Yonatan Loewenstein ELSC The Hebrew University of Jerusalem On Idiosyncratic Biases in Decision-Making The lecture will be held on zoom on Wednesday, March 5, 2025, at *11:00 am EST * To receive the link: *Abstract: *Why do individuals, both humans and animals, exhibit personal biases in two-alternative decision-making tasks, even when no clear reason exists to favor one alternative over another? In this talk, I will explore two competing hypotheses to explain these idiosyncratic biases. The first suggests that such tendencies arise from unique personal experiences, where past associations between actions and feedback influence future choices. The second hypothesis proposes that the bias reflects irreducible microscopic heterogeneities in the dynamics of decision-making networks. I will present experimental data and theoretical findings that support the latter hypothesis, shedding new light on the neural mechanisms behind seemingly irrational preferences. *About VVTNS : Launched as the World Wide Theoretical Neuroscience Seminar (WWTNS) in November 2020 and renamed in homage to Carl van Vreeswijk in Memoriam (April 20, 2022), Speakers have the occasion to talk about theoretical aspects of their work which cannot be discussed in a setting where the majority of the audience consists of experimentalists. The seminars, **held on Wednesdays at 11 am ET,** are 45-50 min long followed by a discussion. The talks are recorded with authorization of the speaker and are available to everybody on our YouTube channel.* -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: VVTNS.png Type: image/png Size: 41084 bytes Desc: not available URL: From Dirk.Schubert at Tue Mar 4 07:45:39 2025 From: Dirk.Schubert at (Schubert, Dirk) Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2025 12:45:39 +0000 Subject: Connectionists: =?utf-8?q?_=F0=9F=9A=A8_Final_Call=3A_apply_for_s?= =?utf-8?q?tipends_for_stem_cell_summer_course_on_neurological_disease_mod?= =?utf-8?q?eling_in_Nijmegen=2C_the_Netherlands_=28June_30_=E2=80=93_July_?= =?utf-8?b?MDQsIDIwMjUp?= Message-ID: Dear all, This is the final call for stipends for our stem cell summer course on neurological disease modeling in Nijmegen, the Netherlands (June 30 ? July 04, 2025) Deadline: ?? March 05 2025 ?? Students studying in the EU (but not in the Netherlands) can apply here: Best wishes, Dirk ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Dr. Dirk Schubert, PhD Associate Professor Translational Neuroscience, Principal Lecturer & group leader ?Cellular Neurophysiology? Dept. Cognitive Neuroscience (route 205) Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre Postbus 9101 6500 HB Nijmegen The Netherlands Offices/visiting address: @ Dept. Cognitive Neuroscience (route 205): Room 02.282 Kapittelweg 29, 6525 EN Nijmegen @ Dept. Human Genetics (route 855): Room 5.17 Phone: +31 24 3615039 ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' De informatie in dit bericht is uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde. Aan dit bericht en de bijlagen kunnen geen rechten worden ontleend. Heeft u deze e-mail onbedoeld ontvangen? Dan verzoeken wij u het te vernietigen en de afzender te informeren. Openbaar maken, kopi?ren en verspreiden van deze e-mail of informatie uit deze e-mail is alleen toegestaan met voorafgaande schriftelijke toestemming van de afzender. Het Radboudumc staat geregistreerd bij de Kamer van Koophandel in het handelsregister onder nummer 80262783. The content of this message is intended solely for the addressee. No rights can be derived from this message or its attachments. If you are not the intended recipient, we kindly request you to delete the message and inform the sender. It is strictly prohibited to disclose, copy or distribute this email or the information inside it, without a written consent from the sender. Radboud university medical center is registered with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce trade register with number 80262783. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: New Flyer Summer School 2025.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 406957 bytes Desc: New Flyer Summer School 2025.pdf URL: From achler at Tue Mar 4 19:05:48 2025 From: achler at (Tsvi Achler) Date: Tue, 4 Mar 2025 16:05:48 -0800 Subject: Connectionists: Standing with Geoff Hinton, against Elon Musk In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: Academic oligarchs receive much of the federal funding and can control narratives in many ways [1,2] including through funding, peer-review, impact, pay-to-play, and gatekeeping. For example, the connectionist field continues to assume that core inference is a feedforward process while not requiring the necessary rehearsal mechanisms for its learning to be implemented with neurons. There is research showing that inference is possible in a feedforward-feedback process which simplifies learning (no need for network normalization parameters, balanced data and onerous iid rehearsal). It is also a step forward for continuous learning. Some of this work on regulatory feedback is now over 20 years old. The predominant theories of biological learning and pattern recognition use feedforward weights in alignment with current AI: inputs multiplied by weights to obtain outputs (inputs-to-output). Confusingly named recurrent neural networks, or neural networks with loops allow information from later processing stages to feed back to earlier stages for sequence processing. However, at every stage of inference a feedforward multiplication remains the core, essential for backpropagation or backpropagation through time. Thus neural networks cannot contain feedback like negative feedback where the outputs feed back to the very same inputs and modify them, because this forms an infinite loop which is not possible to rewind in time to generate an error signal through backpropagation. Yet these connections are in the brain and used during recognition and learning, heck they are the basis of a thermostat. For example, homeostatic plasticity is found throughout brain recognition processing areas. It requires pre-synaptic stabilizing feedback to the same neurons that activate the post-synaptic neuron (negative feedback or inhibitory feedback connections). In homeostatic plasticity feedback between pre- and post-synaptic neurons are shown to be meticulously maintained by homeostatic plasticity through multiple, often redundant mechanisms [3,4]. Thus it appears their existence and maintenance are very important to the brain. The Regulatory Feedback model provides a real time recognition-inference hypothesis and role for the pre-synaptic inhibition, inhibitory feedback to the very same inputs, connections which are meticulously maintained. I am attaching a recent paper [5] and a link to a detailed video [6] about the counterintuitive inference mechanism . After over 20 years it is clear that with an academic oligarchy controlling high impact pay-to-play conferences and platforms there is little opportunity to speak with enough detail about a completely unintuitive mechanism given today's norms or publish an article with enough Impact. It is this oligarchy with its less-than-honest depiction about open policies while accepting funding that deserves Elon Musk and company. Sincerely, -Tsvi Achler 1) Azoulay P, Fons-Rosen C, Zivin JSG. Does Science Advance One Funeral at a Time? Am Econ Rev. 2019 Aug;109(8):2889-2920. doi: 10.1257/aer.20161574. PMID: 31656315; PMCID: PMC6814193. 2) Casadevall A, Fang FC. Impacted science: impact is not importance. mBio. 2015 Oct 13;6(5):e01593-15. doi: 10.1128/mBio.01593-15. PMID: 26463169; PMCID: PMC4620476. 3) Marder E, Goaillard JM. Variability, compensation and homeostasis in neuron and network function. Nat Rev Neurosci. 2006;7:563?74. 4) Turrigiano G. Homeostatic synaptic plasticity: local and global mechanisms for stabilizing neuronal function. Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol. 2012. 5) Achler, T. What AI, Neuroscience, and Cognitive Science Can Learn from Each Other: An Embedded Perspective. Cogn Comput 16, 2428?2436 (2024). 6) Achler T. Neural phenomena focus. 2016. On Mon, Mar 3, 2025 at 11:21?AM Gary Marcus wrote: > [image: 0c4823b8-7a3b-4c5c-8862-51cf7d4178a5_1423x1925.jpeg] > > Hinton vs Musk > > > > > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: 0c4823b8-7a3b-4c5c-8862-51cf7d4178a5_1423x1925.jpeg Type: image/jpeg Size: 84864 bytes Desc: not available URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: What AI and Neuroscience Can Learn From Each Other - Cognitive Computation.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 775209 bytes Desc: not available URL: From antona at Wed Mar 5 03:46:46 2025 From: antona at (Anton Arkhipov) Date: Wed, 5 Mar 2025 08:46:46 +0000 Subject: Connectionists: Allen Institute Modeling Software Workshop Message-ID: Dear Colleagues, Applications for the Allen Institute Modeling Software Workshop are open until March 15th, 2025. We hope you will apply and look forward to hosting this workshop on July 28-30, 2025 at the Allen Institute in Seattle, WA. This hands-on workshop focuses on building and simulating complex and heterogeneous network models grounded in real biological data. Participants will learn to use BMTK, SONATA, VND, our data, and models for simulating brain circuits. Selected applicants will be notified by May 1, 2025. Limited travel funding is available. We are looking forward to hearing from you. Best regards, Anton. Anton Arkhipov Investigator, Allen Institute antona at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From jesse.grootjen at Wed Mar 5 05:02:55 2025 From: jesse.grootjen at (Grootjen, Jesse) Date: Wed, 5 Mar 2025 10:02:55 +0000 Subject: Connectionists: CfP PETMEI 2025 - In conjunction with ETRA 2025 Message-ID: *** Apologies for cross-posting *** Dear colleagues, We are pleased to announce the 10th International Workshop on Pervasive Eye Tracking and Mobile Eye-Based Interaction (PETMEI) organized in conjunction with ACM Symposium of Eye Tracking Research & Applications (ETRA) 2025. PETMEI 2025 will provide the opportunity to re-establish and expand the research community around pervasive eye tracking, define novel challenges and opportunities, and establish guidelines to inform future research in this field. The first stepping stones towards this vision were established in the first iterations of this workshop from 2011 to 2018. However, in the last five years, significant advancements in camera technologies, algorithms, and display devices have been made, which call for a new perspective on these topics. Specifically, we want to encourage these communities to think about the implications of pervasive eye tracking for context-aware computing, that is, the ability to track eye movements not only for a couple of hours inside the laboratory but continuously for days, weeks, or even months in people?s everyday life. ===== Topics ===== Methods ? Eye movement detection, tracking, and analysis ? Gaze-supported multimodal interaction ? Methods for eye tracking on wearables and mobile devices ? Integration of pervasive eye tracking and context-aware computing ? Group interaction eye tracking (beyond the individual) ? Robust eye tracking (in the wild) ? Pervasive eye tracking data analysis ? Pervasive eye tracking interfaces in VR/AR Applications ? Eye interaction with robots and virtual characters ? Eye-based activity and context recognition ? Error-aware eye tracking systems ? Pervasive attentive user interfaces ? Pervasive eye-tracking-based study of human factors ? Eye tracking and gaze interaction in healthcare ===== Tracks and Important dates ===== We accept submissions with a page limit of 8 pages (any number of references, max. 150 words abstract) in the latest ACM article template also available on Overleaf. In addition to research papers, we explicitly invite submissions of position papers and papers that describe preliminary results or work-in-progress. Submissions will be peer-viewed by three technical program committee members with respect to novelty, significance, technical quality, and their potential to spark interesting discussions. Important Dates (Time Zone AoE/Anywhere on Earth) Paper submission due: March 14th, 2025 Notification of acceptance: March 24th, 2025 Camera-ready due: March 31st, 2025 ??===== Organizers ===== Jesse Grootjen, LMU Munich Franziska Prummer, Lancaster University Chuhan Jiao, University of Stuttgart, Germany Swati Jindal, Google USA Mihai B?ce, KU Leuven, Belgium Andreas Bulling, University of Stuttgart, Germany ==== Important Links ==== Workshop link: Submission site: Best regards, The workshop organizers -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From efipatm at Wed Mar 5 07:23:23 2025 From: efipatm at (Efi) Date: Wed, 5 Mar 2025 14:23:23 +0200 Subject: Connectionists: Call for Participation: AIDA Symposium & Summer School on "Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Cutting Edge Trends " (AIDA AICET2025), 14-18th July 2025, Thessaloniki, Greece. Message-ID: Dear AI, CS/CSE, or ECE/EE student, scientist, engineer, professional, AI enthusiast, the International AI Doctoral Academy (AIDA ) is excited to invite you to register and attend the upcoming hybrid (local/remote) ?AIDA AICET2025 ? Symposium & Summer School on "AI/ML Cutting Edge Trends ? which will take place in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), Greece, 14-18th July 2025. AIDA AICET2025 Symposium and School will feature 15 top-tier keynote and invited lectures, and 30 excellent tutorials/short courses/special sessions covering the latest advancements in *AI and Machine Learning*, with distinguished speakers from leading universities in the USA and Europe (many having 50K+ and several having around 100K citations). Its various tracks are suitable for students, scientists, engineers, professionals from any ECE/EE or CS/CSE discipline and for any AI enthusiast. AIDA AICET2025 covers a wide range of topics related to a) AI core including Deep Learning and Generative AI, b) various AI applications, c) AI programming skill development, and c) social impact of AI and AI ethics. *AIDA AICET2025 Program Topics* - Deep Learning, Generative Artificial Intelligence, Foundation Models, Large Language Models - Machine Learning, AI Foundations, Pattern Recognition, Reinforcement Learning and Sequential Decision-making - Trustworthy AI, Explainable AI, AI Ethics and Governance - Adversarial, Continual, Federated, Transfer Learning, Knowledge distillation - Distributed/decentralized AI, Networked Intelligence, Cloud/Edge AI, HW/SW for AI acceleration - Computer Vision, Intelligent Robotics, AI and Autonomous Systems/Cars/Vehicles - Natural Language Processing, AI for Speech, Music/Sound Analysis and Synthesis, AI for Signal Processing, - Human-Centered Machine Learning, Human-Centered Media Analysis, Artificial Social Intelligence - Neurosymbolic AI, Knowledge Representation and Problem-Solving, Reasoning and planning, - AI and Games, Deep Arts, AI in Humanities, AI-powered Education - AI and Neuroscience, AI in Health Sciences, - AI in Material Science, AI and Quantum Computing, AI and Wireless Computing - AI in Markets and Finance, AI for Marketing, AI and Social Media - AI and Disinformation, AI and Forensics, AI Bias ? *Bonus:* A pre-symposium short course on Deep Learning by Prof. Ioannis Pitas (AUTH) on *July 13, 2025* [see details: ]. *Details* *?** Dates: July 14-18, 2025* ? *On-site:* KEDEA Building , AUTH, Thessaloniki, Greece. ? *Online:* Zoom links will be provided in due time. ? *Certificate of Attendance* will be provided upon request. ? *Seaside gala dinner.* Two optional* excursions* before/after AICET2025 to a) the ancient Macedonian capital Vergina & b) Western Macedonia (Kastoria). ? *Register Now*: *?** Group Registration*: Group registrations (comprising 5 registrants or more) can enjoy a 20% discount on the above registration fees (or even more in the case of a massive group registration). More information *on the various lectures, tutorials/short courses, registration options, background needed and general conditions *can be found on the event webpage . In case of questions, you can contact the symposium manager Ms. Efi Patmanidou epatman at We look forward to welcoming you to this exciting AI/ML event in beautiful Thessaloniki! On behalf of the AIDA AICET2025 Organizing Committee Prof. Ioannis Pitas (AIDA chair, AUTH, AICET2025 chair) Prof. Efstratios Gavves (University of Amsterdam), Prof. Stefano Berretti (University of Firenze), Prof. Evangelos Kanoulas (University of Amsterdam) ? *Gold Sponsor:* Cook Medical ? *Technical Sponsors:* TEMA , AI.BIG cluster , SIMAR R&D projects and AIDA . Post scriptum: To stay current on AIDA, AI, or CV/ML matters, you may want to register in the CVML email list, following instructions in: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From sanjay.ankur at Wed Mar 5 06:13:09 2025 From: sanjay.ankur at (Ankur Sinha) Date: Wed, 5 Mar 2025 11:13:09 +0000 Subject: Connectionists: NeuroML at Google Summer of Code 2025: looking for candidates for standardised biophysically detailed modelling project Message-ID: <7dgyxssolis3fce36ewtxt7lkkjedjvu7zwphxnpjppnfqlvrm@2ru3fbchwqnm> Dear all, NeuroML[1] is participating in Google Summer of Code under the INCF again this year[2]. You can read more about NeuroML in our paper here[3]. We are looking for candidates with some experience of biophysically detailed modelling to work on our project "Developing standardised biophysically detailed neuronal circuit models using NeuroML/PyNN/Open Source Brain". The idea of the project is to either develop new models using NeuroML (and PyNN and publishing them on Open Source Brain), or standardising existing published models. The project is perfect for PhD candidates that are working on projects that use biophysically detailed computational modelling. We will help them learn NeuroML and its vast software ecosystem to implement their models and simulations in a standardised way from the beginning. Please do tell your colleagues, especially your students, and get in touch if there is anything we can help with. [1] [2] [3] -- Thanks, Regards, Ankur Sinha (He / Him / His) | Research Fellow at the Silver Lab, University College London | Free/Open source community volunteer at the NeuroFedora project | Time zone: Europe/London -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: signature.asc Type: application/pgp-signature Size: 488 bytes Desc: not available URL: From emergingtechnetwork.publicity at Wed Mar 5 09:05:24 2025 From: emergingtechnetwork.publicity at (=?UTF-8?Q?Gizem_G=C3=BCltekin_Varkonyi?=) Date: Wed, 5 Mar 2025 17:05:24 +0300 Subject: Connectionists: The 7th International Symposium on Blockchain Applications and Theory (BCAT 2025), Tampa, Florida, USA. May 19-22, 2025 Message-ID: [Apologies if you got multiple copies of this invitation] The 7th International Symposium on Blockchain Applications and Theory (BCAT 2025) * * Hybrid Event Tampa, Florida, USA. May 19-22, 2025 Co-located with The Fifth IEEE Intelligent Cybersecurity Conference (ICSC2025) Technically Co-Sponsored by IEEE Florida West Coast Section *BCAT 2025 CFP:* A blockchain is a distributed ledger for recording transactions and/or data in a meaningful order, maintained by many connected nodes without a trusted central authority. Blockchain has a great potential to create new foundations for most distributed systems by efficiently establishing trust among nodes, especially in emerging networks. Such a fundamental technology to enable decentralization play an important role in a wide spectrum of topics such as Internet of Things (IoT), Cyber Physical Systems (CPS), edge computing, cloud computing, fog, mobile computing, social networking, wireless communication, vehicular network, and even more other fields. At the same time, there is a lack of fundamental study on the limitation of blockchain such as scalability, security, privacy, efficiency, availability and dependability. Hence, the development and deployment of blockchain-based systems and applications will likely exhibit new requirements and complicated challenges, which brings more open issues and exciting directions for research communities. The aim of BCAT is to bring together researchers and practitioners working in cloud computing, distributed systems, cryptography, security, and networking, from academia and industry, who are interested in the applications and theory of blockchains and related protocols. Researchers are encouraged to submit original research contributions in all major areas, which include, but not limited to: - Theories of blockchain and distributed ledger technology - Distributed data store for blockchain - Distributed transaction for blockchain - Blockchain in cloud computing - Blockchain in mobile and edge computing - Blockchain in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) - Blockchain and Financial Networks - Blockchain in vehicular network - Blockchain in the Internet of things (IoT) - Blockchain Systems for Cyber Security - Blockchain in Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) - Blockchain in social networking *Submissions Guidelines and Proceedings* Manuscripts should be prepared in 10-point font using the IEEE 8.5" x 11" two-column format. All papers should be in PDF format, and submitted electronically at Paper Submission Link. A full paper can be up to 6 pages (including all figures, tables and references). Submitted papers must present original unpublished research that is not currently under review for any other conference or journal. Papers not following these guidelines may be rejected without review. Also submissions received after the due date, exceeding length limit, or not appropriately structured may also not be considered. Authors may contact the Program Chair for further information or clarification. All submissions are peer-reviewed by at least three reviewers. Accepted papers will appear in the ICSC Proceeding, and be published by the IEEE Computer Society Conference Publishing Services and be submitted to IEEE Xplore for inclusion. *Important Dates:* - *Paper submission deadline: March 23rd 2025 (Firm and Final)* - Notification of acceptance: April 7th, 2025 - Camera-ready Submission: April 21st, 2025 *Contact:* Please send any inquiry on ICSC to Fahed Alkhabbas at: fahed.alkhabbas at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From nagai.yukie at Wed Mar 5 21:22:18 2025 From: nagai.yukie at (nagai.yukie at Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2025 02:22:18 +0000 Subject: Connectionists: Call for applicants: IRCN and Chen Institute Joint Course on Neuro-inspired Computation Message-ID: <> Dear colleagues, The International Research Center for Neurointelligence (IRCN), the University of Tokyo has opened the call for applications for the "IRCN and Chen Institute Joint Course on Neuro-inspired Computation" to be held at ICHIJO HALL, the UTokyo Yayoi Campus from July 2 to 5, 2025. In a collaborative effort, the World Premier International Research Center for Neurointelligence (WPI-IRCN) at the University of Tokyo and the Tianqiao & Chrissy Chen Institute (Chen Institute) are proud to present the Neuro-inspired Computation Course, a groundbreaking program designed to explore the convergence of natural and artificial intelligence. This course delves into critical topics such as intrinsic dynamics, network architectures, prediction, plasticity, criticality, multi-agent learning, and neuromodulation, highlighting the potential for interdisciplinary innovation in advancing our understanding of cognitive processes. The course is an intensive 4-day program comprising lectures by distinguished international faculty, poster sessions, and interactive discussion sessions. These three pillars of the program help participants deepen their understanding and enhance their expertise in neuroscience and artificial intelligence. The lectures showcase cutting-edge research from around the world, while the poster sessions provide participants with a platform to present their own research. The discussion sessions foster interdisciplinary dialogue, encourage intellectual exchange, and pave the way for future collaborations. = Course details = Dates: July 2 (Wed)-5 (Sat), 2025 Venue: Yayoi Auditorium Ichijo Hall (Inside UTokyo Yayoi Campus ) Language: English Application (Required by April 11, 2025 1500hrs, JST): See the homepage for detailed instructions = Speakers = Eugene Izhikevic (Brain Corp) Mackenzie Mathis (EPFL) Kazuyuki Aihara (WPI-IRCN, The University of Tokyo) Shin Ishii (Kyoto University / WPI-IRCN, The University of Tokyo) Eleonora Russo (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa) Zenas Chao (WPI-IRCN, The University of Tokyo) Takamitsu Watanabe (WPI-IRCN, The University of Tokyo) Hiroaki Kitano (Sony / OIST) Kenichi Ohki (WPI-IRCN, The University of Tokyo) Yukie Nagai (WPI-IRCN, The University of Tokyo) Song Sen (Tsinghua University) Others For enquiries, please contact: course at We look forward to receiving applications from all over the world. If you know someone who might be interested, please kindly forward this information to them. Best regards, Yukie Nagai, on behalf of the organizing committees ? Yukie Nagai, Ph.D. Project Professor, The University of Tokyo nagai.yukie at | CREST Cognitive Feelings: CREST Cognitive Mirroring: From timofte.radu at Wed Mar 5 20:01:48 2025 From: timofte.radu at (Radu Timofte) Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2025 02:01:48 +0100 Subject: Connectionists: [CFP][Extended Deadline] CVPR 2025 New Trends in Image Restoration and Enhancement (NTIRE) workshop and challenges Message-ID: Apologies for multiple postings *********************************** CALL FOR PAPERS & CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS IN 23 CHALLENGES NTIRE: 10th New Trends in Image Restoration and Enhancement workshop and challenges. In conjunction with CVPR 2025, June 11-12, Nashville, US. Website: Contact: radu.timofte at TOPICS ? Image/video inpainting ? Image/video deblurring ? Image/video denoising ? Image/video upsampling and super-resolution ? Image/video filtering ? Image/video de-hazing, de-raining, de-snowing, etc. ? Demosaicing ? Image/video compression ? Removal of artifacts, shadows, glare and reflections, etc. ? Image/video enhancement: brightening, color adjustment, sharpening, etc. ? Style transfer ? Hyperspectral image restoration, enhancement, manipulation ? Underwater image restoration, enhancement, manipulation ? Light field image restoration, enhancement, manipulation ? Methods robust to changing weather conditions / adverse outdoor conditions ? Image/video restoration, enhancement, manipulation on constrained settings/mobile devices ? Visual domain translation ? Multimodal translation ? Perceptual enhancement ? Perceptual manipulation ? Depth estimation ? Image/video generation and hallucination ? Image/video quality assessment ? Image/video semantic segmentation ? Saliency and gaze estimation ? Studies and applications of the above. SUBMISSION A paper submission has to be in English, in pdf format, and at most 8 pages (excluding references) in CVPR style. The review process is double blind. Accepted and presented papers will be published after the conference in the 2025 CVPR Workshops Proceedings. Author Kit: Submission site: WORKSHOP DATES ? *Early & Regular Papers submission deadline: March 17, 2025 (EXTENDED)* ? Challenge Papers submission deadline: April 1, 2025 ? *Papers reviewed elsewhere submission deadline: April 1, 2025* CHALLENGES - Night Photography Rendering - Light Field Image Super-Resolution - HR Depth from Images of Specular and Transparent Surfaces - UGC Video Enhancement - Text to Image Generation Model Quality Assessment - Video Quality Enhancement for Video Conferencing - Short-form UGC Video Quality Assessment and Enhancement - Day and Night Raindrop Removal for Dual-Focused Images - Efficient Burst HDR and Restoration - Reflection Removal in the Wild - Shadow Removal - Ambient Light Normalization - Image Super-Resolution (x4) - Event-Based Image Deblurring - Real-World Face Restoration - Image Denoising - XGC Quality Assessment - Restore Any Image Model (RAIM) in the Wild - Efficient Image Super-Resolution - Low Light Enhancement - RAW Restoration - RAW Image Reconstruction from sRGB - Cross-Domain Few-Shot Object Detection (CD-FSOD) To learn more about the challenges, to participate in the challenges, and to access the data everybody is invited to check the NTIRE 2025 page: CHALLENGES DATES ? *Release of train data: January, 2025* ? Competitions end: March 21?, 2025 SPEAKERS (TBA) SPONSORS (TBA) Website: Contact: radu.timofte at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From announce at Thu Mar 6 08:58:32 2025 From: announce at (Announce) Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2025 13:58:32 +0000 Subject: Connectionists: The 16th IEEE International Conference on Knowledge Graphs (ICKG 2025): Second Call for Papers Message-ID: *** Second Call for Papers *** The 16th IEEE International Conference on Knowledge Graphs (ICKG 2025) December 12-13, 2025, 5* St. Raphael Resort and Marina, Limassol, Cyprus (*** Proceedings to be published by IEEE ***) The annual IEEE International Conference on Knowledge Graph (ICKG) provides a premier international forum for presentation of original research results in knowledge discovery and graph learning, discussion of opportunities and challenges, as well as exchange and dissemination of innovative, practical development experiences. The conference covers all aspects of knowledge discovery from data, with a strong focus on graph learning and knowledge graph, including algorithms, software, platforms. ICKG 2025 intends to draw researchers and application developers from a wide range of areas such as knowledge engineering, representation learning, big data analytics, statistics, machine learning, pattern recognition, data mining, knowledge visualization, high performance computing, and World Wide Web etc. By promoting novel, high quality research findings, and innovative solutions to address challenges in handling all aspects of learning from data with dependency relationship. All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings by the IEEE Computer Society. Awards, including Best Paper, Best Paper Runner up, Best Student Paper, Best Student Paper Runner up, will be conferred at the conference, with a check and a certificate for each award. The conference also features a survey track to accept survey papers reviewing recent studies in all aspects of knowledge discovery and graph learning. At least five high quality papers will be invited for a special issue of the Knowledge and Information Systems Journal, in an expanded and revised form. In addition, at least eight quality papers will be invited for a special issue of Data Intelligence Journal in an expanded and revised form with at least 30% difference. TOPICS OF INTEREST Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: ? Foundations, algorithms, models, and theory of knowledge discovery and graph learning ? Knowledge engineering with big data. ? Machine learning, data mining, and statistical methods for data science and engineering. ? Acquisition, representation and evolution of fragmented knowledge. ? Fragmented knowledge modeling and online learning. ? Knowledge graphs and knowledge maps. ? Graph learning security, privacy, fairness, and trust. ? Interpretation, rule, and relationship discovery in graph learning. ? Geospatial and temporal knowledge discovery and graph learning. ? Ontologies and reasoning. ? Topology and fusion on fragmented knowledge. ? Visualization, personalization, and recommendation of Knowledge Graph navigation and interaction. ? Knowledge Graph systems and platforms, and their efficiency, scalability, and privacy. ? Applications and services of knowledge discovery and graph learning in all domains including web, medicine, education, healthcare, and business. ? Big knowledge systems and applications. ? Crowdsourcing, deep learning and edge computing for graph mining. ? Large language models and applications ? Open source platforms and systems supporting knowledge and graph learning. ? Datasets and benchmarks for graphs ? Neurosymbolic & Hybrid AI systems ? Graph Retrieval Augmented Generation SURVEY TRACK Survey paper reviewing recent study in keep aspects of knowledge discover and graph learning. In addition to the above topics, authors can also select and target the following Special Track topics. Each special track is handled by respective special track chairs, and the papers are also included in the conference proceedings. ? Special Track 01: KGC and Knowledge Graph Building ? Special Track 02: KR and KG Reasoning. ? Special Track 03: KG and Large Language Model ? Special Track 04: GNN and Graph Learning ? Special Track 05: QA and Graph Database ? Special Track 06: KG and Multi-modal Learning. ? Special Track 07: KG and Knowledge Fusion. ? Special Track 08: Industry and Applications SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Paper submissions should be no longer than 8 pages, in the IEEE 2-column format, including the bibliography and any possible appendices. Submissions longer than 8 pages will be rejected without review. All submissions will be reviewed by the Program Committee based on technical quality, originality, significance, and clarity. For survey track paper, please preface the descriptive paper title with ?Survey:?, followed by the actual paper title. For example, a paper entitled ?A Literature Review of Streaming Knowledge Graph?, should be changed as ?Survey: A Literature Review of Streaming Knowledge Graph?. This is for the reviewers and chairs to clearly bid and handle the papers. Once the paper is accepted, the word, such as ?Survey:?, can be removed from the camera-ready copy. For special track paper, please preface the descriptive paper title with ?SS##:?, where ?##? is the two digits special track ID. For example, a paper entitled ?Incremental Knowledge Graph Learning?, intended to target Special Track 01 (Machine learning and knowledge graph) should be changed as ?SS01: Incremental Knowledge Graph Learning?. All manuscripts are submitted as full papers and are reviewed based on their scientific merit. The reviewing process is single blind, meaning that each submission should list all authors and affiliations. There is no separate abstract submission step. There are no separate industrial, application, or poster tracks. Manuscripts must be submitted electronically in the online submission system. No email submission is accepted. To help ensure correct formatting, please use the style files for U.S. Letter as template for your submission. These include LaTeX and Word. SUBMISSION LINK IMPORTANT DATES ? Paper submission (abstract and full paper): July 15, 2025 (AoE) ? Notification of acceptance/rejection: September 15, 2025 ? Camera-ready deadline and copyright forms: October 15, 2025 ? Early Registration Deadline: Oct. 29, 2025 ? Conference: December 12-13, 2025 ORGANISATION Conference and Local Organising Chair ? George A. Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus Conference Co-Chair ? Dan Guo, Hefei University of Technology Program Chairs ? Cesare Alippi, Universit? della Svizzera italiana ? Shirui Pan, Griffith University Local Organising Vice Chair ? Irene Kinlanioti, National Technical University of Athens Finance Chair ? Constantinos Pattichis, University of Cyprus Steering Committee Chair ? Xindong Wu, Hefei University Of Technology -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Mark.Humphries at Thu Mar 6 09:46:24 2025 From: Mark.Humphries at (Mark Humphries) Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2025 14:46:24 +0000 Subject: Connectionists: Abstract submission open for the UK Neural Computation meeting July 9-11, Imperial College London Message-ID: Abstract submission is now open for the UK Neural Computation meeting 2025 at Imperial College on 9-11th July 2025. Submit here: Deadline of 12th May 2025 4 submitted abstracts will be selected for main meeting talks. Please spread the word! Conference information: Sponsors: ARIA Scalable Neural Interfaces program Francis Crick Institute Organisers: Danyal Akarca (Imperial) Dan Goodman (Imperial) Mark Humphries (Nottingham) Professor Mark Humphries | Professor of Computational Neuroscience Lab: Connect: Bluesky / LinkedIn / X Essays on the brain and science: Book: "The Spike: An Epic Journey Through the Brain in 2.1 Seconds" (Princeton UP) in hardback, paperback, ebook & audiobook read by Anand Jagatia This message and any attachment are intended solely for the addressee and may contain confidential information. If you have received this message in error, please contact the sender and delete the email and attachment. Any views or opinions expressed by the author of this email do not necessarily reflect the views of the University of Nottingham. Email communications with the University of Nottingham may be monitored where permitted by law. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From maria.pavlovic at Fri Mar 7 07:09:31 2025 From: maria.pavlovic at (Pavlovic, Maria) Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2025 12:09:31 +0000 Subject: Connectionists: Call for contribution and registration to the Systems Vision Science Symposium: Aug. 20-22, 2025, in Tuebingen, Germany In-Reply-To: References: , <>, <>, , <>, <>, <>, <>, <>, Message-ID: Systems Vision Science Symposium Aug. 20-22, 2025 in T?bingen, Germany Our symposium takes place at the end of our Systems Vision Science Summer School Aug. 11-22, 2025. Our symposium's keynote speaker: Tadashi Isa. Invited speakers of the Systems Vision Science Summer School and Symposium include: Marco Bertamini, David Brainard, Peter Dayan, Andrea van Doorn, Roland Fleming, Pascal Fries, Wilson S Geisler, Robbe Goris, Sheng He, Tadashi Isa, Tomas Knapen, Jan Koenderink, Larry Maloney, Keith May, Marcello Rosa, Jonathan Victor, Li Zhaoping. -------------------------------- We invite you to participate in and contribute (in form of posters) to the symposium. Your contribution will be in the general topic of Systems Vision Science, which promotes the combination of computational, behavioral, and neuroscience methods to discover functions and algorithms for vision in various brain regions and their implementations in neural circuits. To maximize exchanges during the symposium, each poster will be displayed throughout the symposium, which includes four poster sessions (two daytime sessions and two evening sessions), in a venue next to the lecture hall and coffee breaks to give enough time for discussions, networking and knowledge exchange. -------------------------------- To contribute or participate, please fill out the appropriate form at The deadline for symposium contribution is April 30, 2025. Registration for participation without contribution is open until venue capacity (100) is reached. Interested in participating in the summer school before the symposium? You could apply to the summer school by March 31, see Please direct inquiries to svs.summerschool at -------------------------------- Organizing team: Li Zhaoping Maria Pavlovic Vladislav Aksiotis Junhao Liang Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics University of Tuebingen -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From robert.legenstein at Fri Mar 7 09:15:59 2025 From: robert.legenstein at (Robert Legenstein) Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2025 15:15:59 +0100 Subject: Connectionists: Bilateral AI: Call for applications Message-ID: <> Bilateral Artificial Intelligence: Discovering the Next Dimension of AI *Call for Applications: Join a world-class faculty to work in a field that is changing our world* In Austria, leading scientists in the field of AI have joined forces and created the Cluster of Excellence (CoE) ?Bilateral Artificial Intelligence: Discovering the Next Dimension of AI?, funded by the Austrian Science Fund FWF. The visionis to educate a new generation of top-quality AI scientists with a holistic understanding of symbolic and sub-symbolic AI methods. Combining these two worlds is shaping up to be the next big game changing development! The CoE ?Bilateral AI?is currently looking for the brightest minds in this field, offering *around 50 PhD and Postdoc positions*, with several exciting opportunities still available. Join us and become part of the next AI revolution! The participating research centers are Johannes Kepler Universit?t Linz (JKU Linz), Technische Universit?t Wien (TU Wien), Alpen-Adria-Universit?t Klagenfurt (AAU), Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA), Technische Universit?t Graz (TU Graz), and Wirtschaftsuniversit?t Wien (WU Wien). The Board of Directors is led by Sepp Hochreiter (JKU Linz), with Thomas Eiter (TU Wien) serving as Vice Director. -- Dr. Robert Legenstein Univ.-Professor Institute of Machine Learning and Neural Computation Graz University of Technology Inffeldgasse 16b/I, 8010 Graz, Austria WebEx: ++43/316/873-5824 ---------------------------------- -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From aditya_gilra at Fri Mar 7 09:43:56 2025 From: aditya_gilra at (Aditya Gilra) Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2025 14:43:56 +0000 (UTC) Subject: Connectionists: 20-21 May, 2025: Workshop on Modern Applications of Control Theory and Reinforcement Learning (to complex adaptive systems) at CWI, Amsterdam, Netherlands References: <> Message-ID: <> Dear all,?We invite registrations for an exciting Workshop on Modern Applications of Control Theory and Reinforcement Learning, particularly to complex adaptive systems: of control theory and reinforcement learning are increasingly diverse. This workshop aims to foster the transfer of methods of control and RL across upcoming domains, especially complex adaptive systems such as climate-socio-economics, neuroscience, and similar.Dates: 20-21 May 2025Venue: CWI (Research Institute for Mathematics and Computer Science), Amsterdam, NetherlandsRegistration deadline: 1 May 2025?We have distinguished speakers covering a wide variety of application domains:Diederik Roijers, VU Brussel, BelgiumElena Rovenskaya, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), AustriaHerke van Hoof, University of Amsterdam, NetherlandsMarcel van Gerven, Radboud University Nijmegen, NetherlandsMarta Kwiatkowska, University of Oxford, United KingdomSander Boht?, CWI, University of Amsterdam, NetherlandsSander Keemink, Radboud University Nijmegen, NetherlandsTimm Faulwasser, University of Stuttgart, GermanyWolfram Barfuss, University of Bonn, Germany?? Please register as soon as possible! workshop is part of a?research semester programme on Control Theory and Reinforcement Learning at CWI, Amsterdam, NL, which comprises a?Spring School (17-21 March - deadline 10 March), a?Workshop on Themes (24-25 March - deadline 1 March), this?Workshop on Modern Applications (20-21 May - deadline 1 May), and an upcoming one on Theory (19-20 June).?Download and?advertise the poster.?Looking forward to seeing you!On behalf of the organizers. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: 1741358367460blob.jpg Type: image/png Size: 480979 bytes Desc: not available URL: From kordjams at Fri Mar 7 11:42:04 2025 From: kordjams at (Kordjamshidi, Parisa) Date: Fri, 7 Mar 2025 16:42:04 +0000 Subject: Connectionists: CFP: Special Issue on Neurosymbolic Generative Models Message-ID: Call for Papers: Special Issue on Neurosymbolic Generative Models Explore the future of AI by contributing to the Special Issue on Neurosymbolic Generative Models! We invite cutting-edge research that integrates symbolic reasoning with deep generative models (DGMs), such as large language models, to improve performance, interpretability, and robustness in AI applications. Topics include: - Neurosymbolic learning and reasoning in DGMs - Enhancing interpretability, robustness, and fairness in DGMs - Applications in science, healthcare, finance, and more Fast Track Opportunity for extended versions of recently published conference papers. Submission Deadlines: - Regular & Fast Track: March 31st 2025 Submit your paper today and join a transformative discussion shaping the future of AI! Visit for more details or contact the guest editors at: nesy-genai at Please note that the Open Access cost of the Journal does NOT apply to this special issue, which is free of any cost. Submission Guide You must use the NeSy Journal Submission system to submit a paper to the Neurosymbolic Generative Models special issue. Here is an overview of the paper submission process: You will need to create an account on Ensure this is done in advance as the account approval may take a few days. After registration, you will receive a confirmation email. This confirms that your account has been created, however, there is an additional step required to get your account approved. You need to request account approval by sending an e-mail to eic at from the registered email address. If your account is not approved within a day, please inform Pascal Hitzler phitzler at . Once your account is approved, you will receive a link to set your password. Set your password and confirm that your contact details are correct. Once you are logged in, navigate to the submission page: In the submission form Enter details about your details and information about your paper Under ?Submission Type? select ?Article in Special Issue? Upload your paper as a PDF document. Please note that the file cannot exceed 48 MB in size. Write a brief cover letter indicating that you are submitting your paper to the ?Neurosymbolic Generative Models? special issue. If you are submitting an extended paper, please also summarise your additional contributions. Click Preview to double-check your submission. If everything is okay, click the ?Submit? button. You should immediately receive an email, confirming your paper submission. If you encounter any issues with the submission process (e.g., registration delays), please do not hesitate to contact the mailing list: nesy-genai at . Thanks, ------------------------------------------------ Kordjamshidi, Parisa Associate Professor Computer Science and Engineering Michigan State University Heterogeneous Learning & Reasoning Lab: Woman, Life, Freedom -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: smime.p7s Type: application/pkcs7-signature Size: 1620 bytes Desc: not available URL: From stanciu.cristi12 at Fri Mar 7 17:13:47 2025 From: stanciu.cristi12 at (Cristian Stanciu) Date: Sat, 8 Mar 2025 00:13:47 +0200 Subject: Connectionists: 2nd Call-for-Participation: ImageCLEF 2025 Multimedia Retrieval in CLEF Lab Message-ID: [Apologies for multiple postings] ImageCLEF 2025 Multimedia Retrieval in CLEF *** CALL FOR PARTICIPATION *** ImageCLEF 2025 is an evaluation campaign that is being organized as part of the CLEF (Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum) labs. The campaign offers several research tasks that welcome participation from teams around the world. The results of the campaign appear in the working notes proceedings, published by CEUR Workshop Proceedings ( and are presented in the CLEF conference. Selected contributions among the participants, will be invited for publication in the following year in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) together with the annual lab overviews. Target communities involve (but are not limited to): information retrieval (text, vision, audio, multimedia, social media, sensor data, etc.), machine learning, deep learning, data mining, natural language processing, image and video processing, computer vision, with special attention to the challenges of multi-modality, multi-linguality, and interactive search. *** 2025 TASKS *** - ImageCLEFmedical Automatic Image Captioning - ImageCLEFmedical Synthetic Medical Images Created via GANs - ImageCLEFmedical Visual Question Answering - ImageCLEFmedical Multimodal And Generative TelemedICine (MAGIC) - Image Retrieval/Generation for Arguments - ImageCLEFtoPicto - ImageCLEF Multimodal Reasoning #ImageCLEFmedical Automatic Image Captioning (9th edition) Interpreting and summarizing the insights gained from medical images such as radiology output is a time-consuming task that involves highly trained experts and often represents a bottleneck in clinical diagnosis pipelines.The Automatic Image Captioning task is split into 2 subtasks: Concept Detection Task, based on identifying the presence and location of relevant concepts in a large corpus of medical images and the Caption Prediction Task, where participating systems are tasked with composing coherent captions for the entirety of an image Organizers: Hendrik Damm, Johannes R?ckert, Christoph M. Friedrich, Louise Bloch, Raphael Br?ngel, Ahmad Idrissi-Yaghir, Benjamin Bracke (University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund, Germany), Asma Ben Abacha (Microsoft, USA), Alba Garc?a Seco de Herrera (University of Essex, UK), Henning M?ller (University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland, Sierre, Switzerland), Henning Sch?fer, Tabea M. G. Pakull (Institute for Transfusion Medicine, University Hospital Essen, Germany), Cynthia S. Schmidt, Obioma Pelka (Institute for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Germany) #ImageCLEFmedical Synthetic Medical Images Created via GANs (3rd edition) The task aims to further investigate the hypothesis that generative models generate synthetic medical images that retain "fingerprints" from the real images used during their training. These fingerprints raise important security and privacy concerns, particularly in the context of personal medical image data being used to create artificial images for various real-life applications. In the first subtask, participants will analyze synthetic biomedical images to determine whether specific real images were used in the training process of generative models. In the second subtask, participants will link each synthetic biomedical image to the specific subset of real data used during its generation. The goal is to identify the particular dataset of real images that contributed to the training of the generative model responsible for creating each synthetic image. Organizers: Alexandra Andrei, Liviu-Daniel ?tefan, Mihai Gabriel Constantin, Mihai Dogariu, Bogdan Ionescu (National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest, Romania), Ahmedkhan Radzhabov, Yuri Prokopchuk (National Academy of Science of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus), Vassili Kovalev (Belarusian Academy of Sciences, Minsk, Belarus), Henning M?ller (University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland, Sierre, Switzerland) #ImageCLEFmedical Visual Question Answering (3rd edition) This year, the challenge looks at the integration of Visual Question Answering (VQA) with synthetic gastrointestinal (GI) data, aiming to enhance diagnostic accuracy and learning algorithms. The challenge includes developing algorithms that can interpret and answer questions based on synthetic GI images, creating advanced synthetic images that mimic accurate diagnostic visuals in detail and variability, and evaluating the effectiveness of VQA techniques with both synthetic and real GI data. The 1st subtask asks participants to build algorithms that can accurately interpret and respond to questions pertaining to gastrointestinal (GI) images. This involves understanding the context and details within the images and providing precise answers that would assist in medical diagnostics, while the 2nd subtask focuses on the generation of synthetic GI images that are highly detailed and variable enough to closely resemble real medical images. Organizers: Steven A. Hicks, Sushant Gautam, Michael A. Riegler, Vajira Thambawita, P?l Halvorsen (SimulaMet, Norway) #ImageCLEFmedical Multimodal And Generative TelemedICine (MEDIQA-MAGIC) (3rd edition) The task extends on the previous year?s dataset and challenge based on multimodal dermatology response generation. Participants will be given a clinical narrative context along with accompanying images. The task is divided into two relevant sub-parts: (i) segmentation of dermatological problem regions, and (ii) providing answers to closed-ended questions (participants will be given a dermatological query, its accompanying images, as well as a closed-question with accompanying choices ? the task is to select the correct answer to each question) Organizers: Asma Ben Abacha, Wen-wai Yim, Noel Codella (Microsoft), Roberto Andres Novoa (Stanford University), Josep Malvehy (Hospital Clinic of Barcelona) #Image Retrieval/Generation for Arguments (4th edition) Given a set of arguments, the task is to return for each argument several images that help convey the argument. A suitable image could depict the argument or show a generalization or specialization. Participants can optionally add a short caption that explains the meaning of the image. Images can be either retrieved from the focused crawl or generated using an image generator. Organizers: Maximilian Heinrich, Johannes Kiesel, Benno Stein (Bauhaus-Universit?t Weimar), Moritz Wolter (Leipzig University), Martin Potthast (University of Kassel, hessian.AI, scads.AI) #ImageCLEFtoPicto (3rd edition) The goal of ToPicto is to bring together linguists, computer scientists, and translators to develop new translation methods to translate either speech or text into a corresponding sequence of pictograms. The task refers to the relationship between text and related pictograms and is composed of 2 subtasks: the Text-to-Picto task, which focuses on the automatic generation of a corresponding sequence of pictogram terms and the Speech-to-Picto task, which focuses on directly translating speech to pictogram terms. Organizers: Diandra Fabre, C?cile Macaire, Benjamin Lecouteux, Didier Schwab (Universit? Grenoble Alpes, LIG, France) #ImageCLEF Multimodal Reasoning (new) MultimodalReason is a new task focusing on Multilingual Visual Question Answering (VQA). The formulation of the task is the following: Given an image of a question with 3-5 possible answers, participants must identify the single correct answer.The task is split into many subtasks, each handling a different language (English, Bulgarian, Arabic, Serbian, Italian, Hungarian, Croatian, Urdu, Kazakh, Spanish, with a few more on the way). The task's goal is to assess modern LLMs' reasoning capabilities on complex inputs, presented in different languages, across various subjects. Organizers: Dimitar Dimitrov, Ivan Koychev (Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Bulgaria), Rocktim Jyoti Das, Zhuohan Xie, Preslav Nakov (Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence (MBZUAI), Abu Dhabi, UAE) *** IMPORTANT DATES *** (may vary depending on the task) - Run submission: May 10, 2025 - Working notes submission: May 30, 2025 - CLEF 2025 conference: September 9-12, 2025, Madrid, Spain *** REGISTRATION *** Follow the instructions here *** OVERALL COORDINATION *** Bogdan Ionescu, Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania Henning M?ller, HES-SO, Sierre, Switzerland Cristian Stanciu, Politehnica University of Bucharest, Romania On behalf of the organizers, Cristian Stanciu -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From stanciu.cristi12 at Fri Mar 7 17:14:09 2025 From: stanciu.cristi12 at (Cristian Stanciu) Date: Sat, 8 Mar 2025 00:14:09 +0200 Subject: Connectionists: 2nd Call For Papers: 4th ACM International Workshop on Multimedia AI against Disinformation Message-ID: 4th ACM International Workshop on Multimedia AI against Disinformation (MAD?25) ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval ICMR'25 Chicago, USA, June 30 - July 3, 2025 *** Call for papers *** ************************ * Paper submission due: April 10, 2025 * Acceptance notification: April 29, 2025 * Camera-ready papers due: May 5, 2025 * Workshop @ACM ICMR 2025: June 30, 2025 Modern communication does not rely anymore solely on mainstream media like newspapers or television, but rather takes place over social networks, in real-time, and with live interactions among users. The speedup of distribution and the amount of information available, however, also led to an increased amount of misleading content, disinformation and propaganda. Conversely, the fight against disinformation, in which news agencies and NGOs (among others) take part on a daily basis to avoid the risk of citizens' opinions being distorted, became even more crucial and demanding, especially for what concerns sensitive topics such as politics, health and religion. Disinformation campaigns are leveraging, among others, AI-based tools for content generation and modification: hyper-realistic visual, speech, textual and video content have emerged under the collective name of "deepfakes", and more recently with the use of Large Language Models (LLMs) and Large Multimodal Models (LMMs), undermining the perceived credibility of media content. It is, therefore, even more crucial to counter these advances by devising new robust and trustworthy AI tools able to detect the presence of inaccurate, synthetic and manipulated content, accessible to journalists and fact-checkers. Future multimedia disinformation detection research relies on the combination of different modalities and on the adoption of the latest advances of deep learning approaches and architectures. These raise new challenges and questions that need to be addressed to reduce the effects of disinformation campaigns. The workshop, in its fourth edition, welcomes contributions related to different aspects of AI-powered disinformation detection, analysis and mitigation. Topics of interest include but are not limited to: - Disinformation detection in multimedia content (e.g., video, audio, texts, images) - Multimodal verification methods - Synthetic and manipulated media detection - Multimedia forensics - Disinformation spread and effects in social media - Analysis of disinformation campaigns in societally-sensitive domains - Robustness of media verification against adversarial attacks and real-world complexities - Fairness and non-discrimination of disinformation detection in multimedia content - Explaining disinformation detection results to non-expert users - Temporal and cultural aspects of disinformation - Dataset sharing and governance in AI for disinformation - Datasets for disinformation detection and multimedia verification - Open resources, e.g., datasets, software tools - Large Language Models for analyzing and mitigating disinformation campaigns - Large Multimodal Models for media verification - Multimedia verification systems and applications - System fusion, ensembling and late fusion techniques - Benchmarking and evaluation frameworks *** Submission guidelines *** When preparing your submission, please adhere strictly to the ACM ICMR 2025 instructions, to ensure the appropriateness of the reviewing process and inclusion in the ACM Digital Library proceedings. The instructions are available here: . *** Organizing committee *** Dan-Cristian Stanciu (National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest, Romania) Roberto Caldelli (CNIT and Mercatorum University, Italy) Milica Gerhardt (Fraunhofer IDMT, Germany) Bogdan Ionescu (National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest, Romania) Giorgos Kordopatis-Zilos (Czech Technical University in Prague, Czechia) Symeon Papadopoulos (CERTH-???, Greece) Adrian Popescu (CEA LIST, France) Vera Schmitt (Technical University Berlin, Germany) The workshop is supported under the following projects: (i) UEFISCDI DeteRel SOL12/2024 Detection of relationships between entities in unstructured and structured data sets (, (ii) AI4Debunk (, (iii) ?VERification Assisted by Artificial Intelligence? (, and (iv) News-Polygraph ( On behalf of the organizers, Cristian Stanciu -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From stephan.petrone at Sat Mar 8 10:24:58 2025 From: stephan.petrone at (Stephan Petrone) Date: Sat, 8 Mar 2025 16:24:58 +0100 Subject: Connectionists: [ISC 2025] Intelligent Systems & Decision Making: Humans Insights in the Era of AI @ Catania, Italy Message-ID: Apologies for cross-posting. Appreciate if you can distribute this CFP to your network. ********************************************************************************** ISC 2025 - 3rd International Summer Conference Intelligent Systems & Decision Making: Humans Insight in the Era of AI 19-20 June 2025, Catania, Italy isc2025 at ********************************************************************************** ** Submission deadline: 25th March 2025 ** ** Proceedings in LNCS Volume, Springer ** ** Special issue in IoT - Internet of Things, Elsevier ** ** Special issue in SOCO - Soft Computing, Springer ** ** Submission: *Scope of the Conference ======================== The INTERNATIONAL SUMMER CONFERENCE mission is to share knowledge and experiences in AI-driven decision-making, promote advanced research and business best practices, bridge the gap between industry and academia, and enhance strategic networking and collaboration. ISC 2025 is designed for individuals and organizations who are eager to explore the latest advancements in decision science and technology and understand how these innovations can influence their industries and practices. The audience includes decision-makers, industry professionals, professors and researchers, companies, public administration, academia, other organizations, as well as PhD and master?s students. Important Dates ================ Submission deadline March 25th, 2025 Notification of acceptance May 5th, 2025 Early registration May 10th, 2025 Camera ready copy May 15th, 2025 Submission Details =================== ISC 2025 accepts three different submission formats: 1) Regular paper: novel and original research contributions of a maximum of 15 pages, using LNCS format by Springer; 2) Short paper: extended abstract of novel research works of a maximum of 11 pages, using LNCS format by Springer; 3) Abstract: high-quality published or preliminary recent works.* Regular and short submitted papers will undergo a double-blind anonymous review process. Proceedings and special issue ============================ Only regular and short accepted papers will be published as post-proceedings in Lecture Notes in Computer Science series by Springer. Accepted abstract contributions will be considered for oral presentations at the conference and will not be included into the LNCS proceedings. An electronic book instead will be prepared by the ISC 2025 organizing committee and made available on the website. * Abstracts representing preliminary recent works will have the opportunity to be extended into regular paper for inclusion in the LNCS Volume after a double-blind review process. In addition, post-conference special issue in Internet of Things journal (Elsevier) will be considered for the significantly extended and revised versions of selected accepted papers. More special issues in other international journals (SCOPUS indexed) will be announced. ISC 2025 Organization ============================== ** Conference Chairs - Vincenzo Cutello, University of Catania, Italy - Raffaele Cerulli, University of Salerno, Italy - Salvatore Greco, University of Catania, Italy ** Program Chairs - Carlos A. Coello Coello, CINVESTAV-IPN, Mexico - Angel A. Juan, Universitat Polit?cnica de Val?ncia, Spain - Mario Pavone, University of Catania, Italy - El-Ghazali Talbi, University of Lille, France - Giovanni Righini, University of Milan, Italy isc2025 at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From mario.pavone at Sat Mar 8 09:40:33 2025 From: mario.pavone at (Mario Francesco Pavone) Date: Sat, 8 Mar 2025 14:40:33 +0000 Subject: Connectionists: [ISC 2025] Intelligent Systems & Decision Making: Humans Insights in the Era of AI @ Catania, Italy Message-ID: Apologies for cross-posting. Appreciate if you can distribute this CFP to your network. ********************************************************************************** ISC 2025 - 3rd International Summer Conference Intelligent Systems & Decision Making: Humans Insight in the Era of AI 19-20 June 2025, Catania, Italy isc2025 at ********************************************************************************** ** Submission deadline: 25th March 2025 ** ** Proceedings in LNCS Volume, Springer ** ** Special issue in IoT - Internet of Things, Elsevier ** ** Special issue in SOCO - Soft Computing, Springer ** ** *Scope of the Conference ======================== The INTERNATIONAL SUMMER CONFERENCE mission is to share knowledge and experiences in AI-driven decision-making, promote advanced research and business best practices, bridge the gap between industry and academia, and enhance strategic networking and collaboration. ISC 2025 is designed for individuals and organizations who are eager to explore the latest advancements in decision science and technology and understand how these innovations can influence their industries and practices. The audience includes decision-makers, industry professionals, professors and researchers, companies, public administration, academia, other organizations, as well as PhD and master?s students. Important Dates ================ Submission deadline March 25th, 2025 Notification of acceptance May 5th, 2025 Early registration May 10th, 2025 Camera ready copy May 15th, 2025 Submission Details =================== ISC 2025 accepts three different submission formats: 1) Regular paper: novel and original research contributions of a maximum of 15 pages, using LNCS format by Springer; 2) Short paper: extended abstract of novel research works of a maximum of 11 pages, using LNCS format by Springer; 3) Abstract: high-quality published or preliminary recent works.* Regular and short submitted papers will undergo a double-blind anonymous review process. Proceedings and special issue ============================ Only regular and short accepted papers will be published as post-proceedings in Lecture Notes in Computer Science series by Springer. Accepted abstract contributions will be considered for oral presentations at the conference and will not be included into the LNCS proceedings. An electronic book instead will be prepared by the ISC 2025 organizing committee and made available on the website. * Abstracts representing preliminary recent works will have the opportunity to be extended into regular paper for inclusion in the LNCS Volume after a double-blind review process. In addition, post-conference special issue in Internet of Things journal (Elsevier) will be considered for the significantly extended and revised versions of selected accepted papers. More special issues in other international journals (SCOPUS indexed) will be announced. ISC 2025 Organization ============================== ** Conference Chairs - Vincenzo Cutello, University of Catania, Italy - Raffaele Cerulli, University of Salerno, Italy - Salvatore Greco, University of Catania, Italy ** Program Chairs - Carlos A. Coello Coello, CINVESTAV-IPN, Mexico - Angel A. Juan, Universitat Polit?cnica de Val?ncia, Spain - Mario Pavone, University of Catania, Italy - El-Ghazali Talbi, University of Lille, France - Giovanni Righini, University of Milan, Italy isc2025 at --? Mario F. Pavone, PhD Associate Professor Dept of Mathematics and Computer?Science University of Catania V.le A. Doria 6 - 95125 Catania, Italy --------------------------------------------- tel: +39 095 7383034 mobile: +39 3384342147 Email: mpavone at ========================================= Complex Intelligent Systems Research Group complexintelligentsystems at ========================================= From tina.liu at Sat Mar 8 21:56:18 2025 From: tina.liu at (Tina Liu) Date: Sat, 8 Mar 2025 21:56:18 -0500 Subject: Connectionists: Four Postdoc Positions in the Georgetown University Neuroscience of Language Training Program Message-ID: *Apologies for cross-posting* *Seeking Four Postdoctoral Fellows in Neuroscience of Language!* Two fully funded slots available before June 30, 2025 + Two more slots available after July 1, 2025 Georgetown University Neuroscience of Language Training Program Washington, DC, USA ** Submit your application HERE ! The Georgetown University Neuroscience of Language Training Program is seeking outstanding postdoctoral fellows who wish to become the future leaders of our field. We aim to develop well-rounded scientists who have a broad perspective on basic and clinical neuroscience of language research, along with the skills and track-record to succeed in their chosen career path. We offer a rich training environment in the nation?s capital where fellows conduct innovative research under the guidance of 18 faculty members studying basic and clinical neuroscience of language, along with sensory, motor, and cognitive systems as they pertain to language and communication. Fellows can work with a single faculty member or across multiple labs, including partner labs at Children?s National Hospital and the George Washington University. Fellows can also participate in clinical experiences, community engagement activities, professional development training, journal clubs, and seminars to enrich their training. Appointments are funded at NIH NRSA stipend rates for two years, assuming fellows remain in good standing after the first year. Fellows also receive additional funds for training-related expenses, such as workshops, courses, conference travel, computers, peripherals, etc. Eligibility: U.S. citizens or permanent residents who currently hold a doctoral degree or will have met all doctoral program requirements before enrolling are eligible. Individuals with doctoral degrees from any relevant field (Neuroscience, Cognitive Science, Linguistics, Psychology, Communication Science and Disorders, etc.) are encouraged to apply. Admissions are rolling so applicants should inquire early about positions. Applicants interested in exploring the intersection of vision and language are encouraged to contact Dr. Tina Liu at tina.liu at for more details. For general inquiries about the program or language-related research, please reach out to Dr. Peter Turkeltaub at peter.turkeltaub at Thanks, Tina -- Tina Liu, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Department of Neurology Georgetown University Medical Center Director, Visual Perception and Plasticity Lab -- Tong (Tina) Liu, Ph.D. Assistant Professor Department of Neurology Georgetown University Medical Center Director, Visual Perception and Plasticity Lab -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Georgetown Neuroscience of Language T32 post doc ad 2025.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 1244295 bytes Desc: not available URL: From dhansel0 at Sun Mar 9 10:39:40 2025 From: dhansel0 at (David Hansel) Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2025 10:39:40 -0400 Subject: Connectionists: World wide VVTNS series (fifth season): Wednesday, March 12, 2025, at 11:00 am EDT| Olivier Marre, Institut de la vision, Paris In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: [image: VVTNS.png] - on twitter: wwtns at TheoreticalWide You are cordially invited to the lecture given by Olivier Marre Institut de la Vision, Paris A perturbative approach to understand retinal computations The lecture will be held on zoom on Wednesday, March 12, 2025, at *11:00 am EDT * To receive the link: *Note that the USA has moved to Summer time. * *On Wednesday, March 12, 11am EDT = 4 pm CET = 3 pm GMT* *Abstract: *A major challenge in sensory systems is to understand how neurons extract information from the natural environment. Models derived from their responses to artificial stimuli often have a hard time to generalize and predict responses to natural scenes. However, models directly learned on the responses to natural scenes can be hard to interpret. To address this issue, we have recently developed an approach where we add small perturbations to natural scenes and measure how these perturbations change neuronal responses, to better understand the features extracted by sensory neurons. I will show several applications of this approach in the retina, and how it allowed us to uncover non-linear computations performed by ganglion cells, the retinal output. *About VVTNS : Launched as the World Wide Theoretical Neuroscience Seminar (WWTNS) in November 2020 and renamed in homage to Carl van Vreeswijk in Memoriam (April 20, 2022), Speakers have the occasion to talk about theoretical aspects of their work which cannot be discussed in a setting where the majority of the audience consists of experimentalists. The seminars, **held on Wednesdays at 11 am ET,** are 45-50 min long followed by a discussion. The talks are recorded with authorization of the speaker and are available to everybody on our YouTube channel.* ? -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: VVTNS.png Type: image/png Size: 41084 bytes Desc: not available URL: From fabio.bellavia at Sun Mar 9 12:07:27 2025 From: fabio.bellavia at (Fabio Bellavia) Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2025 17:07:27 +0100 Subject: Connectionists: [CfP] 7th Image Matching Workshop @ CVPR 2025 *EXTENDED DEADLINE to March 17* Message-ID: apologies for multiple posting, please distribute among interested parties __________________________________________________________ *Image Matching: Local Features & Beyond* *CVPR 2025 Workshop* *submission deadline extended*: March 17, 2025 (+ 6 days) __________________________________________________________ Workshop: CMT website for paper submission: ___*Overview* ___ The 7th edition of the Image Matching Workshop is co-located as every year with CVPR 2025. Our goal is to encourage and highlight novel strategies for image matching that deviate from and advance traditional formulations, with a focus on large-scale, wide-baseline matching for 3D reconstruction and pose estimation. ___*Challenge* ___ The workshop will once again feature an open challenge on Kaggle, which we expect to announce very soon. ___*Topics* ___ Workshop topics include (but are not limited to): - Formulations of keypoint extraction and matching pipelines with deep networks. - Application of geometric constraints into the training of deep networks. - Large-scale evaluation of classical and modern methods for image matching, by means of our open challenge. - Matching across different data modalities such as aerial versus ground. - Leveraging additional cues such as semantics and mono-depth estimates. - Attention mechanisms to match salient image regions. - Connecting local descriptors/image matching with global descriptors/image retrieval. - Methods addressing adversarial conditions where current methods fail (weather changes, day versus night, etc.). - Integration of differentiable components into 3D reconstruction frameworks. - New perception devices such as event-based cameras. - Other topics related to image matching, structure from motion, mapping, and relocalization, such as privacy-preserving representations. ___*Invited speakers* ___ - Johannes Schoenberger, Meta - Jon?? Kulh?nek, CTU Prague ___*Paper submission* ___ We invite paper submissions up to 8 pages, excluding references and acknowledgements. They should use the CVPR template (reviews are double-blind, so please hide author data in the pdf) and be submitted to the CMT site (linked above). Submissions must contain novel work and will be indexed in IEEE Xplore/CVF. They will receive at least two double-blind reviews. ___*Important dates* ___ - Paper submission deadline: March 17, 2025 - Notification to authors: April 2, 2025 - Camera-ready deadline: April 4, 2025 (hard deadline on April 7) - Workshop date: TBC (June 11 or 12, 2025) ___*Organizers* ___ - Fabio Bellavia, University of Palermo - Jiri Matas, Czech Technical University in Prague - Dmytro Mishkin, Czech Technical University in Prague/HOVER Inc. - Luca Morelli, University of Trento/Bruno Kessler Foundation - Fabio Remondino, Bruno Kessler Foundation - Amy Tabb, USDA-ARS-AFRS - Eduard Trulls, Google - Kwang Moo Yi, University of British Columbia From lrubchin at Mon Mar 10 00:16:45 2025 From: lrubchin at (Rubchinsky, Leonid L) Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2025 04:16:45 +0000 Subject: Connectionists: CNS*2025 abstract submission deadline EXTENDED to March 18th In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: 34th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting CNS*2025, Florence, Italy, July 5-9, 2025. The deadline to submit an abstract is extended to Tuesday, March 18. Registration: Abstract submission: CNS*2025 meeting information: With kind regards, Leonid Rubchinsky OCNS Vice President, on behalf of the OCNS Board of Directors *********************** Leonid Rubchinsky, PhD Professor Department of Mathematical Sciences, Indiana University Indianapolis Stark Neurosciences Research Institute, Indiana University School of Medicine 402 N. Blackford St Indianapolis, IN 46202-3216 lrubchin at *********************** -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From hocine.cherifi at Mon Mar 10 04:42:32 2025 From: hocine.cherifi at (Hocine Cherifi) Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2025 08:42:32 +0000 Subject: Connectionists: =?utf-8?b?8J+ToiBDRlAg4oCTIFVubG9ja2luZyBDb21w?= =?utf-8?q?lexity=3A_Cutting-Edge_Research_in_Networks=2C_AI=2C_Bio?= =?utf-8?q?logy_=26_Beyond?= Message-ID: ? *Part of the **France?s International Conference on Complex Systems* * (FRCCS 2025)* ? *May 21?23, 2025 | Bordeaux, France* *?** Exploring Complexity Across Disciplines* The *French Conference on Complex Systems (FRCCS 2025)* invites submissions to its *workshop program*, covering a broad range of topics at the intersection of *network science, artificial intelligence, blockchain, biological growth, business dynamics, and visualization in complexity science*. These workshops provide a unique opportunity for *interdisciplinary discussions* and the *exploration of emerging research* in complex systems. We welcome *full papers, short papers, and extended abstracts* that contribute to the understanding and application of complexity science across various domains. ------------------------------ *?** List of Workshops at FRCCS 2025* *?** Beauty in Complexity ? A Visual Exhibition* This exhibition invites researchers to showcase *stunning scientific visualizations, network representations, AI-generated art, and data-driven images* that reveal the hidden beauty of complexity in science. *Topics include:* ? Data-driven visualizations of complex systems ? Network representations in science & technology ? AI-generated complexity art For details, visit: *Beauty in Complexity Webpage* ? *Contact:* Benjamin Renoust, Median Technologies renoust at ------------------------------ *?** Workshop on Complex Networks and Blockchain for Trusted Connectivity* This workshop explores the *intersection of blockchain technology and complex network science*, focusing on *security, trust, and decentralization* in distributed systems. *Topics include:* ? Blockchain for criminal and terrorist network analysis ? AI-driven graph mining in blockchain transactions ? Network resilience in decentralized systems For details, visit: *Complex Networks and Blockchain for Trusted Connectivity Website* ? *Contact*: Anamaria Ficara, University of Messina, Italy aficara at ------------------------------ *?** Workshop on Complex Network Sparsification* Large-scale networks require *efficient sparsification techniques* to extract meaningful structures while reducing computational complexity. This workshop addresses *theory, methods, and applications* of network sparsification. *Topics include:* ? Edge importance metrics and sparsification algorithms ? Applications in social, biological, and transportation networks ? Learning-based models for graph sparsification For details, visit: Workshop on Complex Network Sparsification ? *Contact*: Hamida Seba, LIRIS, France hamida.seba at ------------------------------ *?** Workshop on Decoding Success in Business and Economics* This workshop examines *patterns of success and failure in business, industries, and economies*, using *complexity science, AI, and network analytics*. *Topics include:* ? Predictive models for startup growth and failure ? AI-driven forecasting for economic success ? Influence of innovation diffusion and knowledge networks For details, visit: Workshop on Decoding Success in Business and Economics Web page ? *Contact*: *Fabian Braesemann*, University of Oxford fabian.braesemann at ------------------------------ *?** Workshop on Complex Systems in Biological Growth and Morphogenesis* Biological growth processes are governed by *self-organization, emergent behaviors, and multi-scale interactions*. This workshop focuses on *modeling, computation, and experimental approaches* to morphogenesis. *Topics include:* ? Biomechanics and biochemical signaling in growth ? Nonlinear dynamics and self-organization in biological systems ? Computational models for tissue growth and development For details, visit: Unraveling the Complexity of Biological Growth and Morphogenesis Web page ? *Contact*: *Xinyi Liu*, Northwestern University, xinyiliu2025 at ------------------------------ *?** Workshop on Complex Systems and Artificial Intelligence* AI and deep learning models exhibit *emergent properties, self-organization, and complex multi-agent interactions*. This workshop explores *theoretical and computational insights* from complexity science in AI research. *Topics include:* ? Multi-scale interactions in artificial intelligence architectures ? Network science for AI interpretability and explainability ? Complexity-driven approaches to multi-agent systems and collective intelligence For details, visit: Workshop on Complex Systems and Artificial Intelligence Web Page ? *Contact *: *Christophe Cruz*, Universit? Bourgogne Europe, ccruz at ------------------------------ *?** Submission Guidelines* ? *Full Papers* (12 pages) ? *Short Papers* (8 pages) ? *Extended Abstracts* (3-4 pages) *?** Proceedings & Special Issue* Accepted papers will be presented at the workshops. Their *inclusion in the official FRCCS 2025 proceedings, published with Springer is subject to final approval by the conference organizers.* Selected high-quality submissions may also be invited for publication in *special issues of partner journals.* *?** Important Dates* ? *Submission Deadline*: March 20, 2025 ? *Notification of Acceptance*: April 17, 2025 ? *Camera-Ready Deadline*: April 30, 2025 ? *Workshop Dates*: May 21?23, 2025 For details, visit: *FRCCS 2025 Website* Join us at COMPLEX NETWORKS 2025 *-------------------------* Hocine CHERIFI University of Burgundy Franche-Comt? Laboratoire* I*nterdisciplinaire *C*arnot de *B*ourgogne - ICB UMR 6303 CNRS Editor in Chief Applied Network Science Plos Complex Systems Editorial Board member PLOS One , IEEE ACCESS , Scientific Reports , Journal of Imaging , Quality and Quantity , Computational Social Networks , Complex Systems -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From nicolai.s.waniek at Mon Mar 10 04:20:46 2025 From: nicolai.s.waniek at (Nicolai Waniek) Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2025 09:20:46 +0100 Subject: Connectionists: Eresford Summer School 2025 on Mathematical Methods in Computational Neuroscience Message-ID: <> Dear all, We are happy to announce the Eresfjord Summer School 2025 on "Mathematical Methods in Computational Neuroscience"! It will take place from 7 July to 25 July 2025 at the Fred Kavli Knowledge Center in beautiful Eresfjord, Norway, and we will cover some of the most important methods used in computational neuroscience research through both main lectures and scientific seminars. For more information, visit and apply before 31 March! The confirmed speakers and lecturers are Sara Solla, Northwestern University, USA Predrag Cvitanovi?, Georgia Tech, USA Carina Curto, Brown University, USA Soledad Gonzalo Cogno, NTNU, Norway Juan Gallego, Imperial College London, UK In?s Samengo, Balseiro Institute, Argentina Valeria Fascianelli, Columbia University, USA Christian Machens, Champalimaud, Portugal Nicolai Waniek, NTNU, Norway Iv?n Davidovich, NTNU, Norway Federico Stella, Donders Institute, the Netherlands Melvin Vaupel, NTNU, Norway Yoram Burak, ELSC, Israel Arvind Kumar, KTH, Sweden Best, Nicolai -- on behalf of the organizers From announce at Mon Mar 10 06:11:32 2025 From: announce at (Announce) Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2025 10:11:32 +0000 Subject: Connectionists: EDBT 2025 Summer School: Call for Applications Message-ID: <> CALL FOR APPLICATIONS EDBT 2025 Summer School on AI & Data Management 7th to 11th of July, 2025, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus APPLICATION DEADLINE: April 7th, 2025! * Registration Open! (Limited Seats of about 60 participants) * Registration Site: * Student Grants will be announced later *************************************************************** The EDBT association and the University of Cyprus are happy to announce a jointly sponsored Summer School on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Management, which will be hosted at the Resource Center "Stelios Ioannou", University of Cyprus, Monday July 7, 2025 to Friday, July 11, 2025. It will cover a diverse range of topics around artificial intelligence and data management, with a special focus on Large Language Models, AI agents and Vector Databases. It will have 9 tutorials from internationally renowned researchers in the field, and several social activities. Each tutorial will be 3 hour long. CONFIRMED SPEAKERS =================== The summer school will feature 9 invited speakers. The preliminary list of speakers along with tentative titles (in order of appearance) is listed below: + Prof. Ioana Manolescu (Ecole Polytechnique, France) | "Interconnection of Heterogeneous Data using AI" + Prof. Sihem Amer-Yahia (CNRS, University of Grenoble Alpes, France) | "AI Planning for Data Exploration" + Dr. Charalampos Tsourakakis (RelationalAI & Boston University, USA) | "Algorithmic Techniques in Graph Analytics" | "Machine Learning in Graph Analytics" + Prof. Volker Markl (Technical University Berlin, Germany) | "Large-scale Data Management in Flink" | "Edge Data Management in NebulaStream" + Prof. Constantine Dovrolis (Georgia Tech, USA & Cyprus Institute, Cyprus) | "Neuro-inspired AI for Continual Learning" | "The New Mathematics of Deep Learning" + Prof. Mohamed F. Mokbel (University of Minnesota, USA) | "Machine Learning for Big Spatial Data and Applications" | "Large Language Models for Spatio-temporal Queries" + Prof. Li Xiong (Emory University, USA) | "Large Language Models and Privacy" + Prof. Cyrus Shahabi (University of Southern California, USA) | "DeepNN for Private Spatiotemporal Queries" | "Synthetic Trajectory Generation" TARGET AUDIENCE =============== The school will be open to about 60 qualified, motivated and pre-selected candidates. The school is primarily intended for graduate (Master?s & PhD) students and post-doctoral researchers, but we also welcome motivated applications from advanced undergraduate students and academic and industrial researchers. There are no formal prerequisites, but prior experience in one or more of the following areas would be helpful for benefiting from the lectures of the school: Data Management, AI & Machine Learning, Data Mining, Informational Retrieval, Parallel and Distributed and Cloud Computing. DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION ======================== The EDBT 2025 Summer School on AI & Data Management community is committed to the promotion of diversity, equity and inclusion in all aspects of our professional activities ( We celebrate the diversity in our community and welcome everyone regardless of age, gender identity, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic background, country of origin, religion, sexual orientation, physical ability, education, and work experience. We also welcome people and opinions of all political persuasions, as long as they abide by the ACM policy against harassment. ( STUDENT GRANTS =============== There will be a limited number of grants (fellowships). Half grants cover the registration fee, while full grants also cover accommodation in a student residence room. A call for applying for these grants will be announced later and applicants must briefly explain why attendance could not be financed by other means. Grants will be awarded taking into account the applicant?s profile (motivations, research background), financial need and diversity and inclusion aspects. Grants will be announced after the application deadline on the website. REGISTRATION ============ All Registration options include: + Tutorial Lectures + Coffee Breaks + 5 Lunches + 1 Banquet Dinner + 2 Dinners + Welcome Cocktail (with Snacks) + 1 Tour Trip + Bus from Hotel to Venue (two way). + Registration options with accommodation include Breakfast There are three registration options: + Registration with No Accommodation: 600.00 euro + Registration with (Shared) Twin Room (5 nights): 850.00 euro + Registration with (Private) Single Room (5 nights): 1100.00 euro *** Registration Site: *** IMPORTANT DATES =============== Deadline for applications: Monday, April 7, 2025 Notification of acceptance: Monday, April 14, 2025 Deadline for registration: Monday, April 28, 2025 Summer school: July 7?11, 2025 LOCAL ARRANGEMENT ================== - Venue: - Accommodation: - Special Lufthansa Group airlines fares for flights to Larnaca or Paphos: ORGANIZATION ============ Prof. Demetris Zeinalipour University of Cyprus Prof. Panos K. Chrysanthis University of Cyprus and University of Pittsburgh, USA For academic matters, please contact the organizers at edbt2025summerschool at Local Arrangements Contact: > Help with travel, accommodation and visa issues (if attending outside Europe): - Email: info at - Call us at: +357 22 591 900 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Samuel.Neymotin at Mon Mar 10 12:07:37 2025 From: Samuel.Neymotin at (Neymotin, Samuel (NKI)) Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2025 16:07:37 +0000 Subject: Connectionists: Computational neuroscience postdoc position Message-ID: A postdoctoral scientist position is available at the Nathan Kline Institute (NKI) for Psychiatric Research ( to work on computational neuroscience research funded from grants. Our DoD project involves developing computer models of the hippocampal/entorhinal cortex circuits and integrating the models with agents learning to solve navigation tasks using neurobiologically-inspired learning rules. This project involves collaboration with researchers at UTK and CMU. Example publication: ( Our NIH projects use detailed biophysical models of the auditory thalamocortical system to investigate the brain's dynamics underlying different cognitive states, looking for circuit-based origins of schizophrenia, and improving brain machine interfaces. The postdoc will build models constrained by data collected from electrophysiology labs at NKI, Columbia, and The Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research, and use the models to predict optimal neuromodulation strategies to restore physiological balance, testable in vivo. Example publication: ( Applicants should have a strong background in: computational modeling using NEURON/NetPyNE, Python software development, neural/electrophysiology data analysis, machine learning, and writing/presenting research. To apply, email a CV and cover letter to Sam Neymotin (samuel.neymotin at The position is on-site at NKI (New York), with some telecommuting possible. ________________________________ IMPORTANT NOTICE: This e-mail is meant only for the use of the intended recipient. It may contain confidential information which is legally privileged or otherwise protected by law. If you received this e-mail in error or from someone who was not authorized to send it to you, you are strictly prohibited from reviewing, using, disseminating, distributing or copying the e-mail. PLEASE NOTIFY US IMMEDIATELY OF THE ERROR BY RETURN E-MAIL AND DELETE THIS MESSAGE FROM YOUR SYSTEM. Thank you for your cooperation. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From francesca.naretto at Mon Mar 10 12:41:03 2025 From: francesca.naretto at (Francesca NARETTO) Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2025 17:41:03 +0100 Subject: Connectionists: CPF Workshop on the AI Act and the Digital Service Act Message-ID: ************************************************************************************************ CFP - Apologies for cross posting ************************************************************************************************ IAIL 2025 - The Fourth Workshop on IMAGINING THE AI LANDSCAPE AFTER THE AI ACT: Bridging the AI Act and the Digital Services Act OVERVIEW OF THE WORKSHOP The regulation of Artificial Intelligence is at an important stage, with the European Union taking the lead through key legislative frameworks such as the AI Act (AIA) and the Digital Services Act (DSA). These regulations aim to create a safer and more accountable digital environment while safeguarding fundamental rights. However, while the European Union has outlined a clear direction in terms of regulation, their practical implementation remains an open challenge. In particular, the interaction between these two frameworks requires closer examination to understand how they address the risks AI poses to fundamental rights, such as privacy, non-discrimination, and freedom of expression. The primary objective of this workshop is to provide the community with a deeper understanding of the AIA and DSA, their implications for AI development and deployment, and their alignment with human rights principles. Through dedicated discussion sessions and keynote speakers, we aim to critically analyze what these regulations achieve and the new challenges they pose from an implementation perspective. A key focus of the workshop will be to explore how these regulations can be made operational, identifying the tools and technologies required to support their implementation and defining the objectives these tools should address. Submitted applications can include regular papers, short papers, working papers and/or extended abstracts. LOCATION This will be an in-person, single-track workshop, as part of the HHAI 2025 conference held in Pisa, Italy, on June 9, at University of Pisa (Sapienza). PUBLICATION OPPORTUNITIES Accepted regular papers will be published on CEUR Workshop Proceedings . SUBMISSION DETAILS Type of contributions of interest: we encourage authors to submit both research papers and position papers. Research papers present completed and validated research, whereas position papers present an arguable opinion about one of the workshop topics of interest. Both types of contribution can be of regular (12+ pages) or short length (5-11 pages) and should be original, previously unpublished work. We also encourage authors to submit extended abstracts that present a very early stage of research or previously published work. This latter type of contributions will not be published in the proceedings. Online submission: Electronic submissions will be handled via Easychair: Review format: All submitted papers will be peer reviewed using double-blind peer review. We accept both LaTeX and Word files formatted according to these guidelines. You can find the latex template at the page: Anonymization: Please ensure that your submission is double blind. Papers that violate the anonymization policy will be desk rejected. Archives: Papers will be published as workshop proceedings on CEUR Workshop Proceedings . The papers must be written in English. At least 1 author of the accepted papers should attend the conference in person. TOPICS OF INTEREST Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: ? The AI Act and the Digital Services Act ? Applications of AI in the legal domain ? The operationalization of law requirements in AI systems ? Ethical and legal issues of AI technology and its application ? Ethical and legal issues in Online Social Media ? AI and trustworthiness ? Accountability and Liability of AI ? Algorithmic bias, discrimination, and inequality ? Safety, reliance and trust in human-AI interactions ? Transparent AI, Explainability metrics and evaluation ? AI and individual rights ? AI and fundamental rights ? AI risk assessment ? The impact of AI and automatic decision-making on rule of law ? AI, democracy, and freedom of expression ? Federated learning ? Generative AI Manuscripts must be submitted as PDF files via EasyChair: IMPORTANT DATES ? Paper Submission: April 6, 2025 ? Acceptance Notification: May 4, 2025 ? Camera-ready submission: June 1, 2025 ? Workshop: June 9, 2025 All deadlines are at the end of the day specified, anywhere on Earth (UTC-12). Special inquiry can be directed to Francesca Pratesi sending an email with tag [IAIL2025] to francesca [dot] pratesi [at] isti [dot] cnr [dot] it ORGANIZERS This workshop is organized by Francesca Pratesi (ISTI - CNR), Francesca Naretto (Unipi), Lorenzo Mannocci (Unipi), and Roberta Savella (ISTI - CNR). We look forward to seeing you in Pisa in 9 June 2025. -- Francesca Naretto Ph.D. in Data Science francesca.naretto at SNS, Pisa | CNR, Pisa -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From c.natali6 at Mon Mar 10 11:54:55 2025 From: c.natali6 at (Chiara Natali) Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2025 16:54:55 +0100 Subject: Connectionists: [Call for Abstracts] 2nd Workshop on Stimulating Cognitive Engagement in Hybrid Decision-Making: Friction, Reliance, and Biases (June 10 2025, Pisa, Italy - co-located with HHAI25) Message-ID: <> (Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this call) -------------------------------------------------- CALL FOR EXTENDED ABSTRACTS Second Workshop on Stimulating Cognitive Engagement in Hybrid Decision-Making: Friction, Reliance, and Biases Co-located with the 4th International Conference on Hybrid Human-Artificial Intelligence (HHAI25) June 10, 2025 | Pisa, Italy (in-person) -------------------------------------------------- **Workshop Overview** Building on the success of its first edition at HHAI 2024, the full-day workshop on "Stimulating Cognitive Engagement in Hybrid Decision-Making: Friction, Reliance, and Biases" advances the exploration of over-reliance and biases in Human-AI Interaction. Central to this discussion are approaches that intentionally introduce moments of cognitive effort and reflection into AI interactions to prevent passive or automatic reliance. While conventional AI design prioritises efficiency and seamlessness, this workshop invites participants to examine AI systems that strategically slow down decision-making when necessary to mitigate automation bias, cognitive offloading, and over-trust, ultimately fostering accuracy, responsibility, and human oversight. Such friction-in-design encompasses strategies that encourage users to reflect before acting, such as requiring justification before accepting AI recommendations, displaying confidence scores with uncertainty visualisations, or using explainability mechanisms that slow decision-making to reinforce human oversight. This workshop fosters interdisciplinary dialogue across AI research, cognitive science, HCI, and governance to ensure AI systems empower users rather than encourage unchecked reliance. The program will feature keynote presentations by leading experts in academia and industry, author presentations, and interactive discussions to advance the discourse on cognitively engaging and responsible AI design. Keynote speakers include: ? Prof. Federico Cabitza (University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy) ? Expert in AI-assisted decision-making and medical AI. ? Bart Van Leeuwen (Fire Services Expert, Netherlands) ? Expert in human factors and situational awareness in high-risk environments. **Topics of Interest** We welcome contributions from researchers, practitioners, and policymakers on topics including, but not limited to: ? Design Principles for Cognitive Engagement ? Measuring and mitigating automation bias, algorithmic aversion, and cognitive offloading ? Ethical and Governance Perspectives on Friction-in-Design ? Applications, Case Studies and Experimental Findings We encourage submissions from a variety of disciplines, including AI, HCI, cognitive science, law, philosophy, and beyond. **Submission Details** ? Types of Submissions: Extended Abstracts (500-1,000 words) ? Format: CEURART-WS style preferred ? Submission Portal: ? Proceedings: All accepted papers will be published in the HHAI 2025 Workshop Proceedings on CEUR-WS. Authors of accepted contributions are required to attend the workshop in-person and register to the HHAI25 conference (single-day registration available, details TBA). **Important Dates** ? Paper Submission Deadline: April 4, 2025 (AoE) ? Notification of Acceptance: May 2, 2025 ? Camera-Ready Submission: TBD (authors will be invited to expand their contributions following workshop discussions) ? Workshop Date: June 10, 2025 **Beyond the Workshop** Our aim is to foster a research network. Authors from all editions, if desired, will be invited to participate in future initiatives, including knowledge exchanges, collaborative publications, special journal issues, and online lecture series. **Organising & Programme Committee** ? Chiara Natali (University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy & IDSIA, SUPSI, Switzerland) ? Mohammad Naiseh (Bournemouth University, UK) ? Brett Frischmann (Villanova University, USA) ? Programme Committee: full list available at For more information, visit our website: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From amir.kalfat at Mon Mar 10 12:10:11 2025 From: amir.kalfat at (Amir Aly) Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2025 16:10:11 +0000 Subject: Connectionists: Available PhD Position: Multimodal AI-based Diagnosis of ADHD Message-ID: Dear All *Apologies for cross-posting* We are pleased to announce an opportunity for a tax-free fully funded PhD studentship - *Multimodal AI-based Diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) -* at Plymouth University, UK. The closing date for applications is *12 noon on 28th March 2025** (**UK time) **(**The difference in tuition fees between national and international students will be waived for international candidates**)*. This exciting project aims to transform ADHD diagnosis by developing a multimodal Artificial Intelligence (AI) framework that addresses the significant limitations of current, subjective diagnostic practices. Although AI is emerging in ADHD research, its integration into standard clinical practices remains minimal. This project seeks to enhance diagnostic accuracy through a sophisticated integration of AI-driven insights that complement existing approaches. Some basic questions (among others) that this project will try to explore are: 1. How can machine learning and deep learning models be tailored to various data types like neuroimaging to uncover distinct ADHD diagnostic patterns? 2. What methods can be used to analyse fMRI data to delineate active brain regions and their connections, and how can these findings be linked to ADHD behaviours and cognitive functions? 3. How can we refine AI models to handle high data dimensionality and heterogeneity and enhance decision-making transparency in clinical settings using Explainable AI (XAI) methods? 4. What are the best practices to assess the robustness of AI models against the variability in ADHD diagnostic data? This ambitious project will allow the student to engage in a groundbreaking study at the intersection of AI, neuropsychiatry, and healthcare and gain experience in a highly collaborative environment supported by a strong supervisory team and international experts. The research leverages our team's extensive background in neuro-developmental disorders like Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), where we recently discussed important brain regions related to ASD diagnosis (link) . This PhD opportunity offers a deep dive not only into the diagnosis of ADHD using explainable AI but also into other related *co-occurring* disorders like ASD, providing a holistic perspective on patient care and intervention strategies across the spectrum of these interrelated conditions. This project is suitable for students from a broad range of disciplines, including computer science and artificial intelligence. More details about the topic and *how to apply* are available at: If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me Regards -------------------------------------------- *Dr. Amir Aly*, PhD, FHEA, SIEEE Lecturer in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Programme Manager of Artificial Intelligence UK and Ireland IEEE RAS Chapter Vice Chair Director of the Centre for Robotics and Neural Systems (CRNS) School of Engineering, Computing, and Mathematics Room A307 Portland Square, Drake Circus, PL4 8AA University of Plymouth, UK -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From mlas at Mon Mar 10 11:05:44 2025 From: mlas at (mlas at Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2025 16:05:44 +0100 (CET) Subject: Connectionists: XVII Madrid UPM Machine Learning and Advanced Statistics Summer School (June 16th - June 27th, 2025) - Early registration reminder Message-ID: <824009085.0.1741619144927.JavaMail.bmihaljevic@lenovo> Dear colleagues, We would like to remind you that early registration for the Madrid UPM Machine Learning and Advanced Statistics summer school is open until May, 27th (included). The summer school will be held in Boadilla del Monte, near Madrid, from June 16th to June 27th. This year's edition comprises 12 week-long courses (15 lecture hours each), given during two weeks (six courses each week). Attendees may register in each course independently. No restrictions, besides those imposed by timetables, apply on the number or choice of courses. Early registration is *OPEN*. Extended information on course programmes, price, venue, accommodation and transport is available at the school's website: There is a 25% discount for members of Spanish AEPIA and SEIO societies. Please, forward this information to your colleagues, students, and whomever you think may find it interesting. Best regards, Pedro Larra?aga, Concha Bielza, Bojan Mihaljevi? and Laura Gonzalez Veiga. -- School coordinators. *** List of courses and brief description *** # Week 1 (June 16th - June 20th, 2025) ## 1st session: 9:45-12:45 ### Course 1: Bayesian Networks (15 h) Basics of Bayesian networks. Inference in Bayesian networks. Learning Bayesian networks from data. Real applications. Practical demonstration: R. ### Course 2: Time Series(15 h) Basic concepts in time series. Linear models for time series. Time series clustering. Practical demonstration: R. ## 2nd session: 13:45-16:45 ### Course 3: Supervised Classification (15 h) Introduction. Assessing the performance of supervised classification algorithms. Preprocessing. Classification techniques. Combining multiple classifiers. Comparing supervised classification algorithms. Practical demonstration: python. ### Course 4: Reinforcement learning (15 h) Introduction. Dynamic programming methods. Temporal-difference learning. Policy gradient methods. Causal reinforcement learning. Practical demonstration: R. ## 3rd session: 17:00 - 20:00 ### Course 5: Deep Learning (15 h) Introduction. Learning algorithms. Learning in deep networks. Deep Learning for Computer Vision. Deep Learning for Language. Practical session: Python notebooks with Google Colab with keras, Pytorch and Hugging Face Transformers. ### Course 6: Bayesian Inference (15 h) Introduction: Bayesian basics. Conjugate models. MCMC and other simulation methods. Regression and Hierarchical models. Model selection. Practical demonstration: R and WinBugs. # Week 2 (June 23rd - June 27th, 2025) ## 1st session: 9:45-12:45 ### Course 7: Causality (15 h) Introduction. Causal graphs. Mediation analysis. Sensitivity analysis to unmeasured confounding. Counterfactual reasoning. Practical sessions: R. ### Course 8: Clustering (15 h) Introduction to clustering. Data exploration and preparation. Prototype-based clustering. Density-based clustering. Graph-based clustering. Cluster evaluation. Miscellanea. Conclusions and final advice. Practical session: R. ## 2nd session: 13:45-16:45 ### Course 9: Gaussian Processes and Bayesian Optimization (15 h) Introduction to Gaussian processes. Sparse Gaussian processes. Deep Gaussian processes. Introduction to Bayesian optimization. Bayesian optimization in complex scenarios. Practical demonstration: python using GPytorch and BOTorch. ### Course 10: Explainable Machine Learning (15 h) Introduction. Inherently interpretable models. Post-hoc interpretation of black box models. Basics of causal inference. Beyond tabular and i.i.d. data. Other topics. Practical demonstration: Python with Google Colab. ## 3rd session: 17:00-20:00 ### Course 11: Generative AI (15 h) Introduction to the course. Neural networks and deep learning. Generative AI for images. Generative AI for language. Hands-on session: Pytorch, VAEs, GANs, diffusion models, LLMs, aligning a generative LLM, using an open-source image generation model. ### Course 12: Feature Subset Selection (15 h) Introduction. Filter approaches. Embedded methods. Wrapper methods. Additional topics. Hands-on sessions: R and python. From cimiano at Mon Mar 10 16:28:38 2025 From: cimiano at (Philipp Cimiano) Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2025 21:28:38 +0100 Subject: Connectionists: CFP: 2nd Workshop "Multimodal, Affective and Interactive Explainable AI" (MAI-XAI 25), collocated with ECAI, October 25-30, Bologna, Italy Message-ID: <> * Apologies for cross-postings * Call for Papers 2nd Workshop on Multimodal, Affective and Interactive Explainable AI (MAI-XAI-25), collocated with the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), October 25-30, Bologna Italy The field of eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) is concerned with developing methods that make the decisions / predictions by machine learned models accessible and understandable to different stakeholders, ranging from machine learning experts to lay users. An important goal is to design systems in a human-centered manner, ensuring that explanations are effective in enhancing the understanding of human users about the model and empower them to perform an appropriate action. Yet, the current state of the art in XAI is limited in this respect. Many studies in the field of XAI are concerned with evaluating technology in an intrinsic fashion regarding measures such as validity, proximity, etc. that tell us little about the actual effectiveness of explanations from an end user perspective. Further, there is a lack of methods that allow to interactively tailor explanations to the (evolving) needs of explainees as well as to measure the effectiveness of the provided explanations in terms of enhancing user understanding. The MAI-XAI workshop focuses on improving effectiveness of explanations by moving to ?natural? explanations that are more accessible to a non-technical audience. Natural explanations leverage multiple modalities (text, speech, visual, tabular, ...) to select the form of presentation of an explanation that most suits the context and the explanatory needs of an explainee. XAI systems providing natural explanations might react to affective aspects and emotions to e.g. identify dissatisfaction with an explanation and react accordingly. Finally, XAI systems should be able to effectively interact with the user to move from one-shot static explanations to dynamically adapted explanations that can be informed by the reactions or feedback of a user during the interaction. We aim to offer researchers and practitioners the opportunity to identify new promising research directions on XAI along the above mentioned lines, focusing on how to provide ?natural explanations?. Attendants are encouraged to present case studies in real-world applications where XAI has been successfully applied, emphasizing the practical benefits and challenges encountered. The topics of interest include (but are not limited to): Multimodal XAI XAI for multi-modal data retrieval, collection, augmentation, generation, and validation XAI for Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Augmented reality for multi-modal XAI XAI approaches leveraging application-specific domain knowledge Design and validation of multi-modal explainers Quantifying XAI: From defining metrics and methodologies to assessing the effectiveness of explanations in enhancing user understanding, reliance, and trust Large knowledge bases and graphs that can be used for multi-modal explanation generation Large language models and their generative power for multi-modal XAI Proof-of-concepts and demonstrators of how to integrate effective and efficient XAI into real-world human decision-making processes Ethical, Legal, Socio-Economic and Cultural (ELSEC) considerations in XAI: Examining ethical implications surrounding the use of high-risk AI applications, including potential biases and the responsible deployment of sustainable ?green? AI in sensitive domains Affective XAI Explainable affective computing in healthcare, psychology, physiology, education, entertainment, and gaming Privacy, fairness, and ethical considerations in affective computing Multimodal (textual, visual, vocal, physiological) emotion recognition systems User environments for the design of systems to better detect and classify affect Sentiment analysis and explainability Social robots and explainability Emotion-aware XAY Systems Accuracy and explainability in emotion recognition Machine learning using biometric data to classify biosignals Virtual reality in affective computing Human?Computer Interaction (HCI) and Human in the Loop (HITL) approaches in affective computing Interactive XAI Dialogue-based approaches to XAI Approaches to dynamically adapt explanations in interaction with a user XAI approaches that use a model of the partner to adapt explanations XAI approaches for collaborative decision-making between humans and AI models Methods to measure and evaluate the understanding of the users about a model Methods to measure and evaluate the ability to use models effectively in downstream tasks Interactive methods by which a system and a user can negotiate what is to be explained Modelling the social functions and aspects of an explanation Methods to identify users? information and explainability needs Papers submitted to ECAI that are under review for the conference cannot be submitted to the workshop. If rejected from ECAI, authors can submit a request for their paper to be considered for the workshop by July 18th to one of the emails from the Contact page. Accepted manuscripts will be published in CEUR Workshop Proceedings ( ). Papers must be written in English, be prepared for double-blind review using the CEUR-WS template . The following types of submissions are allowed: Regular/Long Papers (10 - 15 pages): describing novel and original technical contributions enhancing our understanding of multimodality, affectiveness and interaction in XAI. Short Papers (5 - 9 pages): describing work in progress, a case study, ? Submissions should be made through Easychair: ( Registering an abstract of your paper (of around 100-300 words in plain text) is mandatory in advance of the paper submission deadline and you will be asked to provide additional information (such as keywords) at that time. Please do not leave things to the very last moment; you can resubmit any number of times until the submission deadline. The workshop is planned as an in-person event. Each accepted paper will get assigned either an oral presentation slot or a combined poster/spotlight presentation slot. Important Dates: Abstract registration: May 15th, 2025 Paper submission: May 21th, 2025 Acceptance/rejection notification: July 24th, 2025 Camera-ready paper submission: September 11th, 2025 Conference dates: October 25-30, 2025 (The MAI-XAI 25 Workshop will take place from 25th - 26th of October, 2025) Organizers: Philipp Cimiano, Bielefeld University, Germany Fosca Giannotti, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy Tim Miller, The University of Queensland, Australia B?rbara Hammer, Bielefeld University, Germany Alejandro Catal?, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC), Spain Peter Flach, University of Bristol, UK Jose M. Alonso-Moral, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC), Spain Contact Details: Jose M. Alonso-Moral, Philipp Cimiano, Prof. Dr. Philipp Cimiano AG Semantic Computing Coordinator of the Cognitive Interaction Technology Center (CITEC) Co-Director of the Joint Artificial Intelligence Institute (JAII) Universit?t Bielefeld Tel: +49 521 106 12249 Fax: +49 521 106 6560 Mail: cimiano at Personal Zoom Room: Office CITEC-2.307 Universit?tsstr. 21-25 33615 Bielefeld, NRW Germany -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From vassilis.cutsuridis at Mon Mar 10 14:09:07 2025 From: vassilis.cutsuridis at (Vassilis Cutsuridis) Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2025 18:09:07 +0000 Subject: Connectionists: Two fully funded PhD positions @University of Plymouth starting October 1, 2025 Message-ID: We are excited to offer *** two *** fully-funded PhD positions at the University of Plymouth in the fields of Neuromorphic AI, Brain-Computer Interaction, Optimization, and Biosignal Analysis. Details of both opportunities are below. Generative AI for image and video reconstructions from brain signals Can we access our inner thoughts and memories from brain signals and reconstruct their visual contents? The project aims to develop an explainable and trustworthy Generative AI pipeline system capable of decoding in real-time electroencephalography (EEG) brain signals of human participants while they are passively viewing or imagining visual content (faces, animals, etc) and of reconstructing their visual content with high fidelity. Link: Supervisors: Vassilis Cutsuridis, Giorgio Ganis, Vivek Singh Contact: vassilis.cutsuridis at Enhancing AI Performance with AMD's Neural Processing Units The project aims to maximize the potential of AMD?s cutting-edge Neural Processing Units (NPUs) in the area of computer vision. This project is partially funded by AMD and the successful candidate will collaborate with AMD researchers. Link: Supervisors: Vasilios Kelefouras, Vassilis Cutsuridis, Krithika Anil Contact: vasilios.kelefouras at Submission deadline for application materials for both PhD opportunities is 12 noon on March 28, 2025 Feel free to share with anyone who might be interested! Best, Vassilis --- Dr Vassilis Cutsuridis Associate Professor in Computer Science School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics University of Plymouth, Drake Circus, Plymouth, UK, PL4 8AA Email: vassilis.cutsuridis at Web: *** I work strange hours. You may receive emails from me outside of office hours, but please do not feel you need to reply outside of office hours. ________________________________ [] This email and any files with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the recipient to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient then copying, distribution or other use of the information contained is strictly prohibited and you should not rely on it. If you have received this email in error please let the sender know immediately and delete it from your system(s). Internet emails are not necessarily secure. While we take every care, University of Plymouth accepts no responsibility for viruses and it is your responsibility to scan emails and their attachments. University of Plymouth does not accept responsibility for any changes made after it was sent. Nothing in this email or its attachments constitutes an order for goods or services unless accompanied by an official order form. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From cimiano at Mon Mar 10 16:03:28 2025 From: cimiano at (Philipp Cimiano) Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2025 21:03:28 +0100 Subject: Connectionists: 2nd CFP: 3rd TRR 318 Conference "Contextualizing Explanations" (ContEx05), June 17-18, Bielefeld In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> Message-ID: <> 2nd Call for Papers: 3rd TRR 318 Conference: Contextualizing Explanations (ContEx25) As AI systems are used more and more in high-stakes domains, it also becomes ever-more important to make AI systems transparent to ensure meaningful human control and empower human users to contest or override AI-based decisions. Without sufficient transparency, increasingly complex and autonomous AI systems may leave users feeling overwhelmed and out of control, which is legally and ethically unacceptable, especially in the context of high-stakes decisions. For the users to feel empowered rather than out of control, explanations need to be relevant, providing sufficient information on which basis an output can be contested or challenged. It has been increasingly noted by the XAI community that no one explanation can fit all needs. Further, recent approaches have advocated for a more participative approach to XAI in which users are not only involved but can directly shape and guide the explanations given by a certain AI System. The 3rd TRR 318 Conference: Contextualizing Explanations is an international and interdisciplinary conference focusing on the question how explanations can be contextualized to increase their relevance and empower users. Key research questions that we want to explore during the conference include: How do contextual variables influence the effectiveness of explanations? What are the relevant context factors to be taken into account in adapting an explanation to specific domains, users, or situations? How can context be represented algorithmically to support contextual adaptation of XAI explanations? What new architectures or approaches in XAI support the dynamic adaptation of explanations with respect to changing user needs? How can user modelling support a more personalized explanation process? In which ways can the dynamics of context be modelled? How can the suitability of contextually adapted explanations be studied / validated / evaluated? Which explanation processes are particularly suitable for which context? Which context-specific outcomes are influenced by explanations? How can XAI empower users across diverse contexts to make informed decisions and effectively interact with AI systems? What constitutes a useful taxonomy for categorizing contexts in which explanations are provided? What are the various contexts in which explanations are provided and utilized? The 3rd TRR318 Conference: Contextualizing Explanations invites contributions from a wide range of disciplines (computational but also human/social science) seeking to contribute to advancing research on how explanations can be contextually adapted. We invite interested participants to submit a two page abstract (+ references) using the LNCS Springer template via Easychair: The abstracts will be peer-reviewed and appear as Proceedings published by Bielefeld University Press. The conference is hosted and supported by the TRR 318 ?Constructing Explainability?: Organizing Committee: Philipp Cimiano (Bielefeld University) Benjamin Paa?en (Bielefeld University) Anna-Lisa Vollmer (BIelefeld University) Invited Speakers: Angelo Cangelosi (University of Manchester) Virginia Dignum (Ume? University) Kacper Sokol (ETH Zurich) Important Dates: Deadline for Submissions: March 31st Notification of Acceptance: April 30th Conference: 17th and 18th of June, Bielefeld Prof. Dr. Philipp Cimiano AG Semantic Computing Coordinator of the Cognitive Interaction Technology Center (CITEC) Co-Director of the Joint Artificial Intelligence Institute (JAII) Universit?t Bielefeld Tel: +49 521 106 12249 Fax: +49 521 106 6560 Mail: cimiano at Personal Zoom Room: Office CITEC-2.307 Universit?tsstr. 21-25 33615 Bielefeld, NRW Germany -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From dhansel0 at Mon Mar 10 13:44:56 2025 From: dhansel0 at (David Hansel) Date: Mon, 10 Mar 2025 13:44:56 -0400 Subject: Connectionists: REMINDER: World wide VVTNS series (fifth season): Wednesday, March 12, 2025, at 11:00 am EDT| Olivier Marre, Institut de la vision, Paris In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: [image: VVTNS.png] - on twitter: wwtns at TheoreticalWide You are cordially invited to the lecture given by Olivier Marre Institut de la Vision, Paris A perturbative approach to understand retinal computations The lecture will be held on zoom on Wednesday, March 12, 2025, at *11:00 am EDT * To receive the link: *Note that the USA has moved to Summer time. * *On Wednesday, March 12, 11am EDT = 4 pm CET = 3 pm GMT* *Abstract: *A major challenge in sensory systems is to understand how neurons extract information from the natural environment. Models derived from their responses to artificial stimuli often have a hard time to generalize and predict responses to natural scenes. However, models directly learned on the responses to natural scenes can be hard to interpret. To address this issue, we have recently developed an approach where we add small perturbations to natural scenes and measure how these perturbations change neuronal responses, to better understand the features extracted by sensory neurons. I will show several applications of this approach in the retina, and how it allowed us to uncover non-linear computations performed by ganglion cells, the retinal output. *About VVTNS : Launched as the World Wide Theoretical Neuroscience Seminar (WWTNS) in November 2020 and renamed in homage to Carl van Vreeswijk in Memoriam (April 20, 2022), Speakers have the occasion to talk about theoretical aspects of their work which cannot be discussed in a setting where the majority of the audience consists of experimentalists. The seminars, **held on Wednesdays at 11 am ET,** are 45-50 min long followed by a discussion. The talks are recorded with authorization of the speaker and are available to everybody on our YouTube channel.* ? -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: VVTNS.png Type: image/png Size: 41084 bytes Desc: not available URL: From ksharma.raj at Mon Mar 10 23:20:15 2025 From: ksharma.raj at (Raj Sharma) Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2025 08:50:15 +0530 Subject: Connectionists: BDA 2025: Call for Papers and Proposals Message-ID: BDA 2025: Call for Papers and Proposals Thirteenth International Conference on Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, July 17-20, 2025 (BDA2025) The International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore ( The 13th International Conference on Big Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence (BDA 2025) will be held during July 17-20, 2025. The conference will be organized by the International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore (IIIT Bangalore), India. BDA 2025 provides forum for researchers, academics and industry practitioners to share their original research results, practical experiences and thoughts on big data from different perspectives including artificial intelligence, machine learning, storage models, data access, computing paradigms, analytics, information sharing and privacy, data mining algorithms, open issues and future research trends. BDA 2025 invites original, technically sound, original, high-quality research papers proposing novel solutions addressing the problems related to big data analytics, artificial intelligence as well as case studies and practical experiences with big data and artificial intelligence. Major topics of interest to the conference include, but are not limited to: *(i) Big Data Systems and Data Science: *Data Integration, Data pre-processing, NoSQL and non-standard Data Model Data Fusion and Multi Modal Analytics, Sensor data management, Statistical and scientific databases, Index Structures, Scalability and Performance, Data Mining (Association rule, classification, clustering, pattern mining, query analysis, anomaly and outlier detection), Spatio-temporal, time-series, sequential, stream and sensor data mining, Model Discovery from Big Data, Big Data Processing, Distributed and Cloud Computing, Conceptual/cognitive/programming Models for Big data analytics, Information Retrieval and Extraction, Semantic Web and Knowledge Management, Graph and Social Network Analysis, Information Search, Human-in-the-Loop Computation and Crowdsourcing, User Interface Design, Recommendation Systems, Data Visualization, Graph Mining, Privacy, Security, Trust, and Fairness in Big Data, Semantics of Big Data, and Processing of Big Data. *(ii) Artificial Intelligence: *Machine Learning and AI techniques for big data, Conversational AI (e.g., chatbots and voice assistants), Large Language Models and vision transformers, Generative AI, Prompt Engineering, Deep Learning, Reinforcement learning, Quantum ML, Decision-focussed learning, Neuro-symbolic methods and reasoning, Non-IID learning, and OOD generalization, Edge analytics and federated learning *(iii)Technology and Practice: *Innovative Data science and AI applications in agriculture, medical, drug discovery, environment, climate change, E-governance and so on; AI technologies for trend detection, analysis and tracing on contact networks; Domain-specific Analytics Interaction Design for Exploratory Analytics; AI technologies for trend detection, analysis and tracing on contact networks; Innovative search and recommendation applications; Database usability and HCI; Advanced database and Web applications; Bio and health informatics. We also welcome research that explores the relationship between AI and society, particularly concerning bias, fairness, and responsible AI. RESEARCH TRACK SUBMISSIONS Each paper should contain an abstract of approximately 250 words with a page limit of 16 pages (including references) in the LNCS style. The submissions include the title page, references and appendix. For preparing the manuscript, please see instructions for authors by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series (LNCS). The BDA proceedings are expected to be published by Springer's LNCS series (approval pending). *Important Dates:* (All deadlines are in Anywhere on Earth) - Full paper submissions: *April 18, 2025* - Research paper notifications: *June 1, 2025* - Camera-ready submission: *June 15, 2025* WORKSHOPS AND TUTORIALS The BDA 2025 organizing committee invites proposals for half day and full - day workshops and tutorials on established and emerging topics in the areas of Big Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, and other related areas. Information for submission of each type of proposal is provided on the conference website. Visit for the details of call for WORKSHOP and TUTORIAL proposals. ORGANIZATION Patrons: - Prof. Debabrata Das , Director of the International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore (IIIT Bangalore), India. Honorary Chairs: - Prof. Mahadeva Prasanna - Director, IIIT Dharwad - Prof. Jayant R. Haritsa , Senior Professor, Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Bangalore, India - Dr. Manohar Swaminathan , Senior Principal Researcher, Microsoft India General Chair: - Srinath Srinivasa , Professor, IIIT Bangalore, India Steering Committee Liaison: - P. Krishna Reddy , Professor, International Institute of Information Technology (IIIT), Hyderabad, India Program Committee Chairs: - Rajeev Gupta , Principal Applied Researcher at Microsoft, India - Deepak P , Associate Professor, Queen's University Belfast, United Kingdom - Jun Shen , Professor, University of Wollongong, Australia Workshop Chairs: - Raghava Mutharaju , Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology (IIITD), Delhi, India - Animesh Chaturvedi , Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT), Dharwad, India - Dr. Navneet Goyal , Senior Professor, BITS Pilani, Pilani Campus Industry Track Chairs: - Vijay Srinivas Agneeswaran , Senior Director/ML Research Leader, Microsoft, India - Atul Kumar , Manager and Senior Research Scientist, IBM India - Srinivas Karthik V , Senior Researcher, Microsoft Azure SQL R&D, India Tutorial Chairs: - Sowmya S Sundaram , Stanford School of Medicine, Palo Alto - Mauro Dalle Lucca Tosi , Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) - Sudarsun Santhiappan , Wadhwani School of Data Science and AI, IIT Madras Publication Chair: - Uttam Kumar , IIIT Bangalore, India Publicity Chair: - Raj Sharma, Walmart Global Tech, India Registration Chairs: - Tulika Saha, IIIT Bangalore, India - Apurva Kulkarni, IIIT Bangalore, India Organizing Committee: - Vinu Ellampallil Venugopal, IIIT Bangalore, India - Uttam Kumar, IIIT Bangalore, Bangalore Web Chair: - Shivani Singh , IIIT Bangalore, India -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From efipatm at Tue Mar 11 10:05:30 2025 From: efipatm at (Efi P) Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2025 16:05:30 +0200 Subject: Connectionists: Call for Participation: AIDA Short Course on Deep Learning, 13 July 2025, Thessaloniki, Greece. Message-ID: Dear AI, CS/CSE, or ECE/EE student, scientist, engineer, professional, AI enthusiast, the International AI Doctoral Academy (AIDA ) is excited to invite you to register and attend the upcoming hybrid (local/remote) ?Short Course on Deep Learning ? by *Prof. Ioannis Pitas* (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) which will take place in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), Greece, 13th July 2025. This *pre-symposium short course* provides essential educational background for the AIDA AICET2025 Symposium and Summer School on ?AI/ML Cutting Edge Trends? (July 14-18, 2025). However, participation in this short course is *independent -* attendees are *not required* to enroll in the full symposium and summer school. This short course offers a good overview to all current progress in Deep Learning. It is ideal for persons (scientists, engineers, students, AI enthusiasts) interested in AI upskilling or reskilling. The only background knowledge needed is Mathematics (Calculus, Linear Algebra, Probability Theory) that are included in any Science or Engineering Curriculum. Persons coming from other backgrounds, e.g., Medicine or Linguistics, can also benefit, if they have some mathematical knowledge. *Lectures* 1. *Introduction to Machine Learning * 2. *Artificial Neural Networks. Perceptron * 3. *Multilayer Perceptron. Backpropagation. * 4. *Convolutional Neural Networks * 5. *Attention and Transformers Networks * 6. *Large Language Models * 7. *Generative Adversarial Networks in Multimedia Creation * 8. *Generative AI and Diffusion Models * *Details* *?** Dates: July 13, 2025 | 9:00 - 19:00 EEST [Four lectures in the morning and four in the afternoon, with breaks in between].* ? *On-site:* KEDEA Building , AUTH, Thessaloniki, Greece. ? *Online:* Zoom link will be provided in due time. ? *Certificate of Attendance* will be provided upon request. ? *Register to the Short Course on Deep Learning*: Also, you can register to the AIDA AICET2025: *?** Group Registration*: Group registrations (comprising 5 registrants or more) can enjoy a 20% discount on the above registration fees (or even more in the case of a massive group registration). More information *on the various lectures, registration options, background needed and general conditions *can be found on the event webpage . In case of questions, you can contact the course manager Ms. Efi Patmanidou epatman at We're excited to have you join us for this thrilling Deep Learning course in the stunning city of Thessaloniki! Best regards, Prof. Ioannis Pitas (AIDA chair, AUTH, AICET2025 chair) Post scriptum: To stay current on AIDA, AI, or CV/ML matters, you may want to register in the CVML email list, following instructions in: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From sebastian.otte at Tue Mar 11 10:44:24 2025 From: sebastian.otte at (Sebastian Otte) Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2025 15:44:24 +0100 Subject: Connectionists: ICANN 2025 - Second Call for Papers (Deadline Extension) Message-ID: <> =============================================================================== ICANN 2025 - SECOND CALL FOR PAPERS (DEADLINE EXTENSION) =============================================================================== The 34th International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks ICANN 2025 is one of the premier conferences in the field of artificial intelligence, neural networks, neuroscience and brain-inspired computing in Europe, organized in collaboration with the European Neural Network Society ENNS. In 2025, the ICANN will take place in Kaunas, Lithuania. Conference Dates: September 9 to September 12, 2025 Conference Venue: Campus of Vytautas Magnus University and Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Kaunas, Lithuania Conference Webpage: Extended deadline for full paper and abstract submission: 29 March 2025 General co-Chairs: Yoshua Bengio (Universit? de Montr?al, Canada) Viktor Jirsa (Aix-Marseille Universit?, France; EBRAINS) Prof. Yoshua Bengio is a Turing Award laureate and is globally recognized as a pioneer of deep learning and artificial neural networks, driving groundbreaking advancements in artificial intelligence. Prof. Viktor Jirsa is renowned for his work in theoretical neuroscience and Virtual Brain Twins, serving as Chief Science Officer of EBRAINS, Europe?s research infrastructure in digital neuroscience. With the exceptional leadership and expertise of the Chairs, ICANN 2025 promises to be a transformative event with the dual track of Artificial Intelligence & Deep Learning and Neuroscience. The ICANN attracts a global audience of researchers, practitioners & industry experts and provides a forum for the presentation of cutting-edge research papers and invited keynote talks by leading experts. It includes workshops and tutorials, as well as engaging demo sessions. In 2025, ICANN will continue its proud tradition of being a dynamic and interactive conference, fostering collaboration across academia and industry. =============================================================================== We invite prospective authors to submit original and innovative papers in the following areas: AI and Machine Learning: Theory and Foundations of Neural Networks, Novel Neural Network Architectures, Topics in Neural Networks, Large Language Models, Explainable AI, Machine Learning for Graphs, Graph Neural Networks, Clustering, Reinforcement Learning, New Topics in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Neurorobotics Neuroscience: Cognitive and Theoretical/Computational Neuroscience, Brain-Inspired Computing, Neuromorphic Systems, Digital Twins and Virtual Brain models Applications: Human-Computer Interaction, Biosignal Processing, Medicine and Physiology, Speech and Language Processing, Computer Vision, Robotics, Climate and Environment, General Applications of Machine Learning Call for Papers Authors willing to present original contributions in either the oral or poster category are invited to submit: - A full paper of 6-12 pages (including references) to be published in Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series with individual DOI. - An extended abstract of maximum 2 pages to be published in Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series, without individual indexing. Papers will undergo rigorous peer review; the Program Committee will make the final decision on which papers will be included in the conference program. Selected papers will be assigned to oral sessions (15 minutes presentation + 5 minutes questions) and poster sessions, depending on the number of submissions; this assignment does in no way incur a judgment on paper quality. Note that presentation rules for workshops and special sessions may differ. All accepted papers will be published in the Springer LNCS series. Papers must be written in English language and must conform to the format defined in the Author?s Kit, available on the conference webpage at: The ICANN 2025 will be an in-person conference. At least one co-author of each paper must physically attend the conference in Kaunas to present the work. KEYNOTE SPEAKERS Emmanuel Bengio (Valence Labs/Recursion, Canada) Viktor Jirsa (Aix-Marseille Universit?, France; EBRAINS) Christiane Woopen (University of Bonn, Germany) Zeynep Akata (Technical University Munich & Helmholtz Munich) Alessio Micheli (University of Pisa, Italy) Oher keynote speakers to be announced. CONFIRMED TUTORIALS Dr. Emmanuael Bengio will give a Tutorial on GflowNets. Prof. Viktor Jirsa and his team will provide a Tutorial on The Virtual Brain, an open-source neuroscience platform designed to simulate and model personalised human brain models. CONFERENCE COMMITTEE Program Chairs Walter Senn (University of Bern, Switzerland) Chair Marcello Sanguineti (University of Genova, Italy) Ausra Saudargiene (Lithuanian University of Health Sciences/Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania) Igor Tetko (Helmholtz Munich, Germany) Alessandro Villa (University of Lausanne, Switzerland) Communication Chairs Sebastian Otte (University of L?beck, Germany) Honorary Chairs Vera Kurkova (Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague) Alessandro Villa (University of Lausanne, Switzerland) Stefan Wermter (University of Hamburg, Germany) Local Organizing Committee Ausra Saudargiene (Lithuanian University of Health Sciences/Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania) Linas Petkevi?ius (Vilnius University, Artificial intelligence Association of Lithuania, Lithuania) Tomas Krilavicius (Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania) Workshop, Tutorials and Special Session Chairs Povilas Daniusis (Neurotechnology/Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania) Dalius Matuzevi?ius (VilniusTech) Sponsorship Chair Dalia Breskuvien? (Vilnius University) Diversity & Inclusion Chair Kamil? Dementavi?i?t? (Vinted) Steering Committee Stefan Wermter (University of Hamburg, Germany) Alessandro Villa (University of Lausanne, Switzerland) Alessio Micheli (University of Pisa, Italy) Angelo Cangelosi (University of Manchester, UK) Igor Farka? (Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia) Chrisina Jayne (Teesside University, UK) Matthias Kerzel (University of Hamburg, Germany) Alessandra Lintas (University of Lausanne, Switzerland) Krist?na Malinovsk? (Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia) Jaakko Peltonen (Tampere University, Finland) Brigitte Quenet (ESPCI Paris, France) Roseli Wedemann (Rio de Janeiro State University, Brazil) Sebastian Otte (University of L?beck, Germany) Ausra Saudargiene (Lithuanian University of Health Sciences/Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania) Igor Tetko (Helmholtz Munich, Germany) IMPORTANT DATES - Deadline for full paper and abstract submission: 29 March 2025 (extended) - Final notification of Acceptance or Rejection: 22 May 2025 - Camera-ready paper upload and author registration: 1 June 2025 For questions, please contact: icann-2025-program-committee at Link to this call: From heidi_osterhout at Tue Mar 11 16:42:11 2025 From: heidi_osterhout at (Osterhout, Heidi M) Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2025 20:42:11 +0000 Subject: Connectionists: Frontiers in NeuroAI Symposium - Hosted by the Kempner Institute for the Study of Natural and Artificial Intelligence at Harvard University Message-ID: The Kempner Institute for the Study of Natural and Artificial Intelligence at Harvard University is pleased to announce its upcoming symposium, Frontiers in NeuroAI. The event will take place on June 5-6, 2025, at Harvard University's Science and Engineering Complex (SEC) in Allston MA, with both onsite and virtual attendance options. This two-day symposium will explore: * Learning processes in natural and artificial systems. * The impact of machine learning on neuroscience and intelligence. * Advances in AI reasoning and generative capabilities. The symposium will feature cutting-edge discussions and insights, featuring leading experts from neuroscience and AI. Registration is now open! The abstract submission deadline is March 16th, 2026. Register here: Submit talk and poster abstracts here: Visit our website: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From georgios.yannakakis at Wed Mar 12 03:41:29 2025 From: georgios.yannakakis at (Georgios N Yannakakis) Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 08:41:29 +0100 Subject: Connectionists: =?utf-8?q?=E2=8F=B0Last_Week_of_Early_Bird_-_The_?= =?utf-8?q?AI_=26_Games_Summer_School?= In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Time is running out! Our early bird registration closes in a week. After this period... *Time is running out ? * *Last Chance for Early Bird Registration! * Early bird registration for the *7th International Summer School on AI and Games* closes *March 15* ? don?t miss your chance to join us *June 23?27, 2025, in Malm?, Sweden*, at reduced rates! Spend a full week exploring cutting-edge AI techniques for games through *expert-led talks, hands-on workshops, and a Game AI Jam*, all while connecting with an international community of developers, designers, and researchers. You?ll hear from leading voices in the industry, including experts from *King (**our official sponsor**)**, Tencent Games, EA SEED, Ubisoft, Massive Entertainment, NVIDIA, *, and more to be announced! ? *Register now before prices go up:* *What?s included?* ?? Access to all talks and Game AI Jam ?? Evening receptions ?? Coffee breaks & lunches for 5 days Whether you?re a newcomer or a seasoned pro, this is your chance to *level up your Game AI skills and network with top minds in AI and games*. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out: *school at * We can't wait to see you in Malm? this June! ? AI and Games Summer School Organizing Team -- *The contents of this email are subject to?*these terms .** -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ludovico.montalcini at Wed Mar 12 04:32:40 2025 From: ludovico.montalcini at (Ludovico Montalcini) Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 09:32:40 +0100 Subject: Connectionists: Call for Participation & Papers - ACAIN 2025 - 5th International Advanced Course & Symposium on Artificial Intelligence & Neuroscience, September 21-24 2025, Riva del Sole Resort & SPA, Castiglione della Pescaia (Grosseto) Tuscany, Italy -> Deadline: March 23 Message-ID: Call for Participation & Call for Papers (apologies for multiple copies) _______________________________________________________ The 5th International Advanced *Course* & *Symposium* on Artificial Intelligence & Neuroscience, September 21-24, 2025, Riva del Sole Resort & SPA, Castiglione della Pescaia (Grosseto) Tuscany, Italy W: E: acain at FB: Symposium Deadlines: Paper Submission (Symposium): by March 23 (AoE) Course Deadlines: Regular Registration (Course): by March 23 (AoE) SCOPE & MOTIVATION: ACAIN: AI meets Computational Neuroscience and Cognitive Science The ACAIN symposium and course is an interdisciplinary event featuring leading scientists from AI and Neuroscience, providing a special opportunity to learn about cutting-edge research in the fields of AI, Neuroscience, Neuroscience-Inspired AI, Human-Level AI, and Cognitive Science. The Advanced Course and Symposium on Artificial Intelligence & Neuroscience (ACAIN) is a full-immersion four-day Course and Symposium in Tuscany on cutting-edge advances in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience with lectures delivered by world-renowned experts. The Course provides a stimulating environment for academics, early career researchers, Post-Docs, PhD students and industry leaders. Participants will also have the chance to present their results with oral talks or posters, and to interact with their colleagues, in a convivial and productive environment. Two days of keynote talks and oral presentations, the ACAIN Symposium, (September 23-24), will be preceded by lectures of leading scientists, the ACAIN Course, (September 21-22). Bringing together AI and neuroscience promises to yield benefits for both fields. The future impact and progress in both AI and Neuroscience will strongly depend on continuous synergy, exchange, collaboration and efficient cooperation between the two research communities. These are the goals of the International Course and Symposium - ACAIN, which is aimed both at AI experts with interests in Neuroscience and at neuroscientists with an interest in AI. ACAIN accepts rigorous research that promotes and fosters multidisciplinary interactions between artificial intelligence and neuroscience. The Advanced Course is suited for scholars, academics, early career researchers, Post-Docs, PhD students and industry leaders. The Event (Course and Symposium) will involve a total of 36-40 hours of lectures. Academically, this will be equivalent to 8 ECTS points for the PhD Students and the Master Students attending the Event. LECTURERS: Panos Pardalos, University of Florida, USA Jose Principe, University of Florida, USA Maneesh Sahani, University College London, UK Jonathon Shlens, Google DeepMind, USA Dimitra Thomaidou, Hellenic Pasteur Institute, Greece Marina Vidaki, University of Crete, Medical School, Crete, Greece More Speakers TBA SYMPOSIUM PROGRAM COMMITTEE (partial list, confirmed members): ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: VENUE & ACCOMMODATION: ACAIN is a *Residential Conference*, all participants (invited speakers, authors, organizers, chairs, participants) must book and stay at the Riva del Sole Resort and Spa. No exceptions are allowed. Riva del Sole Resort & SPA a: Localit? Riva del Sole - Castiglione della Pescaia (Grosseto) CAP 58043, Tuscany - Italy p: +39-0564-928111 f: +39-0564-935607 e: at w: ACTIVITIES: REGISTRATION: See you in Tuscany in September! ACAIN Organizing Committee. E: acain at W: FB: Obviously, this is only a Call for Participation & Call for Papers, to have complete and updated information we recommend you access the relevant website: * Apologies for multiple copies. Please forward to anybody who might be interested * -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From fadoua.drira at Wed Mar 12 07:08:01 2025 From: fadoua.drira at (FADOUA DRIRA) Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 12:08:01 +0100 Subject: Connectionists: =?utf-8?q?Fwd=3A_Call_for_Participation_=E2=80=93?= =?utf-8?q?_Innovation_for_Research_Impact_Competition?= In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: ? *Call for Participation ? Innovation for Research Impact Competition* ? ? *PhD students & Postdocs, showcase your research and its socio-economic impact!* We are delighted to invite you to participate in the *Innovation for Research Impact Competition*, organized as part of the *9th RTSI Forum *, taking place in Tunis from *August 24-26, 2025*. ? This competition offers a unique platform for emerging researchers to *present their work, demonstrate its real-world value, and gain visibility*. ? *Topics of interest*: Smart cities, healthcare, environment, energy, transportation, cybersecurity, technological innovation? or any research with transformative potential! ? *Why participate?* ? Showcase your research to a broad audience ? Receive valuable expert feedback ? Compete for awards recognizing research excellence and societal impact ? *Who can apply?* ??? *PhD students*: If your research has strong socio-economic potential, this competition is for you! ??? *Postdoctoral researchers*: Working on an innovative project with real-world impact? Join us! ? *How to apply?* Submit a *2-page summary (in English)* via the *EDAS platform * before *April 30, 2025*. Your submission should highlight your status, project background, contributions, and socio-economic impact. ? More details: ? *Make your research shine! Share and participate!* ? ---- Fadoua Drira HdR, PhD, Eng., Associate Professor * * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head of REGIM Lab.: REsearch Groups in Intelligent Machines (LR11ES48) * * Associate Professor at ENIS: National Engineering School of Sfax, University of Sfax, Department of Computer Engineering and Applied Mathematics, ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IEEE Senior Member ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Address: ENIS-DGIMA-DEPT Informatique, Route Soukra Km 3.5 B.P. 1173 ? 3038 Sfax ? Tunisia Email: *fadoua.drira at * / *fadoua.drira at * Tel : 21 413 136 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From amir.kalfat at Wed Mar 12 07:03:55 2025 From: amir.kalfat at (Amir Aly) Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 11:03:55 +0000 Subject: Connectionists: 6 Available PhD Positions at the Intersection of Psychology, AI, and Computer Science Message-ID: *Dear All, * **Apologies for cross-posting** *Applications are invited for three-year PhD studentships at the University of Plymouth, UK. * *The studentships will start on Wednesday 1 October 2025.* *The closing date for applications is Friday 9 May 2025 (midnight, UK time).* A list of projects can be found below. It is essential that candidates discuss their proposal/plans with their intended supervisor(s), prior to writing their proposal and submitting an application. The school can only consider PhD research proposals that have the support of a supervisor (see required documents). ------------------------------------------------- *1- AI-Based Analysis of Voice Biomarkers in Neurodevelopmental Disorders* This interdisciplinary PhD project will harness Artificial Intelligence (AI) methodologies to analyse vocal patterns within clinical populations, specifically targeting Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The project aims to develop innovative diagnostic models, such as deep learning models, that accurately identify and differentiate unique vocal characteristics to each disorder utilising extensive and varied datasets of autistic, ADHD and neurotypical people, enhancing our understanding and diagnostic capabilities for these conditions. Candidates should have a basic knowledge in AI and machine learning techniques, especially those applicable to audio processing and speech analysis. While knowledge of psychological or neurological principles is advantageous, it is not compulsory. The candidate will be part of a collaboration between Clinical Psychology and Computer Science, offering a unique chance to pioneer in the application of AI to clinical diagnostics. This interdisciplinary effort aims to push the boundaries of how machine learning can improve understanding and treatment strategies for neurodevelopmental disorders. *- Contact: Dr. Gray Atherton*, gray.atherton at *2- Virtual Reality Training for Spatial Familiarity with Autistic Individuals* This PhD project aims to develop a virtual reality (VR) training program to help autistic individuals navigate unfamiliar spaces with reduced anxiety as well as explore new imaginary spaces that can build confidence. Utilising VR technology, the project will recreate common environments to allow participants to engage with these spaces in a safe and controlled setting. The use of a VE2 walking treadmill will intensify the realism of the experience, enabling participants to physically walk through these virtual spaces, thereby improving spatial familiarity and comfort. Candidates are expected to have a foundational understanding of VR programming, including expertise in Unity. Skills in integrating sophisticated sensory technologies such as eye-tracking and face recognition are appreciated, as they will be used to tailor and adapt scenarios based on real-time user reactions and interactions. This role calls for a blend of technical acumen and creative problem-solving, offering a chance to pioneer VR applications that extend beyond entertainment into therapeutic settings. This interdisciplinary initiative bridges the gap between Clinical Psychology and Computer Science, offering candidates an opportunity to pioneer methods that could significantly advance therapeutic practices for neurodevelopmental disorders. *- Contact: Dr. Liam Cross*, liam.cross at *3- Enhancing Social Interaction for Autistic Individuals through Anthropomorphic Augmented Reality * This PhD project seeks to explore how autistic individuals often show a preference for interacting with non-human entities such as animals, cartoons, and robots, possibly due to the simpler social cues and lack of negative biases associated with human faces. Leveraging these insights, the project will develop an augmented reality (AR) application designed to overlay human faces with non-human characteristics, thereby enhancing comfort, social attention, and engagement among autistic participants. We are seeking a PhD candidate proficient in AR technologies, with hands-on experience in platforms like Hololens, and a good foundation in computer science. The successful candidate will be driven by a desire to apply cutting-edge AR solutions to real-world challenges in education and healthcare settings. The candidate will engage in developing complex AR interfaces and utilise user-centred design principles to create applications that significantly improve social interactions for autistic individuals. Familiarity with the psychological aspects of autism will be crucial in customizing the technology to meet user needs effectively. *- Contact: Dr. Gray Atherton*, gray.atherton at *4-* *Examining Cohesion and Authoritarianism through Synchronised VR Interactions* This project seeks to explore how moving in synchrony with others within a virtual reality (VR) environment influences social behaviour, enhancing cohesion and potentially promoting obedient tendencies. The research will employ VR to simulate scenarios where participants can engage in synchronized activities, studying the psychological effects of these interactions. These effects have historical significance in contexts such as war, riots, an other scenarios. The project will manipulate environmental factors, virtual agents, and reward systems to observe how these controlled variables influence behaviours related to conformity and personal control. We are looking for a PhD candidate with a good experience in VR programming, tools and platforms, interested in using this technology to probe the complex dynamics of human behaviour and applying their technical skills to investigate social psychological phenomena. This interdisciplinary initiative provides a unique opportunity to explore how synchronized movements in virtual environments can shape social behaviours and influence group dynamics, enhancing our understanding of technology's role in social cohesion and control. *- Contact: Dr. Liam Cross*, liam.cross at *5*- *Pure Fantasy: Harnessing VR to Explore and Enhance the Ideal Self in Autistic Individuals* This innovative project taps into the enduring popularity of Dungeons & Dragons (D&D), particularly within the autism community, to explore and enhance self-concept through immersive virtual reality (VR). D&D has long served as a valuable tool for autistic individuals to experiment with their identities and improve social skills. Our project aims to create a groundbreaking VR D&D experience that allows players to design avatars embodying traits they aspire to develop or accentuate. Leveraging the Proteus effect, which suggests that the characteristics of an avatar can influence a user?s behaviour, this study will observe how players navigate complex social interactions and quests within a richly detailed virtual world. Players will physically navigate this world using VE2 treadmills, enhancing the immersion and physicality of the experience. We seek a PhD candidate with good skills in VR development, eager to push the boundaries of what VR can achieve in psychological and therapeutic contexts. The ideal candidate will collaborate closely with the Computer Sciences department at the University of Plymouth to refine VR paradigms and should possess an interest in the psychological aspects of VR immersion, specifically how it relates to behaviour change and self-concept in special populations. This interdisciplinary initiative offers a unique opportunity to explore the intersection of technology, psychology, and role-playing games, aiming to provide meaningful insights into how virtual experiences can influence real-world behaviour and self-perception. *- Contact: Dr. Gray Atherton*, gray.atherton at *6- Board games for autistic wellbeing * Board games offer educational and social benefits, particularly for neurodiverse players who thrive in structured settings. This project will establish a board gaming hub for neurodiverse adults, partnering with clinical services to combine social engagement with mental health support. There are currently multiple sites and practices in the Devon area and wider UK keen to take part, and the candidate will have good communication and organisational skills commiserate with working across sites and disciplines. Specifically, we seek a candidate with experience in working with clinical populations and a passion for board gaming. This role suits those interested in intervention design, adult social care, and gaming development for special populations. The candidate will be interested in understanding how to adapt board games for individuals with different needs, and how to liase with research teams and clinical health providers to understand how to most effectively deliver an intervention of this nature. This role will involve working in schools and with young people. *- Contact: Dr. Liam Cross*, liam.cross at ---------------------------------------------------- *Eligibility and funding* Applicants should have a first-class honours degree in an appropriate subject and preferably a relevant MSc or MRes qualification. If your first language is not English, you will need to meet the minimum English requirements for the programme, an academic IELTS score of 6.5 (with no less than 5.5 in each component test area) or equivalent. The studentship is supported for three years and includes full home tuition fees plus a stipend of at least ?18,655 per annum (2025/26 rate still to be determined). *To apply* To apply, please complete our online application form for *PhD Psychology *for entry in* October 2025 *and submit the following mandatory documents : - *A research proposal (max 1,000 words). *Your research proposal should contain a short review of relevant literature, research questions/hypotheses, overview of methods, and a time plan (all included in the word count). Your proposal may also include up to one figure (not included in the word count). The proposal should name the suggested supervisor(s) and include a reference list (not included in the word count). Research proposals that exceed the word count will not be considered. - *Personal statement. *Please clearly state that you are applying for a PhD studentship within the School of Psychology and the name of a potential supervisor(s) on the top of your personal statement. - *Supervisor support statement. *Please submit a short statement (signed and dated) from your intended supervisor in which they confirm that they would supervise your PhD project. - *Evidence of up-to-date qualifications.*Certificates and transcripts for masters or bachelor degrees, plus any relevant professional qualifications. - *CV/r?sum?* - *English proficiency certificate. *Required for non-UK nationals. - *The details of two academic referees.*Please provide names and details on the application form. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me Regards -------------------------------------------- *Dr. Amir Aly*, PhD, FHEA, SIEEE Lecturer in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Programme Manager of Artificial Intelligence UK and Ireland IEEE RAS Chapter Vice Chair Director of the Centre for Robotics and Neural Systems (CRNS) School of Engineering, Computing, and Mathematics Room A307 Portland Square, Drake Circus, PL4 8AA University of Plymouth, UK -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From r.jolivet at Wed Mar 12 05:23:00 2025 From: r.jolivet at (Jolivet, Renaud (MACSBIO)) Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 09:23:00 +0000 Subject: Connectionists: =?utf-8?q?Exciting_PhD_=26_Postdoc_Positions_at_M?= =?utf-8?q?aastricht_University_and_CNRS_Marseille_=E2=80=93_Join_the_ERC-?= =?utf-8?q?Synergy_NASCE_Project!?= Message-ID: <> My colleague Elia Formisano at Maastricht University is advertising several positions. Exciting PhD & Postdoc Positions at Maastricht University and CNRS Marseille ? Join the ERC-Synergy NASCE Project! Are you passionate about neuroscience and AI? Do you want to unravel how the human brain makes sense of everyday soundscapes? Join Elia Formisano and Bruno L. Giordano in the ERC-Synergy NASCE project (Natural Auditory SCEnes in Humans and Machines), where we explore the neural computations behind real-world auditory scene analysis (ASA). Our research combines AI, behavioral experiments (both classic and online), neuroimaging (ultra-high-field fMRI, MEG, iEEG), and advanced statistical modeling to develop groundbreaking theories and models of auditory perception. Funded by the European Union (ERC-2024-SyG, NASCE) Why Join NASCE? * Work in a leading, highly collaborative international research environment between Maastricht University, and CNRS/Aix Marseille University. * Contribute to groundbreaking research at the intersection of neuroscience, AI, and cognitive psychology. * Access to state-of-the-art multimodal neuroimaging and AI-based computational modeling. Locations: Maastricht University (The Netherlands) & CNRS/Aix Marseille University (Marseille, France). Start Dates: From April 2025. 1. PhD Position in NeuroAI & Auditory Scene Analysis (Maastricht, NL) Develop brain-inspired deep neural network (DNN) models to simulate human auditory perception. Requirements: MSc in AI, computer science, computational neuroscience, or related field. Strong programming skills (Python, PyTorch/TensorFlow). Full-time PhD contract (4 years). Start Date: April 2025 (preferred). Apply here: See also: 2. Postdoc in NeuroAI & Multimodal Neuroimaging (Maastricht, NL) Develop brain-inspired DNN models to simulate human auditory perception. Create computational methods to integrate DNNs with neuroimaging. Requirements: PhD in computational neuroscience, AI, biomedical engineering, physics, or related field. Experience with deep learning (applications to audio and neuroimaging integration are a plus) Strong programming skills (Python, PyTorch/TensorFlow). Competitive salary (2 years contract + possibility for 2 more years). Start Date: Flexible within 2025. Apply here: See also: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From charris at Wed Mar 12 07:27:59 2025 From: charris at (Caldwell-Harris, Catherine) Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 11:27:59 +0000 Subject: Connectionists: Andrea Stocco, Individual differences ... computational phenotyping: March 18, 8pm EST Message-ID: (Please circulate to those interested) Our online talk series to commemorate the legacy of Elizabeth Baetes continues. -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Stocco.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 270469 bytes Desc: Stocco.pdf URL: From antonior at Wed Mar 12 21:17:05 2025 From: antonior at (Antonio Roque) Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 22:17:05 -0300 Subject: Connectionists: Postdoctoral fellowships at the Neuromathematics Center in Sao Paulo State, Brazil Message-ID: The Research, Innovation and Dissemination Center for Neuromathematics (NeuroMat), hosted by the University of S?o Paulo (USP), Brazil, and funded by the S?o Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP), is offering two post-doctoral fellowships for recent PhDs with outstanding research potential. The fellowship will involve collaborations with research teams and laboratories associated with NeuroMat, strictly related to ongoing research lines developed by NeuroMat. For more details about the ongoing research lines of NeuroMat, please visit our website. The project may be developed at the laboratories of USP, campuses of S?o Paulo or Ribeir?o Preto, or at UNICAMP, Campinas, in person. We seek candidates capable of developing independent research in one of the research lines below. 1. Stochastic modeling of neurobiological data. Candidates must have a strong background in probability theory with emphasis on stochastic processes. 2. Development of new statistical methods for neurobiological data. Candidates must have a strong background in statistics and data analysis and knowledge of computer programming. 3. Acquisition, processing, and quantitative analysis of neurobiological data. Candidates must have a strong background in neuroscience with previous experience in neurophysiological data acquisition, processing and analysis, and knowledge of computer programming. 4. Instrumentation development associated with brain stimuli. Candidates must have a strong background in electronic instrumentation, robotics, programing, and safety in medical equipment. The fellowship is competitive at an international level, and fellows benefit from extra funds for travel and research expenses plus limited support for relocation expenses. Application Instructions: Applicants should complete and submit the application form . The following documents and information are requested (please see the form for further details): - Summary of the CV, in the format required by FAPESP (see instructions); - List of publications, with links to those available online. - A summary of the research plan for the next year, up to 5 pages in length. This document must explicitly state for which of the four research lines the candidate is applying. It should also address how this research plan fits within the framework of the NeuroMat research program. It is strongly recommended that candidates visit the webpage of the project, NeuroMat research program , consult the list of publications and contact potential supervisors, who are principal or co-principal investigators participating in the NeuroMat project, to align the research proposal with the goals of the project. - Pointers to other research related output, such as software, web pages, and so forth. Candidates should be willing to send copies of publications, if requested. - Any further information deemed relevant to the application. In addition to the above, we require at least two recommendation letters. Those should be emailed by the recommenders directly to postdoc-appl at Timetable: Candidates are encouraged to apply at their earliest convenience until the deadline of March 31, 2025. Appointment is expected to start by May 2025. The initial period of the position lasts for 12 months, with possible renewals to up to the end of the project, July 31, 2026. This opportunity is open to candidates of any nationality. The selected candidates will be awarded FAPESP Postdoctoral fellowships in the amount of R$ 12,000,00 monthly plus fringe benefits and a research contingency fund, equivalent to 15% of the annual value of the fellowship, which should be spent on items directly related to the research activity. More details on FAPESP's postdoctoral fellowships are available at: -- Antonio C. Roque Professor Associado Departamento de Fisica FFCLRP, Universidade de Sao Paulo 14040-901 Ribeirao Preto-SP Brazil - Brasil antonior at aroquesilva at ORCID: 0000-0003-1260-4840 ResearcherID: C-2316-2011 Google Scholar: GqHWF74AAAAJ CV Lattes: 4609096963207702 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From s.kirkham at Wed Mar 12 13:52:28 2025 From: s.kirkham at (Kirkham, Sam (kirkham)) Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 17:52:28 +0000 Subject: Connectionists: CFP: Dynamical Models of Speech conference, 26-27 July 2025 Message-ID: <> DYMOS: Dynamical models of speech Conference website: A conference exploring new frontiers in dynamical models of speech. The event loosely follows on from our 2024 satellite workshop on Variance and invariance at LabPhon 19 in South Korea. Location and date: - 26-27 July 2025 - University of Oregon, Eugene, USA - Hosted at the LSA Linguistics Institute 2025 The event is co-located at the 2025 LSA Linguistics Institute and coincides with the class Dynamics of speech production, taught by Jason A. Shaw and Michael C. Stern. Description: A fundamental topic of linguistic inquiry concerns the nature of phonological cognition. Dynamical models of speech ? most prominently Articulatory Phonology (Browman & Goldstein 1992) / Task Dynamics (Kelso, Saltzman & Tuller 1986) ? have proven great successes in modelling the dynamics of coarticulation (Fowler 1980), prosody (Byrd 2003; Iskarous et al. 2024), long-range processes (Gafos & Benus 2006; Tilsen 2019), and neural dynamics of speech planning (Roon & Gafos 2006; Tilsen 2022; Stern & Shaw 2023). At the same time, there remain a range of unresolved issues and critiques, including the nature of timing control, the relations between symbolics and dynamics, the emergence of phonological structure, and what counts as a necessary condition of a dynamical theory. The conference aims to assess the state-of-the-art and future research directions in dynamical models of speech, with a focus on the following topics: - Emergence and change in dynamical phonological categories - Dynamics, variation, and linguistic universals - The status of spatial and temporal variation in task dynamic models - Autonomous and non-autonomous gestural models - Neural dynamical models of speech planning - Dynamical models of production-perception - The relationship between task dynamic and biomechanical models - Feedback control - Systems-level dynamics - Philosophical foundations This two-day conference will bring together researchers in dynamical models of speech, featuring plenary talks from invited speakers, contributed posters, lightning talks from LSA Institute students, and open discussion. Speakers confirmed so far: - Adamantios Gafos (Potsdam) - Khalil Iskarous (USC) - Melissa Redford (Oregon) - Jason A. Shaw (Yale) - Michael C. Stern (Yale) - Patrycja Strycharczuk (Manchester) - Sam Kirkham (Lancaster) Call for papers: We invite submissions on the topics listed above, or on any issue that broadly concerns dynamical models or theories of phonology (including spoken and signed languages). We envision that submissions will be presented as part of a poster session, but we may have additional slots for contributed talks, which we will confirm when sending notifications of acceptance. Submission instructions: - Please submit an abstract (max. 2 pages) to s.kirkham at by 25 April 2025. - - Notifications will be sent out shortly after this deadline. - The abstract format will not be strictly enforced and does not need to be anonymous. - In addition to comprehensive empirical and theoretical research, we also encourage the submission of preliminary and exploratory work, as well as contributions of an entirely theoretical nature. Further information about registration, accommodation, etc. will appear soon. The conference will be hosted using the same facilities as the LSA Institute, so the LSA Institute website contains information that will likely be relevant. Organisers: Sam Kirkham Patrycja Strycharczuk From ksharma.raj at Thu Mar 13 01:37:19 2025 From: ksharma.raj at (Raj Sharma) Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2025 11:07:19 +0530 Subject: Connectionists: BDA 2025: Call for Workshop Proposals Message-ID: BDA 2025: Call for Workshop Proposals Thirteenth International Conference on Big Data and Artificial Intelligence, July 17-20, 2025 (BDA2025) The International Institute of Information Technology Bangalore ( The BDA 2025 Organizing Committee invites proposals for half-day and full-day workshops on established and emerging topics in the areas of Big Data and AI. The goal of BDA 2025 workshops is to provide a forum for researchers and practitioners from academia and industry in the related domains to share novel ideas, research challenges and issues, and innovative next-generation applications in any topic related to Big Data and AI with the intent of stimulating interesting research in this area. Proposals can be in any established or emerging domain related to Big Data and AI related areas. Proposals are welcome in interdisciplinary areas such as Big Data or Data Science problems and research challenges & opportunities in domains including (but not limited to) agriculture, education, open distance learning, transportation, smart cities, skills development, climate change, bioinformatics, environmental management, finance and healthcare. Submit workshop proposals on areas closely overlapping with the main theme of Big Data (Cloud computing, Fog/Edge computing, etc.), Data Science, and AI (Edge AI, Generative AI, Agentic AI, etc.). In addition to *half-day and full-day workshops, we also invite proposals for special sessions of 1.5 hour duration*. The aim is to bring together people interested in specific themes, discuss and plan the next steps (collaboration, funding opportunities, etc.). These sessions are not for paper presentations and invited talks. Toward the end of the session, the session organizers (or subgroups) should summarize the discussion and present the next steps (plan of action) to the participants. We encourage submission of niche topics such as agentic AI, responsible AI, generative AI, etc. A short summary of each sessions' discussion will be added to the proceedings. The conference will provide all the necessary facilities for organizing the workshops and special sessions, such as presentation rooms. Workshop chairs will autonomously organize the workshops, including the workshop program committee selection, review processes and paper acceptance/rejection and publication. Subject to the quality of the accepted papers and reviewers comments, the organizing committee aims to append a few of the good accepted papers to the main proceedings under the heading of Workshop . Workshop and special session proposals should be of a maximum of three pages and contain the following information: Title of the workshop/special session, Objectives and Scope, Target audience and expected number of attendees, Names, email addresses and webpages of the prospective workshop organizers, a list of Program Committee members (tentative; only for workshop proposals), a preliminary workshop format (either half-day or full-day), and mechanisms to keep the audience engaged. In addition, for a special session, please list the possible points that could be discussed during the session. Workshop proposals should be submitted via CMT at IMPORTANT DATES - Workshop Proposal Submission Deadline: March 28, 2025 - Workshop Notification: April 4, 2025 - Suggested workshop paper submission deadline: June 5, 2025 WORKSHOP CHAIRS - Raghava Mutharaju , IIIT-Delhi, India - Animesh Chaturvedi , Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT), Dharwad, India - Navneet Goyal , BITS Pilani, India For any queries and clarifications regarding the workshops, please send an email to the workshop chairs. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From matej.hoffmann at Thu Mar 13 04:21:53 2025 From: matej.hoffmann at (Matej Hoffmann) Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2025 09:21:53 +0100 Subject: Connectionists: [Meetings] Deadline extension - IEEE Int. Conf. Development and Learning (ICDL) 2025 Message-ID: <> * Dear colleagues, Due to multiple requests, we are happy to grant a two-week extension of the submission deadline for the regular paper submissions and the workshop and tutorial proposal submission. Full papers:March? 28, 2025. Workshop and tutorial proposals?deadline:March 28, 2025. We would also like to draw your attention to the template which we have updated. Please kindly use this one: . If you have already submitted, you will be able to update it also during the camera-ready submission stage. We are also happy to announce that the BabyBot and BabyObserve Challenge winners will receive a prize of 150$, sponsored by the IEEE RAS TC Cognitive Robotics. Travel grants are available through IEEE CIS - see . ----------------------------------- CfP? IEEE ICDL 2025 ----------------------------------- 16?19? September 2025 in Prague; Czechia 2025? IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL) We? invite submissions to explore, extend, and consolidate the interdisciplinary boundaries of this exciting research field. In addition to the usual paper submission-selection process, we announce two Challenges:? the BabyBot? Challenge? that will award computational models that capture core aspects of specific psychology experiments and (new!!)? BabyObserve Challenge? that will foster the community?s discoveries in research related to the development of cognition and learning and go beyond what is currently in focus. Submissions that address both challenges at the same time are also welcome. There is a prize of 150$ for the winners of the challenges! ----------------------------------- Important? Deadlines ----------------------------------- Contributed? papers (6?8 pages)?extended deadline: March 28, 2025. Workshop and tutorial proposals?extended deadline: March 28, 2025. Journal? Track?deadline: April 1, 2025. Late-breaking? results (1-page abstracts)?deadline: June 13, 2025. ----------------------------------- Speakers ----------------------------------- Jeff? Krichmar (University of California, Irvine, USA) Masako? Myowa-Yamakoshi (Kyoto University, Japan) Giulio? Sandini (IIT Genoa, Italy) Tilbe? G?ksun (Ko? University, Turkey) Josef? ?ivic (CIIRC, CTU in Prague, Czechia) ----------------------------------- Topics ----------------------------------- ICDL ?is a unique conference gathering researchers from both computational science (including robotics, AI, cognitive architecture) and developmental studies (psychology, linguistics, anthropology, education, philosophy) for a fertile exchange sharing ideas, perspectives,? knowledge, research findings on how humans and animals develop sensing, reasoning and actions, including interactive ecologies and how these capabilities can be implemented in computing (embodied) systems. This approach goes hand in hand with the goal of both? understanding human and animal development and how this can be applied to improve future intelligent technology including all kinds of artificial systems that will be in close interaction with humans. Topics? of interest include (but are not limited to): ?? general principles and theories of development and learning; ?? embodied learning in biological systems and robots; ?? development of skills in biological systems and robots; ?? developmental stages and sensitive periods; ?? architectures for cognitive development and life-long learning; ?? emergence of body knowledge and affordance perception; ?? learning control of body movement; ?? (models of) curiosity, intrinsic motivations, exploration, play and active learning; ?? (models for) prediction, planning and problem solving; ?? developmentally-inspired machine learning; ?? applications of machine learning to human and animal development; ?? emotional development and the role of emotion in learning; ?? emergence of verbal and nonverbal communication; ?? metacognitive skills and the role of metacognitive learning and explicit communication; ?? (models of) human?human and human?system interaction; ?? epistemological foundations and philosophical issues; ?? the relationship between evolution and development; ?? ethics in modeling learning and development. ----------------------------------- Submission ----------------------------------- We? accept four types of research submissions. The submissions are available through the PaperPlaza ( )? system. Detailed instructions are at . Full? 6-page paper submissions (up to? 2 extra pages with additional charge)?deadline:March? 28, 2025. Papers of up to 6 pages in IEEE double column format will undergo peer-review, and accepted and presented submissions will be included in the conference proceedings published by IEEE Xplore. Up to two extra pages are acceptable for a publication fee of $100 per? page. Accepted papers will be invited for presentation either in oral or poster format Please make use of the template provided at Workshop? and tutorial proposals?deadline:March 28, 2025. Workshops? proposals can be submitted for one-day or half-day-workshop that will take place on the first day of the conference. The proposals should motivate the topic and provide a schedule. Journal-track posters?deadline:April? 1, 2025. Journal? track poster submissions must be about a journal paper that has been published the March 2024 ? March 2025 period (online ahead of print is fine) on a topic relevant to the conference. Late-breaking? posters with 1-page abstract?deadline: June 13, 2025. To? encourage discussion of late-breaking results or for work that is not sufficiently mature for a full paper, we will accept 1-page abstracts. These submissions will not be included in the conference proceedings. Accepted abstracts will be presented during the? poster session. ----------------------------------- BabyBot? Challenge Paper Award ----------------------------------- Babybot? Challenge papers are expected to establish a strong link between developmental psychology and robotics and/or computational modeling. Submissions will be judged by the following criteria: ?? How well does the computational model (e.g., an artificial system, which can be a robot, artificial system, or a software agent) represent the particular features of the experimental research addressed. ?? How closely the performance of the model replicates the experimental findings and how parsimonious is the model. ?? How explicit the model is about cognitive mechanisms and the ?? The extent of the novel insights or explanations generated by the model, and importantly whether the model make interesting and testable predictions. We? encourage the authors to tag their submission for ?Babybot Challenge? award during contributed paper submission, which would indicate that there is significant content that puts the paper in the spotlight of ?Babybot Challenge?. Prize for winner: 150 $. ----------------------------------- BabyObserve? Challenge Paper Award ----------------------------------- This? Challenge is new, and its intention is to foster the community?s discoveries in research related to the development of cognition and learning that go beyond what is currently in focus. BabyObserve? Challenge papers are expected to introduce novel or ?edge case? phenomena to the ICDL community from observations of child development, but also related mechanisms, interplays of skills, properties of (environmental and / or social) ecologies that promote? it. Observations? can result in quantitative or qualitative research that is further described in the paper. Submissions? will be judged by the following criteria: ?? How innovative is the phenomenon and why it is important for the ICDL community ?? How well is the phenomenon described to inspire computational models ?? How well is the phenomenon theoretically grounded or linked to the existing literature We? encourage the authors to tag their submission for ?BabyObserve Challenge? award during contributed paper submission, which would indicate that there is significant content that puts the paper in the spotlight of ?BabyObserve Challenge?. Prize for winner: 150 $. General? chair: Matej Hoffmann Program? chairs: Alessandra Sciutti, Emre Ugur, Katharina J. Rohlfing * -- Matej Hoffmann, PhD Associate Professor Department of Cybernetics Faculty of Electrical Engineering Czech Technical University in Prague Karlovo namesti 13 121 35 Praha 2, Czech Republic +420 224 357 387 IEEE ICDL 2025 General Chair -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From claudio.piciarelli at Thu Mar 13 06:16:38 2025 From: claudio.piciarelli at (Claudio Piciarelli) Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2025 10:16:38 +0000 Subject: Connectionists: Call for Competition on text line segmentation: FEST @ ICDAR 2025 In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: =================================== CALL FOR COMPETITION: FEST @ ICDAR 2025 Competition on few-shot text line segmentation =================================== We are glad to announce FEST: Competition on FEw-Shot Text line segmentation of ancient handwritten documents (FEST), in conjunction with the 19th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition ICDAR 2025. Competition Overview: Text line segmentation is a crucial component of Document Image Analysis, particularly for ancient handwritten documents. It directly influences subsequent tasks like optical character recognition, layout analysis, and information extraction. This competition challenges participants to develop systems capable of segmenting text lines using only three annotated images per manuscript for training. The dataset features a diverse collection of ancient manuscripts with varying layouts, levels of degradation, and non-standard formatting, reflecting real-world complexities. By focusing on few-shot learning, this competition aims to encourage the development of methods that can be readily applied by humanities scholars without the need for extensive manual annotation, fostering broader adoption of automated document analysis tools. Competition Tasks: We challenge the participants to perform the task of textline segmentation on the proposed dataset, U-DIADS-TL, in a few-shot setting, providing only three images, with their corresponding ground truths, as the training set for each of the three manuscripts comprising it. Important Dates: * Registration Open: 10 December, 2024 * Test set release to participants: 7 April, 2025 * Deadline of the Competition: 20 April, 2025 * Winner announcement: 30 June, 2025 For any additional information, please visit the website: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From hocine.cherifi at Thu Mar 13 07:52:12 2025 From: hocine.cherifi at (Hocine Cherifi) Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2025 11:52:12 +0000 Subject: Connectionists: =?utf-8?q?=E2=9C=85_FRCCS_2025=3A_Early_Bird_Regi?= =?utf-8?q?stration_=26_Workshop_Submissions_Open_=E2=80=93_Join_Us?= =?utf-8?q?_in_Bordeaux!?= Message-ID: *Early bird registration* for *FRCCS 2025* is now open! Join us in *Bordeaux, France, from May 21 to 23, 2025*, for an interdisciplinary gathering of the complexity science community. *Register before April 17, 2025, to benefit from reduced rates.* ------------------------------ *?* *Keynote Speakers* We are honored to welcome: ?Elsa Arcaute, (University College London, UK) ?Ulrik Brandes (ETH Z?rich Switzerland) ?Mikko Kivel?, (Aalto University, Finland) ?Caterina La Porta, (University of Milan, Italy) ------------------------------ *?* *Workshops at FRCCS 2025* Engage in cutting-edge discussions across key themes: ? *Beauty in Complexity* ? The art of scientific visualization ? *Networks & Blockchain* ? Trust, security, and decentralized systems ? *AI & Complexity* ? Emergent intelligence and multi-agent dynamics ? *Business & Economics* ? Forecasting success in industries and innovation ? *Graph Sparsification* ? Efficient network modeling and applications ? *Biological Complexity* ? Morphogenesis, biomechanics, and self-organization ? *Workshop Details & Submissions:* ------------------------------ *?** Register Now & Join Us in Bordeaux* ? *Early Bird Deadline:* April 17, 2025 ? *Register Here:* We look forward to welcoming you to *Bordeaux* for an enriching exchange of ideas in complexity science. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out. Join us at COMPLEX NETWORKS 2025 *-------------------------* Hocine CHERIFI University of Burgundy Franche-Comt? Laboratoire* I*nterdisciplinaire *C*arnot de *B*ourgogne - ICB UMR 6303 CNRS Editor in Chief Applied Network Science Plos Complex Systems Editorial Board member PLOS One , IEEE ACCESS , Scientific Reports , Journal of Imaging , Quality and Quantity , Computational Social Networks , Complex Systems -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ines.gomes at Thu Mar 13 08:09:43 2025 From: ines.gomes at (=?utf-8?B?SW7DqnMgR29tZXM=?=) Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2025 12:09:43 +0000 Subject: Connectionists: [CfP] AutoML 2025 deadline extended to Monday, March 31 (AoE) Message-ID: Dear all, The AutoML Conference is welcoming your submissions on AutoML and related topics, including neural architecture search (NAS), LLMs, agent-based systems, hyperparameter optimization, benchmarking, algorithm selection and configuration, ... :: conference website: :: conference dates: September 8-11, 2025 :: submissions due (extended): Monday, March 31, 2025 (anywhere on Earth) :: 2 main tracks: AutoML methods and ABCD (applications, benchmarks, challenges, and datasets), proceedings in PMLR :: call for papers (main tracks): :: special track for a wide array of non-archival contributions (e.g., workshop papers, previously published / ?hot off the press? papers, position papers, non-traditional content), submission deadline June 16, for details see :: location: Verizon Executive Education Center at Cornell Tech, New York City, USA :: confirmed keynotes: Manuela Veloso, JP Morgan Chase Andrew Gordon Wilson, New York University Kevin Leyton-Brown, University of British Columbia Erin LeDell, Distributional Atlas Wang, University of Texas at Austin :: follow us on social networks: :: PC chairs: Leman Akoglu, Carnegie Mellon University Carola Doerr, CNRS and Sorbonne University, FR Jan van Rijn, Leiden University, NL :: general chair: Roman Garnett, Washington University in St. Louis See you there? -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From battleday at Thu Mar 13 09:21:05 2025 From: battleday at (Ruairidh Battleday) Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2025 13:21:05 +0000 Subject: Connectionists: Reminder: Abstract submission for 6th International Conference on Mathematics of Neuroscience and AI (Split, Croatia, 27-30 May 2025) Message-ID: Reminder: Abstract submission for 6th International Conference on Mathematics of Neuroscience and AI (Split, Croatia, 27-30 May 2025) ?--------- Just a reminder that the abstract submission deadline for our Conference on Mathematics of Neuroscience and AI is coming up in a few days. Thank you to all those that have submitted so far?the quality has been exceptional! In this high-profile conference we hear about new computational theories of the brain and mind, as well as novel data and experiments. We then take findings and theory back into the creation of robust, generalizable, and scalable AI. We hear from leading researchers over four days, spanning neural data, neural theory, cognitive science, and machine learning & artificial intelligence (AI): Keynote Speakers Professor Wolfgang Maas (Graz), Professor Eve Marder (Brandeis), Professor Jay McClelland (Stanford), Professor Christine Constantinople (NYU), Dr Kim Stachenfeld (DeepMind), Professor Kanaka Rajan (Harvard), Dr Ida Momennejad (Microsoft Research), Professor Jacob Foerster (Oxford / Meta). Session Chairs Dr Valeria Fascianelli (Columbia; Neural data) Dr Francesca Mignacco (CUNY & Princeton; Neural data) Yasmine Ayman (Harvard; Neural theory) Dr James Whittington (Oxford & Stanford; Neural theory) Professor Bill Thompson (UC Berkeley; Cognitive science) Dr Maria Eckstein (DeepMind; Cognitive science) Mikey Lepori (Brown & DeepMind; Machine learning & AI) Professor Ilia Sucholutsky (NYU; Machine learning & AI) Invited Speakers Professor Alex Cayco-Gajic (ENS) Dr Jenelle Feather (Flatiron Institute) Dr Joao Barbosa (Institute for Neuromodulation) Tejas Ramdas (Harvard) Professor Vijay Namdoodiri (UCSF) Professor Annegret Falkner (Princeton) Dr Chris Hillar (New Theory AI) Dr Juan Gallego (Imperial) Professor Bonan Zhao (Edinburgh) Professor Lisa-Marie Vortmann (Groningen) Felix Sosa (Harvard) Dr Mathias Sabl?-Meyer (Harvard / MIT) Dr Lio Wong (MIT) Dr Chen Sun (Mila) Location The conference will be held at Croatia?s National Opera Theatre in Split, 10 minutes walk from the ancient harbour. Split is served by two nearby international airports (Split and Dubrovnik) with low-price carriers as well as several ferry lines from the wider Mediterranean. Submissions The submission format is an abstract of 250 words, and we invite submissions for each session via the following Google form: These will be accepted for poster, with the best 6 papers in each session category given an additional spotlight talk. Submission deadline is 16th March AOE. We have a very open acceptance policy, and are happy to hear about relevant work that has been submitted to other events. Early bird tickets A limited number of early-bird registrations have been posted on our website! Normal registration will follow after the submission deadline. Come and join the fun! Dr Ruairidh McLennan Battleday (Harvard & MIT) Dr James Whittington (Oxford & Stanford) Dr Ivana Kaljc (DeepMind) Professor Dan V. Nicolau Jr (Kings College London) The Organizing Committee. -- Dr Ruairidh McLennan Battleday BMBCh (Oxon) PhD President Thinking About Thinking ( Postdoctoral Research Fellow Center for Brain Science, Harvard University Center for Brains, Minds, and Machines, MIT -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From newsletters at Thu Mar 13 12:07:37 2025 From: newsletters at (Tommaso Turchi) Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2025 17:07:37 +0100 Subject: Connectionists: [2nd CfP] SYNERGY 2025 - Workshop on Designing and Building Hybrid Human-AI Systems (HHAI 2025) Message-ID: *[Apologies for cross-posting]* We kindly remind you of the upcoming submission deadline and invite you to share with interested colleagues! --- SYNERGY 2025: Workshop on Designing and Building Hybrid Human-AI Systems Co-located with HHAI 2025 (Hybrid Human-AI Intelligence Conference) June 9, 2025 ? Pisa, Italy IMPORTANT DATES: - Submission Deadline: April 11, 2025 (AoE) ? **One month remaining!** - Notification: May 2, 2025 - Camera Ready: May 16, 2025 ABOUT: Inspired by Joseph Licklider's vision of human-computer symbiosis, SYNERGY 2025 explores the design, implementation, and evaluation of human-AI collaborative systems. Following our successful first edition at AVI 2024, this workshop gathers leading researchers and practitioners, featuring consortium partners from the EU TANGO project "It takes two to tango: a synergistic approach to human-machine decision making". TOPICS INCLUDE: - Interactive Decision-Making Systems: Real-time collaboration, task allocation, uncertainty handling - Adaptive Collaboration Frameworks: Systems adapting to cognitive load, learning from human interactions - Evaluation Methods: Innovative metrics for human-AI effectiveness - Implementation Architectures: Practical patterns for building robust human-AI systems We encourage submissions showcasing practical implementations, empirical studies, innovative interactions, and novel theoretical insights clearly related to human-AI collaboration. SUBMISSION DETAILS: - Minimum 5 pages, CEUR-WS single column format - Submit via Microsoft CMT: - Selected papers invited for submission to a Special Issue on Hybrid Human-AI Systems in a leading journal WORKSHOP CHAIRS: - Tommaso Turchi, University of Pisa, Italy - Alan Dix, Swansea University & Cardiff Metropolitan University, UK - Matt Roach, Swansea University, UK - Alessio Malizia, University of Pisa, Italy - Ben Wilson, Swansea University, UK More info: Contact: tommaso.turchi at Supported by the HORIZON Europe project TANGO (Grant Agreement n. 101120763). From battleday at Thu Mar 13 10:21:33 2025 From: battleday at (Battleday, Ruairidh) Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2025 14:21:33 +0000 Subject: Connectionists: Reminder: Abstract submission for 6th International Conference on Mathematics of Neuroscience and AI (Split, Croatia, 27-30 May 2025) Message-ID: Reminder: Abstract submission for 6th International Conference on Mathematics of Neuroscience and AI (Split, Croatia, 27-30 May 2025) ?--------- Just a reminder that the abstract submission deadline for our Conference on Mathematics of Neuroscience and AI is coming up in a few days. Thank you to all those that have submitted so far?the quality has been exceptional! In this high-profile conference we hear about new computational theories of the brain and mind, as well as novel data and experiments. We then take findings and theory back into the creation of robust, generalizable, and scalable AI. We hear from leading researchers over four days, spanning neural data, neural theory, cognitive science, and machine learning & artificial intelligence (AI): Keynote Speakers Professor Wolfgang Maas (Graz), Professor Eve Marder (Brandeis), Professor Jay McClelland (Stanford), Professor Christine Constantinople (NYU), Dr Kim Stachenfeld (DeepMind), Professor Kanaka Rajan (Harvard), Dr Ida Momennejad (Microsoft Research), Professor Jacob Foerster (Oxford / Meta). Session Chairs Dr Valeria Fascianelli (Columbia; Neural data) Dr Francesca Mignacco (CUNY & Princeton; Neural data) Yasmine Ayman (Harvard; Neural theory) Dr James Whittington (Oxford & Stanford; Neural theory) Professor Bill Thompson (UC Berkeley; Cognitive science) Dr Maria Eckstein (DeepMind; Cognitive science) Mikey Lepori (Brown & DeepMind; Machine learning & AI) Professor Ilia Sucholutsky (NYU; Machine learning & AI) Invited Speakers Professor Alex Cayco-Gajic (ENS) Dr Jenelle Feather (Flatiron Institute) Dr Joao Barbosa (Institute for Neuromodulation) Tejas Ramdas (Harvard) Professor Vijay Namdoodiri (UCSF) Professor Annegret Falkner (Princeton) Dr Chris Hillar (New Theory AI) Dr Juan Gallego (Imperial) Professor Bonan Zhao (Edinburgh) Professor Lisa-Marie Vortmann (Groningen) Felix Sosa (Harvard) Dr Mathias Sabl?-Meyer (Harvard / MIT) Dr Lio Wong (MIT) Dr Chen Sun (Mila) Location The conference will be held at Croatia?s National Opera Theatre in Split, 10 minutes walk from the ancient harbour. Split is served by two nearby international airports (Split and Dubrovnik) with low-price carriers as well as several ferry lines from the wider Mediterranean. Submissions The submission format is an abstract of 250 words, and we invite submissions for each session via the following Google form: These will be accepted for poster, with the best 6 papers in each session category given an additional spotlight talk. Submission deadline is 16th March AOE. We have a very open acceptance policy, and are happy to hear about relevant work that has been submitted to other events. Early bird tickets A limited number of early-bird registrations have been posted on our website! Normal registration will follow after the submission deadline. Come and join the fun! Dr Ruairidh McLennan Battleday (Harvard & MIT) Dr James Whittington (Oxford & Stanford) Dr Ivana Kaljc (DeepMind) Professor Dan V. Nicolau Jr (Kings College London) The Organizing Committee. -- Dr Ruairidh McLennan Battleday BMBCh (Oxon) PhD President Thinking About Thinking, Inc Postdoctoral Research Fellow Center for Brain Science, Harvard University Center for Brains, Minds, and Machines, MIT -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From terry at Thu Mar 13 17:21:36 2025 From: terry at (Terry Sejnowski) Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2025 14:21:36 -0700 Subject: Connectionists: NEURAL COMPUTATION - March 1, 2025 In-Reply-To: Message-ID: NEURAL COMPUTATION - Volume 36, Number 1 - January 1, 2025 Now available for online download: ----- Articles Computing With Residue Numbers in High-Dimensional Representation Christopher Junho Kymn, Denis Kleyko, Edward Paxon Frady, Connor Bybee, Pentti Kanerva, Friedrich Sommer, and Bruno Olshausen Realising Synthetic Active Inference Agents, Part II: Variational Message Updates Thijs van de Laar, Magnus Koudahl, and Bert de Vries Bounded Rational Decision Networks With Belief Propagation Gerrit Schmid, Sebastian Gottwald, and Daniel Braun Relating Human Error-based Learning to Modern Deep RL Algorithms Michele Garibbo, Casimir J.H. Ludwig, Nathan F. Lepora, and Laurence Aitchison Selective Inference for Changepoint Detection by Recurrent Neural Network Ichiro Takeuchi, Tomohiro Shiraishi, Daiki Miwa, and Vo Nguyen Le Duy Letter Computation With Sequences of Assemblies in a Model of the Brain Max Dabagia, Christos H Papadimitriou, and Santosh S Vempala ----- ON-LINE -- MIT Press Journals, One Rogers Street, Cambridge, MA 02142-1209 Tel: (617) 253-2889 FAX: (617) 577-1545 journals-cs at From hz289 at Thu Mar 13 18:28:21 2025 From: hz289 at (HONGLU ZHOU) Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2025 15:28:21 -0700 Subject: Connectionists: =?utf-8?q?CFP_=28by_Mar_19=29_=E2=80=93_4th_Multi?= =?utf-8?q?modal_Algorithmic_Reasoning_Workshop_=28CVPR_2025=29?= Message-ID: Dear colleagues, We are inviting submissions to the 4th edition of our ** Multimodal Algorithmic Reasoning Workshop ** at CVPR 2025. If you work in multimodal learning, mathematical reasoning, large vision-and-language models, or topics related to LLMs and cognition, we encourage you to submit your latest research to our workshop. Find more details at Please help us to spread the word and submit your papers. We look forward to your participation! Yours sincerely, Workshop organizers _____________________________________________ Multimodal Algorithmic Reasoning Workshop (MAR 2025) June 11 or 12th, 2025, Nashville, TN Held in conjunction with CVPR 2025 CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS Deep learning?powered AI systems have rapidly advanced in their data modeling capabilities, yielding compelling applications that often seem to rival human intelligence. Despite these impressive achievements, questions remain about whether these systems possess the foundational elements of general intelligence, or whether they simply excel at task-specific computations without human-like understanding. Addressing these questions calls for new methods of both developing and assessing such models. In this workshop, we aim to bring together researchers working in neural algorithmic learning, multimodal reasoning, and cognitive models of intelligence to showcase cutting-edge research, tackle current challenges, and highlight critical yet underexplored problems in perception and language modeling?issues at the core of achieving true artificial general intelligence. A key focus is on the emerging field of multimodal algorithmic reasoning, which explores neural representations of algorithms to devise novel solutions for real-world tasks. These span a wide range of areas, including multimodal learning, algorithms over foundational models for solving problems related to analysis, synthesis, or planning, mathematical problem-solving, procedural learning in robotic manipulation, and more. Our goal is to delve deeply into this exciting intersection of multimodal algorithmic learning and cognitive science, reflecting on the current progress in machine intelligence while examining the gaps that distinguish it from human cognition. Through talks by leading researchers and faculty, we aim to inspire participants to explore the "missing rungs" on the ladder to true intelligence. We invite you to submit high-quality papers to the workshop that propose innovative approaches, theoretical insights, or practical applications towards advancing this exciting field, as well as foster meaningful discussions and collaborations. ___________________________________________________________________________ TOPICS We invite submissions of high-quality research papers in the topics related to multimodal algorithmic reasoning. The topics for MAR 2025 include, but are not limited to: * Multimodal machine reasoning * Algorithmic reasoning in vision, including program synthesis, planning, and procedural learning * Neural architectures and approaches for mathematical reasoning * Architectures for aligning/integrating multimodal foundation models, including vision, language, audio, and 3D content. * Architectures for solving abstract multimodal reasoning/language-based IQ puzzles, e.g., using sketches, diagrams, audio-visual clips, etc. * New tasks, datasets, benchmarks, and models for multimodal reasoning including algorithmic reasoning, neuro-symbolic reasoning, abstract reasoning, mathematical reasoning, etc. * Extreme generalization to new tasks and few-shot concept induction * Synthetic data and automatic verification for reasoning * Multimodal agents including programmable agent, tool-use agent, etc., for reasoning tasks * Position papers on novel perspectives to understand AI and human problem solving * Studies comparing AI and human problem solving skills, including but not limited to: i) Perspectives from psychology, neuroscience, and educational science, ii) Children's cognitive development, and iii) Limitations of large vision-and-language models * Vision-and-language applications. ___________________________________________________________________________ SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS FOR PAPER TRACK We have two tracks for paper submissions: 1. Papers with IEEE/CVF workshop proceedings (? 8 pages) 2. Papers without workshop proceedings (? 8 pages) For track 1, we are inviting only original, previously unpublished papers, and dual submissions are not allowed. The page limits described above are excluding the references. Papers accepted to track 2 will not be included in the proceedings, however will be publicly shared on the workshop website. The submissions to this track can be novel/ongoing work (limited to 4 pages) or accepted/previously published papers (limited to 8 pages), both excluding references. Please see the workshop website for more details. * All submissions are handled via the workshop?s CMT website: * Submissions should be made in PDF format and should follow the official CVPR 2025 template and guidelines. * All submissions should maintain author anonymity and should abide by the CVPR conference guidelines for double-blind review. * Accepted papers will be presented as either an oral, spotlight, or poster presentation. At least one author of each accepted submission must present the paper at the workshop. * Presentation of accepted papers at our workshop will follow the same policy as that for accepted papers at the CVPR main conference * Papers accepted in track 1 will be part of the CVPR 2025 workshop proceedings. * Authors may optionally upload supplementary materials, the deadline for which is the same as that of the main paper and should be submitted separately. ___________________________________________________________________________ IMPORTANT DATES & DETAILS *Paper submission deadline: March 19, 2025 (11:59pm PDT)*Notification to authors: April 3, 2025. Camera-ready deadline: April 7, 2025 (11:59pm PDT). Please see the workshop website for the most up-to-date details. ___________________________________________________________________________ WORKSHOP ORGANIZERS Anoop Cherian , Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories Kuan-Chuan Peng , Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories Suhas Lohit , Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories Honglu Zhou , Salesforce AI Research Le Xue , Salesforce AI Research Kevin A. Smith , Massachusetts Institute of Technology Tim K. Marks , Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories Joshua B. Tenenbaum , Massachusetts Institute of Technology ___________________________________________________________________________ CONTACT Email: smart101 at Website: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ahmed.imprs at Fri Mar 14 04:22:23 2025 From: ahmed.imprs at (Ahmed El Hady) Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2025 05:22:23 -0300 Subject: Connectionists: Konstanz School of Collective Behaviour 2025. Application deadline April 15th, 2025 Message-ID: <> *Konstanz School of Collective Behaviour 2025* *Konstanz, Germany * *Deadline to apply: April 15th, 2025* ** The Konstanz School of Collective Behaviour (KSCB) will take place between /21st July 2025 ? 8th August 2025/ at the Cluster of Excellence Centre for the Advanced Study of Collective Behaviour (CASCB) at the University of Konstanz . Uni Konstanz is a University of Excellence and ranked #1 young university in Germany with??Collective Behaviour" ?as one of five research foci. Konstanz ?is a vibrant, small city located on the border between Germany and Switzerland, on the shores of the Bodensee (Lake Constance). Over three weeks, students will delve deeply into the topic of collective behaviour with lectures, hands-on tutorials, and projects, making it a unique and unforgettable experience. The school faculty will cover collective behaviours across a variety of species from cells, worms, drosophila, fish to non ? human primates and human. A set of tutorials delving into state-of-the-art quantitative methods used to study collective behaviour will complement the lectures. At the end of the school, students will work on independent projects guided by our resident faculty. Accommodation will be provided and paid by the organizers. A limited number of travel grants will be provided and a registration fee will be due (500 Euros) once the student is admitted to the Konstanz School of Collective Behaviour. The registration fee will be waived to those coming from underrepresented minorities and those in need of financial support. The submission of applications for the second Konstanz School of Collective Behaviour was open until April 15, 2025. We will inform you on May 15, 2025 whether your application was successful For further information and application, visit our website: _ _ *KSCB 2025 faculty : * ?Iain Couzin ( Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior , Konstanz) ?Peter Dayan ( Max Planck Institute of Biological Cybernetics, T?bingen) ?Ilya Nemenman ( Emory University , USA) ?Yonatan Loewenstein ( Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel) ?Aneta Koseska ( Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology of Behavior, Bonn) ?Francesco Ginelli ( Universit? degli Studi dell'Insubria, Italy) ?Thejasvi Ravindra? Beleyur ( Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior, Konstanz) ?Liang Li ( Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior, Konstanz) ?Andreagiovanni Reina ( University of Konstanz, Konstanz) ?Einat Couzin-Fuchs ( University of Konstanz, Konstanz ) ?Ofer Feinermann ( Weizmann Institute of Sciences, Israel) ?Naama Brenner ( Israel Institute of Technology, Israel) ?Ariana Strandburg-Peshkin ( Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior , Konstanz) ?Wataru Toyokawa (Riken Center for Brain Science in Tokyo). ?Raphaela Heesen ( University of Konstanz, Konstanz) ?Caroline Schuppli ( Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior , Konstanz) .???? Dan Gorbonos ( Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior, Konstanz) . Michael Chimento ( Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior, Konstanz). *Contact: **ahmed.el-hady at * All the best regards, Ahmed El Hady On behalf of the KSCB organizational committee Dr. Ahmed El Hady Principal Investigator Cluster for Advanced Study of Collective Behavior, University of Konstanz Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior Universit?tsstra?e 10, 78464 Konstanz Room ZT 907 Postbox 687 Tel.: +49 7531 88-4742 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From xiao at Fri Mar 14 11:38:08 2025 From: xiao at (Xuesu Xiao) Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2025 15:38:08 +0000 Subject: Connectionists: [meetings] [news] 2nd CfP: The 4th Benchmark for Autonomous Robot Navigation (BARN) Challenge -- ICRA 2025 Competition Message-ID: IROS 2025 deadline is behind us. So it?s time to work on The BARN Challenge at ICRA 2025! Submission Form: Competition Website: Participation Instructions: Lessons Learned from The BARN Challenge 2024: Lessons Learned from The BARN Challenge 2023: Lessons Learned from The BARN Challenge 2022: Dear roboticists, are you interested in agile robot navigation in highly constrained spaces with a lot of obstacles around, e.g., cluttered households or after-disaster scenarios? Do you think mobile robot navigation is mostly a solved problem? Are you looking for a hands-on project for your robotics class, but may not have (sufficient) robot platforms for your students? If your answer is yes to any of the above questions, we sincerely invite you to participate in The 4th BARN Challenge at ICRA 2025 (! The BARN Challenge aims at evaluating state-of-the-art autonomous navigation systems to move robots through highly constrained environments in a safe and efficient manner. The task is to navigate a standardized Clearpath Jackal robot from a predefined start to a goal location as quickly as possible without any collision. The challenge will take place both in the simulated BARN dataset and in physical obstacle courses at ICRA 2025. 1. The competition task is designing ground navigation systems to navigate through all 300 BARN environments ( and physical obstacle courses constructed at ICRA 2025 as fast as possible without collision. 2. The 300 BARN environments can be the training set for learning-based methods, or to design classical approaches in. During the simulation competition, we will generate another 50 unseen environments unavailable to the participants before the competition. 3. We will standardize a Jackal robot in the Gazebo simulation, including a Hokuyo 2D LiDAR, motor controller of 2m/s max speed, etc. 4. Participants can use any approaches to tackle the navigation problem, such as using classical sampling-based or optimization-based planners, end-to-end learning, or hybrid approaches. We will provide baselines for reference. 5. A standardized scoring system is provided on the website. 6. We will invite the top teams in simulation to compete in the real world. The team who achieves the fastest collision-free navigation in the physical obstacle courses wins. If you are interested in participating, please submit your navigation system at Co-Organizers: Xuesu Xiao (George Mason University) Zifan Xu (UT Austin) Aniket Datar (George Mason University) Saad Abdul Ghani (George Mason University) Peter Stone (UT Austin / Sony AI) Sponsor: Clearpath Robotics, Thanks Xuesu ----------------------- Xuesu Xiao, Ph.D. -- Assistant Professor Department of Computer Science George Mason University xiao at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: smime.p7s Type: application/pkcs7-signature Size: 1584 bytes Desc: not available URL: From ludovico.montalcini at Fri Mar 14 12:45:18 2025 From: ludovico.montalcini at (Ludovico Montalcini) Date: Fri, 14 Mar 2025 17:45:18 +0100 Subject: Connectionists: LOD 2025 Call for papers: 11th International Conference on Learning, Optimization and Data - LOD 2025, 21-24 September, Riva del Sole Resort & SPA, Castiglione della Pescaia (Grosseto) Tuscany, Italy -> Submission Deadline: March 23 Message-ID: Dear Colleague, Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement. Please kindly help forward it to potentially interested authors/attendees, thanks. -- The 11th International Conference on Learning, Optimization and Data - LOD 2025, 21-24 September, Riva del Sole Resort & SPA, Castiglione della Pescaia (Grosseto) Tuscany, Italy LOD 2025, An Interdisciplinary Conference: Deep Learning, Foundation Models & Artificial Intelligence without Borders lod at SATELLITE EVENT: 3rd International Meeting on Foundation Models - IMFM2025 PAPERS SUBMISSION: All papers must be submitted using EasyChair: *Paper Submission deadline: March 23 (Anywhere on Earth)* CALL FOR PAPERS: Please prepare your paper using the Springer Nature - Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) template. Papers must be submitted in PDF. TYPES OF SUBMISSIONS: When submitting a paper to LOD 2025, authors are required to select one of the following three types of papers: * long paper / Late breaking paper: original novel and unpublished work (min. 12 pages, max. 15 pages in Springer LNCS format); the long papers and the late breaking papers, if accepted, will be published in the Springer-Nature LNCS conference proceedings; * short paper: an extended abstract of novel work (min. 6 pages, max. 11 pages in Springer LNCS format); the short papers, if accepted, will be published in the Springer-Nature LNCS conference proceedings; * work for oral presentation only (no page restriction; any format). For example, work already published elsewhere, which is relevant, and which may solicit fruitful discussion at the conference; LOD 2025 KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: TBA PAST LOD KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: BEST PAPER AWARD: PROGRAM COMMITTEE: 200+ confirmed PC members! VENUE: The venue of LOD 2025 will be Riva del Sole Resort & SPA, Castiglione della Pescaia (Grosseto) Tuscany - Italy. LOD 2025 is a Residential Conference, all participants (invited speakers, authors, organizers, chairs, participants) must book and stay at the Riva del Sole Resort and Spa. No exceptions are allowed. Riva del Sole Resort & SPA a: Localit? Riva del Sole - Castiglione della Pescaia (Grosseto, CAP 58043? Tuscany - Italy p: +39-0564-928111 f: +39-0564-935607 e: at w: ACTIVITIES: Submit your research work today! See you in the beautiful Tuscany in September! Best regards, LOD 2025 Organizing Committee. lod at Past Editions: LOD2025 Poster: Obviously, this is only a Call for Papers, to have complete and updated information we recommend you access the relevant website: * Apologies for multiple copies. Please forward to anybody who might be interested * -- -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ASJagath at Sat Mar 15 01:48:18 2025 From: ASJagath at (Jagath C Rajapakse (Prof)) Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2025 05:48:18 +0000 Subject: Connectionists: FW: Two post-doctoral research positions in anti-cancer biologic design using explainable AI and generative AI In-Reply-To: <> References: <> Message-ID: <> Two post-doctoral research positions in anti-cancer biologic design using explainable AI and generative AI Two post-doctoral research positions are available in AI-inspired drug design in the Biomedical Computing Group headed by Professor Jagath Rajapakse at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, for a period of three years starting from 1 July 2025. The project investigates the design of biologics (peptides and antibodies) as anticancer therapeutic agents by using eXplainable AI (XAI) and generative AI (genAI). First, we build predictive AI models such as large language models (LLM) for predicting binding affinities of biologics. Second, we use XAI approaches such as integrated gradients for identifying the features of predictive models and the mechanism of action of biologics. Third, using these features as constraints, we will use genAI techniques such as LLM and diffusion models to generate biologics with anti-cancer properties. The candidate will develop necessary predictive AI, XAI and genAI methods for design of anti-cancer biologics. The postdoctoral candidate is to have a PhD in a related field and experience in deep learning architectures and frameworks like Pytorch/Tensorflow. Candidates with Master degrees with a strong related background will also be considered. Interested candidates must email their CVs to asjagath at Only shortlisted candidates will be notified. References: 1. C. Wang, G. A. Kumar, and J. C. Rajapakse, ?Drug discovery and mechanism prediction with explainable graph neural networks,? Scientific Reports, Vol. 15, Issue 1, pp. 179, January 2025, IF = 3.8, DOI: 2. C. Wang, H. H. Ong, S. Chiba, J. C. Rajapakse, ?GLDM: Hit molecule generation with constrained graph latent diffusion model,? Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2024, Volume 25, Issue 3, May 2024, IF = 6.8, bbae142, DOI: 10.1093/bib/bbae142 Jagath Rajapakse, PhD, FIEEE Professor of Data Science College of Computing and Data Science Nanyang Technological University N4-2a11, 50 Nanyang Avenue Singapore 639798 ________________________________ CONFIDENTIALITY: This email is intended solely for the person(s) named and may be confidential and/or privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete it, notify us and do not copy, use, or disclose its contents. Towards a sustainable earth: Print only when necessary. Thank you. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: post-doctoral positions.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 62133 bytes Desc: post-doctoral positions.pdf URL: From vivek.singh at Sat Mar 15 10:36:50 2025 From: vivek.singh at (Vivek Singh) Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2025 14:36:50 +0000 Subject: Connectionists: [Studies] [News] A fully funded PhD position in Computer Vision Message-ID: Dear all, We have an exciting and fully funded PhD position at the University of Plymouth. The PhD focuses on incremental knowledge addition for human activity analysis in open-world scenarios. This is a fantastic opportunity to work on cutting-edge Artificial Intelligence research with a dynamic and supportive team. The project focuses on advancing open-world learning by enabling AI models to incrementally learn new activities without retraining. The project addresses the key challenges in human activity analysis for public safety domain. Research Focus 1. Transitioning from traditional closed-set classification to an open-world framework 2. Integrating continual learning to adapt to new activities while minimizing catastrophic forgetting 3. Applying the framework to real-world public safety scenarios, particularly in elderly and assisted living care Apply at: Exploration of incremental knowledge addition for human activity analysis in open-world scenarios for public safety and surveillance The studentship is supported for 3.5 years and includes full Home tuition fees, Bench fee plus a stipend of ?20,780 per annum 2025/26 rate. The studentship will only fully fund those applicants who are eligible for Home fees with relevant qualifications. ? Start Date: 1 October 2025 ? Application Deadline: 12 noon, 28 March 2025 If you know any questions or need further details, please contact me at vivek.singh at Best wishes, Vivek Singh ________________________________ [] This email and any files with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the recipient to whom it is addressed. If you are not the intended recipient then copying, distribution or other use of the information contained is strictly prohibited and you should not rely on it. If you have received this email in error please let the sender know immediately and delete it from your system(s). Internet emails are not necessarily secure. While we take every care, University of Plymouth accepts no responsibility for viruses and it is your responsibility to scan emails and their attachments. University of Plymouth does not accept responsibility for any changes made after it was sent. Nothing in this email or its attachments constitutes an order for goods or services unless accompanied by an official order form. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From morgado.dias.uma at Sat Mar 15 13:00:37 2025 From: morgado.dias.uma at (Morgado Dias) Date: Sat, 15 Mar 2025 17:00:37 +0000 Subject: Connectionists: Post-Doc Position AI/Machine Learning - Funchal Portugal Message-ID: <> BIESA - Bio Inspired Expert Systems and Application, integrated into ITI/LarSys, an Excelent graded research unit in the Portuguese system, is looking for a candidate for a Postdoctoral Fellowship in the field of Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence. Interested applicants should have experience in Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence, have a PhD degree from an European University (or recognised in Europe or willing to go through that process) and urgently send an email to morgadoatstaffdotumadotpt with their CV, a statement of their interests, and their availability. Best regards, Morgado Dias Full Professor in Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering PhD Director Biomedical Engineering Director BIESA Lab Coordinator morgado at Tel.: 291-705307 Editorial Board Member of Entropy and Energies -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: PastedGraphic-1.tiff Type: image/tiff Size: 34634 bytes Desc: not available URL: From cgf at Sun Mar 16 07:32:00 2025 From: cgf at (Carlos) Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2025 11:32:00 +0000 Subject: Connectionists: ECMLPKDD 2025 Discovery Challenge: Call for Proposals open until March 24th of 2025 Message-ID: <> ECMLPKDD 2025 Discovery Challenge We welcome proposals for the Discovery Challenge of ECML PKDD 2025. Each year ECML PKDD hosts several challenges in order to promote research and evaluate machine learning approaches in real-world applications. The Discovery Challenge is open to academic and industrial institutions as well as to non-profit organizations. Each selected challenge will have a dedicated session in the conference to present the solutions, and will be invited to submit one paper to the ECML/PKDD workshop proceedings that describes the challenge and the winning solution(s). Moreover, each competition should select and review the two top solutions papers to be submitted to the ECML/PKDD workshop proceedings. Conference website: Discovery Challenge webpage: ------------------------ Key Dates & Deadlines ------------------------ Submission Deadline*: March 24, 2025 Author Notification*: March 31, 2025 ------------------------ Competition Time Frame ------------------------ Start*: After April 21, 2025 End*: No later than June 30, 2025 Publish results*: No later than 8 July 2025 Submit Papers for Proceedings*: 31 July 2025 *All deadlines expire on 23:59 AoE (UTC - 12)) ------------------------ Proposal Submission ------------------------ The proposals should cover the end to end organization of a challenge. The proposal should be 2 to max 4 pages and should contain the following information: - Problem description: Why is the problem challenging and interesting? What is the real-world application and impact (research/societal, etc.)? Potential research impact? - Details on the exact tasks and the data (size, availability of meta data) - Privacy and ethical concerns and considerations related to the problem, tasks and data. - Evaluation: Describe very precisely how you will perform the evaluation, and any other policies. For example, what type of metrics you will use and how you will ensure a fair and rigid evaluation, are there just quantitative tasks or also qualitative evaluations and if so by whom, and how does this lead to the final ranking (pass/fail criteria, scores etc). - Communication plan: How do you plan to communicate, market and promote the challenge? How do you drive the volume submissions? Are you connected to particular communities? How do you ensure the challenge is made accessible for a a wide variety of participants, so that everyone could attend? How do you plan to communicate the results? - Technical details: The platform you will use to host the challenge, discussion areas, leaderboard, for example or others. Baselines and code for data accessing that you will provide to participants. Will these be shared through github? - Reporting requirements for the participants? submissions, like for example, a report, code etc. and are these must have requirements or optional, pass/fail or graded etc. ECML PKDD can offer facilities to upload papers (CMT). - Timeline for the challenge. Note that you should respect the overall time frame mentioned above. - Awards: The type of tangible or intangible awards/prizes you will consider for the winning solutions. - Details of the organizers of the challenge (Short CVs, Contact Details). For reference, see the 2024 competitions at Submission site: Please submit your proposal as: Create new submission and select the track: Discovery Challenge. ------------------------ Paper format ------------------------ Discovery Challenge papers (describing the top systems) must be written in English, have a maximum of 8 pages, and should be formatted according to the Springer LNCS guidelines. Author instructions, style files and a copyright form can be obtained from the Discovery Challenge webpage ( In case of questions, do not hesitate to contact the Discovery Challenge chairs (mail list below). ------------------------ Contact ------------------------ Please send your submission through CMT. For further questions and information please contact the Discovery Challenge chairs, Carlos Ferreira (Polytechnic Institute of Porto & INESC TEC), Peter van der Putten (Leiden University & Pegasystems) and Rui Camacho (University of Porto & INESC TEC) through the following mailing list: ecml-pkdd-2025-discovery-challenge-chairs at Carlos Ferreira ISEP | Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto Rua Dr. Ant?nio Bernardino de Almeida, 431 4249-015 Porto - PORTUGAL tel. +351 228 340 500 | fax +351 228 321 159 mail at | From hans.ekkehard.plesser at Sun Mar 16 11:16:44 2025 From: hans.ekkehard.plesser at (Hans Ekkehard Plesser) Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2025 15:16:44 +0000 Subject: Connectionists: =?windows-1252?q?NEST_Conference_2025_=96_registr?= =?windows-1252?q?ation_and_call_for_contributions_are_open?= Message-ID: Dear colleagues, The NEST Initiative is excited to invite everyone interested in Neural Simulation Technology and the NEST Simulator to the NEST Conference 2025. The NEST Conference provides an opportunity for the NEST Community to meet, exchange success stories, swap advice, learn about current developments in and around NEST spiking network simulation and its application. Take the opportunity to advance your skills in using NEST at our hands-on workshops! We explicitly encourage young scientists to participate in the conference! This year's conference will again take place as a virtual conference on Tuesday/Wednesday 17/18 June 2025. We are delighted to welcome * Marja-Leena Linne, Tampere University, Finland * Daniela Gandolfi, Universit? degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy * Barna Zajzon, Forschungszentrum J?lich, Germany * as keynote speakers at the conference. Registration and submission of contributions are now open! We are inviting contributions to the conference, including talks, "posters" and workshops on specific topics. Please register and submit your contribution(s) via the conference website Important dates 15 April 2025 - Deadline for submission of contributions 25 April 2025 - Deadline for NEST Initiative membership applications eligible for fee reduction 09 May 2025 - Notification of acceptance 11 June 2025 - Registration deadline 17 June 2025 - NEST Conference 2025 starts We are looking forward to seeing you all in June! Hans Ekkehard Plesser and the conference organizing committee -- Prof. Dr. Hans Ekkehard Plesser Research Committee Chair, Faculty of Science and Technology Head, Department of Data Science Department of Data Science Faculty of Science and Technology Norwegian University of Life Sciences PO Box 5003, 1432 Aas, Norway Phone +47 6723 1560 Email hans.ekkehard.plesser at Home -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From dhansel0 at Sun Mar 16 13:54:08 2025 From: dhansel0 at (David Hansel) Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2025 10:54:08 -0700 Subject: Connectionists: World wide VVTNS series (fifth season): Wednesday, March 19, 2025, at 11:00 am EDT| Marcelo Rozenberg, CNRS, Paris In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: [image: VVTNS.png] - on twitter: wwtns at TheoreticalWide You are cordially invited to the lecture given by Marcelo Rozenberg CNRS, Paris Dynamics of neural motifs realized with a minimal memristive neuro-synaptic unit The lecture will be held on zoom on Wednesday, March 19, 2025, at *11:00 am EDT * To receive the link: *Note that the USA moved to Summer time. * *On Wednesday, March 19, 11am EDT = 4 pm CET = 3 pm GMT* *Abstract: *The use of electronic circuits to model neural systems goes back to C. Mead and is present in models, from leaky-integrate-and-fire to Hodking-Huxley. Simulating neural network with analog hardware is attractive: it allows to implement neurocomputations in real time without discretization approximations, it has perfect simulation-time scaling with system size, and it provides ready-to-deploy neuromorphic circuit for applications. There are implementations in CMOS technology, however, they are complex, require sophisticated fabrication facilities and, most important, suffer from significant device mismatch. In a radically different approach, based on the concept of memristors, we introduce a neuro-synaptic circuit of unprecedented simplicity, with readily available cheap off-the-shelf electronic components, that can quantitatively reproduce textbook theoretical neuron and synaptic current models. Our neuron circuits can avoid the mismatch problem and are easily tuneable at bio-compatible time-scales. We first introduce a voltage-gated conductance bursting neuron model that produces spike traces that bare striking similarity to experimental recordings. We then introduce synaptic current circuits and show the modularity of our method implementing neurocomputing primitives of basic network motifs, including CPGs. With this "theoretical hardware" approach we show: (i) that neuron adaptation and self-excitation can be viewed as a self-consistent dynamical problem; (ii) that a dynamical memory can be minimally implemented with a single recursive spiking neuron; (iii) that an adaptive membrane current reveals a connection between bursting and the driven harmonic oscillator, perhaps pointing to a neural correlate of the pendular limb motion. Finally we discuss the limitation of the approach to networks of mid-size and its potential application for brain-machine-interfaces, robotics and AI. *About VVTNS : Launched as the World Wide Theoretical Neuroscience Seminar (WWTNS) in November 2020 and renamed in homage to Carl van Vreeswijk in Memoriam (April 20, 2022), Speakers have the occasion to talk about theoretical aspects of their work which cannot be discussed in a setting where the majority of the audience consists of experimentalists. The seminars, **held on Wednesdays at 11 am ET,** are 45-50 min long followed by a discussion. The talks are recorded with authorization of the speaker and are available to everybody on our YouTube channel.* ? -- *Il n'y a ni obligation ni pression ? traiter ou r?pondre ? ce mail en dehors des heures de travail* "? ?????? ????? ???? ???? ?????" 'Life is good ..' (Carl van Vreeswijk, 1962-2022) --------------------------------------- David Hansel Directeur de Recherche au CNRS Co-Group leader Cerebral Dynamics Plasticity and Learning lab., CNRS 45 rue des Saints Peres 75270 Paris Cedex 06 Tel (Cell): +33 607508403 - Fax (33). *CONFIDENTIALITY AND PRIVACY NOTICE:* *This message and the documents that might be attached, are addressed exclusively to their(s) recipient(s) and may contain privileged or confidential information. The access to this information by people other than those designated is not authorized. If you are not the indicated recipient, you are notified that the use, disclosure and / or copying without authorization is prohibited under current legislation. If you have received this message in error, please kindly inform the sender immediately and proceed to its destruction.* -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: VVTNS.png Type: image/png Size: 41084 bytes Desc: not available URL: From saboor.butt007 at Sun Mar 16 15:29:40 2025 From: saboor.butt007 at (Sabur B) Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2025 13:29:40 -0600 Subject: Connectionists: Third Call for Participation - PolyHope Shared Task at IberLEF 2025 Message-ID: *[Apologies for cross-posting]* Dear Researchers, We are excited to invite you to participate in the *PolyHope Shared Task at IberLEF 2025*, a unique challenge focused on analyzing the expression of hope in social media texts. Hope is a fundamental human emotion influencing decision-making, yet its nuanced nature?especially when masked by sarcasm?presents significant challenges for Natural Language Processing (NLP) systems. This year, the task expands its scope to Spanish texts, emphasizing hope as an expectation alongside its existing English counterpart. *Task Description* The goal of PolyHope is to classify social media texts based on their expression of hope, with two subtasks available: 1. *Binary Hope Speech Detection (Subtask 1.a: English, Subtask 1.b: Spanish)* - *Hope:* Texts conveying hope, expectation, or desire. - *Not Hope:* Texts that do not express any hopeful sentiment. 2. *Multiclass Hope Speech Detection (Subtask 2.a: English, Subtask 2.b: Spanish)* - *Generalized Hope:* Broad optimism without specific targets. - *Realistic Hope:* Hope grounded in plausible outcomes. - *Unrealistic Hope:* Expressions of hope for unlikely outcomes. - *Not Hope:* Texts without hopeful sentiment. - *Sarcasm:* Texts that mimic hope but are sarcastic in nature. This task aims to promote research in *inclusive language technologies*, enhance the *psychological and linguistic understanding* of hope, and develop *multilingual NLP models* capable of detecting nuanced sentiment and sarcasm. *Important Dates* - *Release of training data:* February 13, 2025 - *Release of test corpora & evaluation campaign start:* March 13, 2025 - *End of evaluation campaign (submission deadline):* March 28, 2025 - *Publication of official results:* March 30, 2025 - *Paper submission:* April 25, 2025 - *Review notification:* May 20, 2025 - *Camera-ready submission:* June 3, 2025 - *IberLEF Workshop:* September 2025 - *Publication of proceedings:* September 2025 *Organizing Committee* - *Sabur Butt*, Institute for the Future of Education (IFE), Tecnol?gico de Monterrey, Mexico - *Fazlourrahman Balouchzahi*, Independent Researcher, Mexico - *Maaz Amjad*, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, USA - *Salud Mar?a Jim?nez-Zafra*, SINAI, Universidad de Ja?n, Spain - *Hector G Ceballos*, IFE, Tecnol?gico de Monterrey, Mexico - *Grigori Sidorov*, Centro de Investigaci?n en Computaci?n, Instituto Polit?cnico Nacional, Mexico *Contact Information* For inquiries, feel free to reach out to the organizing team: - *General Inquiries:* polyhopeatiberlef at - *Sabur Butt:* saburb at - *Fazlourrahman Balouchzahi:* fbalouchzahi2021 at - *Salud Mar?a Jim?nez-Zafra:* sjzafra at For more details and participation guidelines, visit: PolyHope Competition Page: IberLEF Website: We look forward to your participation in advancing research on hope speech detection! Best regards, Sabur Butt *Sabur Butt, Ph.D. *(He/Him) Institute for the Future of Education (IFE) *Tecnol?gico de Monterrey, Mexico* Address: Av. Eugenio Garza Sada 2501 Sur Tecnol?gico, 64849 Monterrey, N.L. LinkedIn - GitHub - Scholar - Website The content of this data transmission must not be considered an offer, proposal, understanding or agreement unless it is confirmed in a document signed by a legal representative of ITESM. The content of this data transmission is confidential and is intended to be delivered only to the addressees. Therefore, it shall not be distributed and/or disclosed through any means without the authorization of the original sender. If you are not the addressee, you are forbidden from using it, either totally or partially, for any purpose. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From saboor.butt007 at Sun Mar 16 15:33:58 2025 From: saboor.butt007 at (Sabur B) Date: Sun, 16 Mar 2025 13:33:58 -0600 Subject: Connectionists: Third Call for Participation: PolyHope-M Shared Task at RANLP 2025 Message-ID: *[Apologies for cross-posting]* Dear Researchers, We are pleased to invite you to participate in the *PolyHope-M Shared Task at RANLP 2025*, an exciting challenge aimed at advancing the computational understanding of hope across multiple languages. Hope is a crucial human emotion that influences decision-making, resilience, and social interactions. This shared task focuses on detecting and categorizing hope-related expressions in *English, German, Spanish, and Urdu social media texts*. Unlike traditional binary sentiment classification, PolyHope-M introduces a nuanced multiclass classification approach to distinguish between: - *Generalized Hope:* A broad sense of optimism not tied to specific outcomes. - *Realistic Hope:* Expectations grounded in achievable goals. - *Unrealistic Hope:* Desires for outcomes that are unlikely or impossible. - *Not Hope:* Texts that do not express hope. *Task Description* Participants will develop NLP models for classifying hope-related expressions through two main subtasks: 1. *Binary Hope Speech Detection* (Subtask 1 - separate for each language): Classifying texts as *Hope* or *Not Hope*. 2. *Multiclass Hope Speech Detection* (Subtask 2 - separate for each language): Distinguishing between different types of hope expressions. *Important Dates* - *Training data release:* February 20, 2025 - *Evaluation data release & evaluation start:* February 25, 2025 - *Evaluation end:* March 25, 2025 - *Publication of official results:* March 26, 2025 - *Paper submission deadline:* April 26, 2025 - *Author notifications:* May 10, 2025 - *Camera-ready submission:* June 10, 2025 - *Shared task presentation at RANLP 2025:* September 11-12, 2025 *Organizing Committee* - *Fazlourrahman Balouchzahi*, Independent Researcher, Mexico - *Sabur Butt*, Institute for the Future of Education (IFE), Tecnol?gico de Monterrey, Mexico - *Maaz Amjad*, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, USA - *Luis Jose Gonzalez-Gomez*, IFE, Tecnol?gico de Monterrey, Mexico - *Abdul Gafar Manuel Meque*, Centro de Investigaci?n en Computaci?n, Instituto Polit?cnico Nacional, Mexico - *Helena G?mez-Adorno*, IIMAS, UNAM, Mexico - *Bharathi Raja Chakravarthi*, University of Galway, Ireland - *Grigori Sidorov*, Centro de Investigaci?n en Computaci?n, Instituto Polit?cnico Nacional, Mexico - *Thomas Mandl*, University of Hildesheim, Germany - *Hector G Ceballos*, IFE, Tecnol?gico de Monterrey, Mexico - *Ruba Priyadharshini*, Gandhigram Rural Institute, India - *Saranya Rajiakodi*, Central University of Tamilnadu, India *Contact Information* For any inquiries, please contact the organizing team: - *Fazlourrahman Balouchzahi:* fbalouchzahi2021 at - *Sabur Butt:* saburb at - *Helena G?mez-Adorno:* helena.gomez at For more details and participation guidelines, visit: *PolyHope-M Competition Page*: *RANLP Website*: We look forward to your participation in *PolyHope-M at RANLP 2025* and your contributions toward enhancing hope speech detection across multiple languages! Best regards, Sabur Butt *Sabur Butt, Ph.D. *(He/Him) Institute for the Future of Education (IFE) *Tecnol?gico de Monterrey, Mexico* Address: Av. Eugenio Garza Sada 2501 Sur Tecnol?gico, 64849 Monterrey, N.L. LinkedIn - GitHub - Scholar - Website The content of this data transmission must not be considered an offer, proposal, understanding or agreement unless it is confirmed in a document signed by a legal representative of ITESM. The content of this data transmission is confidential and is intended to be delivered only to the addressees. Therefore, it shall not be distributed and/or disclosed through any means without the authorization of the original sender. If you are not the addressee, you are forbidden from using it, either totally or partially, for any purpose. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From battleday at Mon Mar 17 04:34:05 2025 From: battleday at (Ruairidh Battleday) Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2025 08:34:05 +0000 Subject: Connectionists: Abstract submission extended for 6th International Conference on Mathematics of Neuroscience and AI (Split, Croatia, 27-30 May 2025) Message-ID: Dear all, We would very much appreciate it if you could share the below announcement on to any internal groups you have that might find it relevant. Many thanks and all the best, Ruairidh ----------- Abstract submission extended for 6th International Conference on Mathematics of Neuroscience and AI (Split, Croatia, 27-30 May 2025) --------------- Thank you to all those that have submitted to this year?s conference on the Mathematics of Neuroscience and AI?the quality has been exceptional! Because of the uncertainty over funding in the United States, we have decided to *keep abstract submissions and spotlight allocations open on a rolling basis *until the event. We are deeply sympathetic to the situation over there, and hopefully this allows some extra time to secure funding and permission to attend! In this conference, we hear about foundational research into the basis of intelligence from world-leading scientists, over four days spanning neural data, neural theory, cognitive science, and machine learning & artificial intelligence (AI): Keynote Speakers Professor Wolfgang Maas (Graz), Professor Eve Marder (Brandeis), Professor Jay McClelland (Stanford), Professor Christine Constantinople (NYU), Dr Kim Stachenfeld (DeepMind), Professor Kanaka Rajan (Harvard), Dr Ida Momennejad (Microsoft Research), Professor Jacob Foerster (Oxford / Meta). Session Chairs Dr Valeria Fascianelli (Columbia; Neural data) Dr Francesca Mignacco (CUNY & Princeton; Neural data) Yasmine Ayman (Harvard; Neural theory) Dr James Whittington (Oxford & Stanford; Neural theory) Professor Bill Thompson (UC Berkeley; Cognitive science) Dr Maria Eckstein (DeepMind; Cognitive science) Mikey Lepori (Brown & DeepMind; Machine learning & AI) Professor Ilia Sucholutsky (NYU; Machine learning & AI) Invited Speakers Professor Alex Cayco-Gajic (ENS) Dr Jenelle Feather (Flatiron Institute) Dr Joao Barbosa (Institute for Neuromodulation) Tejas Ramdas (Harvard) Professor Vijay Namdoodiri (UCSF) Professor Annegret Falkner (Princeton) Dr Chris Hillar (New Theory AI) Dr Juan Gallego (Imperial) Professor Bonan Zhao (Edinburgh) Professor Lisa-Marie Vortmann (Groningen) Felix Sosa (Harvard) Dr Mathias Sabl?-Meyer (Harvard / MIT) Dr Lio Wong (MIT) Dr Chen Sun (Mila) Location The conference will be held at Croatia?s National Opera Theatre in Split, 10 minutes walk from the ancient harbour. Split is served by two nearby international airports (Split and Dubrovnik) with low-price carriers as well as several ferry lines from the wider Mediterranean. Submissions The submission format is an abstract of 250 words, and we invite submissions for each session via the following Google form: These will be accepted for poster, with the best 6 papers in each session category given an additional spotlight talk. We have a very open acceptance policy, and are happy to hear about relevant work that has been submitted to other events. Come and join us! Dr Ruairidh McLennan Battleday (Harvard & MIT) Dr James Whittington (Oxford & Stanford) Dr Ivana Kaljc (DeepMind) Professor Dan V. Nicolau Jr (Kings College London) The Organizing Committee. -- Dr Ruairidh McLennan Battleday BMBCh (Oxon) PhD President Thinking About Thinking ( Postdoctoral Research Fellow Center for Brain Science, Harvard University Center for Brains, Minds, and Machines, MIT -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From emanuel.dinardo at Mon Mar 17 05:12:53 2025 From: emanuel.dinardo at (EMANUEL DI NARDO) Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2025 09:12:53 +0000 Subject: Connectionists: [CfP] - International Workshop on Trustworthiness and Reliability in Neurosymbolic AI - IJCNN2025 Message-ID: [Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP] Call for Papers - International Workshop on Trustworthiness and Reliability in Neurosymbolic AI @ IJCNN2025 July 5th, 2025, Rome, Italy ABOUT Neurosymbolic AI is a new growing trend that has been able to merge the recent advances in AI through deep learning with logic and rule-based methods. The application of neurosymbolic AI seems to be spreading across many contexts, from image classification to Visual Question Answering. It has an expressive and semantic power that is not usually provided by classical deep learning. In addition, it has great potential in explainability, due to the logic-based methodologies that are a strong component of this context. These capabilities are only a starting point in XAI, they need to be explored in detail to facilitate the interpretability of whole models, in any part of them and not only in terms of the natural relationships that can be discovered. This workshop will focus on two main aspects: 1. Gives the possibility to extend the exploration of the explainability in multiple contexts, developing and adapting techniques that can be useful to relate classical deep learning approaches to their symbolic extensions. 2. Opens to the possibility to extend the understanding of neurosymbolic models to deep aspects of AI. These two concepts lead to the trustworthiness and reliability of the new trend of Neurosymbolic AI, increasing the confidence of end-users in choosing and believing in these methodologies for computer-aided applications. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: * Soft Computing methodologies * Symbolic and Neurosymbolic AI * Logic and Rule-based methods * AI methods for explainability, interpretrability and reliability * Resilient AI models * From wide to task-specific methodologies * Machine Learning and Deep Learning based AI methodologies * Data-driven decision-making * Multimodal Learning strategies * Scalability and optimization of intelligent systems * Generative AI and applications GREAT EVENT! XAI CHALLENGE FOR PASSIONATE! The workshop is growing fast and organizers are happy to announce that a challenge has been launched for all passionate students and researchers! The topic is Explainable AI for Educational Question-Answering. All details can be found in the website challenge page. IMPORTANT DATES - Submission due: March 20, 2025 - Notification to authors: April 15, 2025 SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS Submissions must follow the IJCNN2025 rules ( Authors are invited to submit: - Full papers, up to 8 pages - Short papers, up to 4 pages Short papers may also be presented in the poster session. Full and short papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Submission must be made on CMT using the following link: COMMITTEES AND CHAIRS General Chairs - Prof. Angelo Ciaramella - University of Naples Parthenope, Italy - Prof. Le Hoang Son - Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam - Prof. Emanuel Di Nardo - University of Naples Parthenope, Italy Program Chairs - Prof. Alessio Ferone - University of Naples Parthenope, Italy - Prof. Antonio Maratea - University of Naples Parthenope, Italy - Prof. Ihsan Ullah - Insight SFI Research Center for Data Analytics, University of Galway, Galway, Ireland Technical Program Chairs - Prof. Paola Barra - University of Naples Parthenope, Italy - Dr. Lorenzo Di Rocco - Sapienza University of Rome, Italy Challenge Chairs - Prof. Tho Quan - Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, Vietnam - Prof. Anh Nguyen - Department of IT and Economics, University of South Eastern Norway, Norway - Prof. Fabien Baldacci - Universit? de Bordeaux, France - Prof. Bui Hoai Thang, Ho Chi Minh City City University (HCMUT), Vietnam The call for papers and additional information about the workshop and challenge can be found at ------ Emanuel Di Nardo, PhD University of Naples Parthenope Naples, Italy emanuel.dinardo at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From mtkostecki at Mon Mar 17 07:58:20 2025 From: mtkostecki at (Mateusz Kostecki) Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2025 12:58:20 +0100 Subject: Connectionists: Cambridge Open Lab Workshop - Electronics for neuroscience: from basics to setup development Message-ID: Hello! We are pleased to announce the next *Cambridge Open Lab Workshop*, organized with support from FENS. A solid understanding of electronics is essential for neuroscientists. It helps in understanding electrophysiological setups, the mechanisms of action potentials, and the development of experimental setups?from selecting components and synchronizing data streams to implementing closed-loop control systems. This workshop will provide both theoretical and practical training in electronics. It will cover fundamental concepts such as voltages and currents, explore components like capacitors, transistors, and amplifiers, and introduce the use of microcontrollers in neuroscientific experiments. *Workshop Details:* - *Location:* Sheringham, Norfolk - *Dates:* May 4th ? 8th - *Fee:* ?375 (includes accommodation and food) - *Funding:* Travel grants and fee waivers are available?please indicate your need in the application form. Apply here: * * *Application deadline:* April 1st We look forward to your application. Best regards, Best, Mateusz Kostecki -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From dkirsh at Mon Mar 17 11:19:33 2025 From: dkirsh at (David H Kirshner) Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2025 15:19:33 +0000 Subject: Connectionists: Non-technical Workshop on LLMs Message-ID: I am an educator interested in the implications of LLMs for the teaching profession. I've studied the basics of ANNs to gain an understanding of how connectionist models simulate intelligent behavior adaptively, without a guiding mental model or rule system. But my exposure to ChatGPT leaves me baffled. If the output layer is focused on identifying the appropriate next word in a string of text, it shouldn't be able to perform nearly as effectively as it does. Does anyone know of a workshop, seminar, or piece of writing that explains LLMs in a relatively non-technical way? David Kirshner ________________________ David Kirshner, Professor Mathematics Education 103 Peabody Hall School of Education Louisiana State University Baton Rouge LA 70803-4728 Office: (225) 578-2332 Fax: (225) 578-9135 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From emergingtechnetwork.publicity at Mon Mar 17 11:18:13 2025 From: emergingtechnetwork.publicity at (=?UTF-8?Q?Gizem_G=C3=BCltekin_Varkonyi?=) Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2025 18:18:13 +0300 Subject: Connectionists: The 9th International Workshop on Smart Cities Systems Engineering (SCE 2025), Tampa, Florida, USA. May 19-22, 2025 Message-ID: [Apologies if you got multiple copies of this invitation] The 9th International Workshop on Smart Cities Systems Engineering (SCE 2025) Tampa, Florida, USA. May 19-22, 2025 Co-located with The 10th IEEE International Conference on Fog and Mobile Edge Computing (FMEC 2025) Technically Co-Sponsored by IEEE Florida West Coast Section *SCE 2025 CFP:* Smart cities provide next generation engineering approaches for urbanization. Smart cities aim to exploit the intellectual and social capital as its core ingredient for urbanization, in addition to the physical and ICT infrastructure. Smart cities are driven by several interdependent trends. These include a pressing need for environmental sustainability, and peoples? increasing demands for personalization, mobility and higher quality of life. Technological developments such as miniaturization of devices, internet of things (IoT), big data, and decreasing costs of computational entities have also accelerated the smart cities developments. Smart cities encompass all aspects of modern day life, transportation, healthcare, entertainment, work, businesses, social interactions, governance, etc. It is therefore necessary to engineer smart cities as complex systems of systems supported by a converged ubiquitous infrastructure. A key challenge in the realization of smart cities is to create an ecosystem of digital infrastructures that are able to work together and enable dynamic real-time interactions between various smart city subsystems. With this background, this workshop invites submissions that propose state of the art solutions for smart cities systems engineering. A particular focus of the workshop are the studies that involve cloud computing, fog computing, and mobile edge computing technologies. Original articles including modelling and empirical studies and development, as well as relevant surveys are welcome. The topics of interest of the workshop include, but are not limited to: * IoT based developments for smart cities engineering * Big data technologies for smart cities * Modelling and analysis of smart city technologies and systems * Mobile applications for smart cities * Analytics for smart cities * Cloud computing based approaches for smart city engineering * Fog and edge computing based approaches for smart city engineering * Cloudlet based approaches for smart city engineering * Studies focused on communication networks for smart cities * Information management for smart cities * Smart buildings, smart homes and smart energy grids * Transportation, healthcare, and governance for smart cities * Security and privacy of smart city systems *Submissions Guidelines and Proceedings* Manuscripts should be prepared in 10-point font using the IEEE 8.5" x 11" two-column format. All papers should be in PDF format, and submitted electronically at Paper Submission Link. A full paper can be up to 6 pages (including all figures, tables and references). Submitted papers must present original unpublished research that is not currently under review for any other conference or journal. Papers not following these guidelines may be rejected without review. Also submissions received after the due date, exceeding length limit, or not appropriately structured may also not be considered. Authors may contact the Program Chair for further information or clarification. All submissions are peer-reviewed by at least three reviewers. Accepted papers will appear in the FMEC Proceeding, and be published by the IEEE Computer Society Conference Publishing Services and be submitted to IEEE Xplore for inclusion. *Important Dates:* - *Paper submission deadline: March 23rd 2025 (Firm and Final)* - Notification of acceptance: April 7th, 2025 - Camera-ready Submission: April 21st, 2025 *Contact:* Please send any inquiry on FMEC to Sadi Alawadi at: Sadi.alawadi at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From interdonatos at Tue Mar 18 05:22:43 2025 From: interdonatos at (Roberto Interdonato) Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2025 10:22:43 +0100 Subject: Connectionists: CfP: MACLEAN: MAChine Learning for EArth ObservatioN (workshop @ECML/PKDD2025) Message-ID: MACLEAN: MAChine Learning for EArth ObservatioN 19 September 2025 KEY DATES Paper submission deadline: June 14, 2025 Paper acceptance notification: July 14, 2025 Paper camera-ready deadline: TBA CONTEXT The huge amount of data currently produced by modern Earth Observation (EO) missions has raised up new challenges for the Remote Sensing communities. EO sensors are now able to offer (very) high spatial resolution images with revisit time frequencies never achieved before considering different kind of signals, e.g., multi-(hyper)spectral optical, radar, LiDAR and Digital Surface Models. In this context, modern machine learning techniques can play a crucial role to deal with such amount of heterogeneous, multi-scale and multi-modal data. Some examples of techniques that are gaining attention in this domain include deep learning, domain adaptation, semi-supervised approach, time series analysis and active learning. Even though the use of machine learning and the development of ad-hoc techniques are gaining increasing popularity in the EO domain, we can witness that a significant lack of interaction between domain experts and machine learning researchers still exists. The objective of this workshop is to supply an international forum where machine learning researchers and domain-experts can meet each other, in order to exchange, debate and draw short and long term research objectives around the exploitation and analysis of EO data via Machine Learning techniques. Among the workshop?s objectives, we want to give an overview of the current machine learning researches dealing with EO data, and, on the other hand, we want to stimulate concrete discussions to pave the way to new machine learning frameworks especially tailored to deal with such data. TOPICS - Supervised Classification of Multi(Hyper)-spectral data - Supervised Classification of Satellite Image Time Series data - Unsupervised Learning of EO Data - Deep Learning approaches to deal with EO Data - Machine Learning approaches for the analysis of multi-scale EO Data - Machine Learning approaches for the analysis of multi-source EO Data - Semi-supervised classification approaches for EO Data - Active learning for EO Data - Transfer Learning and Domain Adaptation for EO Data - Interpretability and explainability of machine learning methods in the context of EO data analysis - Bayesian machine learning for EO Data - Dimensionality Reduction and Feature Selection for EO Data - Graphicals models for EO Data - Structured output learning for EO Data - Multiple instance learning for EO Data - Multi-task learning for EO Data - Online learning for EO Data - Embedding and Latent factor for EO Data - Foundation Models for Earth Observation - Multi-Modal approaches for EO Data - Self-supervised learning for EO Data - Physics-informed machine learning for EO Data INVITED SPEAKERS: - Prof. Dr. Elif Sertel - Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, TR, Keynote title : TBA SUBMISSION We welcome original contributions, either theoretical or empirical, describing ongoing projects or completed work. Contributions can be of two types: either short position papers (up to 6 pages including references) or full research papers (up to 10 pages including references). Papers must be written in LNCS format, i.e., accordingly to the ECML-PKDD 2024 submission format. Accepted contributions will be made available electronically through the Workshop web page. Post-proceedings will be also published at the CCIS (Communications in Computer and Information Science) series. WORKSHOP WEBSITE: SUBMISSION WEBSITE: TBA PC-CHAIRS Thomas Corpetti, CNRS, LETG-Rennes COSTEL UMR 6554 CNRS, Rennes, France, thomas.corpetti at Roberto Interdonato, CIRAD, UMR Tetis, Montpellier, France, roberto.interdonato at Cassio Fraga Dantas, INRAE, UMR Tetis, Montpellier, France, cassio.fraga-dantas at Dino Ienco, INRAE, UMR Tetis, Montpellier, France, dino.ienco at Minh-Tan Pham, Univ. Bretagne-Sud, UMR 6074, IRISA, Vannes, France, minh-tan.pham at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From kai.sauerwald at Tue Mar 18 04:38:16 2025 From: kai.sauerwald at (Kai Sauerwald) Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2025 09:38:16 +0100 Subject: Connectionists: [RuleML+RR 2025] Rule Challenge, Doctoral Consortium, Industry Track and Networking Session Message-ID: <> ******************************************************************************* RuleML+RR 2025 Associated Events -- Call fo Contributions Rule Challenge, Doctoral Consortium, Industry Track and Networking Session ******************************************************************************* *** RuleML+RR 2025 *** *** 22-24 September 2025 *** *** ?stanbul, T?rk?ye *** Call for contributions for events associated with RuleML+RR 2025: Rule Challenge: Doctoral Consortium: Industry Track: Networking Session: RuleML+RR 2025 ( is part of Declarative AI 2025 ( ******************************************************************************* *** RuleML+RR 2025 *** ********************** The International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning (RuleML+RR) is the leading international joint conference in the field of rule-based reasoning. As in the last years, RuleML+RR 2025 features the following associated events in addition to the main track: Rule Challenge, Doctoral Consortium, Industry Track, Project Networking Session Further below, you find more information on the respective events. All associated events share the same paper submission deadline: July 10th, 2025 (AoE) Submissions for each of these events are made via Easychair: Please select the respective track when you make a submission. ******************************************************************************* *** Rule Challenge *** Chairs: Alessandro Margara, Politecnico di Milano, Italy Tom?? Kliegr, Prague University of Economics and Business, Czechia Ognjen Savkovic, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy ********************** The 19th International Rule Challenge is a standout feature of the RuleML+RR conference, fostering friendly competition among innovative rule-oriented tools, prototypes, and applications tailored to research, industry, and government. Participants are invited to showcase their solutions to self-defined challenges, but also propose open challenges for the community to tackle. Accordingly, submissions are welcome in two main categories: * [Challenge Proposals] Papers outlining open challenges, interesting problems from academia or industry, or benchmarks relevant to the community. Submissions should include task descriptions, datasets, and evaluation criteria, highlighting opportunities for rule-based approaches to provide solutions. * [Challenge Solutions] Papers presenting benchmarking or comparative analyses of rule engines, rule-based machine learning techniques, or case studies. Submissions may also cover industrial experiences, rule- and model-driven engineering, or innovative applications such as deployment of rule-based reasoning in geographically distributed, edge-to-cloud scenarios. Key themes of the Rule Challenge include, but are not limited to the following: * Rule-based machine learning tools and techniques * Large language models (LLMs) and rule learning * Rule-based approaches in artificial intelligence * Rule-based Complex Event Processing / Recognition (CEP/CER) * Stream reasoning * Business rules modelling * Rule standardization for research, industry and government * Graph-relational data and knowledge systems * Higher-order logic and modal logic systems * Rule and ontology combinations * Distributed rule systems Multi-agent systems * Ontology-Based Data Access (OBDA) systems * Answer Set Programming (ASP) systems * Constraint Logic Programming (CLP) systems * (Controlled) Natural language interfaces * Rules and model-driven engineering The challenge seeks high quality, original papers, potentially referencing online material, and ranging between 8-15 pages. Accepted papers will be published as part of CEUR proceedings and should be in the style template CEURART (1-column variant). Please submit your paper via: to the Rule Challenge track. Important Dates: * July 10th, 2025: Paper submission deadline * August 31st, 2025: Notification of acceptance Further information can be found on the Rule Challenge website: ******************************************************************************* *** Doctoral Consortium *** Chairs: Shqiponja Ahmetaj, TU Wien, Austria Riccardo Tommasini, INSA Lyon, France *************************** The RuleML+RR 9th Doctoral Consortium 2025 (DC) is an initiative of the RuleML+RR community to attract and promote student research in Artificial Intelligence, especially research on rule-based formalisms and reasoning in such formalisms. It offers students a close contact with leading experts in the field, as well as the opportunity to present and discuss their ideas in a dynamic and friendly setting. We invite PhD students at an early or intermediate stage of their PhD studies, as well as exceptional master?s students who are interested in pursuing a PhD, to submit papers describing their research on any of the topics of RuleML+RR 2025. RuleML+RR DC papers range between 8 and 15 pages, are written in English, will be published as part of CEUR proceedings, and should follow the style template CEURART (1-column variant). They are submitted electronically in PDF together with a maximum 2 page-long CV (the paper and the CV should be submitted together as one PDF file, but the CV is not counted within the 15 pages limit and is not published in the proceedings if the paper is accepted). The submission should cover the following aspects: * The identification of a significant problem in a research field relevant to RuleML+RR 2025. * An outline of the current knowledge in the problem?s domain, as well as an overview of existing solutions. * A clear formulation of the research question and motivation. * A presentation of (possibly preliminary) ideas, the proposed approach, and the results achieved so far. * A sketch of the applied research methodology and its positioning in the field. * A description of the student?s contribution to the research. * A discussion of how the suggested solution is different, new, or better as compared to the state of the art. * A research plan and the potential achievements. Please submit your paper via: to the Doctoral Consortium track. Important Dates: * July 10th, 2025: Paper submission deadline * July 31st, 2025: Notification deadline Further information can be found on the Doctoral Consortium website: ******************************************************************************* *** Industry Track *** Chairs: Luigi Bellomarini, Banca d?Italia, Italy Evgeny Kharlamov, Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence, Germany Ioana Georgiana Ciuciu, Babe?-Bolyai University, Romania ********************** The RuleML+RR industry track welcomes papers describing original industrial advances and application achievements in all areas of Rules and Reasoning-based technologies. We are interested in experiences from practitioners when applying rules to industries such as engineering, manufacturing, finance, agriculture, energy, media, telecommunications, healthcare, life sciences, government, smart cities, tourism, cultural heritage, retail, logistics, transportation, education, entertainment, legal services, real estate, environmental management, cybersecurity, autonomous systems, aerospace, defense, and other emerging fields. Submissions are invited on all facets of Rules and Reasoning, including efforts to bridge recent research innovations with practical applications and industrial challenges, with a strong focus on the interplay between reasoning techniques and machine learning. We encourage submissions on the following topics: * Integration of Rules, Reasoning, and AI Technologies * Rules and Reasoning for Knowledge Graphs and Ontologies * Advanced Uses of Rules and Reasoning in Scalable Applications * Rules and Reasoning in Regulatory Technology (RegTech) * Responsible Use of AI and Rules Technologies We welcome extended abstracts of minimum 5 and maximum 6 pages (including the references) to be submitted to the Industry Track. Accepted papers will be published as part of CEUR proceedings and should be written in English following in the style template CEURART (1-column variant). Reviews will be done by the committee of members from both industry and academia. Submitted papers must be original contributions written in English. Please submit your paper via: to the Industry Track. Important Dates: * July 10th, 2025: Paper submission deadline * July 31st, 2025: Notification deadline Further information can be found on the Industry Track website: ******************************************************************************* *** Networking Session *** Chairs: Dumitru Roman, SINTEF AS, Norway George Konstantinidis, University of Southampton, UK Emanuel Sallinger, TU Wien, Austria ************************** The project networking session of RuleML+RR 2025 aims to bring together relevant projects working in the area of data and AI with particular focus on, but not limited to, the event topics: rules, reasoning, decisions, and explanations. The session will provide an opportunity to: * Share knowledge between research and innovation projects operating in the area of data and AI. * Identify potential synergies between the projects, e.g., transfer data and AI technology between projects, joint publications, joint dissemination activities, etc. * Discuss funding opportunities such as Horizon Europe, Digital Europe, ERC, etc. The session targets research and innovation projects operating at all stages: * Ending (or recently ended) projects, which have results to transfer and/or dissemination of results; * Ongoing projects, seeking collaboration and networking opportunities with external stakeholders and external projects; * Upcoming projects/initiative, searching for potential new ideas and partners for consortia. Interested projects should submit abstracts of minimum 5 and maximum 6 pages (including the references), describing the project?s objective, possible information to be shared with other projects and potential interests in other projects. The papers will be included in the companion proceedings of the event published by CEUR and should be formatted in the style template CEURART (1-column variant). Submitted papers must be original contributions written in English. Please submit your paper via: to the Networking Session track. Important Dates: * July 10th, 2025: Paper submission deadline * July 31st, 2025: Notification deadline Further information can be found on the Project Networking Session website: ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* RuleML+RR 2025 ( and its associated events are part of Declarative AI 2025 ( The following lists further chairs involved in making these events possible. General Chairs of Declarative AI 2025 Hasan Da?, Kadir Has University, T?rkiye Anni-Yasmin Turhan, Paderborn University, Germany Ahmet Soylu, Kristiania University of Applied Sciences, Norway Local Chair Mehmet Nafiz Aydin, Kadir Has University, T?rkiye RuleML+RR Program Chairs Aidan Hogan, University of Chile, Chile Ken Satoh, National Institute of Informatics, Japan Proceedings Chairs Dumitru Roman, SINTEF AS, Norway Ahmet Soylu, Kristiania University College, Norway Publicity Chairs Kai Sauerwald, FernUniversit?t in Hagen, Germany Tor-Morten Gr?nli, Kristiania University College, Norway Romuald Esdras Wandji, Ume? University, Sweeden Reasoning Web 2025 Alessandro Artale, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy Meghyn Bienvenu, University of Bordeaux, France DecisionCAMP 2025 Jacob Feldman, OpenRules, USA From kai.sauerwald at Tue Mar 18 04:37:56 2025 From: kai.sauerwald at (Kai Sauerwald) Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2025 09:37:56 +0100 Subject: Connectionists: [RuleML+RR 2025] 2nd Call for papers Message-ID: <> ############################################################################### The 9th International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning (RuleML+RR 2025) == Call for Papers == *** RuleML+RR 2025 *** *** 22-24 September 2025 *** *** ?stanbul, T?rk?ye *** Abstract: June 2nd, 2025 Paper: June 9th, 2025 Homepage: RuleML+RR 2025 is part of Declarative AI 2025 ( ############################################################################### RuleML+RR 2025 is a leading international joint conference in the field of rule-based reasoning. One of the main goals of RuleML+RR is to build bridges between academia and industry in the area of semantic reasoning. RuleML+RR 2025 aims to bring together researchers and practitioners interested in the foundations and applications of rules and reasoning. It provides a forum for stimulating cooperation between different communities focused on the research, development, and applications of rule-based systems. We solicit high-quality papers related to theoretical advances, novel technologies, and applications that involve rule-based representation and reasoning or other declarative forms of artificial intelligence. The RuleML+RR 2025 conference is part of the event ?Declarative AI: Rules, Reasoning, Decisions, and Explanations? ( and is co-located with DecisionCAMP 2025 and the Reasoning Web Summer School. Apart from the main track, it features: * Rule Challenge (, * Doctoral Consortium (, * Industry Track (, * Project Networking Session ( *** Topics *** RuleML+RR welcomes research from all areas of Rules and Reasoning. The topics of the conference include, but are not limited to: * Ontology/Semantic Web * Rules for AI and AI for Rules * Rules and Reasoning / Logics * Rules-Based Systems * Rules and Interoperability * Constraints and Schema * System Descriptions, Applications and Experiences of Ontologies and Rules See the conference homepage for more details on the topics: *** Important Dates *** Main track: Abstract submission: June 2, 2025 Paper submission: June 9, 2025 Notification: July 28, 2025 Conference: September 22?24, 2025 Associated events (Rule Challenge, Doctoral Consortium, Industry Track, and ProjectNetworking Session) - July 10, 2025: Paper submission deadline - July 31, 2025: Notification of acceptance For each of these deadlines, a cut-off point of 23:59 AOE applies. **Submission and Publication** High-quality papers related to theoretical advances, novel technologies, and artificial intelligence applications concerning explainable algorithmic decision-making that involve rule-based representation and reasoning are solicited. We accept the following submission formats for papers: - Long papers (up to 15 pages in LNCS style excluding references, plus 2 additional pages for references) - Short papers (up to 8 pages in LNCS style excluding references, plus 1 additional page for references) Long papers should present original and significant research and/or development results. Short papers should concisely describe general results or specific applications, systems, or position statements. All submissions must be prepared in Springer's LNCS style ( Submitted papers must not substantially overlap with papers that have been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference/workshop with formal proceedings. Double submission to a workshop with informal proceedings is allowed. Papers put on arXiv are also allowed as long as they are not refereed (i.e., formally reviewed by peers). Submissions to the RuleML+RR conference - abide by the page limits (see above) - are not anonymous - can have additional material included as an external report (appendices to the submission are not permitted and a paper should be self-contained) Papers should be written in English and submitted using EasyChair: The conference proceedings will be published by Springer in the Lecture Notesin Computer Science series (LNCS) after the conference. Proceedings of the associated events will be published by CEUR. Special Issues of Theory and Practice of Logic Programming and Transactions on Graph Data and Knowledge are planned with extended versions of selected papers. The main track's best paper will be awarded the RuleML+RR Harold Boley Distinguished Paper Award 2025 and best student paper will be awarded the RuleML+RR Best Student Paper Award 2025. The best RuleML Challenge paper will be awarded the RuleML+RR Best Rule Challenge Paper Award 2025. The best Doctoral Consortium paper will be awarded the RuleML+RR Best Doctoral Consortium Paper Award 2025. ***Chairs*** Program Chairs Aidan Hogan, University of Chile, Chile Ken Satoh, National Institute of Informatics, Japan Proceedings Chairs Dumitru Roman, SINTEF AS, Norway Ahmet Soylu, Kristiania University College, Norway Rule Challenge Chairs Alessandro Margara, Politecnico di Milano, Italy Tom?? Kliegr, Prague University of Economics and Business, Czechia Doctoral Consortium Chairs Shqiponja Ahmetaj, TU Wien, Austria Riccardo Tommasini, INSA Lyon, France Industry Track Chairs Luigi Bellomarini, Banca d?Italia, Italy Evgeny Kharlamov, Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence, Germany Ioana Georgiana Ciuciu, Babe?-Bolyai University, Romania Networking Session Dumitru Roman, SINTEF AS, Norway George Konstantinidis, University of Southampton, UK Emanuel Sallinger, Vienna University of Technology, Austria Publicity Chairs Kai Sauerwald, FernUniversit?t in Hagen, Germany Tor-Morten Gr?nli, Kristiania University College, Norway Romuald Esdras Wandji, Ume? University, Sweeden From kai.sauerwald at Tue Mar 18 04:41:05 2025 From: kai.sauerwald at (Kai Sauerwald) Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2025 09:41:05 +0100 Subject: Connectionists: [RW 2025] 2nd Call for Participation: 21st Reasoning Web Summer School Message-ID: Second Call for Participation 21st Reasoning Web Summer School September 25-28, 2025, Istanbul, Turkey ************************************************************************************************************ We are happy to announce that the 21st edition of the Reasoning Web Summer School (RW 2025) will take place from September 25-28, 2025 in Istanbul, Turkey. RW 2025 is part of Declarative AI 2025, which also includes the 9th International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning (RuleML+RR) and DecisionCAMP 2025, both held from September 22-24, 2025. The purpose of the Reasoning Web Summer School is to disseminate recent advances in reasoning techniques and relevant topics related to ontologies, rules, logic, the semantic web, linked data, and knowledge graph applications. The summer school is primarily intended for individuals who are currently pursuing or have recently completed postgraduate degrees (PhD or MSc). However, the school also welcomes the participation of researchers at later career stages who wish to become acquainted with the area or deepen their understanding of recent developments. The RW school is a great venue for meeting like-minded researchers and exchanging with an engaging and approachable group of international lecturers! *** Summer School Program *** As in previous years, the summer school will feature 8 tutorials delivered by researchers who are experts in the area. Here are the confirmed speakers and topics for this year's school: Camille Bourgaux: Inconsistency-Tolerant Semantics Based on Preferred Repairs Esra Erdem, Aysu Bogatarkan, Muge Fidan: Human-Centered ASP Applications: Representation and Reasoning Patrick Koopmann: Explaining Reasoning Results for Description Logic Ontologies Markus Kr?tzsch: Modern Datalog: Concepts, Methods, Applications Antonella Poggi: From One-Level to Multi-Level Ontology-Based Data Access Francesco Ricca and Giuseppe Mazzotta: ASP Essentials: Modelling and Efficient Solving Luciano Serafini: Neuro-Symbolic Artificial Intelligence Przemyslaw Walega: Reasoning about Time in DatalogMTL Tutorial abstracts and speaker bios can be found on the RW 2025 website: *** Applications & Registration *** To participate in RW 2025, you will need to submit a short application, with information on your academic and research background and motivation for attending the school. You can do so by filling out the following form: or alternatively, by sending the organizers an email with all of the information requested on the form. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis, and notifications will be sent within 1-2 weeks from the time of application. Successful applicants will receive information on how to pay the registration fee to confirm their spot in the school. There is a discounted fee of 240? (incl. VAT) for applications received by May 31st (180?, for local participants with a Turkish affiliation). The regular fee of 300? (incl. VAT) applies to applications received on or after June 1st (240?, for local participants with a Turkish affiliation). The registration fee includes access to the lectures, lunches, and coffee breaks for the four days, as well as a social event. Note that students who participate in RW 2025 are also encouraged to apply to the Rule ML+RR Doctoral Consortium. Students attending both events will not need to pay the Doctoral Consortium fee. *** If you require additional information, please get in touch with the chairs. * Alessandro Artale, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Italy artale at * Meghyn Bienvenu, CNRS & University of Bordeaux, France meghyn.bienvenu at ** You received this mail via the description logic mailing list; for more ** ** information, visit the description logic homepage at ** ** SUBSCRIBE or UNSUBSCRIBE: ** ** ** From boris.gutkin at Tue Mar 18 05:37:43 2025 From: boris.gutkin at (Boris Gutkin) Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2025 10:37:43 +0100 Subject: Connectionists: Cognitive biases in agent-based models and agent-resolved data Workshop.@ FRCCS25 Bordeaux May 21-23 Message-ID: Call for Contributions: Workshop: Cognitive biases in agent-based models and agent-resolved data France International Conference on Complex Systems FRRS 25 Bordeaux France May 21-25 2025 Call for Papers Behavioural economics research has been documenting a long list of biases in human behaviour mostly since the second half of last century. In time, thanks to neurophysiological recordings and to the application of computational cognitive models to behavioural experiments, studies have pinpointed neural correlates that can offer mechanistic explanations to some key biases. In other words, cognitive science has been able to clarify the nature and the importance of cognitive biases, providing experimentally-grounded models of learning in humans. The explanatory power of these models can, however, scale up beyond explaining individual behaviour, to characterise complex system dynamics. These cognitive models indeed can be integrated into agent-based models (ABM) or applied to real-world data, rather than well-crafted and well-controlled experiments. To date, these applications are still in their infancy, but they can help find evidence of cognitive biases in agent-resolved data from various sources. In light of this new research avenue, this workshop aims to foster collaboration between researchers from the complex system community and cognitive scientists. We welcome submissions that investigate the presence or the importance of cognitive biases in either theoretical models such as ABMs or empirical data. Topics of interest ? ABM simulation of cognitive biases ? Experimental approaches to cognitive biases ? Evidence of cognitive biases in agent-resolved data ? Reinforcement Learning Approaches to cognitive biases Submission Guidelines Important Dates : ? Paper Submission Deadline: March 20, 2025 ? Final Decisions Released: April 17, 2025 ? Camera-Ready Deadline: April 30, 2025 The submission guidelines valid for the workshop are the same as for the FRCSS conference. They can be found at: Publication The Workshop contributions will be included in the conference proceedings (with ISBN). Papers authors will have the faculty opt-in or opt-out. Selected submissions of unpublished work will be invited for publication in special issues of partner journals. Additional information can be found at: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From sebastien.destercke at Tue Mar 18 04:38:47 2025 From: sebastien.destercke at (sdesterc) Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2025 15:38:47 +0700 Subject: Connectionists: Next SIPTA Seminar 25/3 (3pm Paris Time): Michael Beer on "Efficient reliability analysis with imprecise probabilities" Message-ID: Dear colleagues, We are delighted to announce our upcoming SIPTA online seminar on imprecise probabilities (IP). These monthly events are open to anyone interested in IP, and will be followed by a Q&A and open discussion. They also provide an occasion for the community to meet, keep in touch and exchange between in-person events. The next seminar will take place on the 25th of March (Tuesday). The zoom link for this seminar is For this new seminar, we are very happy to have Michael Beer as our speaker. Since 2015, Micheal Beer is Full Professor and Head of the Institute for Risk and Reliability at Leibniz Universit?t Hannover. Michael Beer is a leading researcher and expert in reliability and risk analysis, as witness his 2022 Alfredo Ang Award on Risk Analysis and Management of Civil Infrastructure delivered by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). In particular, he has many important contributions on how to integrate imprecise probabilistic ideas within risk and reliability problems. On the 25th of March, at 15:00 paris time (up to 17:00, with a talk duration of 45min/1h), he will talk about "Efficient reliability analysis with imprecise probabilities?. Curious? Then check out the abstract on the webpage of the SIPTA seminars: The zoom link for attending the seminar can be found on that same page. So please mark your calendars on the 25th of March, and join us for the occasion. And for those who missed the previous seminar and want to catch up, or simply want to see it again and again, it is online at See you at the seminar! S?bastien, Enrique and Jasper From amir.kalfat at Tue Mar 18 07:36:04 2025 From: amir.kalfat at (Amir Aly) Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2025 11:36:04 +0000 Subject: Connectionists: Available PhD Position: Multimodal AI-based Diagnosis of ADHD Message-ID: Dear All *Apologies for cross-posting* We are pleased to announce an opportunity for a tax-free fully funded PhD studentship - *Multimodal AI-based Diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) -* at Plymouth University, UK. The closing date for applications is *12 noon on 28th March 2025** (**UK time) **(**The difference in tuition fees between national and international students will be waived for international candidates**)*. This exciting project aims to transform ADHD diagnosis by developing a multimodal Artificial Intelligence (AI) framework that addresses the significant limitations of current, subjective diagnostic practices. Although AI is emerging in ADHD research, its integration into standard clinical practices remains minimal. This project seeks to enhance diagnostic accuracy through a sophisticated integration of AI-driven insights that complement existing approaches. Some basic questions (among others) that this project will try to explore are: 1. How can machine learning and deep learning models be tailored to various data types like neuroimaging to uncover distinct ADHD diagnostic patterns? 2. What methods can be used to analyse fMRI data to delineate active brain regions and their connections, and how can these findings be linked to ADHD behaviours and cognitive functions? 3. How can we refine AI models to handle high data dimensionality and heterogeneity and enhance decision-making transparency in clinical settings using Explainable AI (XAI) methods? 4. What are the best practices to assess the robustness of AI models against the variability in ADHD diagnostic data? This ambitious project will allow the student to engage in a groundbreaking study at the intersection of AI, neuropsychiatry, and healthcare and gain experience in a highly collaborative environment supported by a strong supervisory team and international experts. The research leverages our team's extensive background in neuro-developmental disorders like Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), where we recently discussed important brain regions related to ASD diagnosis (link) . This PhD opportunity offers a deep dive not only into the diagnosis of ADHD using explainable AI but also into other related *co-occurring* disorders like ASD, providing a holistic perspective on patient care and intervention strategies across the spectrum of these interrelated conditions. This project is suitable for students from a broad range of disciplines, including computer science and artificial intelligence. More details about the topic and *how to apply* are available at: If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me Regards -------------------------------------------- *Dr. Amir Aly*, PhD, FHEA, SIEEE Lecturer in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Programme Manager of Artificial Intelligence UK and Ireland IEEE RAS Chapter Vice Chair Director of the Centre for Robotics and Neural Systems (CRNS) School of Engineering, Computing, and Mathematics Room A307 Portland Square, Drake Circus, PL4 8AA University of Plymouth, UK -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From shettyashwath2010 at Tue Mar 18 06:50:47 2025 From: shettyashwath2010 at (Ashwath Shetty) Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2025 11:50:47 +0100 Subject: Connectionists: Non-technical Workshop on LLMs In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: I would really recommend this series from 3blue1brown And this series from andrej karpathy -Ashwath On Tue, 18 Mar, 2025, 08:28 David H Kirshner, wrote: > I am an educator interested in the implications of LLMs for the teaching > profession. I?ve studied the basics of ANNs to gain an understanding of how > connectionist models simulate intelligent behavior adaptively, without a > guiding mental model or rule system. But my exposure to ChatGPT leaves me > baffled. If the output layer is focused on identifying the appropriate next > word in a string of text, it shouldn?t be able to perform nearly as > effectively as it does. > > Does anyone know of a workshop, seminar, or piece of writing that explains > LLMs in a relatively non-technical way? > > David Kirshner > > ________________________ > > David Kirshner, Professor > > Mathematics Education > > 103 Peabody Hall > > School of Education > > Louisiana State University > > Baton Rouge LA 70803-4728 > > Office: (225) 578-2332 Fax: (225) 578-9135 > > > > > > -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From dhansel0 at Tue Mar 18 13:39:49 2025 From: dhansel0 at (David Hansel) Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2025 10:39:49 -0700 Subject: Connectionists: REMINDER: World wide VVTNS series (fifth season): Wednesday, March 19, 2025, at 11:00 am EDT| Marcelo Rozenberg, CNRS, Paris In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: [image: VVTNS.png] - on twitter: wwtns at TheoreticalWide You are cordially invited to the lecture given by Marcelo Rozenberg CNRS, Paris Dynamics of neural motifs realized with a minimal memristive neuro-synaptic unit The lecture will be held on zoom on Wednesday, March 19, 2025, at *11:00 am EDT * To receive the link: *Note that the USA moved to Summer time. * *On Wednesday, March 19, 11am EDT = 4 pm CET = 3 pm GMT* *Abstract: *The use of electronic circuits to model neural systems goes back to C. Mead and is present in models, from leaky-integrate-and-fire to Hodking-Huxley. Simulating neural network with analog hardware is attractive: it allows to implement neurocomputations in real time without discretization approximations, it has perfect simulation-time scaling with system size, and it provides ready-to-deploy neuromorphic circuit for applications. There are implementations in CMOS technology, however, they are complex, require sophisticated fabrication facilities and, most important, suffer from significant device mismatch. In a radically different approach, based on the concept of memristors, we introduce a neuro-synaptic circuit of unprecedented simplicity, with readily available cheap off-the-shelf electronic components, that can quantitatively reproduce textbook theoretical neuron and synaptic current models. Our neuron circuits can avoid the mismatch problem and are easily tuneable at bio-compatible time-scales. We first introduce a voltage-gated conductance bursting neuron model that produces spike traces that bare striking similarity to experimental recordings. We then introduce synaptic current circuits and show the modularity of our method implementing neurocomputing primitives of basic network motifs, including CPGs. With this "theoretical hardware" approach we show: (i) that neuron adaptation and self-excitation can be viewed as a self-consistent dynamical problem; (ii) that a dynamical memory can be minimally implemented with a single recursive spiking neuron; (iii) that an adaptive membrane current reveals a connection between bursting and the driven harmonic oscillator, perhaps pointing to a neural correlate of the pendular limb motion. Finally we discuss the limitation of the approach to networks of mid-size and its potential application for brain-machine-interfaces, robotics and AI. *About VVTNS : Launched as the World Wide Theoretical Neuroscience Seminar (WWTNS) in November 2020 and renamed in homage to Carl van Vreeswijk in Memoriam (April 20, 2022), Speakers have the occasion to talk about theoretical aspects of their work which cannot be discussed in a setting where the majority of the audience consists of experimentalists. The seminars, **held on Wednesdays at 11 am ET,** are 45-50 min long followed by a discussion. The talks are recorded with authorization of the speaker and are available to everybody on our YouTube channel.* ? -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: VVTNS.png Type: image/png Size: 41084 bytes Desc: not available URL: From dorien.herremans at Wed Mar 19 01:16:23 2025 From: dorien.herremans at (Dorien Herremans) Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2025 13:16:23 +0800 Subject: Connectionists: Exciting PhD Fellowship Opportunities at SUTD for Thai, Singaporean, and Singapore PR Message-ID: Dear community, I am thrilled to announce two PhD fellowship opportunities at the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) for talented Thai students, Singaporean students, and Singapore Permanent Residents (PR). These fully-funded positions are available in the fields of *AI for Finance* and *AI for Music*, hosted by the AIFi Lab (AI for Finance) and AMAAI Lab (Audio, Music, and AI Lab), respectively. We are seeking exceptional candidates with a passion for AI and strong academic backgrounds to join our vibrant research community. *Application deadline: 31 March.* PhD Fellowship in AI for Music (AMAAI Lab) The AMAAI Lab, led by Prof. Dorien Herremans, focuses on cutting-edge AI technologies for music creation and analysis. Research topics include: - Text-to-music generation (e.g., the Mustango model, released in 2024) - Video-to-music generation - Text-to-MIDI generation - AI for plagiarism detection - Joint music/text embedding models (e.g., CLAP) - Foundational music models This position is ideal for candidates with experience in AI and an interest in audio technology and its applications. The lab?s work emphasizes both groundbreaking research and practical, design-driven solutions. Explore some of our publications: PhD Fellowship in AI for Finance (AIFi Lab) The AIFi Lab explores innovative applications of AI in finance, with a focus on multimedia processing for AI trading algorithms, we work closely together with the AMAAI Lab. This position offers an exciting opportunity to develop advanced AI systems that integrate diverse data types to enhance financial decision-making. Candidates with a keen interest in finance technology and AI-driven solutions are encouraged to apply. Candidate Profile We are looking for highly motivated individuals with: - A strong academic record (preferably a Master?s degree) - Hands-on experience in AI (PyTorch Lightening preferred) - A proactive approach and excellent creative problem-solving skills - Good academic writing skills - An interest in audio or finance or music technology techniques and applications - Motivated to obtain a PhD degree! The selected candidates will pursue an on-site PhD in Singapore, expected to be completed within 4 years. Given SUTD?s design-centered philosophy, the PhD will emphasize not only high-quality publications but also the creation of practical, impactful applications. Why SUTD? The Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) is a forward-thinking institution dedicated to advancing knowledge and nurturing technically grounded leaders through a multidisciplinary curriculum and research. Located in the Department of Information Systems Technology and Design (ISTD), these PhD positions offer a unique blend of innovation and design focus. English is the official language at SUTD and in Singapore, ensuring a seamless experience for international students. In addition, Singapore enjoys 32C weather year round! How to Apply For more details and to submit your application, please visit: * * Serious candidates are welcome to reach out to me directly at *dorien_herremans at * with any questions before applying online. Please put [SUTD PhD] in the subject line About the Lab Leader I am Prof. Dorien Herremans, Associate Professor at SUTD and head of the AMAAI Lab. My team develops state-of-the-art technologies at the intersection of music and AI, such as the Mustango text-to-music system. In 2024, I was honored with the SAIL (Super AI Leader) Award at the World AI Conference for contributions to the field. We strongly encourage candidates with a passion for AI and a drive to innovate to apply. Join us at SUTD to shape the future of AI in finance and music! Best regards, *Prof. Dorien Herremans* -- Dorien Herremans, PhD Associate Professor Lead, AMAAI (Audio, Music and AI Lab) Singapore University of Technology and Design Information Technology and Design Pillar Office 2.401-33 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From rbianchi at Tue Mar 18 10:53:52 2025 From: rbianchi at (Reinaldo A. C. Bianchi) Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2025 14:53:52 +0000 Subject: Connectionists: RoboCup International Symposium 2025 second call for papers Message-ID: Second Call for papers RoboCup International Symposium 2025 Monday 21 July 2025 Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. The 28th RoboCup International Symposium will be held on 21 July 2025, in conjunction with RoboCup 2025 (15 July to 20 July 2024), in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. We call for submissions of papers reporting innovative, original research with relevance to areas of robotics and artificial intelligence as listed below. Within the described scope of topics, we also encourage submissions of high-quality overview articles, papers describing real-world research, and papers reporting theoretical results. Researchers are invited to submit their work independently of whether they participate in the RoboCup competitions or have a RoboCup team. The symposium will be held in person at the Salvador Convention Center (CCS), Av. Oct?vio Mangabeira, 5.490 Boca do Rio - Salvador - Bahia - Brazil. In addition to the regular track with regular research papers, there is the development track encouraging reports on innovative hardware developments, software frameworks, and open-source releases of software components. A review of papers describing these contributions will be based on technical aspects and benefits to the practice of communities working in the above fields in general and RoboCup in particular. IMPORTANT DATES Submission of full papers: 7 April 2025 Notification to authors: 16 May 2025 Submission of camera-ready copies: 30 May 2025 RoboCup Symposium 2025: 21 July 2025 (RoboCup on 15-20 July 2025) SUBMISSION AND PROCEEDINGS All papers will be peer-reviewed and evaluated by members of the senior program committee. The proceedings of the RoboCup International Symposium will be published and archived within the Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNCS/LNAI) series by Springer-Verlag after the conference. Papers should be formatted following the LNAI author guidelines ( and must be electronically submitted through Springer?s Meteor electronic-submission system. To submit a paper, please visit, and follow the instructions to register (if you have not previously registered with Meteor), or login. Submissions are limited to 12 pages including references. The LNAI author guidelines site contains a Springer?s proceedings LaTeX template (v2.24), and a link to the template in Overleaf: ( TOPICS Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: * Robot Hardware and Software - mobile robotics - humanoid robotics - sensors and actuators - embedded and mobile devices - robot construction and new materials - robot system integration - robot software architectures - robot programming environments and languages - real-time and concurrent programming - robot simulators - sim2real learning * Perception and Action - 3D perception - distributed sensor integration - sensor noise filtering - real-time image processing and pattern recognition - motion and sensor models - sensory-motor control - robot kinematics and dynamics - high-dimensional motion control * Robot Cognition and Learning - world modelling and knowledge representation - learning from demonstration and imitation - localisation, navigation, and mapping - planning and reasoning - decision making under uncertainty - neural systems and deep learning - complex motor skill acquisition - reinforcement learning and optimisation - motion and sensor model learning * Human-Robot Interaction - robot social intelligence - fluency of interaction - speech synthesis and natural language generation - natural language recognition - explainable robot behaviours - emotion recognition and reaction - understanding human intent and behaviour - safety, security and dependability - enabling humans to predict robot behaviour * Multi-Robot Systems - team coordination methods - communication protocols - learning and adaptive systems - teamwork and heterogeneous agents - dynamic resource allocation - adjustable autonomy * Education and Edutainment - robotics and artificial intelligence education - educational robotics - robot kits and programming tools - robotic entertainment * Applications and Benchmarking - search and rescue robots - robot surveillance - service and social robots - robots at home, at work and in public spaces - robots in the real world - performance metrics - human-robot interaction DEVELOPMENT TRACK To encourage open-source release of hardware and software systems, the RoboCup International Symposium has included a development track in recent years. In 2025, the scope of this track includes datasets and benchmarks. We encourage the submission of papers describing open-source hardware and software, tools and frameworks that facilitate development of robotics hardware and software, datasets that enable new robotic capabilities, as well as benchmarks that establish reproducible test beds and performance metrics to advance research. If applicable, contributions to the special track should include evidence of the released system or dataset, and highlight past, ongoing, and/or potential future impacts on the RoboCup community. A review of these contributions will be based on technical merit and benefits to the RoboCup community, and the research topics listed above. PROGRAM CO-CHAIRS Ana Patr?cia Fontes Magalh?es Mascarenhas (UNEB, Brazil) Alexander Ferrein (FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences, Germany) Rudi Villing (Maynooth University, Ireland) LOCAL ORGANIZERS Marco Ant?nio Costa Sim?es (UNEB, Brazil) Reinaldo Bianchi (Centro Universit?rio FEI, Brazil) CONTACT You can contact via the PC chairs via the contact button in EquinOCS VISA INFORMATION If you are a citizen of a country that needs a Visa for traveling to the Brazil, please start the VISA process as soon as possible. If you are not sure if you are eligible for a VISA-exemption, please consult the official website of the Brazilian government for information, at (Information is in English below each paragraph in Portuguese). Esta mensagem, juntamente com qualquer outra informa??o anexada, ? confidencial e protegida por lei. Somente os seus destinat?rios est?o autorizados a us?-la. Se voc? n?o for o destinat?rio, por favor, informe o remetente e, em seguida, apague a mensagem, observando que n?o h? autoriza??o para usar, copiar, armazenar, encaminhar, imprimir ou tomar qualquer a??o baseada no seu conte?do. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From dkirsh at Tue Mar 18 16:43:02 2025 From: dkirsh at (David H Kirshner) Date: Tue, 18 Mar 2025 20:43:02 +0000 Subject: Connectionists: Non-technical Workshop on LLMs In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Ashwath Shetty, Paula Kuokkanen, and James Stovald, My appreciation to each of you for the resources you've identified that address LLMs in a not-too-technical way. I'm posting them for the benefit of anyone else who is interested. David _____________________ >From Paula: I found this text helpful for understanding the internal working logics of LLMs, despite knowing the technicalities too: . The text is from 2023 but its main messages hold with newer versions of ChatGTP. >From James: I can recommend this tutorial by Brandon Rohrer: which explains the underlying model using easy-to-understand language. >From Ashwath: I would really recommend this series from 3blue1brown And this series from andrej karpathy From: Ashwath Shetty Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2025 5:51 AM To: David H Kirshner Cc: connectionists at Subject: Re: Connectionists: Non-technical Workshop on LLMs You don't often get email from shettyashwath2010 at Learn why this is important I would really recommend this series from 3blue1brown And this series from andrej karpathy -Ashwath On Tue, 18 Mar, 2025, 08:28 David H Kirshner, > wrote: I am an educator interested in the implications of LLMs for the teaching profession. I've studied the basics of ANNs to gain an understanding of how connectionist models simulate intelligent behavior adaptively, without a guiding mental model or rule system. But my exposure to ChatGPT leaves me baffled. If the output layer is focused on identifying the appropriate next word in a string of text, it shouldn't be able to perform nearly as effectively as it does. Does anyone know of a workshop, seminar, or piece of writing that explains LLMs in a relatively non-technical way? David Kirshner ________________________ David Kirshner, Professor Mathematics Education 103 Peabody Hall School of Education Louisiana State University Baton Rouge LA 70803-4728 Office: (225) 578-2332 Fax: (225) 578-9135 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From agaster at Wed Mar 19 04:40:16 2025 From: agaster at (Antonios Gasteratos) Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2025 09:40:16 +0100 Subject: Connectionists: 2nd CFP: 12th European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR) Message-ID: <> 12th European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR) Padova, Italy 2-5 September 2025 Paper submission deadline: April 17th 2025 ? Keynote speakers Yannis Aloimonos, University of Maryland Gordon Cheng, Technical University of Munich Silvia Rossi, University of Naples Federico II ? Call for Papers We are excited to invite submissions to the 12th European Conference on Mobile Robots (ECMR 2025). Following a successful journey from Radziejowice to Ancona, Freiburg, Mlini/Dubrovnik, ?rebro, Barcelona, Lincoln, Paris, Prague, Bonn, and Coimbra, the next edition will be held in Padova. This time, we will focus on the cognitive capabilities of today's and tomorrow's mobile robots, emphasizing cognition, perception, interaction, and AI-enhanced autonomy. We welcome contributions across all areas of mobile robotics, particularly those that push the boundaries of autonomous systems and cognitive mobile robotics. The conference will follow a single-track format, ensuring visibility for all accepted papers, with a peer review process that emphasizes novelty, technical quality, significance, potential impact, and clarity. The program will include invited talks as well as oral and poster presentations of accepted papers. The three-day main conference will be preceded by a workshops and tutorials day. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: Mobile robot design: Wheeled and Legged Systems, Biomimetic Robotics, UAVs, USVs, UUVs, Sensors, Actuators, and Reconfigurable Robots Perception and Cognition: Environment Perception, Semantic Mapping, Cognitive Architectures, Active and Interactive Perception, Scene Understanding, and Memory-based Approaches Learning: Cognitive and Reinforcement Learning Systems, Imitation Learning, Learning-based Control, Adapting to Dynamic Environments, and Sim2Real Cognitive Interaction: Human-Robot Teaming, Natural Language Interaction, Autonomous Decision-Making, Shared Autonomy, Safe Interaction, and Human-AI Collaboration Planning and Control: Cognitive Planning, Exploration, Resilient Navigation Behaviors, Adaptive and Robust Control, and Learning-based Planning Distributed Systems: Multi-Robot Systems, Networked Robots, Swarms, Coordination, Task and Resource Allocation Applications: Cognitive Service Robots, Social Robotics, Industrial and Field Robots, Healthcare Robotics, and Intelligent Surveillance It is planned that accepted papers, whether presented orally or as posters, will be included in IEEE Xplore. A special issue of the Robotics and Autonomous Systems journal will be organized, where selected papers from ECMR 2025 will be invited for submission after the conference. Please submit all papers, video attachments, workshop, and tutorial proposals through EasyChair . We look forward to your contributions and to welcoming you to Padova for ECMR 2025, as we collectively explore the future of cognitive mobile robotics. General Chair: Nicola Bellotto, University of Padova, Italy Program Chair: Antonios Gasteratos, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece =================================================== Prof. Antonios Gasteratos, Fellow IET Democritus University of Thrace Dean: School of Engineering Director: Laboratory of Robotics and Automation Building I, Office 204 Vas. Sophias 12, GR-671 32 XANTHI, GREECE Phone: +302541079359 =================================================== -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From hocine.cherifi at Wed Mar 19 05:40:33 2025 From: hocine.cherifi at (Hocine Cherifi) Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2025 10:40:33 +0100 Subject: Connectionists: =?utf-8?q?FRCCS_2025_Workshops_=E2=80=93_Submissi?= =?utf-8?q?on_Deadline_Extended_to_March_30=2C_2025?= Message-ID: The submission deadline for the *workshops at FRCCS 2025* has been extended to *March 30, 2025*. ? *Updated Key Dates:* - *Submission Deadline:* March 30, 2025 (FIRM DEADLINE) - *Notification of Acceptance:* April 17, 2025 - *Camera-Ready Deadline:* April 30, 2025 - *Workshop Dates:* May 21?23, 2025 ? *Workshops at FRCCS 2025 :* - ? *Beauty in Complexity ? A Visual Exhibition* - ? *Complex Networks and Blockchain for Trusted Connectivity * - ? *Complex Network Sparsification * - ? *Decoding Success in Business and Economics * - ? *Complex Systems in Biological Growth and Morphogenesis * - ? *Complex Systems and Artificial Intelligence * - ? *Workshop on Cognitive Biases in ABMs and Agent-Resolved Data * We welcome *full papers (12 pages), short papers (8 pages), and extended abstracts (3-4 pages)*. For more details on individual workshops and submission guidelines, please visit the *FRCCS 2025 Website* Feel free to share this announcement with your colleagues and networks. Join us at COMPLEX NETWORKS 2025 *-------------------------* Hocine CHERIFI University of Burgundy Franche-Comt? Laboratoire* I*nterdisciplinaire *C*arnot de *B*ourgogne - ICB UMR 6303 CNRS Editor in Chief Applied Network Science Plos Complex Systems Editorial Board member PLOS One , IEEE ACCESS , Scientific Reports , Journal of Imaging , Quality and Quantity , Computational Social Networks , Complex Systems -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From etsalapati at Wed Mar 19 10:31:47 2025 From: etsalapati at (Eleni Tsalapati) Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2025 16:31:47 +0200 Subject: Connectionists: =?utf-8?q?CALL_FOR_PAPERS=3A_TRUST-AI_=E2=80=93_T?= =?utf-8?q?HE_EUROPEAN_WORKSHOP_ON_TRUSTWORTHY_AI?= Message-ID: *CALL FOR PAPERS: TRUST-AI ? THE EUROPEAN WORKSHOP ON TRUSTWORTHY AI* === Researchers and practitioners on trustworthy AI are invited to submit papers to TRUST-AI, the European Workshop on Trustworthy AI organizes as part of ECAI 2025, Bologna, Italy. The aim of TRUST-AI is to serve as a meeting place to cover the need for exchange and discussion on trustworthy AI. While frameworks for trustworthy AI are rapidly evolving, and trustworthiness requirements for AI are increasingly detailed in guidelines and legislation, it is necessary to establish common understanding and insight into how to realize trustworthy AI in specific business or sociotechnical contexts. This is particularly so following the prominence of trustworthy AI in the AI Act under current implementation in Europe. In response, we invite researchers and practitioners to a European workshop on this topic of substantial academic and practical interest. In the workshop, we will address trustworthy AI from a human-centred perspective over the lifetime of the AI system. We take a starting point in trustworthy AI grounded in an AI risk management approach, as recommended in frameworks such as those by NIST and ENISA and promoted in legislation such as the European AI Act. Furthermore, we consider trustworthy AI as spanning the technical attributes of the AI system, its impact from a business perspective, and its compliance with ethical and legal requirements, its philosophical ethics foundation, and a range of methodological and technical approaches are needed to adequately assess and optimize the trustworthiness of an AI system. *LOCATION:* Bologna, Italy ? as part of ECAI 2025 *DATE:* October 25 or 26 (to be decided by ECAI 2025 program committee) *WORKSHOP FORMAT:* On-site attendance *SUBMISSION DEADLINE:* July 25 *WEBSITE:* *SUBMISSION CATEGORIES* Participants are invited to submit position or short papers to be presented at the workshop. Papers should address one of the workshop topic areas. *POSITION PAPERS (2-4 pages):* Papers presenting a specific position or open questions in need of reflection or discussion. Could also include case experiences or planned research. Length should be no more than 5.000-10.000 characters. *SHORT PAPERS (5-9 pages):* Papers presenting theoretical contributions, case experiences, or findings from empirical studies. Could also include work in progress. Length should be 12.500-22.500 characters. *PROCESSING OF SUBMISSIONS* Submissions will be reviewed by three independent reviewers. The review process is single blind, meaning that author information is included in the submissions. Accepted position papers are published at the workshop website. Accepted short papers are published in a CEUR Workshop Proceedings ( Through the processing of the submissions, specific themes in need of reflection and discussion at the workshop will be identified. *DATES OF NOTE* - *July 25:* Submission deadline - *August 25:* Author notification - *September 25:* Final version of papers - *October 25 or 26:* Workshop *KEY TOPICS OF INTEREST* TRUST-AI aims for needed reflection and discussion of trustworthy AI as it is manifested in research projects and case studies in. Specifically, we encourage participants to contribute on the following topic areas: - *Assessment of trustworthy AI:* Methods, tools, and best practices for trustworthiness assessment. - Human-centered trustworthy AI: How to incorporate user perspectives and values in assessment and optimization of trustworthy AI. How to manage conflicting priorities between different stakeholders. - *Risk Management for Trustworthy AI:* Frameworks for identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks associated with AI trustworthiness. - *Technological Advancements for Trustworthy AI:* Emerging technologies to support the development, deployment, and verification of trustworthy AI. - *The Ethical Basis of Trustworthy AI:* Reflections on the ethical foundations of trustworthy AI, its principles and values. - *Trustworthy AI and the AI Act:* Legal requirements for Trustworthy AI and means to assess and support compliance. - *Navigating Ethical and Legal Requirements for Trustworthy AI:* How AI can satisfy legal and ethical requirements. Distinctions and similarities between trustworthy AI as an ethical concept and AI as compliant with legal requirements. - *Trustworthiness Optimization throughout the AI Lifecycle:* How to ensure and maintain trustworthiness throughout AI development and deployment. - *Steps Towards Certification Programmes for Trustworthy AI:* Testing methods and proposals for compliance requirements *ORGANIZERS* The organising committee of TRUST-AI includes: - Asbj?rn F?lstad, SINTEF, Norway - Dimitris Apostolou, ICCS & University of Pireus, Greece - Steve Taylor, University of Southampton, UK - Andrea Palumbo, KU Leuven, Belgium - Eleni Tsalapati, ATC, Greece - Giannis Stamatellos, Institute of Philosophy & Technology, Greece - Arnaud Billion, IBM France Lab, France - Rosario Catelli, Engineering, Italy -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From zk240 at Wed Mar 19 12:21:19 2025 From: zk240 at (Zoe Kourtzi) Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2025 16:21:19 +0000 Subject: Connectionists: Positions in NeuroAI, Univ of Cambridge, UK Message-ID: A Postdoc or Research Assistant position in NeuroAI is available at the Adaptive Brain Lab (, University of Cambridge, UK. Interested in combing computational approaches with multimodal data to understand brain and behavior and build tools for personalized diagnosis and intervention in brain and mental health disorders? Join @CambridgeABL. Apply by April 6th 2025: to join our cross-disciplinary team of neuroscientists, computer scientists, engineers and clinicians. For Informal enquiries please contact Prof Zoe Kourtzi (zk240 at with CV and brief statement of background skills and research interests. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From antonino.furnari at Wed Mar 19 09:59:38 2025 From: antonino.furnari at (Antonino Furnari) Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2025 13:59:38 +0000 Subject: Connectionists: [CFP] ICIAP 2025 - 23RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IMAGE ANALYSIS AND PROCESSING - SECOND ROUND SUBMISSION IS OPEN - DEADLINE 15th APRIL In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: ICIAP 2025 - 23RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON IMAGE ANALYSIS AND PROCESSING - CALL FOR PAPERS ? SECOND ROUND SUBMISSION IS OPEN ? DEADLINE 15th APRIL You are invited to submit papers to the 23rd International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing - ICIAP 2025, which will be held in Rome on 15th - 19th September 2025. AIM AND SCOPE ICIAP 2025 (International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing) is the 23rd edition of a series of conferences organized every two years by CVPL, the Italian Member Society of the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR). The focus of the conference is on both classic and recent trends in computer vision, pattern recognition and image processing, and covers both theoretical and application aspects, with particular emphasis on the following topics: * Video Analysis and Understanding * Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning * Deep Learning * Multiview Geometry and 3D Computer Vision * Image Analysis, Detection, and Recognition * Multimedia * Biomedical and Assistive Technology * Digital Forensics and Biometrics * Image Processing for Cultural Heritage * Robot and Vision * Brave New Ideas * AI and science * X-Realities * Embedded Vision The conference will be held in Rome, Italy on 15-19th September, 2025. The conference aims to serve as a stimulating discussion forum for researchers to meet, present their work, and exchange ideas, including oral and poster sessions, and offering invited keynote talks by distinguished speakers. The conference will also include satellite workshops and tutorials. IMPORTANT DATES Second round paper submission & notification: * Submission: 15 April 2025 * Notification to Authors: 15 June 2025 Conference: * Main conference: 17th - 19th September 2025 * Workshop and Tutorials: 15th - 16th September 2025 SUBMISSION All submissions will be handled electronically via the conference?s CMT Website: Please find more information on author guidelines and templates here: The maximum number of pages is 12 including references. Papers will be selected through a double-blind review process, taking into account originality, significance, clarity, soundness, relevance and technical contents. Each submission will be managed by an Area Chair and reviewed by at least three reviewers. Accepted papers will be included in the ICIAP 2025 Conference Proceedings, which will be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series (LNCS). INVITED SPEAKERS * Prof. Zeynep Akata, University of Tuebingen, Germany * Prof. Michael Bronstein, University of Oxford, United Kingdom * Prof. Francesco Locatello, ISTA, Austria * Dr. Vittorio Ferrari, Synthesia, United Kingdom ORGANIZERS General Chairs: * Emanuele Rodol?, Sapienza University of Rome * Iacopo Masi, Sapienza University of Rome * Fabio Galasso, Sapienza University of Rome Technical Program Chairs: * Marco Cristani, University of Verona, Italy * Paolo Soda, Universit? Campus Bio-Medico di Roma * Luisa Verdoliva, Universit? degli Studi di Napoli Federico II * Philippos Mordohai, Stevens Institute of Technology Workshop Chairs: * Giovanni Maria Farinella, Universit? di Catania, Italy * Silvia Zuffi, IMATI-CNR, Italy Tutorial Chairs: * Zorah Laehner, University of Siegen * Alessio Del Bue, Italian Institute of Technology Special Session Chair: * Cosimo Distante, Institute of Applied Sciences and Intelligent Systems, CNR, Italy Industrial Chairs: * Simone Scardapane, Sapienza University, Italy * Ignas Budvytis, University of Cambridge, UK Publicity and Social Media Chair: * Antonino Furnari, University of Catania, Italy Publication Chairs: * Danilo Avola, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy Web Chair: * Daniele Pannone, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy Local Arrangement Chairs: * Danilo Avola, Sapienza University of Rome * Daniele Pannone, Sapienza University of Rome * Daniele Trappolini, Sapienza University of Rome * Paolo Mandica, Sapienza University of Rome * Luca Scofano, Sapienza University of Rome * Antonio D'Orazio, Sapienza University of Rome CVPL Relation Chair: * Luigi Cinque, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy CONTACTS info at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From horacio.g.rotstein at Wed Mar 19 17:42:51 2025 From: horacio.g.rotstein at (Rotstein, Horacio G) Date: Wed, 19 Mar 2025 17:42:51 -0400 Subject: Connectionists: Postdoc positions in the NJIT Mathematical and Computational Biosciences Collective Message-ID: Research at the interface of theory/computations & experiments *Position Summary:* Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in the field of mathematical and computational biology in the recently created Mathematical & Computational Biosciences Collective (MCBC) at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. The position is initially for one year, with the possibility of renewal for up to three years, subject to satisfactory performance and the availability of funding. The start date is September 1, 2025, or earlier. *Essential Functions:* Conduct research in mathematical and computational biology at the interface of theory and experiments, take part in seminars, group meetings, journal clubs, help mentor students, and other research activities of the MCBC and the associated Departments of Mathematical and Biological Sciences. The ideal candidate would have an interest in building successful interactions with experimental scientists and experience in one or more of the following areas: (i) neuroscience, (ii) systems biology / biochemical systems, (iii) collective behavior, and (iv) machine learning / artificial intelligence. The successful candidate will be co-mentored by a theorist and an experimentalist and will have the opportunity to interact with researchers in the pharmaceutical industry, IBM Research, and other industrial partners. In addition to research duties, the Postdoctoral Fellow might have the opportunity to teach one course per semester, subject to availability. *Prerequisite Qualifications:* A candidate should hold a PhD in the areas of applied mathematics, computer science, data science, quantitative biology, or other relevant disciplines. *How to Apply:* Please email (1) a cover letter with a brief research statement, (2) a CV, and (3) names and email addresses of three references to Profs. Casey Diekman (diekman at and Horacio G. Rotstein (horacio at, with the subject line ?MCBC Postdoctoral Fellow Application?. -- -- Horacio, NY/NJ area. "Az di bobe volt gehat beytsim volt zi geven mayn zeide" (Yiddish expression) Horacio G. Rotstein, PhD (he/they) Professor Mathematical Biology & Computational Neuroscience BioDatanamics Lab Federated Department of Biological Sciences Rutgers University / New Jersey Institute of Technology Newark, NJ, 07102, USA. Graduate Faculty Behavioral Neurosciences Program Rutgers University (NWK) tel: (1-973) 596-8460 e-mail: horacio at horacior at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From emergingtechnetwork.publicity at Wed Mar 19 19:41:27 2025 From: emergingtechnetwork.publicity at (=?UTF-8?Q?Gizem_G=C3=BCltekin_Varkonyi?=) Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2025 02:41:27 +0300 Subject: Connectionists: The 11th International Workshop on Internet of Things: Networking Applications and Technologies (IoTNAT 2025), Tampa, Florida, USA. May 19-22, 2025 Message-ID: [Apologies if you got multiple copies of this invitation] The 11th International Workshop on Internet of Things: Networking Applications and Technologies (IoTNAT 2025) Tampa, Florida, USA. May 19-22, 2025 Co-located with The 10th IEEE International Conference on Fog and Mobile Edge Computing (FMEC 2025) Technically Co-Sponsored by IEEE Florida West Coast Section *IoTNAT 2025 CFP:* The Internet of Things (IoT) technology offers unprecedented opportunities to interconnect human beings as well as Machine-to-Machine (M2M), whereby sensors and networks allow all ?things? to communicate directly with each other to share vital information allowing us to have an instrumented universe where accurate data is readily available to inform optimal decision making. The IoT is about to enable a range of new capabilities and services far beyond today?s offerings. It will fundamentally change how people go about their lives. According to Gartner, the number of objects connected to the Internet is set to reach more than 20 billion by 2025. Cisco estimates the number will be close to 26 billion objects by 2023. Others believe the actual number will be even higher with the assumption that any object with a simple microcontroller and on-off switch will be connected to the Internet in the near future. The scale of the IoT is set to have major economic, social and environmental impacts; the intersection of which forms the future sustainable growth. The International Workshop on Internet of Things: Networking Applications and Technologies (IoTNAT 2024) Symposium will be held in conjunction with The 9th International Conference on Fog and Mobile Edge Computing (FMEC 2024). The IoTNAT 2024 Symposium aims at soliciting original ideas on the broad area of IoT including challenges and opportunities, concepts and applications and future trends. The Symposium aims to facilitate discussions among academics and IoT practitioners and make positive contributions to the field. Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished manuscripts. Submitted papers should be in accordance with IEEE format, and will be reviewed by at least two expert reviewers in terms of relevance, originality, contribution, correctness, and presentation. The topics of interest include but are not limited to: ? Emerging concepts of IoT ? Design methodologies for IoT ? Novel services and applications of IoT to facilitate environmental responsibility ? Green by Internet of Things ? IoT and Social benefits/impact ? IoT Economics ? Emerging Internet of Things business models and process changes ? Communication systems and network architectures for the IoT ? IoT and Data Management ? Security and privacy of IoT ? Reliability of IoT ? Disaster recovery in IoT ? Applications of Internet of things ? Emerging applications and interaction paradigms for everyday citizens ? Big data and IoT ? Self-organizing IoT ? Cloud Computing and IoT ? IoT and sustainable Growth *Submissions Guidelines and Proceedings* Manuscripts should be prepared in 10-point font using the IEEE 8.5" x 11" two-column format. All papers should be in PDF format, and submitted electronically at Paper Submission Link. A full paper can be up to 6 pages (including all figures, tables and references). Submitted papers must present original unpublished research that is not currently under review for any other conference or journal. Papers not following these guidelines may be rejected without review. Also submissions received after the due date, exceeding length limit, or not appropriately structured may also not be considered. Authors may contact the Program Chair for further information or clarification. All submissions are peer-reviewed by at least three reviewers. Accepted papers will appear in the FMEC Proceeding, and be published by the IEEE Computer Society Conference Publishing Services and be submitted to IEEE Xplore for inclusion. *Important Dates:* - *Paper submission deadline: March 23rd 2025 (Firm and Final)* - Notification of acceptance: April 7th, 2025 - Camera-ready Submission: April 21st, 2025 *Contact:* Please send any inquiry on FMEC to Sadi Alawadi at: Sadi.alawadi at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ludovico.montalcini at Thu Mar 20 05:32:09 2025 From: ludovico.montalcini at (Ludovico Montalcini) Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2025 10:32:09 +0100 Subject: Connectionists: LOD 2025 Call for papers: 11th International Conference on Learning, Optimization and Data - LOD 2025, 21-24 September, Riva del Sole Resort & SPA, Castiglione della Pescaia (Grosseto) Tuscany, Italy -> Submission Deadline: March 23 In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Dear Colleague, Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement. Please kindly help forward it to potentially interested authors/attendees, thanks. The 11th International Conference on Learning, Optimization and Data - LOD 2025, 21-24 September, Riva del Sole Resort & SPA, Castiglione della Pescaia (Grosseto) Tuscany, Italy LOD 2025, An Interdisciplinary Conference: Deep Learning, Foundation Models & Artificial Intelligence without Borders lod at SATELLITE EVENT: 3rd International Meeting on Foundation Models - IMFM2025 PAPERS SUBMISSION: All papers must be submitted using EasyChair: *Paper Submission deadline: March 23 (Anywhere on Earth)* CALL FOR PAPERS: Please prepare your paper using the Springer Nature - Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) template. Papers must be submitted in PDF. TYPES OF SUBMISSIONS: When submitting a paper to LOD 2025, authors are required to select one of the following three types of papers: * long paper / Late breaking paper: original novel and unpublished work (min. 12 pages, max. 15 pages in Springer LNCS format); the long papers and the late breaking papers, if accepted, will be published in the Springer-Nature LNCS conference proceedings; * short paper: an extended abstract of novel work (min. 6 pages, max. 11 pages in Springer LNCS format); the short papers, if accepted, will be published in the Springer-Nature LNCS conference proceedings; * work for oral presentation only (no page restriction; any format). For example, work already published elsewhere, which is relevant, and which may solicit fruitful discussion at the conference; LOD 2025 KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: TBA PAST LOD KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: BEST PAPER AWARD: PROGRAM COMMITTEE: 200+ confirmed PC members! VENUE: The venue of LOD 2025 will be Riva del Sole Resort & SPA, Castiglione della Pescaia (Grosseto) Tuscany - Italy. LOD 2025 is a Residential Conference, all participants (invited speakers, authors, organizers, chairs, participants) must book and stay at the Riva del Sole Resort and Spa. No exceptions are allowed. Riva del Sole Resort & SPA a: Localit? Riva del Sole - Castiglione della Pescaia (Grosseto, CAP 58043? Tuscany - Italy p: +39-0564-928111 f: +39-0564-935607 e: at w: ACTIVITIES: Submit your research work today! See you in the beautiful Tuscany in September! Best regards, LOD 2025 Organizing Committee. lod at Past Editions: LOD2025 Poster: Obviously, this is only a Call for Papers, to have complete and updated information we recommend you access the relevant website: * Apologies for multiple copies. Please forward to anybody who might be interested * -- -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From maria.pavlovic at Thu Mar 20 07:10:49 2025 From: maria.pavlovic at (Pavlovic, Maria) Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2025 11:10:49 +0000 Subject: Connectionists: =?windows-1252?q?REMINDER_=96_Application_deadlin?= =?windows-1252?q?e_approaching_for_the_Systems_Vision_Science_Summer_Scho?= =?windows-1252?q?ol=3A_Aug=2E_11-22=2C_2025_in_Tuebingen=2C_Germany?= In-Reply-To: References: , , <>, <>, <>, , Message-ID: <> Systems Vision Science Summer School & Symposium: Aug. 11-22, 2025 in T?bingen, Germany -------------------------------- REMINDER ? SUMMER SCHOOL APPLICATION DEADLINE MARCH 31, 2025! -------------------------------- Applications are invited for our third edition of Systems Vision Science (SVS) summer school since 2023, designed for everyone interested in gaining a systems level understanding of biological vision. We plan a coherent, graduate-level, syllabus on the integration of experimental data with theory and models, featuring lectures, guided exercises and discussion sessions. The summer school will end with a Systems Vision Science symposium on frontier topics on August 20-22, with additional invited and contributed presentations and posters. All summer school participants are invited to attend, and welcome to submit contributions to the symposium. -------------------------------- Invited lecturers and speakers include: Marco Bertamini, David Brainard, Peter Dayan, Andrea van Doorn, Roland Fleming, Pascal Fries, Wilson S Geisler, Robbe Goris, Sheng He, Tadashi Isa, Tomas Knapen, Jan Koenderink, Larry Maloney, Keith May, Marcello Rosa, Jonathan Victor, Li Zhaoping. We are pleased to announce our symposium's keynote speaker: Tadashi Isa, on the topic of blindsight in monkeys. The keynote speech will be on August 20, 2025. -------------------------------- Please find the application procedure here and apply by March 31, 2025. Click here if you ONLY want to participate in the symposium. Check out our webpage to find more out about the program, our invited lecturers/speakers, and other details. Please direct inquiries to svs.summerschool at -------------------------------- Organizing team: Li Zhaoping Maria Pavlovic Junhao Liang Vladislav Aksiotis Ali Gholamzadeh Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics University of Tuebingen -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From stmanion at Thu Mar 20 10:04:38 2025 From: stmanion at (Sean Manion) Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2025 10:04:38 -0400 Subject: Connectionists: Scientia Machina - Grand Challenge and Call for Papers Message-ID: We've published a new Grand Challenge paper at Frontiers: "Scientia machina: a proposed conceptual framework for a technology-accelerated system of biomedical science" This includes a call to action and call for papers. The call to action for this Grand Challenge is to: a) Consider the core elements of what we need to maintain and continue to elevate from our past and current successful biomedical research and knowledge translation effort, along with areas where those efforts have been flawed, corrupt, or unsuccessful. b) Critique (and adjust or replace as needed) the Scientia Machina framework proposed here as the backbone for the layers of trust that are the core elements to be maintained as we continue to bring new technologies into biomedical research to accelerate and improve science. c) Capture and assess those current pilots to apply emerging technology?especially within AI (complex information processing) and DeSci (automated governance, auditing, and/or incentivization) as umbrella categories for these efforts?and place them in the context of a broader framework of what we are trying to achieve with biomedical research. d) Conceptualize gaps in our current efforts along with bridges from the current status quo to the desired future that may give us a better chance of success at transformational change to the systems of biomedical research and knowledge translation. e) Communicate all aspects of the above areas in appropriate venues of biology, medicine, technology, and policy. This includes formal submissions of manuscripts on any related topics to this journal section and its partnered sections as appropriate. The call for related papers is here: Cheers! Sean -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From stmanion at Thu Mar 20 10:04:38 2025 From: stmanion at (Sean Manion) Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2025 10:04:38 -0400 Subject: Connectionists: Scientia Machina - Grand Challenge and Call for Papers Message-ID: We've published a new Grand Challenge paper at Frontiers: "Scientia machina: a proposed conceptual framework for a technology-accelerated system of biomedical science" This includes a call to action and call for papers. The call to action for this Grand Challenge is to: a) Consider the core elements of what we need to maintain and continue to elevate from our past and current successful biomedical research and knowledge translation effort, along with areas where those efforts have been flawed, corrupt, or unsuccessful. b) Critique (and adjust or replace as needed) the Scientia Machina framework proposed here as the backbone for the layers of trust that are the core elements to be maintained as we continue to bring new technologies into biomedical research to accelerate and improve science. c) Capture and assess those current pilots to apply emerging technology?especially within AI (complex information processing) and DeSci (automated governance, auditing, and/or incentivization) as umbrella categories for these efforts?and place them in the context of a broader framework of what we are trying to achieve with biomedical research. d) Conceptualize gaps in our current efforts along with bridges from the current status quo to the desired future that may give us a better chance of success at transformational change to the systems of biomedical research and knowledge translation. e) Communicate all aspects of the above areas in appropriate venues of biology, medicine, technology, and policy. This includes formal submissions of manuscripts on any related topics to this journal section and its partnered sections as appropriate. The call for related papers is here: Cheers! Sean -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From maria.m.hedblom at Thu Mar 20 09:30:31 2025 From: maria.m.hedblom at (Maria Hedblom) Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2025 14:30:31 +0100 Subject: Connectionists: 1st cfp: ISD9@JOWO: The 9th Image Schema Day, 8-9 2025, Catania, Italy Message-ID: *(Apologies for potential cross-posting.)* Call for Abstracts and Papers The 9th Image Schema Day (ISD9) at The Joint Ontology Workshops (JOWO) September 8-9, Catania, Italy The Image Schema Day is a yearly workshop devoted to conceptual reasoning from an interdisciplinary perspective. We have had eight previous editions and are excited to invite you to the ninth edition! This year, the workshop will take place in the beautiful city of Catania, Italy, next to Europe's largest active volcano *Etna*, on September 8-9th, 2025. The ISD9 will be part of The International Conference of Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FOIS)'s workshop program The Joint Ontology Workshops (JOWO). Check more information on the workshop website at: As in previous years, ISD9 is a networking event that invites researchers on image schemas, conceptual primitives and spatiotemporal reasoning from various scientific disciplines to present their research and discuss ideas for future projects. Unlike many other workshops focused on different topics in one discipline or using one methodology, the Image Schema Day invites researchers from all disciplines and methods but focuses on one main topic. As such the workshop offers a friendly environment for researchers of all stages who are interested in presenting and discussing work on the formal and analytical treatment of conceptual patterns, embodied cognition and the interdisciplinary exploration of human thought! This year, the workshop accepts four kinds of submissions: - Abstracts for presentation only (1-2 pages) - *(NOTE: not included in the proceedings.)* - Extended abstracts/short papers (5-9 pages) of work in progress - Summaries of recently published articles (2-5 pages). - *(NOTE: only summaries of 5 pages are included in the proceedings.)* - Research papers (10-12 pages) discussing novel research not published (or under review) at another venue. Topics of interest with (the broadest of interpretation of) an image-schematic focus include: - Image schema investigations - Spatiotemporal reasoning - Formalisation of conceptual primitives - AI/robot systems using image schematic components - Linguistic analysis of semantic patterns - Artistic systems/pieces based on composition semantics - Cognitive/empirical studies on conceptual patterns - Metaphoric/analogical analysis of concepts All submissions will be peer-reviewed and accepted contributions will be presented at the workshop! Extended abstracts (5+ pages) and full papers will be published in the JOWO'25 proceedings. Submission instructions can be found on the event website. Important dates: - Abstract/Title submission deadline: 25 May, 2025 - Paper submission deadline: 1 June, 2025 - Notification of acceptance: 14 July, 2025 - Camera-ready version (strict!): 1 September, 2025 - Workshop dates: 8-9 September, 2025 Please share this invitation with colleagues and students who might be interested in the workshop and consider joining us in September! We hope to see you in Catania at ISD9! / Maria and Oliver -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Ella.StriemAmit at Thu Mar 20 13:24:47 2025 From: Ella.StriemAmit at (Ella Striem-Amit) Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2025 13:24:47 -0400 Subject: Connectionists: Fwd: GU-TUM Neuroengineering summer school "Neuroengineering for Return to Function" (application deadline 4/8/2025) In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: (Sorry for any cross-posting) ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Center for Neuroengineering Date: Wed, Mar 19, 2025 at 9:42?AM Subject: GU-TUM Neuroengineering summer school "Neuroengineering for Return to Function" *3rd annual GU-TUM Neuroengineering Summer School ( )* *Georgetown University* *Washington, DC* *June 16-20, 2025* *Application deadline: April 8, 2025* The Georgetown-TUM Summer Schools in Neuroengineering started in 2023 with the rollout of the Center for Neuroengineering (CNE) and the first summer school at Georgetown, followed by the ?TUM-GU Summer School in Neuroengineering? at the Technical University of Munich, Germany in 2024. This year?s edition is back at Georgetown University in Washington, DC. The theme is ?Neuroengineering for Restoration to Function?, highlighting ways in which neuroengineering approaches can aid in restoring function after injury- or disease-related impairment. The goal of neuroengineering is to apply engineering principles and techniques to understand, repair, replace, and enhance the nervous system. The interdisciplinary nature of the field requires a close collaboration between neuroscientists (spanning approaches from cellular to cognitive) and engineers (including biomedical, computer science, electrical, mechanical?), and the goal of the summer school is to bring together students (from advanced undergraduate to graduate), postdocs and faculty from all these areas. After the great response to the pre-summer school workshops in Munich last year, this summer school for the first time includes a number of workshops. Summer school participants will work in small groups and gain hands-on experience in solving neuroengineering-related problems. In addition, as in previous years, there will be a range of talks from speakers in the CNE alliance (GU, TUM, Lawrence Livermore National Labs) and other institutions, discussion panels (on ?the future of neuroengineering in the clinic? and ?neuroethics?), as well as social activities. Get ready for an exciting week! Applications using the *online form* are due April 8. Participation fees are $50 and scholarships can be provided. Breakfasts and lunches are included. Participants are responsible for travel to DC as well as housing (note that we have reserved housing in on-campus dorms). If you have questions about the summer school, please contact *neuroengineering at* . We hope to see you in DC! -- CNE Team Georgetown University 202-687-3730 -- -- *Ella Striem-Amit (she/her)* Sensory and Motor Plasticity (SAMP) Lab Edwin H. Richard and Elisabeth Richard Assistant Professor Department of Neuroscience Georgetown University Medical Center 3970 Reservoir Rd., NW Washington, DC 20007 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: cne-poster-2025.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 1877298 bytes Desc: not available URL: From suashdeb at Thu Mar 20 12:01:36 2025 From: suashdeb at (Suash Deb) Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2025 21:31:36 +0530 Subject: Connectionists: ISCMI 2025 ( Rio deJaneiro) - Submission deadline 3 months away Message-ID: Dear esteemed colleagues, Warmest greetings. Hope you are doing well. This is to let you know that the deadline for submissions of manuscripts for 2025 12th ISCMI, to be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil is exactly 3 months away I solicit your help in alerting your peers and doctoral students and motivate them accordingly. Will look forward to receiving a few quality manuscripts from you/your peers for ISCMI25. Thank you and with best regards, Suash Deb General Chair, ISCMI 2025 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From XIQUAN_CUI at HOMEDEPOT.COM Thu Mar 20 14:01:30 2025 From: XIQUAN_CUI at HOMEDEPOT.COM (Cui, Xiquan) Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2025 18:01:30 +0000 Subject: Connectionists: CFP: KDD 2025 Workshop on Online and Adaptive Recommender Systems (OARS) Message-ID: KDD 2025 Workshop on Online and Adaptive Recommender Systems (OARS) Call For Papers ================== KDD OARS is a half day workshop taking place on August 6th, 2025 in conjunction with KDD 2025 in Toronro, Ontario, Canada. Workshop website: Important Dates: ================== - Submissions Due - May 8th, 2025 - Notification - June 8th, 2025 - Camera Ready Version of Papers Due - July 6th, 2025 - Workshop Day - August 6th, 2025 Details: ================== The international workshop on Online and Adaptive Recommender Systems (OARS) will serve as a platform for publication and discussion of OARS. It will bring together practitioners and researchers from academia and industry to discuss the challenges and new approaches to implement OARS algorithms and systems and improve user experiences by better modeling and responding to user intent. We invite submission of papers and posters, representing original research, new position and opinion, preliminary results, proposals for new tools, datasets, and resources. All submitted papers will be single-blind and will be peer reviewed by an international program committee of researchers of high repute. Accepted submissions will be presented at the workshop. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: ==================================== * (multi-modal) LLMs in RecSys (2025 special theme) * Conversational and interactive RecSys using LLMs * Humanized and adaptive recommendation experiences with LLMs * Enhance product understanding and representation using LLMs * Improve the generalization and relevancy of RecSys via LLMs * LLM backboned RecSys * Improve the explanation and reasoning of RecSys via LLMs * Evaluation of RecSys using LLMs * Scaling LLMs in RecSys * Evaluation for embedding, ranking, and other services * New algorithms and paradigms (foundation models, deep learning, reinforcement learning, online learning etc.) * New use cases (product, content, fashion/decor, job, healthy lifestyle, interactive/conversational recommendations, etc.) * New user modeling and representations (real-time user intent/style/taste modeling, combine with long term interest, incorporation of knowledge graph) * New product understanding and representation methodologies * New architecture and infrastructure (RAG and similar architectures, novel and scalable deep learning architectures, steaming and event-driven processing, etc.) * New evaluations and explanations methods (evaluation, comparison, explanation of OARS for a recommendation task, off-policy and counterfactual evaluation, etc.) * New social and user impact areas (UX, welfare, objectives of OARS, privacy and ethics considerations, etc.) Submission Instructions: ================== All papers will be peer reviewed (single-blind) by the program committee and judged by their relevance to the workshop, especially to the main themes identified above, and their potential to generate discussion. All submissions must be formatted according to the ACM Conference Proceeding templates (two column format). Submissions must describe work that is not previously published, not accepted for publication elsewhere, and not currently under review elsewhere. All submissions must be in English. Please note that at least one of the authors of each accepted paper must register for the workshop and present the paper in-person. Submissions to KDD OARS workshop should be made at ORGANIZERS: ================== Xiquan Cui The Home Depot, USA Derek Zhiyuan Cheng Google, USA Fei Liu Emory University, USA Tao Ye Amazon, USA Julian McAuley UCSD, USA Vachik Dave Walmart Labs, USA Stephen Guo Indeed, USA Contact: Please direct all your queries to xiquan_cui at for help. Xiquan Cui Senior Manager of Online Data Science xiquan_cui at Office: (770)433-8211 x80588 The Home Depot 320 Interstate North Pkwy SE, Atlanta, GA 30339 ________________________________ The information in this Internet Email is confidential and may be legally privileged. It is intended solely for the addressee. Access to this Email by anyone else is unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it, is prohibited and may be unlawful. When addressed to our clients any opinions or advice contained in this Email are subject to the terms and conditions expressed in any applicable governing The Home Depot terms of business or client engagement letter. The Home Depot disclaims all responsibility and liability for the accuracy and content of this attachment and for any damages or losses arising from any inaccuracies, errors, viruses, e.g., worms, trojan horses, etc., or other items of a destructive nature, which may be contained in this attachment and shall not be liable for direct, indirect, consequential or special damages in connection with this e-mail message or its attachment. INTERNAL USE -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lilia-del-carmen.MENA-GOMEZ at Fri Mar 21 07:21:04 2025 From: lilia-del-carmen.MENA-GOMEZ at (MENA GOMEZ Lilia del carmen) Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2025 11:21:04 +0000 Subject: Connectionists: =?windows-1252?q?Explore_Language_and_the_Brain_?= =?windows-1252?q?=96_ILCB_Summer_School_2025_Applications_Now_Open?= Message-ID: <> Join Us at the ILCB Summer School 2025 ! We are excited to announce that applications for the 8th edition of the Institute of Language, Communication, and the Brain (ILCB) Summer School 2025 are now open! Dates: Monday, September 1st ? Friday, September 5th, 2025 Venue: Centre International de Rencontres Math?matiques (CIRM), Parc National des Calanques, Marseille, France Program Highlights In this edition, participants will be able to choose from a variety of theoretical and methodological five-day courses covering different aspects of language processing (e.g., linguistic theories, language and cognition, language pathologies, language development), computational modelling, neural basis of language processing, and statistics. The courses will be complemented by eight presentations of cutting-edge research from our Institute and two keynote sessions by international speakers. We welcome participants from relevant backgrounds and at different career stages (PhD, Postdoc, Academics, and, exceptionally, excellent Master?s students). Key Details: * Tuition Fee: ?250 * Expenses: Participants must cover their travel, accommodation, and meals * Application Deadline: Friday, May 23, 2025 (anywhere on Earth) * Application & Program Details: Apply now to secure your spot: Join us in Marseille for an immersive learning experience at the ILCB Summer School 2025! Lilia MENA Project Manager Institute of language, communication & the brain (ILCB) [] Campus Aix-en-Provence, 5 Avenue Pasteur, 13100 Aix-en-Provence C lilia-del-carmen.MENA-GOMEZ at W Remote work every Monday + 1 floating day. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: OutlookEmoji- Type: image/png Size: 8070 bytes Desc: OutlookEmoji- URL: From luca.raggioli at Fri Mar 21 04:42:27 2025 From: luca.raggioli at (Luca Raggioli) Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2025 09:42:27 +0100 Subject: Connectionists: cAESAR Workshop @ UMAP25 - Call For Papers Message-ID: <34F7CA14-7FA3-F84A-B7BD-A2734399BA53@hxcore.ol> An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From a.villavicencio at Fri Mar 21 05:35:55 2025 From: a.villavicencio at (Aline Villavicencio) Date: Fri, 21 Mar 2025 09:35:55 +0000 Subject: Connectionists: =?utf-8?q?PhD_Studentship_at_University_of_Exeter?= =?utf-8?q?_=28UK=29_and_the_Universit=C3=A9_Paris_Saclay_=28France=29=3A_?= =?utf-8?q?_Multimodal_and_Multilingual_models_for_Multiword_Language_Proc?= =?utf-8?q?essing?= Message-ID: <> Dear all, We have a fully funded PhD studentship to work on the project Multimodal and Multilingual models for Multiword Language Processing as a joint PhD between the University of Exeter (UK) and the Universit? Paris Saclay (France). Supervisors: Aline Villavicencio, Agata Savary, Mich?le Gouiffes and Rodrigo Wilkens. Deadline for expressions of interest: March 28, 2025 Applications are done via this page Once these have been supported the deadline for applications is March 31, 2025 Please contact if you're interested via this email: mmmweproject at All the best, Aline ---------------------------------------------------- Aline Villavicencio (she/her) Professor in Natural Language Processing Director of the Institute for?Data?Science?and Artificial?Intelligence , University of Exeter (UK) and University of Sheffield (UK) ---------------- Multimodal and Multilingual models for Multiword Language Processing Idiomatic and multiword expressions (MWE) along with domain specific (multiword) terminology and metaphors pose concrete challenges for models in various tasks (e.g., generation, reasoning, sentiment analysis, machine translation) because their meanings are often not directly linked to the meanings of the individual words that form them (Sag et al. 2002). These expressions are often conventional ways of expressing and compressing the knowledge of a particular domain or language community, and may be more familiar than their paraphrases or synonyms to native speakers, and are a mark of fluency for non-native speakers. Comparisons between human and language model preference, including large language models (LLMs), reveal that these models still lag behind human level understanding of idiomatic expressions (He et al. 2025). Moreover, when different modalities are involved, their complementarity may facilitate disambiguation. However, it is important to ensure accurate understanding across modalities (e.g. treating an expression as idiomatic in both text and images). This project aims to assess how well models handle idiomatic expressions by integrating multimodal inputs, specifically visual and textual data, and seeking to address model shortcomings by taking into account visual and visual-temporal modalities rather than relying on a single modality. With this project, we aim to address idiom and figurative understanding by evaluating models on their ability to represent their meanings and precisely employ them as part of their generative abilities. This project is also aligned with the UniDive Cost Action by advancing the generation of data in multiple languages and evaluating models on idiom understanding tasks across various languages. It is also linked to the SemEval 2025 AdMIRe Shared Task. This project involves a joint supervision between the University of Exeter and Universit? Paris Saclay. Deadline for expressions of interest: March 28, 2025 Applications are done via this page Once these have been supported the deadline for applications is March 31, 2025 Best regards, Aline ---------------------------------------------------- Prof. Aline Villavicencio? (she/her) Professor in Natural Language Processing Director of the Institute for?Data?Science?and Artificial?Intelligence , University of Exeter (UK) and Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From announce at Sat Mar 22 05:43:44 2025 From: announce at (Announce) Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2025 09:43:44 +0000 Subject: Connectionists: EDBT 2025: STUDENT GRANTS - FELLOWSHIPS Message-ID: ***************************************************************** STUDENT GRANTS - FELLOWSHIPS - PLEASE FORWARD TO YOUR STUDENTS EDBT 2025 Summer School on AI & Data Management 7th to 11th of July, 2025, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus ***************************************************************** The EDBT 2025 Summer School aims to widen participation by providing a variety of fellowships. Below you can the fellowship programs open for applications and relevant details. More details will be posted here as it becomes available: A) *** Microsoft Fellowships ***: These fellowships are available only to students at U.S. universities and institutes. Applicants must briefly explain why attendance cannot be financed by other means. A limited number of grants will be awarded: -- Half grants cover the registration fee. -- Full grants cover both registration and accommodation. Awards will be based on the applicant's profile, including motivation, research background, and financial need. Applicants are requested to prepare this material in PDF form and share through a URL (e.g., dropbox URL, personal website or some other file sharing tool). A total of approximately 10 Microsoft Fellowships will be available. * Deadline: April 7, 2025 * * Application Process: Please send your application with subject "EDBT 2025 Summer School / US Fellowship Application? to Prof. Panos K. Chrysanthis (University of Pittsburgh, USA) panos at Each application will be confirmed by email. * Notification of acceptance: April 14, 2025 B) More Fellowship programs are anticipated to be announced shortly. ************************************************************** CALL FOR APPLICATIONS EDBT 2025 Summer School on AI & Data Management 7th to 11th of July, 2025, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus APPLICATION DEADLINE: April 7th, 2025! * Registration Open! (Limited Seats of about 60 participants) * Registration Site: * Student Grants will be announced later *************************************************************** The EDBT association and the University of Cyprus are happy to announce a jointly sponsored Summer School on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Management, which will be hosted at the Resource Center "Stelios Ioannou", University of Cyprus, Monday July 7, 2025 to Friday, July 11, 2025. It will cover a diverse range of topics around artificial intelligence and data management, with a special focus on Large Language Models, AI agents and Vector Databases. It will have 9 tutorials from internationally renowned researchers in the field, and several social activities. Each tutorial will be 3 hour long. CONFIRMED SPEAKERS =================== The summer school will feature 9 invited speakers. The preliminary list of speakers along with tentative titles (in order of appearance) is listed below: + Prof. Ioana Manolescu (?cole Polytechnique, France) | "Interconnection of Heterogeneous Data using AI" + Prof. Flora Salim (University of New South Wales, Australia) | "Foundational AI for Time Series and Multimodal Sensors" + Prof. Sihem Amer-Yahia (CNRS, University of Grenoble Alpes, France) | "AI Planning for Data Exploration" + Dr. Charalampos Tsourakakis (RelationalAI & Boston University, USA) | "Algorithmic Techniques in Graph Analytics" | "Machine Learning in Graph Analytics" + Prof. Volker Markl (Technical University of Berlin, Germany) | "Large-scale Data Management in Flink" | "Edge Data Management in NebulaStream" + Prof. Constantine Dovrolis (Georgia Tech, USA & Cyprus Institute, Cyprus) | "Neuro-inspired AI for Continual Learning" | "The New Mathematics of Deep Learning" + Prof. Mohamed F. Mokbel (University of Minnesota, USA) | "Machine Learning for Big Spatial Data and Applications" | "Large Language Models for Spatio-temporal Queries" + Prof. Li Xiong (Emory University, USA) | "Large Language Models and Privacy" + Prof. Cyrus Shahabi (University of Southern California, USA) | "DeepNN for Private Spatiotemporal Queries" | "Synthetic Trajectory Generation" TARGET AUDIENCE =============== The school will be open to about 60 qualified, motivated and pre-selected candidates. The school is primarily intended for graduate (Master?s & PhD) students and post-doctoral researchers, but we also welcome motivated applications from advanced undergraduate students and academic and industrial researchers. There are no formal prerequisites, but prior experience in one or more of the following areas would be helpful for benefiting from the lectures of the school: Data Management, AI & Machine Learning, Data Mining, Informational Retrieval, Parallel and Distributed and Cloud Computing. A certificate of attendance will be provided to all verified attendees. DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION ======================== The EDBT 2025 Summer School on AI & Data Management community is committed to the promotion of diversity, equity and inclusion in all aspects of our professional activities ( We celebrate the diversity in our community and welcome everyone regardless of age, gender identity, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic background, country of origin, religion, sexual orientation, physical ability, education, and work experience. We also welcome people and opinions of all political persuasions, as long as they abide by the ACM policy against harassment. ( STUDENT GRANTS =============== The EDBT 2025 Summer School aims to widen participation by providing a variety of fellowships. Below you can the fellowship programs open for applications and relevant details. More details will be posted here as it becomes available: A) *** Microsoft Fellowships ***: These fellowships are available only to students at U.S. universities and institutes. Applicants must briefly explain why attendance cannot be financed by other means. A limited number of grants will be awarded: -- Half grants cover the registration fee. -- Full grants cover both registration and accommodation. Awards will be based on the applicant's profile, including motivation, research background, and financial need. Applicants are requested to prepare this material in PDF form and share through a URL (e.g., dropbox URL, personal website or some other file sharing tool). A total of approximately 10 Microsoft Fellowships will be available. * Deadline: April 7, 2025 * * Application Process: Please send your application with subject "EDBT 2025 Summer School / US Fellowship Application? to Prof. Panos K. Chrysanthis (University of Pittsburgh, USA) panos at Each application will be confirmed by email. * Notification of acceptance: April 14, 2025 REGISTRATION ============ All Registration options include: + Tutorial Lectures + Coffee Breaks + 5 Lunches + 1 Banquet Dinner + 2 Dinners + Welcome Cocktail (with Snacks) + 1 Tour Trip + Bus from Hotel to Venue (two way). + Registration options with accommodation include Breakfast There are three registration options: + Registration with No Accommodation: 600.00 euro + Registration with (Shared) Twin Room (5 nights): 850.00 euro + Registration with (Private) Single Room (5 nights): 1100.00 euro *** Registration Site: *** IMPORTANT DATES =============== Deadline for applications: Monday, April 7, 2025 Notification of acceptance: Monday, April 14, 2025 Deadline for registration: Monday, April 28, 2025 Summer school: July 7?11, 2025 LOCAL ARRANGEMENT ================== - Venue: - Accommodation: - Special Lufthansa Group airlines fares for flights to Larnaca or Paphos: ORGANIZATION ============ Prof. Demetris Zeinalipour University of Cyprus Prof. Panos K. Chrysanthis University of Cyprus and University of Pittsburgh, USA For academic matters, please contact the organizers at edbt2025summerschool at Local Arrangements Contact: > Help with travel, accommodation and visa issues (if attending outside Europe): - Email: info at - Call us at: +357 22 591 900 -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From idan at Sat Mar 22 09:15:17 2025 From: idan at (Idan Segev) Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2025 15:15:17 +0200 Subject: Connectionists: =?utf-8?q?Neuroscience_Unleashed_Advanced_School?= =?utf-8?b?LCBKdWx5IDIw4oCTMjQsIDIwMjU=?= Message-ID: <> Dear All, We?re excited to announce an upcoming event: Neuroscience Unleashed An advanced school taking place July 20?24, 2025, at the Israel Institute for Advanced Studies (IIAS), Hebrew University of Jerusalem. This immersive program will explore five cutting-edge topics, each presented by leading international experts: Consciousness and its Neural Footprints NeuroAI ? Bridging Brain and Machine Intelligence Brain-Machine Interface Psychedelics & Therapeutics Organoids and Hybrid Brains We invite graduate students and postdocs from around the world to apply by April 19, 2025! Full details & registration: Please help us spread the word ? share with your students, colleagues, labs, and academic or social networks. Our goal is to bring together an outstanding, diverse, and highly engaged group of young researchers. Warm regards, Idan Segev, Christof Koch, and Mickey London ? -- Idan Segev Professor of Computational Neuroscience The Hebrew University Tel: (+972) - 2 - 6585984; Fax:+ (972)- 2- 6586296 Https:// -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: School in Life Sciences_A2 LINK.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 2726353 bytes Desc: not available URL: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From stephan.petrone at Sat Mar 22 18:41:15 2025 From: stephan.petrone at (Stephan Petrone) Date: Sat, 22 Mar 2025 23:41:15 +0100 Subject: Connectionists: [ISC 2025] Intelligent Systems & Decision Making: Humans Insights in the Era of AI @ Catania, Italy Message-ID: Apologies for cross-posting. Appreciate if you can distribute this CFP to your network. ********************************************************************************** ISC 2025 - 3rd International Summer Conference Intelligent Systems & Decision Making: Humans Insight in the Era of AI 19-20 June 2025, Catania, Italy isc2025 at ********************************************************************************** ** Submission deadline: 10th April 2025 ** ** Proceedings in LNCS Volume, Springer ** ** Special issue in IoT - Internet of Things, Elsevier ** ** Special issue in SOCO - Soft Computing, Springer ** ** 18 Special Tracks ** ** Submission: *Scope of the Conference ======================== The INTERNATIONAL SUMMER CONFERENCE mission is to share knowledge and experiences in AI-driven decision-making, promote advanced research and business best practices, bridge the gap between industry and academia, and enhance strategic networking and collaboration. ISC 2025 is designed for individuals and organizations who are eager to explore the latest advancements in decision science and technology and understand how these innovations can influence their industries and practices. The audience includes decision-makers, industry professionals, professors and researchers, companies, public administration, academia, other organizations, as well as PhD and master?s students. Important Dates ================ Submission deadline April 10th, 2025 Notification of acceptance May 5th, 2025 Early registration May 10th, 2025 Camera ready copy May 15th, 2025 Submission Details =================== ISC 2025 accepts three different submission formats: 1) Regular paper: novel and original research contributions of a maximum of 15 pages, using LNCS format by Springer; 2) Short paper: extended abstract of novel research works of a maximum of 11 pages, using LNCS format by Springer; 3) Abstract: high-quality published or preliminary recent works.* Regular and short submitted papers will undergo a double-blind anonymous review process. Proceedings and special issue ============================ Only regular and short accepted papers will be published as post-proceedings in Lecture Notes in Computer Science series by Springer. Accepted abstract contributions will be considered for oral presentations at the conference and will NOT be included into the LNCS proceedings. An electronic book instead will be prepared by the ISC 2025 organizing committee and made available on the website. * NOTE: Abstracts representing preliminary recent works will have the opportunity to be extended into regular paper for inclusion in the LNCS Volume after a double-blind review process. In addition, two post-conference special issues in Internet of Things (Elsevier) and Soft Computing (Springer) journals will be considered for the significantly extended and revised versions of selected accepted papers. More special issues in other international journals (SCOPUS indexed) will be announced. ISC 2025 Organization ============================== ** Conference Chairs - Vincenzo Cutello, University of Catania, Italy - Raffaele Cerulli, University of Salerno, Italy - Salvatore Greco, University of Catania, Italy ** Program Chairs - Carlos A. Coello Coello, CINVESTAV-IPN, Mexico - Angel A. Juan, Universitat Polit?cnica de Val?ncia, Spain - Mario Pavone, University of Catania, Italy - El-Ghazali Talbi, University of Lille, France - Giovanni Righini, University of Milan, Italy isc2025 at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From alessandro.dausilio at Sun Mar 23 14:16:36 2025 From: alessandro.dausilio at (Alessandro D'Ausilio) Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2025 19:16:36 +0100 Subject: Connectionists: [JOBS] PhD @ Italian Institute of Technology, Ferrara Message-ID: PHD PROGRAM in TRANSLATIONAL NEUROSCIENCES AND NEUROTECHNOLOGIES The Center for Translational Neurophysiology of Speech and Communication (CTNSC) @ Italian Institute of Technology (IIT), jointly with the University of Ferrara, is opening a number of PhD positions starting in November 1st, 2025. Research areas: - Improving performance and biocompatibility of electrode arrays for brain-computer interfaces - Organic neuroelectronics for multimodal recordings and stimulation of the brain in vivo - Hardware and software development for innovative exploration of brain signals - Machine learning applications to multimodal brain and speech signals - Investigation of sensorimotor functions in animal models - Cortical recordings in human patients during awake Neurosurgery - Human non-invasive neurophysiology of speech and sensorimotor communication by means of TMS, EEG, EMG and MoCap Who: physicists, computer scientists, biomedical/electrical engineers, biologists, biotechnologist, medical doctors and experimental psychologists eager to work in an international and multidisciplinary team. Where: The CTNSC ( is hosted by the University of Ferrara (UNIFE) in a prestigious historical building in the city center. Ferrara is a well connected renaissance city (30-min to Bologna, 40-min to Padua, 60-min to Venice; 2 nearby international airports), bustling with students ( ***The Application will open in June*** For early inquiry, please contact: alessandro.dausilio at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ahmed.imprs at Sun Mar 23 12:05:04 2025 From: ahmed.imprs at (Ahmed El Hady) Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2025 13:05:04 -0300 Subject: Connectionists: NeuroBridges 2025 Deadline approaching Message-ID: <> *NeuroBridges 2025* *A Mediterranean, Middle Eastern Summer School in Neuroscience* *Deadline to apply: April 15, 2025* NeuroBridges 2025?is a summer school which will take place between?September 7 and September 18, 2025?in Le Centre de Conferences Internationales de Cluny, France (CCIC) . The school will provide an overview of theoretical and experimental frameworks used to study a variety of?decision making?processes. It will cover?different model systems from rodents to humans and a plethora of decision making mechanisms. Another objective of NeuroBridges is to bring together?Mediterranean and Middle Eastern scientists, in order to promote scientific cooperation between young researchers from these countries. The organizers of NeuroBridges are convinced that such scientific collaborations can lead to personal relations, which eventually may alleviate the political distress in the Middle East. The school is intended for graduate students and postdocs, primarily, but not only, from the Middle East and the Mediterranean region, either working in their home countries or abroad. Applicants should have some background in related fields in neuroscience or cognitive psychology.?All costs of registration and accommodation will be covered by the organizers. A limited number of travel grants will also be available. *Faculty:*** * Alaa Ahmed (U. Colorado) * Rava Azeredo da Silveira (IOB) * Ahmed El Hady (Max Planck Institute) * David Hansel (CNRS) * Mehdi Khamassi (CNRS) * Carole Levenes (CNRS) * Yonatan Loewenstein (Hebrew U.) * Zach Mainen (Champalimaud), TBC * Israel Nelken (Hebrew U.) * Drazen Prelec (MIT) * Reza Shadmehr (John Hopkins U.) NeuroBridges?is co-organized by Ahmed El Hady (Max Planck Institute and University of Konstanz), David Hansel (CNRS, Paris), Yonatan Loewenstein (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel), Carole Levenes (CNRS, Paris), Shir Shapira (Hebrew University of Jerusalem). NeuroBridges 2025?is supported by the Simons Foundation, the Cyril Taylor Charitable FoundationELSC, and is in partnership with VVTNS ( ). For more information and application, visit our website: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From d.bach at Mon Mar 24 03:55:05 2025 From: d.bach at (Dominik Bach) Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2025 08:55:05 +0100 Subject: Connectionists: Postdoc & PhD position in computational neuroimaging & computational psychiatry at Uni Bonn/Germany - deadline approaching (31 Mar 2025) In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: <> The *Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience at University of Bonn* ?is looking to recruit a *postdoctoral fellow and a PhD student* to undertake high quality research and produce high-impact publications in a collaborative research project investigating the mechanisms of human aversive learning (a pre-clinical model of anxiety disorders) in a big-data approach. The project is lead by Prof Dominik Bach. *The goal of the advertised positions*?is to (a) conduct an fMRI mega-analysis of multi-voxel threat representations, using existing data from the ENIGMA consortium, and (b) adapt and improve methods to infer threat learning from psychophysiological and behavioural data in fMRI and ambulatory settings. The position involves a close collaboration with the Department for Imaging Neuroscience (FIL) at UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology, London, UK, where part of the team is based. The role includes ?Implementing fMRI analysis pipelines in HALFpipe ?Coordination with participating sites to obtain and process data ?Mega-analysis of threat representation geometry ?Implementing and developing psychophysiology and behavioural analysis pipelines using PsPM/Matlab, CogLearn/VRthreat/R, and statistical modelling (e.g. Rstan) ?publication of research and development results See *here* ?for an example of our previous behavioural research. *Requirements for post doc applicants:* ?PhD in neuroscience, cognitive psychology, behavioural science or a related area, by the agreed start date of the position (essential) ?experience with fMRI data analysis (essential) ?experience with one of HALFpipe, nypipe, or python (essential) ?experience with Matlab (SPM) or R (tidyverse, Rstan) (essential) ?experience with MVPA and/or PsPM would be a plus *Requirements for PhD applicants:* ?MSc in neuroscience, psychology, natural sciences, engineering, or a related area, by the agreed start date of the position (essential) ?experience with either fMRI or PsPM (essential) ?knowledge of Python (essential) ?experience with Matlab (SPM) and/or R (tidyverse/Rstan) (desirable) ?experience with MVPA and/or PsPM would be a plus The successful candidates on either level will have ample experience in programming, and a good publication record. *Applicants*?should submit *a current CV, a personal statement describing their experience and interests, and contact information for three referees,*?as a single PDF document, by *31 March 2025 *to at . Interviews will be conducted online between 7-11 April 2025. Enquiries can be directed to Prof. Dominik Bach, d.bach at . More information can be found here. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From adeel.razi at Mon Mar 24 05:42:58 2025 From: adeel.razi at (Adeel Razi) Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:42:58 +1100 Subject: Connectionists: NeuroAI Emerging Leaders Webinar Series Message-ID: Dear colleagues, Following the very successful *NeuroAI Workshop @ NeurIPS 2024*, we are delighted to see such widespread enthusiasm and engagement from researchers in the field. To continue fostering discussions, collaborations, and knowledge exchange, we are excited to introduce the *NeuroAI Emerging Leaders Webinar Series* ? a platform to stay connected and updated on the latest advancements in our field while showcasing the work of early-career researchers who are shaping the future of NeuroAI. This monthly webinar series will feature emerging early-career researchers sharing insights into their latest groundbreaking work, followed by a live Q&A session and an informal online social gathering. If you are interested in broader intersections of neuroscience, intelligence, and computation, this is an opportunity to engage with cutting-edge ideas and build meaningful connections in the community. *First Webinar:* 3rd April 2025, 5-6 PM EST / 9-10 PM GMT *Registration Link: *[Register for free ] *Webinar Link:* [Join here ] *Speaker:* Aran Nayebi , Assistant Professor at Carnegie Mellon University *Topic:* *Using embodied agents to help answer ?why? questions in systems neuroscience* Stay Updated and Connect: Discord NeuroAI Website Youtube Channel Bluesky X Best wishes, Moein Khajehnejad, Forough Habibollahi, and Adeel Razi -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From francesca.naretto at Mon Mar 24 06:11:44 2025 From: francesca.naretto at (Francesca NARETTO) Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:11:44 +0100 Subject: Connectionists: CFP -IAIL 2025 Message-ID: ************************************************************************************************ CFP - Apologies for cross posting ************************************************************************************************ IAIL 2025 - The Fourth Workshop on IMAGINING THE AI LANDSCAPE AFTER THE AI ACT: Bridging the AI Act and the Digital Services Act OVERVIEW OF THE WORKSHOP The regulation of Artificial Intelligence is at an important stage, with the European Union taking the lead through key legislative frameworks such as the AI Act (AIA) and the Digital Services Act (DSA). These regulations aim to create a safer and more accountable digital environment while safeguarding fundamental rights. However, while the European Union has outlined a clear direction in terms of regulation, their practical implementation remains an open challenge. In particular, the interaction between these two frameworks requires closer examination to understand how they address the risks AI poses to fundamental rights, such as privacy, non-discrimination, and freedom of expression. The primary objective of this workshop is to provide the community with a deeper understanding of the AIA and DSA, their implications for AI development and deployment, and their alignment with human rights principles. Through dedicated discussion sessions and keynote speakers, we aim to critically analyze what these regulations achieve and the new challenges they pose from an implementation perspective. A key focus of the workshop will be to explore how these regulations can be made operational, identifying the tools and technologies required to support their implementation and defining the objectives these tools should address. Submitted applications can include regular papers, short papers, working papers and/or extended abstracts. LOCATION This will be an in-person, single-track workshop, as part of the HHAI 2025 conference held in Pisa, Italy, on June 9, at University of Pisa (Sapienza). PUBLICATION OPPORTUNITIES Accepted regular papers will be published on CEUR Workshop Proceedings . SUBMISSION DETAILS Type of contributions of interest: we encourage authors to submit both research papers and position papers. Research papers present completed and validated research, whereas position papers present an arguable opinion about one of the workshop topics of interest. Both types of contribution can be of regular (12+ pages) or short length (5-11 pages) and should be original, previously unpublished work. We also encourage authors to submit extended abstracts that present a very early stage of research or previously published work. This latter type of contributions will not be published in the proceedings. Online submission: Electronic submissions will be handled via Easychair: Review format: All submitted papers will be peer reviewed using double-blind peer review. We accept both LaTeX and Word files formatted according to these guidelines. You can find the latex template at the page: Anonymization: Please ensure that your submission is double blind. Papers that violate the anonymization policy will be desk rejected. Archives: Papers will be published as workshop proceedings on CEUR Workshop Proceedings . The papers must be written in English. At least 1 author of the accepted papers should attend the conference in person. TOPICS OF INTEREST Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: ? The AI Act and the Digital Services Act ? Applications of AI in the legal domain ? The operationalization of law requirements in AI systems ? Ethical and legal issues of AI technology and its application ? Ethical and legal issues in Online Social Media ? AI and trustworthiness ? Accountability and Liability of AI ? Algorithmic bias, discrimination, and inequality ? Safety, reliance and trust in human-AI interactions ? Transparent AI, Explainability metrics and evaluation ? AI and individual rights ? AI and fundamental rights ? AI risk assessment ? The impact of AI and automatic decision-making on rule of law ? AI, democracy, and freedom of expression ? Federated learning ? Generative AI Manuscripts must be submitted as PDF files via EasyChair: IMPORTANT DATES ? Paper Submission: April 6, 2025 ? Acceptance Notification: May 4, 2025 ? Camera-ready submission: June 1, 2025 ? Workshop: June 9, 2025 All deadlines are at the end of the day specified, anywhere on Earth (UTC-12). Special inquiry can be directed to Francesca Pratesi sending an email with tag [IAIL2025] to francesca [dot] pratesi [at] isti [dot] cnr [dot] it ORGANIZERS This workshop is organized by Francesca Pratesi (ISTI - CNR), Francesca Naretto (Unipi), Lorenzo Mannocci (Unipi), and Roberta Savella (ISTI - CNR). We look forward to seeing you in Pisa in 9 June 2025. -- Francesca Naretto Ph.D. in Data Science francesca.naretto at SNS, Pisa | CNR, Pisa -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From emergingtechnetwork.publicity at Mon Mar 24 09:12:59 2025 From: emergingtechnetwork.publicity at (=?UTF-8?Q?Gizem_G=C3=BCltekin_Varkonyi?=) Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:12:59 +0300 Subject: Connectionists: ICCNS 2025 CFP: The International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Communication, Networking and Services, Varna, Bulgaria, 1 to 4 Sept. 2025 Message-ID: [Apologies if you got multiple copies of this invitation] The International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Communication, Networking and Services (ICCNS2025) Hybrid Event Varna, Bulgaria, 1 to 4 Sept. 2025 Technically Co-Sponsored by IEEE Bulgarian Section *ICCNS 2025 CFP:* With the advancements in wireless communication systems like Fifth Generation (5G), beyond 5G (B5G) and the Sixth Generation (6G), new and unprecedented services will be available for users with nearly unlimited capacity. These services will be the core driver of the future digital transformation of our cities and communities. This will be accompanied by a ubiquities deployment of the Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructure and supported by computing capacity that will be available at the edge of the network and at the cloud. The computing infrastructure will be handling the processing of the data generated by the users and services. Such a complex and diverse system will require an efficient and sustainable applications running on the computing\Networking infrastructure and also a smart control and automation systems to integrate and manage its different components. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its applications will play a significant role on the design, deployment, automation and management of the future services. This will include the applications that will be running on the edge and the cloud servers, the networking applications to handle the flow of data between the users and the computing system and the intelligent automation and management software operating on the system. The International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Networking and Services is aiming to provide an opportunity to present the state of the art research in the intersections of Computing, Networking and Services that is supported by Artificial Intelligence. Researchers from both the industry and academia are encouraged to submit their original research contributions in all major areas, which include, but not limited to the following tracks: - Track 1: Artificial Intelligence Fundamentals - Track 2: Intelligent Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems - Track 3: Edge Intelligence and Federated Learning - Track 4: Intelligent Networking in Beyond 5G (B5G) and 6G Wireless Communication - Track 5: Intelligent Big Data Management and Processing - Track 6: Intelligent Security and Privacy - Track 7: Blockchain Research & Applications for Intelligent Networks and Services - *Submissions Guidelines and Proceedings* Manuscripts should be prepared in 10-point font using the IEEE 8.5" x 11" two-column format. All papers should be in PDF format, and submitted electronically at Paper Submission Link. A full paper can be up to 8 pages (including all figures, tables and references). Submitted papers must present original unpublished research that is not currently under review for any other conference or journal. Papers not following these guidelines may be rejected without review. Also submissions received after the due date, exceeding length limit, or not appropriately structured may also not be considered. Authors may contact the Program Chair for further information or clarification. All submissions are peer-reviewed by at least three reviewers. Accepted papers will appear in the ICCNS Proceeding, and be published by the IEEE Computer Society Conference Publishing Services and be submitted to IEEE Xplore for inclusion. Submitted papers must include original work, and must not be under consideration for another conference or journal. Submission of regular papers up to 8 pages and must follow the IEEE paper format. Please include up to 7 keywords, complete postal and email address, and fax and phone numbers of the corresponding author. Authors of accepted papers are expected to present their work at the conference. Submitted papers that are deemed of good quality but that could not be accepted as regular papers will be accepted as short papers. Length of short papers can be up to 6 pages. *Important Dates:* - *Paper submission deadline: April 20th 2025 * - Notification of acceptance: July 10th, 2025 - Camera-ready Submission: August 1st, 2025 *Contact:* Please send any inquiry on ICCNS to: info at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From poramate.m at Mon Mar 24 20:47:45 2025 From: poramate.m at (Poramate Manoonpong) Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:47:45 +0000 Subject: Connectionists: [jobs] Professor/Assoc. Professor/Assist. Professor/Lecturer- AI/ML/Robotics at Vidyasirimedhi Institute of Science and Technology (VISTEC), Thailand In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: Dear colleagues, The School of Information Science and Technology (IST) at Vidyasirimedhi Institute of Science and Technology (VISTEC), Thailand, offers a full-time position (Professor / Associate Professor / Assistant Professor / Lecturer (Tenure Track)). We are expanding our faculty to support the Sense-Think-Act initiative, which focuses on the next generation of AI-driven systems capable of perceiving their environment, reasoning effectively, and acting autonomously. We seek faculty members from diverse fields, including Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Software Engineering, Robotics, and Biomedical Engineering, to drive innovation in AI, robotics, and intelligent systems. For more information and to apply, please visit: Best regards, Poramate Manoonpong Professor of School of Information Science & Technology Vidyasirimedhi Institute of Science & Technology (VISTEC) Wangchan, Rayong 21210 Thailand e-mail: poramate.m at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ludovico.montalcini at Mon Mar 24 14:55:20 2025 From: ludovico.montalcini at (Ludovico Montalcini) Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2025 19:55:20 +0100 Subject: Connectionists: Call for Participation & Papers - ACAIN 2025 - 5th International Advanced Course & Symposium on Artificial Intelligence & Neuroscience, September 21-24 2025, Riva del Sole Resort & SPA, Tuscany * Course Registration: April 23 * Paper Submission: May 23 * Message-ID: Call for Participation & Call for Papers (apologies for multiple copies, please forward to anybody who might be interested, thanks!) The 5th International Advanced *Course* & *Symposium* on Artificial Intelligence & Neuroscience, September 21-24, 2025, Riva del Sole Resort & SPA, Castiglione della Pescaia (Grosseto) Tuscany, Italy W: E: acain at Symposium Deadline: Paper Submission (Symposium): by May 23 (AoE) Course Deadline: Regular Registration (Course): by April 23 (AoE) LECTURERS: Panos Pardalos, University of Florida, USA Jose Principe, University of Florida, USA Maneesh Sahani, University College London, UK Jonathon Shlens, Google DeepMind, USA Dimitra Thomaidou, Hellenic Pasteur Institute, Greece Marina Vidaki, University of Crete, Medical School, Crete, Greece More Speakers TBA SCOPE & MOTIVATION: ACAIN: AI meets Computational Neuroscience and Cognitive Science The ACAIN symposium and course is an interdisciplinary event featuring leading scientists from AI and Neuroscience, providing a special opportunity to learn about cutting-edge research in the fields of AI, Neuroscience, Neuroscience-Inspired AI, Human-Level AI, and Cognitive Science. The Advanced Course and Symposium on Artificial Intelligence & Neuroscience (ACAIN) is a full-immersion four-day Course and Symposium in Tuscany on cutting-edge advances in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience with lectures delivered by world-renowned experts. The Course provides a stimulating environment for academics, early career researchers, Post-Docs, PhD students and industry leaders. Participants will also have the chance to present their results with oral talks or posters, and to interact with their colleagues, in a convivial and productive environment. Two days of keynote talks and oral presentations, the ACAIN Symposium, (September 23-24), will be preceded by lectures of leading scientists, the ACAIN Course, (September 21-22). Bringing together AI and neuroscience promises to yield benefits for both fields. The future impact and progress in both AI and Neuroscience will strongly depend on continuous synergy, exchange, collaboration and efficient cooperation between the two research communities. These are the goals of the International Course and Symposium - ACAIN, which is aimed both at AI experts with interests in Neuroscience and at neuroscientists with an interest in AI. ACAIN accepts rigorous research that promotes and fosters multidisciplinary interactions between artificial intelligence and neuroscience. The Advanced Course is suited for scholars, academics, early career researchers, Post-Docs, PhD students and industry leaders. The Event (Course and Symposium) will involve a total of 36-40 hours of lectures. Academically, this will be equivalent to 8 ECTS points for the PhD Students and the Master Students attending the Event. SYMPOSIUM PROGRAM COMMITTEE (partial list, confirmed members): ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: VENUE & ACCOMMODATION: ACAIN is a *Residential Conference*, all participants (invited speakers, authors, organizers, chairs, participants) must book and stay at the Riva del Sole Resort and Spa. No exceptions are allowed. Riva del Sole Resort & SPA a: Localit? Riva del Sole - Castiglione della Pescaia (Grosseto) CAP 58043, Tuscany - Italy p: +39-0564-928111 f: +39-0564-935607 e: at w: ACTIVITIES: REGISTRATION: See you in Tuscany in September! ACAIN Organizing Committee. E: acain at W: FB: Obviously, this is only a Call for Participation & Call for Papers, to have complete and updated information we recommend you access the relevant website: * Apologies for multiple copies. Please forward to anybody who might be interested, thanks! * -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From idan at Mon Mar 24 15:03:37 2025 From: idan at (Idan Segev) Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2025 21:03:37 +0200 Subject: Connectionists: Call for registration: Neuroscience Unleashed - International neuroscience school at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (July 20-24, 2025) Message-ID: The 29th Advanced School in Life Sciences on Neuroscience Unleashed is an elite international neuroscience school, set to take place at Israel Institute for Advanced Studies (IIAS) at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem from July 20-24, 2025. This immersive five-day program will bring together some of the world?s most renowned experts to explore the cutting edge of neuroscience research. Under the leadership of General Director Roger D. Kornberg and co-directors Christof Koch, Idan Segev, and Mickey London, participants will delve into five groundbreaking areas: Consciousness and its Neural Footprints NeuroAI - Bridging Brain and Machine Intelligence Brain-Machine Interface Psychedelics & Therapeutics Organoids and Hybrid Brains Speakers Richard Andersen, Caltech Hagai Bergman, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Aviva Berkovich, University of Haifa Xing Chen, University of Pittsburgh Leon Deouell, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Nita A. Farahany, Duke University Itzhak Fried, Tel Aviv University, UCLA Christof Koch, Allen Institute, Tiny Blue Dot Foundation Gabriel Kreiman, Harvard University Ashley Mason, University of California, San Francisco Eran Meshorer, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Guo-Li Ming, University of Pennsylvania Liad Mudrik, Tel Aviv University Aran Nayebi, Carnegie Mellon University Charles Raison, University of Wisconsin-Madison Haim Sompolinsky, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Hongjun Song, University of Pennsylvania Daphna Weinshall, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem The program will feature a dynamic blend of foundational and advanced lectures, paired with interactive master classes where students will collaborate directly with leading scientists to envision the future of neuroscience. Our mission is to inspire transformative breakthroughs and foster innovative collaborations that will expand our understanding of the brain in both health and disease. More details in the attached Poster and QR Warm regards Christof Koch, Idan Segev, and Mickey London ?? -- Idan Segev Professor of Computational Neuroscience The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Https:// -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: PastedGraphic-1.png Type: image/png Size: 15499 bytes Desc: not available URL: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: School in Life Sciences_NO LINK_PRINT FILE.pdf Type: application/pdf Size: 2725595 bytes Desc: not available URL: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From phitzler at Mon Mar 24 12:46:18 2025 From: phitzler at (Pascal Hitzler) Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:46:18 -0500 Subject: Connectionists: Handbook on Neurosymbolic AI and Knowledge Graphs Message-ID: <> Published: Handbook on Neurosymbolic AI and Knowledge Graphs. (Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications vol. 400; Pascal Hitzler, Abhilekha Dalal,? Mohammad Saeid Mahdavinejad, Sanaz Saki Norouzi (eds.), IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2025. This is a comprehensive collection, 41 chapters, over 1100 pages. Best Regards, Pascal. -- Pascal Hitzler Lloyd T. Smith Creativity in Engineering Chair Director, Center for AI and Data Science CAIDS Director, Inst. for Digital Agriculture and Adv. Analyt. ID3A Kansas State University From nicolas.rougier at Tue Mar 25 02:30:59 2025 From: nicolas.rougier at (Nicolas P. Rougier (inria)) Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2025 07:30:59 +0100 Subject: Connectionists: [PhD] Embodied decision making and the emergence of concepts Message-ID: Title: Embodied decision making and the emergence of concepts What: PhD in computer science Where: Institute of Neurodegenerative Diseases / Inria Bordeaux, France When: October 1st, 2025 -- October 1st 2028 Who: Nicolas P. Rougier ( The goal of this PhD is to explore a minimal model of decision making using a simulated agent in a contiguous environment (T-Maze like). The goal for the agent is to learn to alternate between left and right, independently of the geometry of the maze, even though topology remains the same. This will be done using an echo state network of limited size in order to be able to perform a thorough analysis of its dynamics and representations from three different perspectives (sensory-motor space, external behavior and neural activity). The goal is to find the conditions for the emergence of concepts such as left and right using a manifold-based approach and to prove for their existence independently an external observer. Application (before May 5, 2025) -- Nicolas P. Rougier ?? Institute of Neurodegenerative Diseases, Bordeaux From c.natali6 at Tue Mar 25 03:42:32 2025 From: c.natali6 at (Chiara Natali) Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2025 08:42:32 +0100 Subject: Connectionists: [Deadline Extension] Call for Posters and Demos - HHAI 2025, June 9-13, Pisa, Italy Message-ID: (Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CfP) -------------------------------------------------- CALL FOR POSTERS AND DEMOS HHAI 2025 - Hybrid Human-Artificial Intelligence June 9?13, 2025, Pisa, Italy (in-person) -------------------------------------------------- Hybrid Human Artificial Intelligence (HHAI2025) is the fourth international conference focusing on the study of Artificial Intelligent systems that cooperate synergistically, proactively and purposefully with humans, amplifying instead of replacing human intelligence. The conference will feature three outstanding keynote speakers: - Prof. John Shawe-Taylor (University College London, UK) - Dr. Jonathan Stray (Berkeley Center for Human-Compatible AI, University of California, US) - Prof. Sandra Wachter (Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, UK) The Posters and Demos Track complements the research track of the conference and offers an opportunity to present late-breaking results and showcase innovative implementations in an informal and interactive setting. We also welcome work that has already been published in other places but that can be of interest to the HHAI community. Topics We invite research on different challenges in Hybrid Human-Artificial Intelligence. The following list of topics is illustrative, not exhaustive: ? Human-AI interaction, interpretation and collaboration ? Adaptive human-AI co-learning and co-creation ? Learning, reasoning and planning with humans and machines in the loop ? User modeling and personalisation ? Integration of learning and reasoning ? Transparent, explainable, and accountable AI ? Fair, ethical, responsible, and trustworthy AI ? Societal awareness of AI ? Multimodal machine perception of real-world settings ? Social signal processing ? Representations learning for Communicative or Collaborative AI ? Symbolic representations for human-centric AI ? Human-AI Coevolution ? Foundation models and humans ? Human cognition-aware AI ? Decentralized human-AI systems ? Reliability and robustness in human-AI systems ? Applications of hybrid human-AI intelligence We welcome contributions about all types of technology, from robots and conversational agents to multi-agent systems and machine learning models. **Submission Details** *Important dates* Submission due: March 31, 2025 Notifications: April 18th, 2025 Camera ready version (extended abstract): May 2nd, 2025 HHAI2024 will take place: June 9-13, 2025 All deadlines are 23:59 AoE (anywhere on Earth). Full Submission Guidelines are available here: *Demos* Demonstration papers should present mature or prototype systems in which practical HHAI problems are addressed. The submissions should clearly define the purpose, scope, and audience. All submissions should provide a URL to a live online version of their demo or, alternatively, provide a URL to a video showcasing the main features of their demo. *Posters* Poster submissions should describe late-breaking research results, on-going research projects, or work-in-progress relevant to HHAI. Additional links to relevant resources are encouraged to be included in the submission. Accepted two-page poster & demo papers will be published in the Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Hybrid Human-Machine Intelligence. Authors are encouraged to upload complementary materials (e.g. images, videos) which will be available via the conference website. Authors should submit via Easychair an extended abstract for evaluation that is up-to two-pages long following the IOS formatting guidelines (excluding references and a list of requirements and equipment for the intended demo). Submissions are not anonymized. ? Easychair: *At least one of the authors must be a registered participant at the conference, and attend the Poster/Demo Session to present the work.* **POSTERS & DEMO CHAIRS** Francesca Naretto (University of Pisa, Italy) Francesco Giannini (Scuola Normale Superiore, Italy) Maaike de Boer (Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO), Netherlands) **CONTACT INFORMATION** For any questions, please contact the demos and posters chairs via poster at -------------------------------------------------- **Join the HHAI community and keep up with the news:** Website: Linkedin: X: Mastodon: Bluesky: -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From mtkostecki at Tue Mar 25 08:28:36 2025 From: mtkostecki at (Mateusz Kostecki) Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2025 13:28:36 +0100 Subject: Connectionists: Heidelberg Open Lab Workshop: Organizing scientific events, April 7th Message-ID: Hello, We are excited to announce our first *Heidelberg Open Lab Workshop*! Organizing scientific events?whether workshops, summer schools, conferences, or symposia?can seem overwhelming. You need to design the event structure, secure funding, invite guests, promote it, manage payments, and communicate with participants. On top of that, there are logistics to handle, including catering, flights, hotels, and scheduling. It?s a lot to juggle, but with the right approach, key knowledge, and a strong support network, you can successfully organize an event?even with limited resources. During this workshop, you will learn how to design your event, define its target audience, and set clear goals. You?ll discover strategies for securing funding, finding sponsors, and writing grant applications. We?ll explore effective ways to promote your event through social media and mailing lists, as well as how to approach graphic design to enhance visibility. You?ll also gain insights into fostering a positive atmosphere for participants and planning the next steps after your event concludes. Join us and gain the skills to make your scientific event a success! The event will take place on* Monday, April 7th at COS, Heidelberg at 16:45*. Please find the application form and more info here - The workshop is free of charge, Best, Mateusz Kostecki -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From diego.costa at Tue Mar 25 12:08:24 2025 From: diego.costa at (Diego Elias Damasceno Costa) Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2025 16:08:24 +0000 Subject: Connectionists: [CFCP] CASCON: International Conference on Collaborative Advances in Software and Computing Message-ID: CASCON 2025 ? 35th IEEE International Conference on Collaborative Advances in Software and Computing ? Call for Contributions and Proposals (CFCP) CASCON 2025 will be held at York University's Keele campus, which is centrally located in the Greater Toronto Area, Ontario, Canada. The conference will feature world-class keynote speakers, inspiring technical paper presentations, stimulating panels, workforce-building tutorials, community-building workshops, dynamic poster sessions, and terrific networking opportunities. CASCON is a premier academic and industrial conference where attendees can explore cutting-edge research, trailblazing practices, and collaboration opportunities in software and computing. Over the years, CASCON has fostered a thriving community of software practitioners, developers, researchers, industry leaders, and policymakers who share knowledge, explore new technologies, exchange insights, investigate emerging trends, and showcase next-generation prototypes and solutions. CASCON is now co-sponsored by IEEE Computer Society and CS-CAN/INFO-CAN, and the proceedings will be published in IEEE Xplore. CASCON 2025 will focus on the dynamic and rapidly evolving modern computing landscape, including the convergence of generative AI, advanced automation, hybrid cloud computing, high-performance computing, quantum computing, and responsible & sustainable computing. This landscape is exciting and disruptive, with unparalleled opportunities as well as ethical and regulatory challenges with your contributions and participation. Call for Contributions We invite you to contribute original, unpublished, high-quality manuscripts for the technical paper track. We also invite proposals for workforce-building tutorials, community-building workshops, innovative posters, and stimulating panels accessible to a broad and diverse audience of software practitioners, developers, researchers, industry leaders, and policymakers. We encourage contributions with a mix of authors from industry, academia, and government offering innovative solutions and real-world insights. Submissions should address challenges and opportunities spanning the full spectrum of computing and software, including but not limited to: Emerging Software Systems & Architectures * Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Large Language Models (LLMs): Exploring prompt engineering, retrieval augmented generation (RAG) techniques, and novel applications of AI. * Cloud, Edge, Accelerated Computing: Advances in cloud-native architectures, microservices, and serverless paradigms, especially in modern accelerated and heterogeneous hardware architectures like GPU, NPU, and DPU. * Big Data & Real-Time Analytics: Next-generation platforms for processing and deriving insights from massive and/or real-time datasets. * Autonomous and Adaptive Systems: Digital twins, self-healing networks, and systems that learn and evolve in real time and over extended periods. * Software-Enabled Healthcare & Bioinformatics: AI-driven diagnostics, remote monitoring, and personalized medicine applications. * Internet of Things (IoT) & Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS): Smart cities, Industry 4.0 innovations, and connected ecosystems. * Quantum Computing: Hybrid quantum-classical approaches, distributed quantum computing, quantum software engineering, quantum algorithms, and practical quantum development. * Trustworthy & Transparent AI Systems: Ensuring robustness, explainability, fairness, and accountability in AI-driven systems. * Novel Programming Models for Data-Oriented Accelerated Computing: Emerging programming models to cope with the end of Moore's Law as well as high-performance computing in the context of embedded, AI and classic scientific computing. Evolving Software Engineering Practices * AI-Driven Development: Generative AI, automated code generation, intelligent debugging, and machine learning-powered quality assurance. * Agentic Software & Intelligent Agents: Investigations into self-governing, context-aware software that autonomously adapts to changing environments and user needs. * Modern DevOps & Continuous Delivery: Innovations in microservices, containerization, and rapid deployment strategies, genAI-driven and agent-driven automation and toolchains. * Software Analytics: Mining software repositories, software supply chains, and data-driven decision-making in software engineering. * Secure Software Lifecycle: Integrating security best practices into agile and DevOps pipelines, including zero trust architectures. * Innovations in Compiler Design: Novel compiler optimizations, domain-specific languages, just-in-time compilation techniques, and tools that enhance developer productivity and system performance. * Compile-time and Run-time Software Quality Assurance: Software vulnerabilities, software testing, and verification. * Open Source Engineering: Innovation and policies to enable and nourish open source for large-scale projects and initiatives like open source LLMs as well as best practices for establishing open source program offices. Innovations in AI * Next-Generation AI Techniques: Advances in deep learning, reinforcement learning, diffusion models, and beyond. * Explainable & Responsible AI: Research for ensuring transparency, ethical considerations, fairness, and societal accountability. * Federated and Edge AI: Distributed AI approaches that preserve data privacy while harnessing edge computing capabilities. * AI for Social Impact: Applications addressing environmental sustainability, disaster response, public health, and social equity. Cybersecurity & Digital Privacy * Zero Trust Security Models: Novel frameworks and strategies for threat detection, intrusion prevention, and risk mitigation. * Privacy-Enhancing Technologies: Innovations in differential privacy, homomorphic encryption, and secure multi-party computation. * Blockchain & Decentralized Systems: Emerging trends in decentralized finance (DeFi), trustless systems, and secure distributed ledgers. Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) & Immersive Experiences * Immersive & Extended Reality: Advances in augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and mixed reality for next-gen user experiences. * Next-Gen User Interfaces: Designing intuitive, multimodal interfaces for smart devices, wearables, and mobile ecosystems. * Digital Collaboration & Social Media Analytics: Enhancing interaction and productivity in hybrid work environments, enhancing understanding of online engagement. Sustainable and Responsible Computing * Green Computing & Sustainability: Energy-efficient algorithms, sustainable system designs, and eco-friendly computing practices. * Responsible AI: low resource models, energy-efficient training strategies and practices that reduce the energy footprint of Foundation Models like Large Language Models (LLMs). * Digital Transformation for Smart Ecosystems: Leveraging technology to build sustainable smart cities and transformative digital platforms. Submission Types CASCON 2025 calls for the following types of submissions: 1. Regular Papers: Novel and mature research work (up to 10 pages including references). 2. Short Papers: Work in progress with some validation results, experience reports, new ideas and visionary papers based on supporting theory or evidence, and application papers (up to 6 pages including references). 3. Applications/Industrial Papers: Practical case studies, benchmark tools, and empirical studies addressing real-world industrial challenges (up to 6 pages, including references). 4. Artifacts Evaluation: Authors of regular, short papers and applications/industrial papers accepted for CASCON 2025 can submit an artifact for evaluation. If their corresponding artifacts meet certain conditions, papers will be given the IEEE Open Research Object or Research Object Reviewed badges. The papers will display the awarded badges to recognize their contributions to open science. 5. Posters: New ideas, experiences, ongoing results, and challenges in building Intelligent Systems and Software (up to 2 pages including references). 6. Workshops: Proposals for interactive sessions that provide a forum to present, discuss, and debate issues, problems, ideas, technology gaps, work-in-progress, and/or directions. The workshop format may include position papers, expert panels, and panel discussions. Workshops may be half-day or full-day. 7. Tutorials: These are proposals for interactive sessions that provide excellent opportunities for researchers, practitioners, and technology experts to offer demos and/or hands-on experience with state-of-the-art tools or emerging technologies, or deep dives into advanced research methodology or industrial best practices. Tutorials may be half-day or full-day. Paper Instructions Each technical paper must conform at the time of submission to the IEEE Formatting Instructions (i.e., title in 24pt font and full text in 10pt type, LaTEX users must use \documentclass[10pt,conference] {IEEEtran} without including the compsoc nor the compsocconf options). CASCON 2025 will not accept submissions that have been previously published, are in press, or have been submitted elsewhere. Any article that includes AI-generated content (e.g., text, figures or algorithms) must disclose this in the acknowledgements section. The paper sections containing AI-generated content must include a citation to the used AI system for its generation. Additional submission guidelines are available at Submission Policies - IEEE Author Center Conferences. Accepted papers will be included in the conference proceedings published in IEEE Xplore. One of the authors of the accepted papers must register and present the paper at the conference. Failure to attend and present the paper at the conference will result in the withdrawal of the paper from the IEEE Xplore proceedings. Best Paper Awards Best Paper and Best Student Paper awards will be given to recognize the best technical contributions of the event in terms of originality, clarity, and potential impact. To be eligible for the Best Student Paper award, the primary author(s) of the paper and contributor(s) of the work must have been a student(s) at the time the work was done. Initial Manuscript Submission Instructions Submissions are made via EasyChair and must be in the double-column standard IEEE format for conference proceedings. All types of papers should strictly follow the page limit constraint to be considered as eligible for review. The defined page limit should include the paper, figures, tables, and references. The steps for submitting a paper are as follows: * Visit EasyChair at * After logging in, click on make a new submission to submit your paper * All authors should use the IEEE Formatting Instructions, which can be obtained from the IEEE Proceedings Template pages CASCON 2025 will employ a double-anonymous review process. Therefore, submissions may not reveal the identity of their authors. The authors must make every effort to honour the double-anonymous review process. In particular: * Authors' names must be omitted from the submission. * All references to the author's prior work should be in the third person. * While authors can upload preprints on ArXiV or similar sites, they should avoid specifying that the manuscript was submitted to CASCON. * Authors should not publicly use the submission title during the review (e.g., in social media posts). We look forward to your submissions that push the boundaries of research and tackle today?s most pressing technology challenges and trends. Join us at CASCON 2025 to drive innovation, foster knowledge exchange, and bridge the gap between groundbreaking research and industrial application. Links to Tracks and Submission Deadlines For further details on tracks and guidelines, please refer to the respective links below: Tutorial Proposal * Tutorial abstract submission: May 12, 2025 * Full proposal submission: May 19, 2025 * Acceptance notification: June 9, 2025 * Tutorial dates: Nov 10-13, 2025 Workshop Proposal * Proposal abstract submission deadline: May 12, 2025 * Proposal full submission deadline: May 19, 2025 * Acceptance notification: June 9, 2025 * Workshop dates: Nov 10-13, 2025 Poster Proposal * Poster abstract submission: TBD * Full poster proposal submission: TBD * Acceptance notification: TBD * Poster session dates: Nov 10-13, 2025 Technical Paper * Technical paper abstract submission: Jun 2, 2025 * Full technical paper submission: Jun 9, 2025 * Acceptance notification: Aug 11, 2025 * Technical paper presentation dates: Nov 10-13, 2025 Artifact Evaluation * Artifact paper abstract: Aug 18, 2025 * Full artifact paper submission: Aug 25, 2025 * Acceptance notification: Sep 29, 2025 * Technical paper presentation dates: Nov 10-13, 2025 Camera-Ready Submission Instructions * Instructions for camera-ready manuscript submission will be sent to accepted contribution authors with the notification messages. * Submission of camera-ready manuscripts will be through IEEE Publication Services. Subscription to CASCON mailing list at -- Diego Elias Damasceno Costa, PhD. Assistant Professor Department of Computer Science & Software Engineering Concordia University -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From dhansel0 at Tue Mar 25 12:12:09 2025 From: dhansel0 at (David Hansel) Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2025 09:12:09 -0700 Subject: Connectionists: Fwd: postdocs Simons In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: *The Balseiro Institute invites applications for six postdoctoral positions*, *funded by the Simons Foundation through the Targeted Grants to Institutes program.* The positions are open to candidates in all areas of theoretical physics, broadly defined, including computational neuroscience and machine learning. Appointments will begin in September 2025, for a two-year term with the possibility of an additional year extension. The tax-free fellowship will be approximately USD 2,000 per month. Successful candidates are expected to have experience in one or more areas of mathematics or theoretical physics. Researchers working at the intersection of different fields are especially encouraged. Postdoctoral fellows will work in collaboration with members of the Balseiro Institute's theoretical groups. Applications must include: - A curriculum vitae, - A statement of research interests, indicating the preferred area(s) from the list below, - A list of publications, - A minimum of two letters of recommendation. *The deadline for applications is April 10, 2025, and results will be announced on April 30, 2025.* Applications should be sent to simons at For more information, please contact simons at Those interested in research topics related to computational neuroscience and machine learning should contact the following individuals to discuss possible work topics. Ariel Curiale acuriale at Dami?n Dellavale dellavaledamian at Dami?n Hern?ndez damian.g.h.l at Germ?n Mato matog at Sebasti?n Risau srisaug at In?s Samengo ines.samengo at Eugenio Urdapilleta urdapile at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From Elena.Vildjiounaite at Tue Mar 25 15:46:00 2025 From: Elena.Vildjiounaite at (Vildjiounaite Elena) Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2025 19:46:00 +0000 Subject: Connectionists: CBMI 2025: Special Session on Understanding Human Behaviour, Emotions and their Reasons Message-ID: Dear All, Apologies for cross-posting. Following the success of UHBER at CBMI 2024, we are organising special session again at CBMI 2025: UHBER: Multimodal Data Analysis for Understanding of Human Behaviour, Emotions and their Reasons This special session addresses the processing of all types of data related to understanding of human behaviour, emotion, and their reasons, such as current or past context. Understanding human behaviour and context may be beneficial for many services both online and in physical spaces, e.g., for workplaces, travel and leisure activities, for health support etc. In the context of multimedia retrieval, understanding human behaviour and emotions could help not only for multimedia indexing, but also to derive implicit (i.e., other than intentionally reported) human feedback regarding multimedia news, videos, advertisements, navigators, hotels, shopping items etc. and to improve multimedia retrieval. For example, probably a movie recommender system should not put tragic movie on top of recommended movies when a user is tired and stressed. Humans are good at understanding other humans, their emotions and reasons, and learning their tastes, skills and personality traits. Hence the interest of this session is, how to improve AI understanding of the same aspects? The topics include (but are not limited to) the following: * Use of various sensors for monitoring and understanding human behaviour, emotion / mental state / cognition, and context: video, audio, infrared, wearables, virtual (e.g., mobile device usage, computer usage) sensors etc. * Methods for information fusion, including information from various heterogeneous sources. * Methods to learn human traits and preferences from long term observations. * Methods to detect human implicit feedback from past and current observations. * Methods to assess task performance: skills, emotions, confusion, engagement in the task and/or context. * Methods to detect potential security and safety threats and risks. * Methods to adapt behavioural and emotional models to different end users and contexts without collecting a lot of labels from each user and/or for each context: transfer learning, semi-supervised learning, anomaly detection, one-shot learning etc. * How to collect data for training AI methods from various sources, e.g., internet, open data, field pilots etc. * Use of behavioural or emotional data to model humans and adapt services either online or in physical spaces. * Ethics and privacy issues in modelling human emotions, behaviour, context and reasons. The conference proceedings will be published by IEEE. All submitted papers must conform to the IEEE manuscript templates for conference proceedings and the instructions it provides. Special session submissions can be up to 6 pages + references in IEEE format. The review process is single-blind, i.e. submissions do not need to be anonymized. Please consider the submission guidelines on the conference website: Submit your paper at And please remember to choose UHBER in the submission tool. Submission Deadline: 23 Apr 2025 (AoE), will be probably extended. Notification: 1 Jul 2025 (AoE) Camera-ready & Registration: 1 Aug 2025 (AoE) Conference: October 22-24 Dublin, Ireland -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From emergingtechnetwork.publicity at Tue Mar 25 21:26:55 2025 From: emergingtechnetwork.publicity at (=?UTF-8?Q?Gizem_G=C3=BCltekin_Varkonyi?=) Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2025 04:26:55 +0300 Subject: Connectionists: GACLM 2025: Generative AI and Computational Language Modelling Conference, 18-21 August, 2025 | Valencia, Spain Message-ID: [Apologies if you got multiple copies of this invitation] The 2nd International Generative AI and Computational Language Modelling Conference (GACLM 2025) 18-21 August, 2025 | Valencia, Spain Hybrid Event Technically Co-Sponsored by IEEE Spain Section *GACLM 2025 CFP:* With the emergence of Generative AI (GenAI), the world is experiencing a new era of generative models producing various types of data, including textual and visual data. This is accompanied by the unprecedented advancement of Computational Language Modeling (CLM) techniques that are supporting a wide range of downstream applications. Both Generative AI and Computational Language Modeling are leading the paradigm shift we are witnessing in Artificial Intelligence. The International Generative AI and Computational Language Modeling Conference (GACLM 2025) addresses the architectures, applications, challenges, approaches, and future directions of this new era of Artificial Intelligence systems based on GenAI and CLM. We invite the submission of original papers on all topics related to GACLM, with special interest in, but not limited to, the following: - Human-Centered Generative AI - Natural Language Processing (NLP) - Large Language Models (LLMs) - Text generation, summarization, and question answering - Sentiment analysis, misinformation detection, and emotion detection - Machine translation and multilingual models - Language comprehension, grammar and style checking, and complex reasoning - Document processing and information retrieval - Computer-Assisted Language Learning - Adversarial machine learning and applications - Generative adversarial networks (GANs) - GenAI and diffusion models - Federated and distributed learning for GenAI - Fine-tuning and retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) - Synthetic data generation and data augmentation - Explainable AI (XAI) and trustworthy AI systems - GenAI in healthcare, education, robotics, and smart cities - GenAI for cybersecurity and Internet of Things (IoT) systems - GenAI for sustainability and human good - Computer vision, creative applications, and video generation - GenAI ethics and governance *Submissions Guidelines and Proceedings* Manuscripts should be prepared in 10-point font using the IEEE 8.5" x 11" two-column format. All papers should be in PDF format, and submitted electronically at Paper Submission Link. A full paper can be up to 8 pages (including all figures, tables and references). Submitted papers must present original unpublished research that is not currently under review for any other conference or journal. Papers not following these guidelines may be rejected without review. Also submissions received after the due date, exceeding length limit, or not appropriately structured may also not be considered. Authors may contact the Program Chair for further information or clarification. All submissions are peer-reviewed by at least three reviewers. Accepted papers will appear in the GACLM Proceeding, and be published by the IEEE Computer Society Conference Publishing Services and be submitted to IEEE Xplore for inclusion. Submitted papers must include original work, and must not be under consideration for another conference or journal. Submission of regular papers must follow the IEEE paper format. And include up to 7 keywords. Authors of accepted papers are expected to present their work at the conference. Submitted papers that are deemed of good quality but that could not be accepted as regular papers will be accepted as short papers. Length of short papers can be up to 6 pages. *Important Dates:* - *Paper submission deadline: May 20th 2025* - Notification of acceptance: July 15th, 2025 - Camera-ready Submission: July 31th, 2025 *Contact:* Please send any inquiry on GACLM to: info at -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From nicolai.s.waniek at Wed Mar 26 03:27:15 2025 From: nicolai.s.waniek at (Nicolai Waniek) Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2025 08:27:15 +0100 Subject: Connectionists: Reminder: Eresfjord Summer School on Mathematical Methods in Computational Neuroscience Message-ID: Dear all, This is a reminder for the Eresfjord Summer School 2025 on "Mathematical Methods in Computational Neuroscience"! The application deadline is 31. March 2025. The summer school will take place from 7 July to 25 July 2025 at the Fred Kavli Knowledge Center in beautiful Eresfjord, Norway. We will cover some of the most important methods used in computational neuroscience research through both main lectures and scientific seminars. For more information, visit The confirmed speakers and lecturers are Sara Solla, Northwestern University, USA Predrag Cvitanovi?, Georgia Tech, USA Carina Curto, Brown University, USA Soledad Gonzalo Cogno, NTNU, Norway Juan Gallego, Imperial College London, UK In?s Samengo, Balseiro Institute, Argentina Valeria Fascianelli, Columbia University, USA Christian Machens, Champalimaud, Portugal Nicolai Waniek, NTNU, Norway Iv?n Davidovich, NTNU, Norway Federico Stella, Donders Institute, the Netherlands Melvin Vaupel, NTNU, Norway Yoram Burak, ELSC, Israel Best, Nicolai -- on behalf of the organizers From georg.martius at Wed Mar 26 04:55:43 2025 From: georg.martius at (Georg Martius) Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2025 09:55:43 +0100 Subject: Connectionists: Teaching assistant in technical computer science Message-ID: <> The T?bingen AI center at the University of T?bingen is looking for a teaching assistant in technical computer science (German speaking). It is a permanent academic position. The teaching needs to be done in German. For more information can be found here: From efipatm at Wed Mar 26 06:18:41 2025 From: efipatm at (Efi P) Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2025 12:18:41 +0200 Subject: Connectionists: CFP ICIP 2025 Satellite Workshop: "Bridging the Gap: Advanced Data Processing for Natural Disaster Management Integrating Visual and Non-Visual Insights" Message-ID: ?? *Call for Papers* Natural disasters are becoming more frequent and more intense. Our ability to respond effectively to such events depends strongly, among other things, on timely and accurate processing of diverse sources of data, ranging from satellite imagery and camera-equipped drones to in-situ sensor networks and weather models. Imagery data from satellite and airborne platforms, alongside AI-based processing methods, is crucial in disaster management. However, a significant gap remains between visual data (like images and videos) and non-visual data (such as meteorological data, smoke models, and social media reports), and bridging this gap is key to enhancing disaster response and decision-making. The ?Advanced Data Processing for Natural Disaster Management ? Integrating Visual and Non-Visual Insights? is designed to specifically address these challenges. The workshop is planned as a satellite workshop of the 2025 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) that will take place in Anchorage, Alaska, USA. IEEE ICIP 2025 ? a flagship conference of the IEEE Signal Processing Society ? explores the latest technical innovations in image and video processing and covers cutting-edge topics involving computer vision. We welcome potential authors to submit their contributions in the following areas: - Joint image/video processing and computational fluid dynamics for local weather modeling - Modeling smoke propagation around fires constrained with visual information clues - Fire nest detection through visual and robotic olfaction methods for smoke source localization - Numerical flood simulation models constrained by satellite or drone imagery - Joint analysis of social media posts and visual/in-situ information While the focus is on forest fires and floods, other extreme events, e.g., volcanos are also relevant. This is an excellent chance to contribute groundbreaking research on integrating *visual and non-visual insights* to enhance disaster response strategies. Share your expertise and be part of the conversation shaping the future of disaster management! ? *Submission Deadline*: *28 May 2025* ? *Workshop website:* ICIP 2025 Satelite Workshop Bridging the Gap: Advanced Data Processing for Natural Disaster Management Integrating Visual and Non-Visual Insights ? Icarus | CVML Research Looking forward to your contribution! The workshop organizers, Dmitriy Shutin, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Munich, Germany Vasileios Mygdalis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From horacio.g.rotstein at Wed Mar 26 08:54:32 2025 From: horacio.g.rotstein at (Rotstein, Horacio G) Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2025 08:54:32 -0400 Subject: Connectionists: Postdoc positions in computational neuroscience and biology the Mathematical and Computational Biosciences Collective at NJIT Message-ID: Research at the interface of theory/computations & experiments *Position Summary:* Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in the field of mathematical and computational biology in the recently created Mathematical & Computational Biosciences Collective (MCBC) at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. The position is initially for one year, with the possibility of renewal for up to three years, subject to satisfactory performance and the availability of funding. The start date is September 1, 2025, or earlier. *Essential Functions:* Conduct research in mathematical and computational biology at the interface of theory and experiments, take part in seminars, group meetings, journal clubs, help mentor students, and other research activities of the MCBC and the associated Departments of Mathematical and Biological Sciences. The ideal candidate would have an interest in building successful interactions with experimental scientists and experience in one or more of the following areas: (i) neuroscience, (ii) systems biology / biochemical systems, (iii) collective behavior, and (iv) machine learning / artificial intelligence. The successful candidate will be co-mentored by a theorist and an experimentalist and will have the opportunity to interact with researchers in the pharmaceutical industry, IBM Research, and other industrial partners. In addition to research duties, the Postdoctoral Fellow might have the opportunity to teach one course per semester, subject to availability. *Prerequisite Qualifications:* A candidate should hold a PhD in the areas of applied mathematics, computer science, data science, quantitative biology, or other relevant disciplines. *How to Apply:* Please email (1) a cover letter with a brief research statement, (2) a CV, and (3) names and email addresses of three references to Profs. Casey Diekman (diekman at and Horacio G. Rotstein (horacio at, with the subject line ?MCBC Postdoctoral Fellow Application?. -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From antonino.furnari at Wed Mar 26 09:25:26 2025 From: antonino.furnari at (Antonino Furnari) Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2025 13:25:26 +0000 Subject: Connectionists: EgoVis Workshop - Call for Extend Abstracts and Participation to Challenges In-Reply-To: References: Message-ID: We invite participation in the challenges of the EgoVis Workshop at CVPR 2025 ( and submissions of extended abstracts of published or on-going works. Open Challenges (Deadline: May 20, 2025) We offer 24 challenges related to egocentric vision tasks across multiple egocentric datasets: * Hololens (2): Action Recognition, Mistake Detection * Ego4D (9): VQ, NLQ, Moment, Goal Step, EgoSchema, Look at Me, Talking to Me, Short-TermAnticipation, Long-Term Anticipation * Ego-Exo4D (5): Body Pose, Hand Pose, Proficiency Estimation (NEW), Fine-grained KeystepRecognition (NEW), Correspondence (NEW) * EPIC-KITCHENS (5): Action Recognition, Action Detection, Video Object Segmentation, Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Action Recognition, Multi-Instance Cross-ModalRetrieval * EPIC-Sounds (2): Sound Recognition, Sound Detection * HD-EPIC (1): HD-EPIC VQA (NEW) Details and Submission: Abstract Paper Submission (Deadline: May 2, 2025) Submit a 4-page abstract paper presenting ongoing research or recently published work relevantto egocentric vision. Note: If your work is accepted at CVPR?25 and aligns with EgoVis themes, you'll be separately invited to present as a poster without the need for an additional abstract. Details and Submission: EgoVis at CVPR2025 Organizing Committee -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From lorenzo.fontolan at Thu Mar 27 04:39:44 2025 From: lorenzo.fontolan at (Lorenzo Fontolan) Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2025 09:39:44 +0100 Subject: Connectionists: Call for PhD scholarship - Social Coding in Mouse Cortex with Longitudinal Imaging and Computational Modeling Message-ID: Dear colleagues, Apologies for cross posting. We are pleased to announce the opening of a PhD position at INMED (Aix-Marseille University) through the SCHADOC program, focused on the neural coding of social interactions and memory in the cortex of behaving mice. The project will investigate how social behaviors essential for cooperation, mating, and group dynamics are encoded in the brain, and how these processes are disrupted in neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism. ????? Project Overview This project uses longitudinal calcium imaging and population-level data analysis to study how cortical circuits encode social interactions in mice. Recordings from mPFC and S1 in wild-type and Neurod2 KO mice will be used to extract neural representations of social memory. The candidate will develop and apply computational models of neural dynamics and representational geometry to uncover how these codes evolve over time and are disrupted in social amnesia. Key features ? Combination of systems neuroscience, data analysis, and computational modeling ? High-density, longitudinal calcium imaging in freely behaving animals ? Strong quantitative and analytical component ? Integration in an international and interdisciplinary research environment Supervision ? Supervisor: Dr. Lorenzo Fontolan, INMED (Aix-Marseille University) ? Co-supervisor: Dr. Antoine de Chevigny, INMED (Aix-Marseille University) ? Consultant: Leo Guignard, IBDM (Aix-Marseille University) The ideal candidate will have a strong background in neuroscience, physics, engineering, or applied mathematics, with experience or interest in data analysis, computational neuroscience, and systems-level brain function. ????? More information here: We would appreciate it if you could circulate this opportunity to interested students or relevant mailing lists. For any further information, feel free to get in touch. Best regards, Lorenzo Fontolan ? Group Leader CENTURI Institute de Neuroscience de la Mediterran?e (INMED) Centre de Physique Th?orique (CPT) Aix-Marseille University Campus scientifique de Luminy 13009 Marseille, France -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: apple-touch-icon.png Type: image/png Size: 4284 bytes Desc: not available URL: From battleday at Thu Mar 27 05:43:17 2025 From: battleday at (Battleday, Ruairidh) Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2025 09:43:17 +0000 Subject: Connectionists: =?utf-8?q?AE_Spring_Summit_on_Open_Problems_for_A?= =?utf-8?b?SSwgU2hpYnV5YSwgVG9reW8sIEFwcmlsIDktMTF0aCBBSeOBruacqg==?= =?utf-8?b?6Kej5rG65ZWP6aGM44Gr6Zai44GZ44KL5Lya6K2w?= Message-ID: Dear all, We are holding an event in Tokyo in two weeks' time that we think might be of interest to your members. Please pass on the details, below my signoff, to others you might think interested. 2 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Our sincere thanks, Ruaridh and the team ------- Global Summit on Open Problems for AI. Sakura Deeptech, Shibuya Sakura Stage, Tokyo, Japan, 9-11th April 2025. What are the next set of challenges for AI algorithms? What are the open problems in regulation & application? AI???????????? AI?????????????????????????????????????? We are most excited to announce the Algorithmic Innovation and Entrepreneurship Global Summit on Open Problems for AI . Sakura Deeptech, Shibuya Sakura Stage, Tokyo, Japan, 9-11th April 2025. Join world-leading AI researchers, policy makers, and entrepreneurs in this global Summit over three days of keynote talks, panels, and breakout sessions. ??????????????????????? 3 ??????????? ?????????????? AI ???????????????????? ???????????? Day 1 - Algorithms ?????? We ask what the fundamental challenges for developing AI algorithms are, as well as promising avenues for overcoming them. AI ????????????????????????????????????????????????? We?ll be hearing from Dr Shane Gu (Google DeepMind), Prof. Taro Toyoizumi (Riken CBS), Prof. Masanori Koyama (University of Tokyo), Dr Kai Arulkumaran (Araya Inc.), Dr Emityaz Khan (Riken AIP), Professor Masanori Koyama (University of Tokyo), Prof. Yunzhe Liu (Beijing Normal University), Dr Jad Tarifi (Integral AI), Kiran Mysore (University of Tokyo UTEC), Dr Jiaxian Guo (Google DeepMind), Dr James Whittington (Stanford & Oxford University & Zyphra), Dr Lucy Lai (Harvard University), Dr Yusuke Iwasawa (University of Tokyo), Dr Sam Passaglia (Cohere) Panel on ?Is Scale all we need?? ??????????????????? Panel on ?What is the next big breakthrough in AI?? ?AI ???????????????????? Day 2 - Ethics ????? We ask what the fundamental ethical challenges and opportunities are for AI. AI??????????????????????? Keynotes: Prof. Yuko Harayam (Tohoku University; GPAI), Prof. Arisa Ema (University of Tokyo & RIKEN CAIP), Prof. Toshie Takahashi (Waseda University), Prof. Yuko Itatsu (University of Tokyo), Dr Colin Rowat (Rakuten, Cambridge), Dr Joe Ledsam (Google Health), Kenny Song (Citadel AI), Kevin Loi-Heng (Avalon AI), Chris Lengerich (Context Fund), Evan Burkosky (Kimaru AI), Tiffany Kayo (Coral Capital) Panel: Micro Ethics - What Can Individual Researchers Do for Ethical AI? ???? AI ?????????????????????? Chair: Nicolay Hagen (NTNU) Panel: Meso Ethics - What Can Organizations Do for Ethical AI? ??????? AI ??????????????? Chair: Prof. Skyler Wang (McGill) Panel: Macro Ethics - If AI is the answer, what is the question? AI???????????????? Chair: Dr Ruairidh McLennan Battleday (Harvard & MIT) Day 3 - Applications and entrepreneurship ???? We ask what the fundamental challenges and opportunities are in applications for social good and entrepreneurship. ????????????????????????????????????????? Keynotes: Prof. Yukie Nagai (University of Tokyo), Dr Hiroaki Kitano (CTO of Sony Group Corporation), Robert Lange (Sakana AI), Dr Daisuke Okanohara (Preferred Networks), Dr Ruairidh McLennan Battleday (Harvard & MIT), Dr Aran Komatsuzaki (Eleuther AI), Dr Conglong Li (Google Deepmind), Takahiro Matsumoto (Cisco / Robust Intelligence), Dr Jungo Kasai (Kotoba Tech), Dr Nick McGreivy (Princeton University), Dr Andrew Fyfe (Neutone), Elizabeth Oda (Braid AI), Ilya Kulyatin (Tokyo AI; TAI), Dr Tiago Ramalho (Recursive), Francis Hamilton (Tektome Inc), Dr Qi Chen (Paragraph), Kosuke Arima (Stockmark), Dr Yoshitaka Ushiku (NexaScience) Run in partnership with the Matsuo-Iwasawa Lab, the Global Partnership on Artificial Intelligence, and Tokyo AI (TAI). ????????????????????????????????? AI ???????????? This should be an exciting and productive event, and we expect an audience of 200 of Japan?s best AI researchers and entrepreneurs at student, early-stage, and full career levels. ??????????????????????????????????????????????? AI ??????? 200 ??????????????? Student tickets: $20 for all three days ?3000 ??3???? General tickets: $20 per day ?3000 1????? Reserve your place now! ?????????? Ruairidh , Lucy , and James Thinking About Thinking -- Dr Ruairidh McLennan Battleday BMBCh (Oxon) PhD President Thinking About Thinking, Inc Postdoctoral Research Fellow Center for Brain Science, Harvard University Center for Brains, Minds, and Machines, MIT -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From hocine.cherifi at Thu Mar 27 06:39:52 2025 From: hocine.cherifi at (Hocine Cherifi) Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2025 11:39:52 +0100 Subject: Connectionists: =?utf-8?q?Shape_the_Future_of_Network_Science_?= =?utf-8?q?=E2=80=93_Submit_to_COMPLEX_NETWORKS_2025_BINGHAMTON=2C_?= =?utf-8?q?New_York=2C_USA?= Message-ID: *Dear colleague,* Submit to *COMPLEX NETWORKS 2025 *, the premier international conference on complex networks and their applications, held this year in *Binghamton, New York, USA, from December 9 to 11, 2025*. *?** Why Submit?* ? *Gain visibility* ? Present at one of the world?s leading events in network science ? *Get published* ? ? *Full papers* in *Springer proceedings* ? *Extended abstracts* in a published *Book of Abstracts* ? *Be invited* ? Extended versions may be selected for top journals: ? *PLOS Complex Systems* ? *Applied Network Science* ? *Entropy* ? *Social Network Analysis and Mining* ? *Advances in Complex Systems* ? *Grow your network* ? Connect with researchers across disciplines ? *Shape the future* ? Contribute to advances in health, infrastructure, social dynamics, and more *?** Topics Include:* - Network structure & dynamics - Multilayer, temporal & spatial networks - Graph-based learning & link prediction - Information diffusion & opinion dynamics - Network neuroscience, medicine, and epidemiology - Smart cities, infrastructure, and mobility systems ? *Binghamton, New York, USA* ? *Conference:* December 9?11, 2025 | *Tutorials:* December 8 ?? *Submission Deadline:* September 2, 2025 ? *Submit now and join the global conversation on complex networks*: *The Organizing Committee* ? Join us at COMPLEX NETWORKS 2025 *-------------------------* Hocine CHERIFI University of Burgundy Franche-Comt? Laboratoire* I*nterdisciplinaire *C*arnot de *B*ourgogne - ICB UMR 6303 CNRS Editor in Chief Applied Network Science Plos Complex Systems Editorial Board member PLOS One , IEEE ACCESS , Scientific Reports , Journal of Imaging , Quality and Quantity , Computational Social Networks , Complex Systems -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From ricardo.borsoi at Thu Mar 27 17:01:39 2025 From: ricardo.borsoi at (Ricardo Borsoi) Date: Thu, 27 Mar 2025 22:01:39 +0100 Subject: Connectionists: PhD position - Self-Supervised Representation Learning and Low-Rank Tensor Models Message-ID: The SiMul team ( ) at the University of Lorraine is offering a fully funded PhD position on the theoretical foundations of self-supervised learning, focusing on representation stability, interpretability, and efficiency. Despite their success, self-supervised approaches and foundation models still lack a thorough theoretical understanding. This project aims to bridge that gap by exploring connections between AI models and low-rank tensor decompositions, providing a rigorous mathematical framework to address key questions: When are learned representations interpretable and stable? How do models perform on heterogeneous data (e.g., federated or personalized learning)? Can smaller, energy-efficient models achieve strong performance on specialized tasks? Position Details Location: Nancy, France Funding: Fully funded Candidate Profile: Master?s degree (or equivalent) in applied mathematics or an AI-related field. A strong mathematical background is required. More details: How to Apply Interested candidates should send their application to David Brie, Ricardo Borsoi, and Konstantin Usevich (david.brie at , ricardo.borsoi at , konstantin.usevich at ) with: An academic CV A short explanation of research interests and motivation for this position -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From stanciu.cristi12 at Fri Mar 28 10:24:52 2025 From: stanciu.cristi12 at (Cristian Stanciu) Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2025 16:24:52 +0200 Subject: Connectionists: [Deadline in 2 weeks] CfP: 4th ACM International Workshop on Multimedia AI against Disinformation Message-ID: 4th ACM International Workshop on Multimedia AI against Disinformation (MAD?25) ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval ICMR'25 Chicago, USA, June 30 - July 3, 2025 *** Call for papers *** ************************ * Paper submission due: April 10, 2025 * Acceptance notification: April 29, 2025 * Camera-ready papers due: May 5, 2025 * Workshop @ACM ICMR 2025: June 30, 2025 Modern communication does not rely anymore solely on mainstream media like newspapers or television, but rather takes place over social networks, in real-time, and with live interactions among users. The speedup of distribution and the amount of information available, however, also led to an increased amount of misleading content, disinformation and propaganda. Conversely, the fight against disinformation, in which news agencies and NGOs (among others) take part on a daily basis to avoid the risk of citizens' opinions being distorted, became even more crucial and demanding, especially for what concerns sensitive topics such as politics, health and religion. Disinformation campaigns are leveraging, among others, AI-based tools for content generation and modification: hyper-realistic visual, speech, textual and video content have emerged under the collective name of "deepfakes", and more recently with the use of Large Language Models (LLMs) and Large Multimodal Models (LMMs), undermining the perceived credibility of media content. It is, therefore, even more crucial to counter these advances by devising new robust and trustworthy AI tools able to detect the presence of inaccurate, synthetic and manipulated content, accessible to journalists and fact-checkers. Future multimedia disinformation detection research relies on the combination of different modalities and on the adoption of the latest advances of deep learning approaches and architectures. These raise new challenges and questions that need to be addressed to reduce the effects of disinformation campaigns. The workshop, in its fourth edition, welcomes contributions related to different aspects of AI-powered disinformation detection, analysis and mitigation. Topics of interest include but are not limited to: - Disinformation detection in multimedia content (e.g., video, audio, texts, images) - Multimodal verification methods - Synthetic and manipulated media detection - Multimedia forensics - Disinformation spread and effects in social media - Analysis of disinformation campaigns in societally-sensitive domains - Robustness of media verification against adversarial attacks and real-world complexities - Fairness and non-discrimination of disinformation detection in multimedia content - Explaining disinformation detection results to non-expert users - Temporal and cultural aspects of disinformation - Dataset sharing and governance in AI for disinformation - Datasets for disinformation detection and multimedia verification - Open resources, e.g., datasets, software tools - Large Language Models for analyzing and mitigating disinformation campaigns - Large Multimodal Models for media verification - Multimedia verification systems and applications - System fusion, ensembling and late fusion techniques - Benchmarking and evaluation frameworks *** Submission guidelines *** When preparing your submission, please adhere strictly to the ACM ICMR 2025 instructions, to ensure the appropriateness of the reviewing process and inclusion in the ACM Digital Library proceedings. The instructions are available here: . *** Organizing committee *** Dan-Cristian Stanciu (National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest, Romania) Roberto Caldelli (CNIT and Mercatorum University, Italy) Milica Gerhardt (Fraunhofer IDMT, Germany) Bogdan Ionescu (National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest, Romania) Giorgos Kordopatis-Zilos (Czech Technical University in Prague, Czechia) Symeon Papadopoulos (CERTH-???, Greece) Adrian Popescu (CEA LIST, France) Vera Schmitt (Technical University Berlin, Germany) The workshop is supported under the following projects: (i) UEFISCDI DeteRel SOL12/2024 Detection of relationships between entities in unstructured and structured data sets (, (ii) AI4Debunk (, (iii) ?VERification Assisted by Artificial Intelligence? (, and (iv) News-Polygraph ( On behalf of the organizers, Cristian Stanciu -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: From cimiano at Fri Mar 28 12:28:41 2025 From: cimiano at (Philipp Cimiano) Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2025 17:28:41 +0100 Subject: Connectionists: EXTENDED DEADLINE: 3rd TRR 318 Conference: Contextualizing Explanations (ContEx25), April 16th Message-ID: DEADLINE EXTENSION: 3rd TRR 318 Conference: Contextualizing Explanations (ContEx25) As AI systems are used more and more in high-stakes domains, it also becomes ever-more important to make AI systems transparent to ensure meaningful human control and empower human users to contest or override AI-based decisions. Without sufficient transparency, increasingly complex and autonomous AI systems may leave users feeling overwhelmed and out of control, which is legally and ethically unacceptable, especially in the context of high-stakes decisions. For the users to feel empowered rather than out of control, explanations need to be relevant, providing sufficient information on which basis an output can be contested or challenged. It has been increasingly noted by the XAI community that no one explanation can fit all needs. Further, recent approaches have advocated for a more participative approach to XAI in which users are not only involved but can directly shape and guide the explanations given by a certain AI System. The 3rd TRR 318 Conference: Contextualizing Explanations is an international and interdisciplinary conference focusing on the question how explanations can be contextualized to increase their relevance and empower users. Key research questions that we want to explore during the conference include: How do contextual variables influence the effectiveness of explanations? What are the relevant context factors to be taken into account in adapting an explanation to specific domains, users, or situations? How can context be represented algorithmically to support contextual adaptation of XAI explanations? What new architectures or approaches in XAI support the dynamic adaptation of explanations with respect to changing user needs? How can user modelling support a more personalized explanation process? In which ways can the dynamics of context be modelled? How can the suitability of contextually adapted explanations be studied / validated / evaluated? Which explanation processes are particularly suitable for which context? Which context-specific outcomes are influenced by explanations? How can XAI empower users across diverse contexts to make informed decisions and effectively interact with AI systems? What constitutes a useful taxonomy for categorizing contexts in which explanations are provided? What are the various contexts in which explanations are provided and utilized? The 3rd TRR318 Conference: Contextualizing Explanations invites contributions from a wide range of disciplines (computational but also human/social science) seeking to contribute to advancing research on how explanations can be contextually adapted. We invite interested participants to submit a two page abstract (+ references) using the LNCS Springer template via Easychair: The abstracts will be peer-reviewed and appear as Proceedings published by Bielefeld University Press. The conference is hosted and supported by the TRR 318 ?Constructing Explainability?: Organizing Committee: Philipp Cimiano (Bielefeld University) Benjamin Paa?en (Bielefeld University) Anna-Lisa Vollmer (BIelefeld University) Invited Speakers: Angelo Cangelosi (University of Manchester) Virginia Dignum (Ume? University) Kacper Sokol (ETH Zurich) Important Dates: Deadline for Submissions (EXTENDED): April 16th Notification of Acceptance (EXTENDED): May 7th Conference: 17th and 18th of June, Bielefeld Prof. Dr. Philipp Cimiano AG Semantic Computing Coordinator of the Cognitive Interaction Technology Center (CITEC) Co-Director of the Joint Artificial Intelligence Institute (JAII) Universit?t Bielefeld Tel: +49 521 106 12249 Fax: +49 521 106 6560 Mail: cimiano at Personal Zoom Room: Office CITEC-2.307 Universit?tsstr. 21-25 33615 Bielefeld, NRW Germany -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: