Connectionists: Workshop on Themes across Control and Reinforcement Learning (just after our Spring School), on March 24-25, at CWI, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Aditya Gilra aditya_gilra at
Wed Jan 15 05:25:30 EST 2025

Dear all,
We invite you for the Workshop on Themes across Control and Reinforcement Learning on 24-25 March 2025, at the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI, research institute for mathematics and computer science in the Netherlands). This workshop emphasizes connections across control theory, reinforcement learning, and related topics. Please register here:

The workshop is part of a Research Semester Programme at CWI, right after a Spring School, and with further workshops planned as below. Register for the Spring School: For the full programme:

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School and Workshops on Control Theory and Reinforcement Learning 

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Dear all,


We cordially invite you to the events of the research semester programme in Spring 2025 at CWI, Amsterdam, Netherlands:
Control Theory and Reinforcement Learning: Connections and Challenges.

Spring School on Control Theory and Reinforcement LearningDates: 17-21 (Monday-Friday) March, 2025.
Click here for programme and registration.
Please register before 5 March.

The school will be at a preparatory PhD level, suitable for advanced Master's and starting PhD students in these subjects.

Workshop on Themes across Control and Reinforcement LearningDates: 24 and 25 (Monday-Tuesday) March, 2025.Click here for programme and registration.
Please register before 10 March.

Workshop on Modern Applications of Control Theory and Reinforcement LearningDates: 20 and 21 (Tuesday-Wednesday) May, 2025. Workshop on Theory of Control and Reinforcement LearningDates: 19 and 20 (Thursday-Friday) June, 2025.

Click here for details on the full semester programme.


Don't hesitate to spread this invitation within your network.


With best regards on behalf of the organizers.

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 For queries, please contact events at .
We look forward to seeing you.
On behalf of the organizers of the Research Semester Programme:
Control Theory and Reinforcement Learning: Connections & Challenges.

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