Connectionists: AAAI Workshop in Connecting Low-Rank Representations in AI

Deanna Needell deanna at
Wed Oct 16 17:42:59 EDT 2024

Dear all,

We would like to make you aware of our one day workshop *CoLoRAI -
Connecting Low-Rank Representations in AI* at the Thirty-Ninth AAAI
Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-25). The workshop will be held
at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA,
March 4, 2025. We have an exciting lineup of invited speakers and a call
for papers <> and speakers is
now open.

We welcome submissions about methodologies and applications centered around
the following topics:

   -  Low-rank structures to speed up computation of large ML systems,
   - Circuit representations for reliable and efficient probabilistic
   reasoning and learning,
   - Tensorial architecture design in deep learning, Tensor networks for
   quantum and physics-inspired computing,
   - Theory of matrix and tensor factorization methods and their
   - Expressivity of tensor representations,
   - Applications of low-rank representations in AI-related fields.

Please view for more information!

Workshop organizers Grigoris Chrysos, Chao Li, Deanna Needell,
and Antonio Vergari

Prof. Deanna Needell
Professor, Department of Mathematics, UCLA
Executive Director, Institute for Digital Research & Education
Dunn Family Endowed Chair in Data Theory
my gender pronouns are: she, her, hers
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