Connectionists: Fwd: Cluster Hiring of UT System Research Excellence Regents' Professorships at UTSA

Dhireesha Kudithipudi dxkeec at
Thu Oct 10 16:32:27 EDT 2024

The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA), MATRIX AI Consortium,
invites applications for the position of Full Professor / Associate
Professor, to be appointed as a University of Texas System (UT System)
Research Excellence Regents' Professor. Successful candidates will be part
of a strategic Clustered & Connected Hiring Program (CCP)
 focused on Artificial Intelligence, with an anticipated start date in the
Fall of the 2025-26 academic year.

The University of Texas System recently approved the creation of the
Regents’ Research Excellence Program across its four Emerging Research
Universities (ERUs), including UTSA. UT System has allocated $55 million
across all four ERUs to fund the recruitment of research-active faculty to
dramatically grow its national research prominence and federal funding

The 5 positions open are in areas:

   1. *Trustworthy AI/ML Algorithms (eg: neuro-inspired algorithms)*
   2. *Neuromorphic AI Accelerators/Chips*
   3. *Human-Centered AI*
   4. *AI Ethics*
   5. *Quantum Encryption for AI Confidentiality*

The Regents Professors will be core members of the MATRIX Consortium, which
is a central hub for 87 AI scientists, facilitating transdisciplinary
research, fostering high-impact collaborations, and offering thought
leadership and domain expertise to address the most challenging and complex
problems in AI. Areas of interest include Trustworthy AI/ML Algorithms,
Neuromorphic AI Accelerators, Human-centered AI, AI Ethics, all of which
advance the research thrusts in the MATRIX. MATRIX strives for scientific
excellence in developing holistic solutions for human well-being.  The team
has a successful track record in securing large collaborative grants that
generated multiple centers, such as the NSF AI Partner Institute, two NSF
EFRI BRAIDs, AFOSR COE in neuro-inspired AI, along with large collaborative
projects in AI for healthcare.

Apply here:

Best Regards,

Dhireesha Kudithipudi

Founding Director| MATRIX
Consortium & NUAI
 Research Lab

Professor| McDermott Endowed Chair| ECE/CS| UTSA
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