Connectionists: Call for Short Course/Tutorial/Special Session proposals in the AIDA 'AI/ML Cutting Edge Trends' (AICET 2025) Symposium and Summer School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), Greece, 7-11 July 2025

Efi efipatm at
Tue Oct 8 06:44:45 EDT 2024

Dear AI Professors, Senior Researchers, Postdocs,

the International AI Doctoral Academy (AIDA <>)
will organize this hybrid (local/e-event) ‘AI/ML cutting edge trends'
Symposium and Summer School (AICET2025) at AUTH in the week 7-11 July 2025.
Please find the first version of the AICET2025 webpage here
consisting so far of 8 invited lectures, and 18 short courses. This was
compiled in just one week, thanks to the positive reply of many AI
researchers worldwide to this CfP. It will greatly expand in the coming

If are a well qualified AI scientist or engineer (typically at PhD level,
as per AIDA rules), you are welcomed to contribute with Special
Session/Tutorial/Short Course proposals using the application form found in
the AICET2025 www page.

All proposals will be reviewed by the AICET2024 Organizing Committee to
ensure an excellent AICET2025 scientific and technical  level.

*AICET2025 Short Course/Tutorial/Special Session proposal
deadline: 18th October 2024.*

Later on another CfP will be issued for individual regular AI lectures
having tutorial value.

Please feel free to communicate this message to qualified colleagues of

 Best regards

Ioannis Pitas


*Call for Proposals (lectures/tutorials/short courses) for the AIDA 'AI
Cutting Edge Trends' (AICET 2025) Symposium and Summer School*

*Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), Greece, 7-11 July 2025*

Given the fast AI evolution, both industry and academia are interested in
fast retraining on AI edge technologies. AICET2025, co-organized by the
International AI Doctoral Academy (AIDA <>)  and
AUTH,  will cater these advanced AI education needs.

*First version of the AICET2025 web page: *

AICET2025 will consist of cutting-edge *invited and/or open-call peerly
reviewed* lectures, regular/special sessions, courses and tutorials, *all
having tutorial/review value*:

   1. Invited lectures
   2. regular open-call peerly reviewed lectures organized in regular
   3. special sessions (invited and/or open-call reviewed ones)
   4. half-day tutorials (invited and open-call reviewed ones)
   5. 1- or 2-day short courses (invited and open-call reviewed ones).

It will be a hybrid (local and e-participation) event. Both lecturer and
registrant participation can be local (at AUTH campus) or on-line.
AICET2025 will be organized in tracks.

*Overview of the current tentative AICT2025 program (8 invited lectures, 18
short courses):*

   - Invited lecture track (8 lectures)
   - AI Core track (6 short courses)
   - AI applications track (6 short courses)
   - AI reskilling/upskilling and industrial courses track (4 short courses)
   - Social aspects of AI. Ethical AI track (2 short courses)

See details below and in the AICET2025

*You are welcomed to submit proposals for c, d, e, by sending a
title/abstract and possibly a very short (one paragraph) CV to *
*pitas at* <pitas at>

AIDA/AUTH have extensively event advertisement channels reaching 50K AI
scientists worldwide that have proven to heavily boost event registration,

Registration will be at symposium as well as at individual tutorial/short
course level. Registration fees will be used to cover the related
organization/organizer expenses. It is a non-profit event and its surplus
will be used to fund AIDA management and activities (as it is typically
done by all non-profit scientific sociaities).

Ioannis Pitas pitas at

Chair of the 'AI cutting edge trends' summer symposium and school proposal

Chair of the International AI Doctoral Academy (AIDA

*Current tentative AICT2025 program (8 invited lectures, 18 short courses):*

*Invited lecture track*

   1. From Statistical Relational to Neurosymbolic Artificial Intelligence
   2. On Dataset Distillation: When Less is More
   3. Continual Learning
   4. AI assistants at our rescue
   5. Generative AI for Animating 3D Human Face and Body Behaviors
   6. AI, System/Matter Complexity, Life, and Intelligence
   7. Looking into the Future: Forecasting Quantities with Deep Learning
   8. AI regulation and liability

*AI Core track*

   1. Short course on Advanced Deep Learning
   2. Tropical Algebra and Geometry for Machine Learning and Optimization
   3. Geometric Learning: Foundations and Applications (tutorial)
   4. Short e-course on Cloud/Edge Computing for Deep Learning and Big Data
   5. Adversarial vulnerability of Deep Neural Networks: Attacks, defenses,
   challenges (tutorial)
   6. Quantitatively Assessing Explainable AI for Deep Neural Networks

*AI applications track*

   1. Introduction to Artificial Social Intelligence  (tutorial)
   2. Short course on Neutral and Generative Information Retrieval
   3. Quantum computing and AI (tutorial)
   4. Short course on Big Data Analytics for Natural Disaster Management
   5. Short course on Deep Learning and Computer Vision for Industrial
   Infrastructure Inspection
   6. Short course ‘AI for Neuromarketing’

*AI reskilling/upskilling and industrial courses track*

   1. Programming Short Course and Workshop on Deep Learning, Computer
   Vision and Big Data Analytics (to be updated, see the 2024 edition in:
   2. NVIDIA workshop on ‘Generative AI with Diffusion Models’ (programming
   short course)
   3. NVIDIA workshop on ‘Building Transformer-Based Natural Language
   Processing Applications (programming short course)
   4. How to work with Language technologies: Practical approach (tutorial)

*Social aspects of AI. Ethical AI track*

   1. Short course: ‘Using ChatGPT as a (meta-)cognitive tool for learning’
   2. AI Science and Engineering and its Impact on the Society and the
   (asynchronous e-course)
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