Connectionists: invitations for paper submissions to ECCV workshop on human-inspired computer vision

Mengmi Zhang a0091624 at
Thu May 16 17:15:54 EDT 2024

Dear Friends,

We are thrilled to announce our call for papers for the *Workshop on
Human-inspired computer vision*, which will take place on September 29th within
the *European Conference of Computer Vision (ECCV)*, to be held from Sunday
September 29th through Friday Oct 4th, 2024 at MiCo, Milan, Italy.

The goal of the HCV workshop is to link and disseminate parallel findings
in the fields of neuroscience, psychology, cognitive science and computer
vision, to inform the development of human-inspired computational models,
capable of solving visual tasks in a human-like fashion. More info can be
found at:

*Keynote Speakers:*

Dr Andrei Barbu (MIT, USA)

Dr Mengmi Zhang (Nanyang Technological University, A*Star, Singapore)

Professor Rita Cucchiara (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy)

Professor Giulio Sandini (Italian Institute of Technology, Italy)

We invite submissions of workshop papers and extended abstracts via

These will be accepted for poster or oral presentation. The submission
guidelines are available at the workshop website. *Submission deadline is
July 19th.*

Each workshop paper must have at least one registered author
(workshops/tutorials passport and student fee are available). Additional
registration info can be found at:

We hope that you come and join us!

The Organizing Committee
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