Connectionists: Call for Papers: workshop "ALife in organisations" (Copenhagen - July 25, 2024)

Alberto Montebelli alberto.montebelli at
Wed May 15 15:35:47 EDT 2024

Dear Connectionists community,

Don’t miss out! Here comes a gentle reminder about our Call for Papers for the workshop:
ALife in organisations: ALife methods in modeling and analyzing social and socio-technical  organizations - from small and medium-sized enterprises to communities  and whole economies. <>
This is a joint event with ALIFE 2024 - The International Conference on Artificial Life -- Copenhagen, Denmark (July 22-26, 2024).

The scope of the workshop includes, although it is not limited to, the following exemplary questions:
• Can the methods of Artificial Life (e.g. the simulation and analysis of relatively complex ecologies) contribute to better representing cognitive and affective aspects within social or socio-technical organizations, the individuals who constitute them, or the ones who use their services?
 • Can synergies between modeling techniques and machine-learning-enhanced analysis promote efficient and effective allocation and use of resources by complex organizations that operate in industry, management, public administration, public health, etc.?
 • Can modeling complex organizations in a globalized market identify the conditions for the emergence of dynamics such as competition, deception, reciprocity, collaboration, solidarity, diversity, etc., and evaluate their impact on the well-being of its symbiotic constitutive members and service users?
 • Can systems thinking support globally sustainable operations?
 • Can we test innovative organizational and economic models for a more balanced and ethically sound society?

For more information, please visit the workshop webpage <>. Should you have any questions or need further details, please don't hesitate to contact us (email to alberto.montebelli at <mailto:alberto.montebelli at>).

Key dates:
 • Paper submission deadline: May 26, 2024
 • Notification of acceptance: June 2, 2024
 • Workshop date: July 25, 2024

Please submit your contribution to:  alifeinorg at <mailto:alifeinorg at>. We welcome your participation and look forward to hearing from you. 

Warm regards,
The organizers:
	Alberto Montebelli (University of Gothenburg)
	Imran Khan (University of Gothenburg)
	Gary Linnéusson (University of Skövde) 

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