Connectionists: [CFP] ACL 2024 Workshop on Knowledge Graphs and LLMs (KaLLM)

russa biswas biswasrussa at
Wed May 8 22:14:43 EDT 2024

Dear colleagues,

Apologies for cross-posting.

We want to invite you to submit the unpublished results of your research on
Knowledge Graphs and Large Language Models to:

*The 1st Workshop on Knowledge Graphs and Large Language Models (KaLLM)*,
to be held on *August 15, 2024*, co-located with *ACL 2024*, Bangkok,

Call for Participation

*Submission Deadline: May 20, 2024 at 23:59, UTC -12h, AoE*


*Contact email*: kallmworkshop2024 at

The workshop intends to provide a platform for researchers, practitioners,
and industry professionals to explore the synergies between LLMs and KGs.
We aim to provide a space for the LLM community and the community of KG
researchers to interact and explore how these two communities could
collaborate and support one another.

*Important Dates*

Submission Deadline: *May 20, 2024*

Author Notifications: June 17, 2024

Camera-Ready Deadline: July 1, 2024

Workshop Date: August 15, 2024

*Submission Guidelines:*

Papers must be submitted in PDF format using the official ACL template.
More details are available on the website.

*Scope of the workshop:*

KaLLM invites quality research contributions as short or long papers and
resource papers. All submissions will undergo a double-blind review
process, and accepted submissions will be presented at the workshop.

The submissions should focus on the interaction between LLMs and KGs in the
context of NLP. The workshop will cover a diverse range of topics related
to the integration of LLMs and KGs, including but not limited to:

   - Knowledge-enhanced language generation
   - KG-based question answering using LLMs
   - Fact validation and bias mitigation
   - KG creation and completion using LLMs
   - Privacy considerations in LLM-KG integration
   - Interpretability and explainability
   - Cross-domain applications
   - KG-based text summarisation with LLMs
   - Ethical implications of LLM-KG technologies
   - Multimodality of KGs and LLMs
   - Multilingual LLMs for KGs and vice-versa

We look forward to receiving your submissions and having your valuable
contribution to the success of the workshop. If you have any questions or
require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us at
kallmworkshop2024 at or visit

Thank you and best regards,

Workshop Organisers

Russa Biswas, Hasso Plattner Institute, Germany

Lucie Aimée Kaffee, Hugging Face

Oshin Agarwal, Bloomberg, USA

Pasquale Minervini, University of Edinburgh, UK

Sameer Singh, University of California, Irvine, USA

Gerard de Melo, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, Germany
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